Mistis’ Adventures Part135

Mistis’ Adventures Part135Tod was mentally kicking his own ass as they sped down the lane to the County road. It was almost a mile because of the roundabout path, and he was going MUCH slower than he wanted. It just wouldn’t do, to wrap them around a tree, or get stuck. If they got into a REAL jam, even calling for help might be useless, from what HE had been told of their speed, agility, and strength. They only had the one gun, that HE knew of, and the guys pig-sticker probably wouldn’t help much. He looked up and studied Francis’s face in the mirror for a split second. HE might be more help than they had reckoned on, though. He looked like he would be there when the time came. Essie sure looked impressed.Got to admit, though. Had somethin’ good to be distracted by, though. He and Billy had been ready, and MORE than willing, to clean out Cathy’s pussy for her. HER pussy was a pure-dee TREAT to give a lick to. Before OR after it had been fucked good. From the looks of ‘er, she had had a HELLUVAH good fucking throwed inta her, an’ ‘e was jus’ tryin’ ta get goin’, again. NAAHHH!!! HE was down fer th’ count’. He, poor guy(?) Didn’t know shit from shinola. He was STILL out on ‘is feet. WHAT WAS DISTRACTING, THOUGH, was the sight of Francis, laid out twixt Cathy’s legs, eatin’ ‘er out. Her pale skin, and HIS dark face buried in ‘er pussy, tongue deep, had been a sight to behold. Then, when ‘e raised up and they saw the pussy juice and cum, drippin from his chin. Got me a hard-on lookin at it, an wonderin what it would look like ta see ‘im fuckin’ ‘er. Saw ‘is dick fer a second when we found em. Got a nice one. Bigger’n mine by a sight. Watchin THAT size, an color, dick, slidin in an’ out o’ Cathy’s tight little pussy. Gotta try an get some movies o’ ‘im fuckin’ ‘er. Come ta think o’ it, we need pictures of ‘im fuckin ’em ALL! Betty would have a GOOD time, with somethin like THAT screwin’ ‘er. Pictures AND movies. What was t that he heard Pete sayin? OH, YEAH!!! Good things comes to he who waits. Gonna have ta read a Bible more. HE comes up with all KINDS of good stuff he says he read there.He looked over at the sobbing little sister that he loved so much. I’m sure glad that Billy married her. She’s as good as any of the girls. Just as sweet of a nature, just as much fun, in and out of bed, and just as handy around the house. Smart, too. That girl got brains that SHE ain’t SHOWIN’! I want to pick at Billy, but he showed too much good taste. Gotta find somethin’ else to pick on ‘im about. SOMETHIN’ WILL SHOW, soon or late. It allus does.Just then he came to the County road, made the turn, and went to the cattle-guard, to turn into Billy’s place. He had a straight road to the house, and pulled it out of 4 wheel drive, and goosed it. The big Hemi Diesel engine caught, and they shot up to the house. Everyone nearly was there, already. Dave, Bennie, and the town folks hadn’t made it yet. It was a toss-up as to who made it to the truck first. Sue and Annie were on Tod’s side, and Nola and Irene were on the other. On their heels, though, were Gail and Abe. Doris was holding the door open, and waving them in. Nola put Cathy’s arm around her neck, and Irene did the same. They locked hands around each others wrists to carry her in. They heard a voice calling down from upstairs. “Bring ‘er up! The beds ready for her!!!” Never slowing, once inside the door, they carried the sobbing girl up the stairs. Irene looked over for a second, her eyes meeting those of her daughter. “She seen the booger! Knowed it when they called. She seen im’ better’n most, I bet. Scares the bejesus outta some folks sa bad, they NEVER git over it. WE gotta help this poor girl. She’ll have nightmares fer th’ rest o’ ‘er life. Soon’s we git ‘er in th’ bed, run down an git muh Medicine Bag, an’ sen’ Lorene up. This is gonna take the best we BOTH got.They deposited Cathy in her bed. Gail was a step ahead of them with hand towels, and a bath towel. She wet both of the hand towels and wrung them out, and carried them in to bathe her little girl. She was an absolute mess. Both her bowels, and her bladder, had voided themselves inside the pickup, and before laying her in the bed, Abe and Hiram had stepped over to hold her up so her Mom could wash her. She was smeared from her tailbone to her knees. Essie had noticed, from smelling, and had grabbed more towels and wet them for her Mother and Granny to clean themselves, too. Annie had heard Irene’s instructions, and had stepped into the kitchen to pass the messages. Lorene had some water boiling, and poured a thermos full, putting the lid in, and screwing it tight.”Right with ya, Baby. Got mine, an hot water an a cup. Go inta Irene’s bedroom an git ‘er bag, too. She bakırköy escort probably got some stuff I DON’T have. Old brown bag, looks like an old purse. Fulla baggies an’ bottles. Ya’ll know it when ya see it.” Lorene went for the stairs, with Annie right behind her. She went down the hall and was back with Irene’s medicine bag in her hands. “Here y’ar Granny. Need anythin’ else?” Lorene looked at Irene, and nodded. “YEAH, SWEETIE!!! Go fetch me that bottle o’ hooch in th’ cabinet, an’ bring it here. I fergot.” Annie turned to go, but Sue was in front of her, holding the half-full pint bottle of whiskey. “Saw ya usin’ it on Mary the other day, an’ thought ya might want it.” Annie and Lorene both kissed her cheeks by way of thanks.The men, except for Billy, had left the room. They had taken post outside the door. Royce and Rick were at the back of the crowd, and, as soon as they had moved off, went to shut the doors. Bruce walked up behind them. “We need ta get this cleaned up fer Tod. I imagine he would appreciate it if he came out an his truck DIDN’T stink fer ‘im.” Rick looked around at his Brother-in-Law to be. Yuh thinkin like us, now, poor soul. People will say YOU’RE crazy, too.” Royce chimed in with his 2 cents worth. “We gotta pocket full o’ quarters, an’ not a whorehouse in sight. Mebbe we should put ’em ta good use. Whattaya think?” Bruce looked over at the porch where Francis was sitting, silently looking at the horizon, his knife still held tightly in his hand. He had been silent ever since he had got in the pickup. He looked up at the 3 as they approached him. Rick put a hand on his arm and lifted him up. He wrapped his arms around Francis, and kissed his cheek. “Thank You. For standing by us, and for all the help you’ve given us. For MY part, and, I think, everyone else, Essie made a good choice when she set ‘er cap fer ya’. We ALL wanna hear th’ GOOD stuff, about watcha done to ‘er, but yer time before, we’ll let lay ’till YOU want ta tell it. YOU’LL know the time is right, an’ what ya want ta say. NOT US!!!” Francis looked at the 3 of them in turn, blinking like he was in a spotlight. “Please, Gentlemen. DON”T say anything else. I have NEVER, in my LIFE been talked to like I have today. “Bout the only GOOD words I ever got, was some girl tellin’ me I fucked ‘er good. Don’t know if I can handle much more of it.” Bruce stepped up to him. YOU makin’ a BIG mistake, Bro!!! Ain’t a single one of us a gentleman, an callin us that is like spittin in our mouths. Secondly, Ya stood and was ready ta be counted when the chips were down, and Thirdly, MY BIG SIS is head over heels in love with ya. We’ll talk TO ya, or ABOUT ya, any way we want. Ya don’t like it. TOUGH SHIT!!! NOW!!! Give ya new Bro a hug, an’ a KISS, or, BY GOD, I’ll kick yer ass.” He pulled Francis over and embraced him, and kissed him on the forehead. “Wait’ll Grandpa gets home. HE’LL kiss ya on the mouth, an give ya tongue, to boot. NOW, lets go git this moe sheen cleaned up fer Tod.”They went to the shed and got a hand full of waste rag, and wiped it out the best they could, putting it in the manure pile. They met Dave and Bennie at the near cattle guard, and told them the gist of what had happened. The 4 people, Lannie, and Carol were with them, went to the house. The men went to clean the truck. Tod had a basic interior, of vinyl bench seats, and rubber floor coverings, so they used the soapy spray to lean and rinsed it. They also used 4 dollars worth of deodorant to kill any smell that was left.They were gone but a little while, but, in their absence, everyone else had arrived. The drive out front looked like a used car lot. They went inside and saw the kitchen table nearly had turned into a men’s waiting room. All the women were upstairs, with Cathy. Shortly Annie and Sue came down the stairs, crying. Expecting the worst, Billy jumped up and intercepted them at the foot of the stairs. “WHAT HAPPENED?” he exploded. Annie was the first to contain her grief. “That poor girl. Even Granny said she saw more than anybody should ever see. Especially for a first time. He stood over her, less than a foot away, and looked down at her. She was froze, an’ couldn’t even move, or scream. Then ‘e walked away, an she turned ‘er eyes to see an there was 3 of ’em lookin at ‘er. Then the others came. They loaded up ta go, an they was shakin a BIG tree, Essie said it was a cottonwood that was near 40 foot tall, and then, when they was gettin’ in the pickup, a log, a BIG log come flyin out an hit the back end. She tole Granny all about it. Granny give ‘er some stuff she called the “Dreamweaver.” She’ll remember what she saw, but it’ll be like a bad dream. We can’t let her be beşiktaş escort alone fer a few days, though. Sue took a tape recorder in an recorded it. Kinda mumbled a bit in places, but ya kin make it all out. She even told what he looked like, down to the color of his eyes, an ‘is fingernails. Grandma is gonna paint a picher of ‘im. When she’s in her right mind, she’ll get Cathy ta look at it, ta see if’n its right. Granny says she probably sleep ’till tamarra mornin’. DON”T give er ANY alcohol, or sleepin’ medicine. Granny, Grandma, an Nola are gonna sit with ‘er for tonight, though.” Sue reached over and handed Bennie a small recorder, identical to the one that he had loaned her. “Listen to this. See if it sounds like what you an’ Lannie saw the other night.”Luke was sitting there next to David. “He had tears running down his cheeks, and his lips were quivering. “BIG, BRAVE ME. TALK TOUGH, AND ACT MEAN!!! TALK SHIT WITH THE BEST OF ‘EM!!! YEAH!!! WORTHLESS AS TITS ON A BOAR HOG!!! WHAT DID I DO? WHY I WAS NEAR OUT COLD!!! I WAS JUST A BURDEN ON THE ONES WHO DID!!! OUGHTTA BE TOOK OUT AN’ HUNG WITH A ROTTEN ROPE!!! COULDN’T BLAME YA IF YA BEAT ME WITH A WET KNOTTED ROPE, AN RUN ME BACK TA TOWN, or OUT of town. Serve me RIGHT, if ya’ did.!!!”Recognizing the cutting edge of hysteria, and the pain that he was holding in, Hiram leaned over and took his hands. “Look, son. You couldn’t have helped if you were armed with an automatic weapon, and a few thousand rounds of ammo. Possibly even made it worse. You being out of it was the best you could hope for. I saw MY first one when I was 2 years old. I was in a papoose board on MY Grandma’s back. I was laughin an carryin’ on. HELL, I WAS JUST A BABY!!! Grandma turned to see what I was jabberin’ about, an saw ‘im. She dropped a bucket o’ water, an ran over a mile back ta th’ village. Tole HER Mama what she’d seen, an a bunch o’ guys went lookin’ but ‘e was gone.” “Few years later, me an some friends was out tryin ta git a few squirrels, and looked through some bushes, an one was lookin at us. BIG MAMMY JAMMER!!! He was a giant. Had a female an a little one with ‘im. WE sk**addled, fast as we could. Shittin’ an’ gittin. We ran back an’ tole our Dads. They tole us ta leave ’em be, an’ they would leave us alone. Saw em almost ever place I been. Most I seen was in Texas, aroun’ the Big Thicket, an Arkansas, ’round Ft. Smith, an’ Ft. Chaffee, an’ in Kentucky, ‘ round Ft. Knox, an’ the Ohio River. Got other strange stuff THERE, too. Heard guys from Louisiana call ’em Lupe Gareaux. Means “wolf man”. All I knowed was it was some kind of booger.”David related his, Tod’s. and James’s run in, and their subsequent meeting at the sale barn. “Long an’ short of it, Son. Ya don’t wanna cross ’em, an’ get ’em pissed at ya, or hurt one. They pizen mean, an’ got a long memory. They’ll git even with ya fer hurtin’ ’em.” Nola had come down to get something to drink for them. “Mama tole ME that if ya’ see ONE, start lookin’ close. They’s more around close. They watch each others backs.” Abe looked around, behind him. “How’s my baby doin? Will she be okay?” Nola leaned down and kissed the top of his head. “She’ll be good as gold in a couple of days. Up an’ doin’ jus’ like before. Cathy an Gail both, though, wancha ta teach ’em how ta shoot. They plannin’ to go to carryin’, now. They both want the whole shebang. From slingshots ta cannons.”Bennie, who had gone out on the porch to listen to the recording, came back in. “Not sure, but sounds like the one WE ran across the other night. Those woods are full of stuff for ’em ta eat, places for ’em ta hide, an’ water fer ’em ta drink. They’re deer, pigs, not MANY, but some, coyotes, an small stuff, unless it runs off. There’s berries, an fruit, an some gardens for them to raid. I’m hopin’ they’re just passin’ through, goin somewhere else.”The stock, with all the excitement, hadn’t been looked after, so Pete, Royce, and Bruce went to take care of the milking, while David, James, and Tod went to take care of their stock. The rest went and loaded up to ride out near the road to check on the cattle, and the saddle stock. Bennie went up to tell Lannie he would be back in a little bit. He would take the Blazer to Eli, and go by the house and get THEIR car. He kissed all of the ladies, and left.Cathy’ though bleary eyed, and disheveled, was awake. She had tried to talk Granny into a little “sweetener” for the cup of coffee she was drinking, but Granny told her, flat. “NO WAY!!!” She looked past Granny, and over her head to where Liz, Clara, and Gail were standing. She drew in a breath to speak. Liz grinned at her. “NO! None of that either. That’s what got ya inta this mess beylikdüzü escort in th’ FIRST place. No hidin’ the wienie for at least a day.” Cathy crossed her arms defiantly, frowning; “All I want, is a little o’ th’ dog that bit me. What harm could THAT do?”Gail told her, “What YOU need, is to rest, relax, and get this outta yer system. There’s time enough for loads o’ the other stuff when yer feelin’ better. Ladies. Maybe it will help if we all go and let Irene and Lorene do their thing with her, and let her get some more rest.. What do YOU think?” They all agreed. They heard steps om the stairs, and looked up to see Misti and Sam, each carrying one of the twins, and Ben and Mike right behind them. All went over to kiss Cathy, and ask how she was feeling, NOW. Cathy laughed, and told them that she wanted a drink of something better than coffee, and had been denied, and had TRIED to ask for something else, but had been told she couldn’t have it, EITHER!Mike and Ben told the ladies that they were going down o the barn, and Cathy told them about the two “new” guys there for the night, and encouraged them to get acquainted. “They’re REAL nice. I thin you’ll enjoy meeting them.” Mike asked, ” Are they the black guy, and the tow-headed (blonde) guy?” She nodded. “Yep! Both are nice. The black guy is named Francis, and the blonde guy is Luke. Luke was with me when I had my problem awhile ago. Essie chimed in. “Francis was with ME!!!” Misti, wide eyed, cooed, “Both are VERY HANDSOME!!!” Sam and Ben both laughed. Sam acknowledged, “Misti thinks many men are more handsome than they REALLY are. One time, though, he really WAS extra handsome, and VERY sweet. RIGHT PAPA?” Ben nodded, and added, “We go see them, now.”Jerry and Mary were coming in the door as Mike and Ben were going out. Mike patted Jerry on the shoulder, and both kissed Mary. “Looks like YOU’RE feeling chipper, now. All the ladies are up with Cathy, having a hen party. Jerry, go up an’ give Cathy a kiss, and we’ll be down at the barn. Got a couple of newbies for us to meet down there.” Jerry grinned at Mike. “They all in their “working clothes?” Mike chuckled. “All except Misti and Sam, but it’s been 3 or 4 minutes. THEY might be changed by now.” Mary smiled. “Come on ya old horn-ball. Get an eye full of hot nookie, an’ go hang out with the other maniacs.” They went on up the stairs, Jerry smacking Mary on her ass with the palm of his hand.Ben and Mike went into Billy’s office, and were introduced to Luke, and Francis. Mike asked from where they hailed. Francis told him St. Louis by way of Wichita, then here. Luke told them he was from Newark, and had traveled through Tennessee, Missouri, and Kansas, mostly doing farm work, but some construction. He was a welder by trade. Francis told them he had not long ago passed all of his tests, and had aced three areas. Math, English, and Science. He had been working for Mr. Landis for almost a year, and, starting tomorrow morning, was to be trained to operate heavy equipment. He had been the swamper for the rest of his time here. He was congratulated by the others. Mike had known Carl Landis for several years, and had, not long after buying their house, hired him to do some work for him. Mr. Landis’s crew had built the back porch and patio, and added the half bath inside the back door. Mike asked if any of them knew how he came out on his divorce. Hiram told them that a few nights ago, he had said something about being good, because of a prenup. “She got her car, clothes, and jewelry. He kept everything else.” Mike laughed. “She WAS a corker!!! Wild as a March Hare. Glad he got off good, though.”They were re joined by the others as they arrived. William was the last to arrive, and was brimming with good news. Because of today’s incident, they’re talking about it all over town. Not the happenstances around it, but, the incident, itself. He had “struck while the iron was hot,” and Hiram and Levi were going to be rebated $20,000 of their money. The check would be cut, and deposited in their bank account tomorrow morning, first thing.They decided to go back up to the house. The smells of food greeted them. The 3 of the Kelly house, were sitting at the dining room table, drinking glasses of ice tea. It was hot and humid outside. They had changed to shorts, sneakers, and “T’s” before coming back. Doris shushed them as they came in the door. They had finally got Cathy to sleep, and Lorene was up with her. Nola would relieve Lorene at around midnight, and wake up Irene at 5 in the morning, if she wasn’t awake, already. Any body that wanted some whoopie would have to go outside, so Cathy could sleep. She was talking in her sleep, already. Abe told them that she had talked in her sleep for many years. Gail came over and told Abe that Barbara had been called, and told what had happened, and would be here at around 11 or so. She was in Mineral Wells.The meal, a pot luck affair, was fixed and all looked forward to Cathy’s recovery. Night was upon them, for better or worse.

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