A Bride For The Family (3)

A Bride For The Family (3)PART 3A Bride For The Whole Family by James Elliott (c) 1991Chapter 7 Diana rolled over in the bed. Her long, graceful arms reached out to hold her husband. But only found emptiness on his side of the bed.She pushed her sleep-laden eyes open and stared beside her. Michael’s side had been slept in, but it was empty now. She quickly glanced around the room. Her husband was gone.”Hrmph!” she snorted out loud. “Not much of a way to treat your bride on the second night of your marriage!”Then she remembered the man in the passage and was grateful that her husband hadn’t awakened her.It’s passed now. Let it be. There’s no reason that Michael needs to know. Not now at least. He’s upset enough as it is, at having had to make this trip to his family’s home. I’ll tell him later, when we’re away from here. Later … maybe …She rolled to her back and stretched. It would be nice to have Michael now. He’s good in the morning. Hell, he’s good any time!She smiled and pulled his pillow to her and hugged it. She could detect the slight smell of him. She shivered, wishing the pillow was her husband, imagining she was holding him close while he was atop her.No! Forget it! she scolded herself. No reason to get yourself hot and bothered. Michael’s not here!Groaning with disappointment, she tossed the imaginary Michael-pillow back to the other side of the bed, gave it a loving pat, then swung herself out of the bed. After a few moments in the bathroom, tending to the regular morningly duties, she came back into the bedroom and selected a pair of burgandy hip huggers and a cream-colored blouse from the suitcase. Not sure how the Hightowers would take to the braless look, she also pulled out one of those thin, very sheer, nylon bras, that did little more than keep her nipples from poking out under her blouse. Her breasts were still firm, even without a bra; they did little more than jiggle around pleasantly.Quickly stepping into her casual, but attractive, clothes, she glanced longingly at the empty and unused bed once more, then made her way downstairs.The mansion seemed deserted. She made a quick check of the room she had been in the night before, but could find no one, let alone her husband.Deciding that if she had been left to fend on her own, she’d do something about the growing hunger in her stomach. After all, it was time for breakfast.With little difficulty—she did make two wrong turns that led her to the den—Diana located the hall leading to the kitchen.”Good morning,” Lorraine cheerfully greeted her as she swung the door into the kitchen. “Sleep well?””Wonderfully,” Diana smiled at the blonde-haired woman, finding herself still disbelieving Lorraine was the mother of two teen-age c***dren.If I can only hold my age as well! she thought, but said, “Where is everybody?”Her mother-in-law smiled and offered a cup of coffee, which she accepted, as well as two pieces of toast and several slices of crisp fried bacon.”Your Michael got up earlier this morning and drove in to the courthouse. Both the girls went along to do some shopping,” Lorraine said, seating herself at the breakfast counter with Diana, nursing her own coffee. “Bryan and my Michael are around the house somewhere.”Diana listened as the woman talked, mostly idle conversation about her family and the Hightower estate. However, Diana couldn’t help but wonder if Lorraine really knew what was going on with her family. Did she know that her son and daughter had shared anal intercourse last night, shared it and enjoyed? And did she know that they were both their stepsister’s lovers?She smiled to herself, remembering the lusty scene she had witnessed from behind the one-way mirror last night.Then the memories of the man in the dark came to her again. Less distressing than last night, but still perplexing.”Look, Diana,” she heard her mother-in-law suggest. “It’s a beautiful day. Why don’t you go outside and see our place? It’s really rather beautiful. Michael One did most of the work himself.””I think I will,” Diana agreed, mostly because she wanted to think. “I’ll be back shortly to see if I can help with lunch.””Don’t bother,” the older woman answered. “I’m just going to throw some cold cuts together. Take your time. I might come out and join you in a little bit.”Nodding, Diana left her mother-in-law alone in the kitchen and left the immense plantation house via the back door.It was a nice day, spring warm, but lacking the humidity that comes with Louisiana summers. A light breeze added to the fresh feel of the day. A mildly, sweet scent of the blossoming magnolia trees suffused through the air.Moving idly and without any set purpose, Diana walked away from the house. She stopped once and reached down to remove her shoes. The St. Augustine grass, with its broad flat blades, was a thick green carpet that felt cool and alive under her bare feet. It was almost a sin to walk on this grass with anything but bare feet. Beautifully manicured, the lawn of the Hightower estate was almost a work of art.Who had it been?Despite the marvelous feel of the day, her thoughts kept returning to the secret passage, the alcove with its sexy viewing arrangement, and the man who had fucked her so thoroughly, the man she hadn’t seen—only felt!”Good morning!” a voice called to her, her husband’s voice.She pivoted, glad that he had gotten the legal business out of the way so quickly. But it wasn’t Michael that was coming toward her. At least, not her Michael. Rather, it was her husband’s father.”You look especially lovely this morning. The way all new brides should,” he smiled at and received a smile in answer. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?””Yes,” she replied. “Lorraine suggested I come out and see what you’ve done with the landscaping. I’m glad I took her up. It’s beautiful.”His face beamed with pride, “Thank you. I won’t be humble about it. This took a hell of a lot of work and I did most of it by myself. I guess it’s the New England farm boy I never was coming out in me. There’s something special about planting things and watching them come to life.”She smiled, then chided, “Don’t tell me you’re responsible for these magnolias!””No,” he chuckled. “They were here when I bought the place. But they were in bad condition and I did nurse them back to health.””A man with a green thumb,” she laughed.”Thumbs don’t get green by working with the earth,” he corrected. “They get dirty.”She laughed again. Last night, she had decided she liked her new father-in-law and those feelings were being confirmed now. “Is there anything special I should see? Any labor of love you’re especially proud of?””Why of course,” he smiled, offering her his arm, which she took. “The pond is just over there. If you’ll kindly come with me.”The walk was farther than Diana anticipated. The mansion had disappeared behind them, hidden by the small forest of magnolias. But it was worth it. Michael One’s pond was special.Skirted by trees on all sides, the small pool of water was clear and calm looking. To one side was a small clearing, complete with a picnic table and benches.”I had to call in the bulldozers to help me with this, her father-in-law explained. “It’s my design, though. The pond’s spring fed and most of the year it’s downright cold, which keeps the snakes away.””Snakes?” Diana glanced up at him.”This is bayou country. There’s plenty of cotton mouths around,” he answered. “But don’t worry. Like I said the water is plenty cold, too cold for them. But on a hot summer’s day, this pond beats the hell out of a swimming pool. Lorraine and I often sneak away from the house during the summer for a little skinny dippin’.”Diana laughed. It was quite easy for her to picture her father-in-law and his sexy wife swimming nude in the pond. He might be in his fifties, but he still presented a virile image. The humor, however, was Diana’s mental images of Bryan, Paula and Kate doing exactly the same thing without the knowledge of their parents. This quiet, little pond had probably been the scene for more than one of the sexual romps the threesome had shared.”Your home really is something special,” she commented, as they paused, leaning against the trunk of one of the towering trees.”We think so,” Michael One smiled at her. “There’s a lot here to work with and we’re always finding something new, some remnant of this estate’s history.””Like those cellars they used to keep runaway slaves in until passage north could be arranged?” Diana asked.”Mmmm hmmmm,” he nodded, gazing out over the pond. “Or some buried wagon wheel. Or like those andirons for the den’s fireplace. I found them while the workmen were digging this pond. There must have been another house out here at one time. Perhaps a guest house. If not, then I discovered the Duvalle’s old trash dump.”She chuckled with him at the thought of the antique andirons once being someone else’s garbage.”This whole place is like the house,” he continued.”Full of those quirks you mentioned last night?” she asked.”Right,” he smiled at her, his eyes locking to hers. “Did you know that the house has secret passages?””Yes….” she suddenly stopped.It hit her all at once, like a ton of bricks!Her father-in-law’s eyes flashed with a devilish glint.He knew!And she knew!The man in the alcove had answered to the name Michael last night! He had sounded like her husband! Michael One sounded like her Michael! They were both the same size. The similarities were unbelievable!”You!” she gasped. “It was you!”Her hand lashed out, fully intent on slapping her father-in- law’s face. It was silly, a c***dish reaction. But at the moment, it was all that she could think of; all she could do to relieve the anger and the embarrassment that flushed through her body.But even that was ineffectual!His own arm jumped up and grasped her wrist. Her anger growing, she slapped out with her other arm. Which again, he blocked, raising both her arms above her head and pinning them firmly against the rough trunk of the magnolia. She struggled, twisting to free herself, but he held her solidly.”You bastard! It was you!” she spat. “You were the man last night! You … you … r****t!”He chuckled and grinned at her, “r****t?””Yes, you son of a bitch!” she grunted, still trying to wrench her wrist free of his one vise-like hand.”Come now,” he chided, his eyes laughing with amused delight. “Surely you don’t expect me to believe that. I doubt whether you’ve been able to convince yourself that it was ****!”Her knee lashed out, directed toward his groin. A measure he had apparently been anticipating, since he easily sidestepped the would-be painful thrust and laughed, obviously enjoying the position he held his daughter-in-law in.”My dear Diana, you wanted it as every bit as much as I did,” he grinned lewdly down at her, knowing. “You never so much as tried to get away from me. And I know you could tell I wasn’t my son.”She kicked out again, but it was a vain effort. He was now positioned beside her, out of reach.”You bastard!” she hissed, renewing her struggle to get away from his hand, but he held her tight”I only did as you asked,” he continued smiling at her. “As a matter of fact, I didn’t do a damn thing until you asked me to. Unless you want to count my copping a feel of those marvelous tits of yours.”Again she twisted and writhed and again her struggles received the same results. Nothing!”And you can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it as much as I did,” he went on. “My God, girl, you had one of the strongest climaxes I’ve ever seen in a woman!””No! That was not ****,” he concluded. “One of the farthest things from **** I’ve ever seen!””Yesss!” she hissed. “It was! You ****d me!””No,” he answered simply, as he reached up and tightly grasped her chin with his free hand. “No.”His head dipped forward.He’s going to kiss me!The thought jolted her. It was the last thing she had expected.The conceit! The egotistical bastard!She tried to jerk her head away, but his clamping fingers held her steady and immobile. Lightly his lips brushed over hers, then his head rose and he smiled, as she glared with indignation.Releasing her face, his fingers tauntingly glided down the smooth arc of her neck, resting on the top button of her blouse.”I guess, if you won’t admit that it wasn’t ****,” he grinned, “I’ll have to demonstrate my point to you.”His fingers fumbled with the button momentarily. She felt the top of her blouse suddenly loosen and knew he had been successful.Again, he reached up and grasped her chin and jerked her face toward him. His head lowered and their lips met again, pressing a little harder and lingering for a second or two.Repeating his movements, his fingers drifted down the softness of her neck and down the front of her blouse, dipping a little lower this time.The fabric of her blouse tugged as the second of the five buttons was freed from its hole. As before, his hand caught her chin and pulled her face to him. His lips pressed hard against hers. With enraged determination, she kept her month tautly drawn closed.Again his fingers slid down along the curving arch of her neck and dipped through the opening “V” of her blouse. Downward his fingers softly caressed, moving much lower and much more intimately through the valley separating her breasts and over the thin nylon that covered the well-proportioned globes. He found the fourth button and easily slipped it from its hole.For the fifth time, his fingers clamped under her chin and pulled her to him. His mouth covered hers. His tongue, warm and moist, danced out from his mouth, as his lips parted, then taunted over her lips. But she was determined! Her mouth refused the probe. She shivered, remembering its feel on her neck and ear last night.Once more, following the now familiar path, his fingers caressingly glided down her neck and drifted over her bare skin, through the smooth valley of her breasts and over the quivering flatness of her stomach. They found the last of the five buttons and quickly slipped it from its hole.Her blouse was now completely opened.His free hand tucked under the edges of the shirt and pushed them back over her shoulders so that the blouse remained on her, but her chest was exposed to him.”Beautiful,” he whispered glancing at her, then letting his eyes drop to the nylon- conflined mounds of her tits, so that she knew exactly what he was speaking about.The bra was flimsy and sheer. It held absolutely nothing from his eyes. Her nipples and aureoles looked brown under the flesh-colored fabric, rather than their natural coral pink, but what the hell did that matter, she found herself thinking.”Beautiful,” he whispered again, as if to make sure that she heard him.His hand was back on her body again. This time gently caressing the sleek flatness of her stomach, his fingertips teasingly ringing the deep well of her navel. She shivered.Damn! she cursed herself. She could feel her nipples responding to the taunting gentle manipulation of his hand. Slut! You’re nothing better than a cock hungry slut!It didn’t help. Her nylon-confined nipples still tingled, pushing against the fabric of her bra.Working slowly upward, his hand glided beneath the restrained globe of her right tit and slowly caressed the bulging lower curve. She shivered again. Then his palm cupped beneath the sister mound and repeated its loving fondle.The bastard! He’s doing exactly like he did last night!Thinking she felt the grip on her pinned wrists slacken, she suddenly jerked and twisted. The strength of his hand hadn’t diminished in the least. He held her firmly and continued his play without the slightest pause for her struggles.Circling in a spiralling path, his fingers brushed around and around the captive globes of flesh. Despite the covering of nylon, she felt him, felt every little movement of his fingertips. The sheer fabric seemed only to increase the sexy feel of him, suffusing the pleasant sensations of his hands. Her nipples were alive, straining outward, pressing against the cloth of her bra.His fingers then drifted into the deep valley between the mounded forms of her breasts. Carefully, they tucked under the fabric.His eyes rose to her again, glinting with delight as they caught the excited flare of her nostrils and the wide-eyed gaze of definite interest.His hand jerked forward. A sharp biting pain ran across her shoulders. It was the broad strap of her bra! Then it was gone as suddenly as it had come. He had ripped the front of her bra open. Her tits, pink and vulnerable, now stood out from her chest, displaying their nakedness, while wispy bits of torn nylon dangled to their sides, moving in the slight breeze.Involuntarily, she sucked her breath in. It hissed as it rushed through her teeth on the way to her lungs. Whether she wanted it or not, her body was reacting to him. She was enjoying this rough treatment. Just as she had enjoyed the things he had done to her last night!His hand rose to her tits again. This time his fingers were met by the summery warmth of her flesh. She quivered, trying to push the mounting excitement of her body away.His fingers lightly brushing and tapping at her erect nipple did little to help. Nor did the wonderfully squeezing finger that expertly kneaded and rolled the firm cushions of flesh.And when he cupped one of the tempting globes of melon-like tit and pushed it upward so that he could just barely get his lips and tongue on the deep pink cherry of aroused flesh that topped it, there was nothing she could think to do, except moan.His tongue was like a feathery whip of pleasure. He licked and laved, slickening the fat, plump nipple. He lashed and whipped over its hardening surface, causing her chest to heave with labored breaths.His lips closed over the excited bud and he sucked—an action that only increased the wonderful tingling that flooded through the billowy mound and suffused down into her loins.She moaned again, arching her back away from the wrinkled trunk of the tree, in a hope of giving him more of her wanton breast. But the confining position he had her pinned in did little to help.If he’d only let my hands go! she found herself wishing and not caring. She knew as she had known last night that she wanted what he had given her. She wanted it now, as she wanted it then!With a moist little sucking sound, his lips slid from her nipple and his hand squeezed around the fleshy globe as he rolled it against her chest.His eyes met hers again and he leaned anadolu yakası escort to her.Their lips met. This time, he found no resistance, no struggle, no protest!She opened her mouth to admit the moist, warm probe of his tongue. She accepted the oral digit into her mouth, caressing it and teasing it with her own tongue. He drilled deeply, flicking toward her throat.She felt him move at her side, pressing against her, then covering her from the front. She could have made her kicks connect now, but that was the furthest thing from her mind, as she felt the bulging thickness that pressed against her from the crotch of his pants.Her pelvis pushed out and rubbed into the bulge. She felt him tremble a little, but enough for her hands to slip free and cling tightly around his back.As his tongue retreated from her mouth, she moved after it into his mouth. Her gyrating oral digit flicked and twisted within the humid warmth of his mouth, dancing lightly over and under his tongue.His hand climbed up her back and slowly worked at her blouse. Briefly she unwrapped her arms from around him, so that he could slip it and the shredded remains of her bra free and toss them to the ground. Then her arms were around him again, drawing him close.Eventually, they parted and he gazed down at her, an undeniable light of certainty in his eyes, “Kneel down.”She obeyed his whispered command, trembling as she dropped before him, her green eyes never leaving his face. He smiled reassuringly.”Suck me off,” he whispered his next command. It came as if to make sure she knew neither one of them no longer spoke of ****.She glanced at the thick knoll that strained from the front of his pants and nodded without looking at him.Her fingers slowly drifted out and traced up and down the swollen shape beneath his jeans. His legs opened, spreading a little as her fingers found his zipper and moved it downward, then dipped inside his fly, carefully maneuvering the fat rod of flesh she found free of its confinement.That it was thick, she already knew. She had felt it last night and it had packed her to the brim. But seeing the full size of his club-like prodder was something else. While no more than six inches long, it was at least two inches in diameter, and the gorged glans looked like some small red apple.And from the long, slitted mouth at the direct center of the arrow-shaped crown welled a large drop of crystal clear fluid. Juice that she stirred from his loins.Grasping the thickness of his cock with both of her hands, she leaned to his crotch. Her pink tongue snaked out and lapped away the heavy drop. The familiar taste of sex filled her mouth. It was a taste she liked. No! A taste she loved! She rolled the singular drop in her mouth, savoring it, then she swallowed.Her tongue flicked out again, this time washing its way over the bloated-looking crown of his cock. It looked so firm and hard, yet it was smooth and soft. The delicious combination was arousing. She licked some more, thoroughly enjoying the task her father-in-law had set her to.He moaned as she continued her delicate laving over the sensitive thickness of his glans and moaned as her tongue ran up and down the firm column of his sex, leaving it glistening with the wetness of her saliva.She nibbled and teethed her way up and down the plump hardness, delighting in the virile feel of his manhood. Then she gave its bulging head one last kiss and pulled away.Her emerald eyes rolled up to him once again.”Suck it!” he repeated, his voice less steady and filled with the desire she was igniting within his loins.Which is exactly what she did.Her predatory lips moved in, opening in a wide “O” of tightly pressed muscle. Over the hugely massive crown knob, her lips pouted.Then she sucked!She sucked, pulling on the ponderous head. She sucked as her tongue whipped and lashed over its agitated surface. She sucked delighting in the fatness of the manmeat she possessed.He groaned and his lips lurched forward. At least half of his length plunged into her mouth, vanishing into her face.She gulped and sucked in her breath through her nostrils to suppress the urge to gag. Then she slipped further down the fat rod.He was too big for her to take all of him. At least too big for this first time in her mouth. Perhaps after some time, she could accommodate his ponderous mass in her face. But not now. Still, she took enough of his swollen stalk to let him know she was giving him head and enough for her to know that he could easily crack her jaws, if suddenly he became overactive.But he didn’t.He just stood there, letting her do the work, watching as her head bobbed up and down on his pole of flesh. Delighting as she slid her lips on and off his cock. Thrilling as her cheeks hollowed while she sucked, then stuffed outward as she swallowed up his prick once again.She could hear him moaning. She could feel the rigidity that stiffened his cock to a hard pole of flesh, And she could feel the thick knot that pushed up along the underside of his shaft.Then he blasted into her mouth.Hot come in a direct race from his balls splattered over her tongue and coated the roof of her mouth. She swallowed and sucked, welcoming each of the thick spurts of sexual cream that exploded out from his loins. Again and again, she gulped down the viscosity that exuberantly spilled from the head of his cock.She sucked at him, milking at his throbbing rod for even further offerings.”No more,” he groaned, his hips jerking back, rudely wrenching his shaft from her lips. “No more!”Still on her knees, she stared up, pleased with the grin of satisfaction that spread across her father-in-law’s face. Chapter 8 It took a few moments for Michael One to steady himself. Diana’s oral passion was something he had not reckoned with. However, he had disproved the “****” theory of his daughter-in-law to his satisfaction and hopefully to hers.But that was something he intended to make sure of at the moment.Diana shivered with excitement as her father-in-law smiled down at her. It stemmed from the lubricious gleam in his dark eyes and the still stiff lance of man flesh that jutted from his groin. She trembled and whimpered.The aroused thrills increased as he leaned over and lifted her to her feet. Without speaking, he pulled her half-naked body to his, crushing her supple form to him. She came without hesitation, the stiff nipples of her melon-like breasts stabbing at his chest.There was absolutely no protest this time as his tongue darted from his mouth. Her lips opened and accepted the oral probe that filled the emptiness left by his withdrawn cock. Her own tongue playfully dueled around the flicking invader, then pushed its way into his mouth.Carefully, she wedged a thigh between his legs and rubbed it over the exposed length of his manhood, still hard and powerful feeling, despite the demand she had just placed on his seminal reservoir. He moaned around the mouthful of tongue that speared toward the back of his throat.She pressed tightly to him, relishing in the inciting sensation of her tit mounds flattening against his chest, then slowly swaying her hips so that the pancaked globes rolled deliciously over him. Her hand slid down his back, anchoring into the taut boulders of his ass and pulled his crotch to hers.Simultaneously, his hands followed hers, dipping beneath the tight waistband of her slacks and under the elastic tops of her panties. Her little wiggle movements increased to a provocative dance as his hands covered the perky, rounded curves of her bottom. He squeezed down. His fingers firmly dug into the fleshy demiglobes, kneading her silken buttocks as he had fondled the moldable mounds of her young, proud breasts.For several minutes they clung to each other, their tongues darting and exploring the now familiar interiors of their mouths. Their hands squeezed and urged. Their bodies pressed together with a sensual nearness.Reluctantly, they separated, gazing at one another for a silent second or two. Then his hands withdrew from her ass and moved to the front of her burgandy hip-huggers.While he worked the button and zipper to her slacks free, her own fingers occupied themselves with the imposing shaft that speared wantonly from his fly.With loving tenderness, her fingertips glided up and down the still moist spike of flesh; still damp with the traces of her saliva. It jerked and jumped under her spright teasing. Its red glans glistened from the fresh sexual oils that oozed from his balls.A little tug came from each side of her hips. She wiggled and helped him work the clinging slacks down her thighs until they fell around her ankles. He followed the same procedure to remove the naughty pink mesh panties she wore.She had to give up her hold on his thick prick as he leaned over and suddenly lifted her in his arms. Not particularly caring where he was taking her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and playfully nibbled at his ear.About twenty feet from where their enjoyable confrontation had begun, he gently laid her on the ground between two towering magnolias. The grass was thick there, like a natural bed. It felt cool and exciting against the nakedness of her body as she stretched out voluptuously at his feet.Smiling down at the willing young woman, his fingers worked free the buttons to his shirt and threw it aside. With the same quickness, he managed to peel away his pants and the boxer shorts he wore, to join his enticing daughter-in-law in her nakedness.Lowering himself beside her in their grassy bed, he once more scooped her up in his arms. Her inciting fingers were back at his cock, as he slid one of his hands between her silk-textured thighs. She whimpered with arousal as his palm closed around the fleshy mound of her pubis.He squeezed, roughly molding the vulnerable knoll of her sex. Her hips twitched eagerly, hunching their willingness into his fingers. He could feel the moisture of her anticipation welling from between the outer lips of her labia. There was no need for further foreplay, but that was exactly what made the things he did to her so enjoyable.Wiggling a finger into the thick, quivering lips of her cunt, he sluiced into the juice-filled channel of her vagina, twisting and twirling the intimate digit. The soft folds of her tunnel of desire responded, squeezing around the probe that had invaded her body. Her pelvis moved up and down, working itself on him as if it were feeding on the thickness of a cock, rather than a single finger.His nakedness only made the wonderfully firm mounds of her breasts that more enjoyable. Heavy and round, they pressed against his chest, rolling and spearing the stiffness of their erect nipples into his skin.Her hands slid up and down on his prick, neither demanding or urgent, but letting him know she was more than ready to have its thickness buried within the tight sheath of her belly.But he still waited, gliding another finger into her heated hole of passion, while yet another fingertip tapped at her clit, taunting it out from under the thin membrane of its hood. It was as if he teased her body to quell forever whatever traces of “****” still remained in her body. He taunted her, stirring her lust in the same manner he had used last night in the dim-lit passageway.She whimpered, writhing against his body, as big fingers expertly manipulated dual digits into the enveloping socket of sex, while his third finger flicked and fondled a prodigious series of thrills through her body.She felt him move beside her and his free hand rolled her to her back. He edged up a little and his mouth kissed at her neck working downward until it captured one of the high- perched cherries of flesh topping a warm, pink-colored tit. His tongue moistly caressed the stiffened bud as his lips sucked.She groaned. The double stimulation of her body was fantastic. Her lips twisted with the mounting desires that trembled through her. Her body writhed, swishing over the crisp, green bed of grass. Her hips rose and fell in time with the steady in-out pumping of his fingers. Her hands clamped tightly around his cockshaft, squeezing and jacking along its pulsating length.He was controlling her once again. It was a repeat of their first meeting in the voyeur’s alcove. He knew the sexual needs of a woman and even more important, he cared about fulfilling them. Only one man had had that type of control over her body until now- –her husband, Michael. Now she had found another—her father- in-law.She groaned, as his fingers upped their tempo, sluicing into the hot mouth of her belly. Her hips surged up and down, matching the increased rhythm.Michael! What would he think … what would he do, if he knew I were here? If he knew I were giving my body to his father with the same willingness that I gave myself to him?She wanted to straighten the thoughts out in her mind. She wanted to know what to do and how to handle the situation, but those marvelous fingers gliding in and out of her vagina were too demanding.I’m a whore! A shameless slut who can’t get enough sex! Can’t get enough hot, hard cock stuffed up my cunt!But she didn’t feel like a slut. She felt like a passion- filled woman who was getting the sex she needed and wanted, from an experienced man who knew how to satisfy her.God! He feels so good! I’m going to come if he keeps this up! I want his cock for that! Not his fingers!Still, her father-in-law pumped his vigorously gliding fingers into the trembling groove of her pussy. In and out, then twisting a little, he finger-fucked her, eliciting desire-laden whimpers and moans from her writhing lips.Does he want me to beg? Does he want me to plead for his cock, like I did last night?She knew the answers to her questions even before she asked them to herself. She knew he wanted to be asked to fuck her. He wanted her to know that he had only given her what she had wanted last night and at no time had there ever been a question of ****. He was right. She had wanted him. Even when she had discovered the cock that filled her wasn’t her husband’s, she had wanted him; wanted him just as she wanted and ached for him now.”Fuck me!” she moaned, gasping for her breath. “Please, I want this wonderful cock of yours! Please! My God, PLEASE!”His mouth immediately pulled off her tit and he slid atop her, his fulI weight pressing her into the ground and she loved every manly ounce of his body. His fingers jerked free of her snatch and gripped her hips.Her hands guided the knob-like thickness of his shaft’s head to the waiting, throbbing entrance of her cunt. His hips jerked violently and he slammed up into the quivering wetness of her pussy.She grunted-whimpered with the abrupt penetration of her passion-keen body. His thickness packed her to the brim.There was no pause, no hesitating moment to revel in the union of their bodies.His pelvis jerked up, wrenching the filling firmness of cock from her vagina in a brusk manner, then he lurched forward, cramming his bigness back Into the sheathing envelope of desire.She grunted again, as his heavy impact forced the air from her lungs in a startled “Hooufff!” But this is the way she wanted it. Hard and rough!Again the straining hugeness of his sexual pole jerked curtly back. She felt her clinging cunt follow its rapid retreat, flowing wetly around his cock’s circumference.Downward his hips plunged again, grinding into her, as he shafted the ponderous root of flesh back up into her belly. The tight channel of her cunt stretched back before the invading arrow-shaped tip of his cock. The walls of her vagina closed around his swollen mass, squeezing tautly.His breath was hard and fast, like the sound of a rutting a****l, as he pumped in and out of her wet, pink cunt. The bestial manner of his assault only heightened the avid need she had for him, this new lover, her father-in-law.Despite the heaviness of his weight, she worked her hips in the same rigorous tempo of his jackhammering strokes. Up and down, she hunched, arching her back to meet each slamming thrust of his cock, then dropping her ass to the grassy coolness of the ground beneath her, as he jerked out.His hands were moving on her. She could feel them through the lust-haze cloud that suffused through her body. They were moving downward, from her hips, caressing her thighs. No, they were sliding behind her knees.Abruptly, her legs were whipped upward and pushed toward her chest, his arms holding them there!The juice-filled furrow of her desire opened to him in an increased angle of entry. His still ramrodding prick lunged forward, spearing into the innermost depths of her cunt.She groaned and writhed, her hips no longer able to move. Deep, thick and gorged, his inflexible length of cock skewered her body.”Ahhhaggghhh!” she accepted the deep-rooted impact of his sex.Brutally, almost in a punishing fashion, his hips rose and fell. He slammed into her. He ground his crotch into hers, his hairy ball bag slapping at the curves of her uptilted ass cheeks. He lashed. He pounded.She loved it!Her hands were dug into his taut buttocks. Her fingernails were biting into his ass as he fucked her. She pulled at him, trying to force even more of the deeply slamming man meat into her pussy.Her vagina seared with the rising, consuming heat of her desire. He was a living lance that speared again and again into the open wound of her body. Unable to move, she made up for it by squeezing. Her cunt was a sucking mouth that ate at the thick shaft that filled and packed it. She squeezed down, attempting to make her channel of sex a glove-like socket for him. She strained, drawing her pussy tighter and tighter.He grunted like a lust-maddened bull, his hips lashing up and down. His cock whipped in and out of her. Harder and deeper, he crammed into the burning socket of her body. He skewered her. He rammed her. He plowed into the wanton slash of her hot sex.Higher and higher, she rose. Nearer and nearer to the release her body screamed for, he whipped her on.Her hands were raking claws of desperation on his buttocks. Pulling and urging him, she dug into the taut rocks of his ass.He responded, his pelvis slapping into hers harder and harder. His cock was a fiery piston that only strove deeper, trying to split her up the middle.She squeezed and writhed, unable to get enough of the fatness of his sex, as she soared closer and closer to climax. She groaned ataşehir escort and whimpered the urgent demands of her body. She moaned and grunted as his body pounded over and over into her.In and out, out and in, his lust-laden shaft impaled the quivering slash of her sex. He drilled and ground. He skewered and poled. His whole body was tense, as he held back the flood that once more boiled up from his balls. He fucked! He fucked her, doing his damnedest to slam his cock all the way up her!Like a series of unleashed earthquakes, it racked through her body. Tremors, flesh tremors of desire and release, writhed through her. She thrashed and twisted under him, screwing her cunt fully with the fat, swollen length of his shaft.She cried out in wailing whimpers of delight. Her body exploded and blasted free. Her passion swirled and lashed in the ecstasy of its freedom. Every nerve in her body sizzled with white-hot heat. She came, rocked and caressed by the ultimate of pleasures.Simultaneously, his balls broke free, glushing a fresh load of come into the orgasmically contracting folds of her cunt. He fountained into her opened body, flooding the sheathing well of her sex with the thick fluids of his release. He filled her until the creamy whiteness of his come oozed around the buried thickness of his cock and seeped from her cunt. Chapter 9 Neither of them moved for several minutes, their bodies still locked together. But, eventually, she felt his cock deflate, slowly slithering out of her body and he rolled from atop her and lay at her side in the grass.”That was good,” she whispered, as she cradled into the hollow of his shoulder.He squeezed her and lightly kissed her forehead in answer.”Last night …” she started, then stopped, unsure of exactly how to pose her question.”Mmmmmm?” his hand idly slid along her side, pausing to fondle the bulging base of a breast.”Well, I don’t know how to put it,” she started again. “But last night, did you know what I was doing in the passage?””Sure,” he chuckled. “You, were peeping in windows.””I mean,” she pressed, “did you know what I was watching?””Yes,” he kissed her lightly. “You were watching Bryan and the girls making love. I could see through the mirror too, you know.”His abrupt answer with all its candidness somehow shocked her.”What were you doing there?” she went on trying to get to the bottom of what was bothering her.”Other than what obviously occurred,” he chuckled again, pulling her to him, “I was going to do exactly what you were doing.””What?” she couldn’t believe what he had just said.”Why not?” he questioned with amusement. “Paula and Kate are quite attractive young girls. Together they’re quite a sensual pair. And they both enjoy having Bryan.”She was silent, comprehending what he had just said, but still disbelieving the i****tuous relationships that apparently existed within the Hightower family.”Lorraine was occupied,” he went on, “and I must admit I find watching my daughters quite stimulating. Didn’t you?”Something rang funny in her mind. Diana rolled her father- in-law’s last comment. Then it struck her—Lorraine was occupied! Michael!”Were Michael and Lorraine together!” she stammered. “I mean were they together!”Michael One laughed and hugged her close, amused at her befuddlement, “I think you’ll have to ask them. But before my son found you, he and Lorraine were quite a pair.”Diana tried to get angry. But she couldn’t. Hell! What have I gotten myself into! Here I am naked, thoroughly fucked by my new father-in-law, who has just told me my husband is having an affair with his stepmother!Actually, the whole picture was perfectly clear to her, she just was having a hard time accepting it. She had suddenly been brought into a family that believed in togetherness, especially when it came to sexual matters.”Let me make sure I know what you’re saying,” she pressed one more time. “You, Lorraine, Bryan, Paula and Kate…””Don’t forget Jim,” her father-in-law laughed. “We’re all in love with each other and dig the hell out of balling.”He paused, staring into her green eyes, “Welcome to the family.”Despite her confusion and her mild state of shock, the meaning of his words penetrated and she shivered with anticipation, remembering everything she had seen last night. Even the mental picture of Michael screwing his stepmother didn’t seem to bother her. In fact, she found it rather exciting. She and Michael had had lovers before they met and she had always assumed that they both would continue to do so at one time or another. Perhaps it was better this way. Let everything come out in the open.After all, it’s all in the family!Michael One stirred again, “I don’t know about you, but I think I could use a quick dip in the pond before heading back to the house. Care to join me?”Diana nodded. While the thick St. Augustine grass was beautiful to look at, it was starting to irritate her skin, reminiscent of the prickly feeling she used to get when she was a k** and used to rough house in the grass with the other k**s in her neighborhood. A playtime activity that had stopped once the boys started to notice that the girls were girls and suddenly began to add new little twists to their football games.Michael One helped her from the ground and they walked to the pond. Without hesitating, he did a springy little dive and knifed into the clear water. Then, without thinking, she followed. As she struck the water, she remembered his earlier comments about the pond being spring fed.COLD!Even in the warm spring weather, the water was icy. Shivering, she quickly splashed around, rinsing away the itching traces of the grass, then clambered out of the water, clutching herself at the edge of the pond. Her father-in-law laughed, but quickly followed suit.”Sorry, but we forgot to bring towels,” he said, running his fingers through the thick mop of his black hair, then shaking his head vigorously. “The sun will dry us in a little bit.”Together they gathered the s**ttered clothes they had hastily disposed of earlier, then walked to the picnic table, stretching out and letting the sun warm their chilled bodies. Neither of them said much, as they enjoyed the toasty feeling of the sun soaking into their skin.Somehow, as they turned over, they ended up in each other’s arms again. This time Diana took the role of the aggressor, realizing that she wanted this man, her father-in-law, again. He had the same sexual attraction she had only found in her husband up until now. Just looking at either one of them sent shivery waves of gooseflesh racing up and down her back and flooded her cunt with wetness.In short time, she had worked his sleeping prick back to its club-like size. This time, she straddled him, impaling herself on his cock.Neither of them rushed. Instead, they let the seeds of desire slowly blossom under a gentle, steady undulation of their hips and the tender caressing of their hands.She came first. Then increasing the rocking, plunging motion of her pelvis, she fucked him until she received another flood of sperm and semen gushing hotly into the welcoming recesses of her belly.She declined another offer for a “refreshing plunge” into the pond in favor of just rinsing the well-used mound of her sex, as she waded at the edge of the pool. Michael One (which she now thought of as one word, and pronounced it that way, as did the rest of the family) splashed around for a few minutes, then came running out of the water.Picking their clothes up from the picnic tables and tucking them under his arm, he said, “The sun’ll dry us on the way back to the house.”Her head jerked around, doing a classical double take, “You mean, you want me to go back to the house like this! Naked!””Yes,” he said, making no effort to hand her her clothes. “The only ones at the house are part of the family … your family.”Still unsure of her new relationship, she trotted to his side, as he started toward the mansion. She understood him. She was part of the Hightower family, a thought that excited her. She was free to have open sexual relationships with the members of her new family, as they were with her.But what about Michael? He might have been balling Lorraine last night, but he doesn’t know I’ve fucked and have been fucked by his father!She remembered his own uneasiness as they drove into the estate yesterday. Had it been because he thought she wouldn’t accept the open i****tual life of his family? Or was it because he wanted to keep her away from that same life?It couldn’t be the latter reason, she told herself, or could it?She didn’t know. But whatever his thoughts and worries were, it was too late for her, she realized, as her father-in-law opened the door to the Hightower home and she stepped inside the kitchen.Lorraine and Bryan were sitting at the table, preparing to make themselves sandwiches from a platter of cold cuts and breads laid out neatly on a large tray. Both their eyes widened as they turned to the newcomers, then their lips smiled.Diana tried to smile back, but her nudity made her feel more than slightly uncomfortable. She felt Michael One’s hand pressing at the small of her back, moving her through the kitchen and into the hall, then to the den. Her father-in-law motioned for her to sit on the couch.”Relax,” he smiled, as she took her seat. “Lorraine and Bryan will join us in a moment. Remember, you’re a member of our family now.”A member and fully initiated, she thought, feeling her stomach doing all sorts of nervous quivers. Initiated by the head of the family.Diana’s head twisted a little in reaction to the padded footsteps she heard coming down the hall. They grew closer, moving through the rooms of the mansion.Then Lorraine and her son entered. Both of them had shed their clothes somewhere along the way to the den.Bryan’s body she knew well, having watched it and longed for it as the youth so expertly serviced his sisters last night. But Lorraine was something else. The older woman never ceased to amaze her. It was easy to see where Paula inherited the womanly flares of her youthful body.There were faint stretch marks that gave away the fact that the blonde-haired woman had born c***dren, but other than that, Diana would have stuck to her original estimate of Lorraine’s age being in the twenties. Her breasts were like large, cushiony pillows, swaying temptingly as she strode proudly into the den, apparently completely comfortable in her nakedness. The pointed tips of her light brown nipples traced invisible circles in the air, moved by the pendulous juggle of her bountiful tits.She was wagging her hips in an exaggerated fashion, as if to draw all their attentions to the shaven smoothness of her pubic mound. But for Diana, there was no need. The sleek, creamy plumpness of her mother-in-law’s pubis had already caught her eyes.It looks so vulnerable, so tempting, she mused mentally, I wonder how Michael would react if I did that. Then she fumbled in her thoughts, I wonder how Michael liked that?, remembering what Michael One had said. I bet she’s had her cunt surgically tightened after she had her c***dren. Any woman who’s taken so much care with her body would have done that.Lorraine smiled at her again, as if confirming her unspoken speculations, as she crossed the room and joined her husband, perching herself on the arm of his chair.The elder Hightower’s caressing arms slid around her in an intimate greeting. One of his hands worked its way up her nakedness and cupped under a huge mound of tit. Diana could see the excited waves of gooseflesh ripple over her mother-in-law’s creamy skin, as the fingers that possessed her breast kneaded into the pliable pillow of flesh. Lorraine sighed softly, not so much with desire, but with soothing comfort.The sigh was abruptly transformed to a deeply sucking hiss, as the woman jerked a little. Michael One’s other hand had crept between her slim thighs and he had embedded his index finger into the shaven nakedness of her cunt. Diana watched as his finger slowly moved in and out, glistening with the sexual moisture it had found waiting within Lorraine’s body. Her mother-in-law’s gleaming blue eyes misted quickly under the steady pumping of the hand that had invaded her body, then fluttered closed. The full redness of her lips writhed slowly, as she gave herself to the pleasure her husband was inciting within the cleft of her loins.Diana shivered despite herself. What she was watching was sexy! A beautiful woman had just given herself to a most desirable man. And in turn, he was giving her pleasure. A warm wetness welled within Diana’s loins. She wished that she and Lorraine had exchanged places. She wanted her father-in-law to be fondling and caressing her. She wanted his delightfully taunting fingers to be working in her pussy. That he had just fucked her twice less than an hour ago didn’t matter; she wanted him again. She would even allow him to take her here, in front of Lorraine and Bryan, if he would just take her.Michael One glanced up and seeing Diana’s arousal-widened eyes, smiled. As if to tell her that he was now occupied by the delightful bundle of womanflesh in his arms, his finger quickened its in-out skewering of his wife’s pussy. Lorraine groaned, thoroughly lost in the pleasure he had ignited in her. And Diana shivered with mounting desire again, hoping.But her father-in-law diverted his attention back to his wife. His one hand kneading and squeezing into the creamy whiteness of Lorraine’s breasts, while his other hand sluiced in and out of her cunt.The blonde groaned, leaning back further for the support of her husband’s body. Her thighs opened a little more, allowing his now flying digit even further access to her pouting cunt. Unable to work her pelvis in rhythm with the probing finger—if she did, she’d have rudely unseated herself—her hips swayed in a delightful little wiggling motion that rippled the wall of her finger-fucked vagina around the gliding digit.Lorraine’s head rolled back on her shoulders and rocked from side to side. Her lips twisted with the mounting agony of need that filled her. Her body quaked and she groaned and whimpered.Harder and faster, his finger sliced between the now trembly shaven lips of her labia. Diana could feel the growing electric excitement that possessed her mother-in-law. She could also feel the rapid-fire strokes of the finger that buried itself in the woman’s open sex. Involuntarily, her body tensed each time his hand slammed roughly into the naked pubic mound. Her breathing increased to labored heaves of arousal, following the lustful metamorphosis that had transformed Lorraine.Then her mother-in-law came. The voluptuous bundle of woman moaned and panted as her body was possessed by the breaking waves of released sexual energy. She groaned and whimpered in a high- pitched squeal of unabandoned delight.Michael One’s finger immediately slowed its quick driving motions and glided soothingly in and out of the wet socket of her pussy. He pulled his wife to him, holding her close as she descended from the plateau of pleasure he had led her to.Slowly, but surely, Lorraine regained her composure and turned to her husband, planting a long, loving, wet and loud kiss on his lips. When they parted, they both turned to Diana, who felt like squirming under the sudden interest of their gazes.”I found Diana using the alcove last night,” Michael One said almost casually. “She was quite aroused by our c***dren.”Lorraine smiled again, a smile that said she fully understood Diana’s reaction, but she did not comment. However, Diana had the distinct feeling that the older woman knew exactly what had happened in the passageway last night. She did squirm a little, when she realized that it was Lorraine that had suggested she take a morning’s stroll around the estate. Had she and Michael One planned the encounter? Had they been willing partners in a conspiracy to initiate her into the Hightower family?She heard something stir to her side and glanced toward the entrance to the den. Bryan still stood there. She had forgotten about the youth. The effects of watching his parents were quite evident. His naked cock jutted powerfully from his groin, stabbing upward into the air at a forty-five degree angle. Her eyes followed the pulsing throb of its stiff arousal for several seconds, before turning back to Michael One and Lorraine.”Bryan, don’t you think you should welcome Diana into our family,” the elder Hightower suggested to his stepson then added almost as an afterthought. “I think she was particularly interested in your and Paula’s activities last night”The young boy grinned at his stepfather, then turned to Diana, his face an expression of willing enthusiasm and uncertainty at his sister-in-law’s reaction.I can take that, Diana found herself thinking, as she smiled and nodded reassuringly at Bryan without a second thought to her actions. Her memories of his thorough fucking of his sister’s ass last night had made an impression. And the thought of him shoving that long, hard, young cock up her ass, after the sexy manipulation of Lorraine’s body she had just seen, was more than her body could take without relief.He crossed the room eagerly, nearly banging his shin into the side of the couch, as he came to her. As if he were afraid she would change her mind and suddenly refuse him, he reached out and pulled her to him. His tongue had wiggled itself into her mouth and was flicking around wonderfully before she had gotten over the start of his abruptness. Then she opened her mouth to give his tongue free rein.Probing toward her throat, his oral digit danced and darted around in her mouth, tickling against the roof of her mouth. Her lips writhed against his, clamping lightly down as she sucked suggestively at its warm wetness. The tantalizing suction slowly increased, until he moaned as she threatened to swallow his tongue with it still rooted in his mouth.When she released her strong hold on his oral probe, it quickly slithered back into his mouth, with her chasing it. This time she threw her tongue into his driving his lips wider to accept her enthusiastic thrust. She imitated his actions, playfully teasing over his tongue and licking at the roof of his mouth.Her own startled little moan came not from his sucking at her tongue, but the tightness of the hand that abruptly gripped at the mound of her sex. He squeezed her ümraniye escort pubic knoll roughly, with a youthful vigor that sent thrilling shivers running up and down her spine. He kneaded at the plump protuberance of her sex, grinding his palms against the quivering lips of her labia.The stiff firmness of his cock pressed closely against the smoothness of her thigh did little to quell the growing excitement that rushed through her body.As they remained locked together in their embrace, her own hands tauntingly tickled their way down the muscular ripples of his back and out the taut roundness of his buttocks. His ass was hard, tense with her presence. That realization thrilled her. She liked the sexual arousal that men displayed. That she was responsible for that excitement made it that much better.As his hand continued the intimate massage of her sex mound, her fingers gripped at his ass, squeezing with inciting firmness. Her hands dug into his hind cheeks, turning the whiteness of his skin to a bruised red, then a tortured white. The urgings of her fingers and palms only increased the kneading of his hand.She squeezed herself close against his youthful chest, rolling just a little so that the balls of her tits flattened. His tongue speared back into her mouth and she sucked welcomingly at it.Her fingers tickled up and down the deep crease separating the hard cushions of his ass cheeks. He squirmed against her, moaning as best he could with his tongue still trapped between her sucking lips. Lower and lower, the seductive dance of her fingertips drifted. His squirming increased, as he pressed himself harder against her, pushing her back into the couch.The action slightly raised his rear mounds enough for her fingers to part them further. The delving tantalizations of her brushing fingertips dipped deeper, softly drifting over the taut ring of his anus. Once again he groaned and pushed himself hard against her. A response that only increased as an inquisitive little fingertip pushed up into his asshole and wiggled around as a reminder of the greeting into the Hightower family he was supposed to give her.Squeezing tightly down on the now lust-aching mound of her sex, he managed to tickle a finger into the moist lips of her labia, then eagerly drilled into the juice-flooded channel of her vagina. Excited shivers rocked through her body as she accepted the impaling digit and contracted the muscles of her cunt around it with approval.Slowly, the embedded finger began to move, doing a small twisting movement, then wiggling. Responding, she repeated the motions with the finger she had plugged into his ass. Together, they worked each other’s bodies, stirring and fanning the flames of desire that sizzled through them.As his stepfather had finger-fucked his mother but moments ago, the boy slowly slid his finger in and out of the hot pocket of sex between his sister-in-law’s thighs. There was no doubt in his mind now. She was enjoying it as much as he was. Her hot cunt seemed to grip at him, sucking at his finger each time he plunged it up into the mouth of her belly. She was moaning now and her hips were swishing around on the couch beneath her.That she was ready and willing to take the hardness of his pulsing cock was more than apparent to him when he finally slid his mouth from hers and whispered in her ear, “You’ve got to get up and lean over.”She nodded reluctantly and slowly pulled the finger she had embedded two knuckles deep from his ass. He whimpered a little as the digit came free. As she did when he slid his finger from her cunt, leaving her evacuated and empty.Extracting herself from his young arms, she stood. Michael One and Lorraine were still seated in their chair. They smiled at her with approval. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she felt that she should be uncomfortable with them just sitting there watching her and their son satisfy the lust of their bodies. But she didn’t. In fact, she found herself admitting she enjoyed the thought of the older couple watching them. And that Lorraine’s hand was gripped tightly around the fully erect length of her husband’s cock, slowly jacking at him, only added to the excitement that was filling her body.Smiling back at the couple, she turned her back to them and leaned over the couch as Bryan had directed. With her arms out- stretched to fully support her weight, she spread her legs, opening her body up to the rear attack that would come shortly.The boy was behind her now. The fat head of his cock nudged at the upturned curves of her buttocks. She could feel the warm wetness of his preseminal oils smearing their clearness over her skin as his cock jumped and jerked with its excitement.She remembered the deliciously thrilling method he had used to prepare Paula to take his cock and shivered. The thought of his mouth kissing at her anus and the soft warmth of his tongue probing into the little mouth of her ass was enough to drive her wild. She did her damnedest to relax, knowing with the first exquisite contact of his mouth she would go rigid with excitement.She trembled as his hands reached out and soothingly roved over the upjutting half- moons of her hind cheeks. He was gentle. His hands tenderly whispered the command to relax and prepare herself for the entry he was going to make into her bowels. She thought relax, letting the soft caresses of his hands lull her toward the state of readiness he wanted.His gently circling palms drifted between her thighs and pressed against the silken softness of them. She eased her legs further apart. He could see the uptilted mound of her pussy now and the moisture of her desire that dampened the light brown pubic fur covering in like a soft carpet.His hands slowly and gingerly massaged at the plump knoll for a few seconds, then once again, his finger wiggled into the wet pocket of her cunt. She whimpered with the unexpected invasion of her body, but did not protest, as his finger swirled around, then once again withdrew.She moaned in disappointment and excitement as she felt his hands grip each of the cushions of her buttocks and spread them. His moist finger dipped into the deep cleft of her ass and tapped at her anus, transferring the juices it had brought from her vagina.While she would have preferred his mouth and tongue, the finger-to-cunt-to-ass method he used to make her body ready for him was far from a turn-off. First he drilled and pumped his digit into her pussy, whirling around in the abundant juices that readily flowed within her. Then he returned to her anus, slickening the tiny ringed mouth with a supply of the natural lubricants he had taken from her pussy.Over and over, he repeated the process. His finger slowly worked its way up into her ass. Then it glided in and out, as he oiled the tight channel with her own juices. She moaned as the probing length of his finger pushed its way in and out of her hot ass. The sensation was fantastic, like an appetizer to what was to come next; a sampler that prepared her for the thickness that was coming.When his fingers finally left the juice-filled mouth of her sex, she could feel him reach up and grasp the rigid shaft of his cock. Relax! she urged herself, anticipating the newness of the Hightower cock she was so willing to take within her lust commanded body. Relax! she repeated, as she heard him move closer, readying himself for the attack.Then he was there, sharply driving the full length of his hard sex into her body!But he wasn’t in her ass!He had plunged his full throbbing shaft deeply into the vulnerably exposed, upturned slash of her cunt.She groaned.Her ass wiggled in a provocative dance against his groin.Her whole body trembled under the abrupt impact.Despite the complete surprise of his maneuver, she relished the long hardness that packed deeply into her pussy. Perhaps he’s changed his mind, she thought in the sudden confusion of the moment, though not really minding. He felt good inside her. And at the moment, that was all that mattered. Lorraine and Michael One’s activities had left her body aroused. Bryan’s delicious finger-fucking had only tripled the excitement. Now all she wanted was to be fucked and have the consuming desires of her body released. Immediately, her hips began to work with his pelvis as he pumped himself in and out of her.Yes, she moaned to herself, yes, this is it. This is good!In and out, he plowed into her cunt, shafting himself in deep, grinding strokes. His crotch slapped into her uptilted ass, making a sharp little popping sound as they collided flesh on flesh. She rocked back and forth, sliding on and off the plunging length of manmeat that impaled her over and over. She rose, climbing higher and higher on the clouds of pleasure. Her whole body focused on the thickness of his sex and the hard length that plowed into the furrow of her pussy.He rocked her, his hips whipping back and forth. He speared her, his rod of cock pumping in and out. She was close, closer than she could believe, especially since her father-in-law had already seen that she was well-fucked that day. But this young boy, the youngest member of the Hightower clan, had her going again. Her spread thighs were throbbing at an ever increasing rate. Her body was quaking as waves of heightening pleasure washed through her.NO!No! No! No! Nooooooo!The deep-rooted stalk of his manhood had suddenly jerked free from the sheathing channel of her belly with a wet sucking sound. She was empty, hollow, abandoned on the very edge of her release. Her body quaked and screamed in violent protest.”Ahhrrrgggahhhh! God! Oh, my God!”The complete thickness and hardness of his prick was suddenly embedded to the hilt in her ass.The shock of the abrupt impalement was almost painful. She knew it would have been, had it not been so quick.But, instead, she only felt packed. She felt every throbbing inch of his unyielding cock slammed deeply into the tight tunnel of her rectum. Like a ponderous pole of flesh, his presence filled her body. He was a brand of fire shoved firmly into her bowels, burning with a sexual heat that swirled and flamed in a sunburst of lust.In an involuntary reaction, her muscles clamped with viselike tightness around the column of sex that invaded her. She heard his pleasure-filled moans above her own grunting groans. She pushed and squeezed trying to expell the massive rod that stuffed her so fully.But he remained. His thickness remained firmly implanted in the pushing and squeezing channel of her back. He throbbed and pulsed, jerking with inflexible lust.His hands were back on her buttocks, slowly caressing the creamy smoothness of her pink ass cheeks. The message of his palms penetrated the shock-ridden clouds of her mind. Relax, it said, quelling the violent quivering of her ass muscles. She once again let his hand lull the tenseness of her body. Slowly, but surely, the taut squeezing vise of her bowels went flaccid, stretched over the rigid length of his cock She accustomed herself to him, feeling out his full size and knowing she was quite capable of taking all that he could give her.Still, he did not move. Instead, he just stood there, his body washed in the exquisite velvet tightness of her ass. His cock was drenched in the fiery heat of her bowels. Her ass squeezed down on him again. This time the violent desperation of her first clutch was gone. Now her tightness came more as a relishing caress. He moaned deeply as his prick jerked and throbbed.In a slow circling movement, her upturned ass wiggled as she squeezed and relaxed the smooth sheath of her asshole. His groaning rose, echoing a little within the den. She picked up the tempo of her swaying hips, washing the thickness of his rod in a ball- aching flare of exciting friction.Then his hips moved.Outward his big cock came. The walls of her ass tunnel strained out and over the blood- gorged knob of his glans as he pulled from her. The emptiness he left in his wake was five times worse than the sudden wrenching from her pussy.Further and further, he pulled until only the plump crown of his prick was embedded in the tiny, squeezing mouth of her back. She wiggled a little and he groaned.As she did, his pelvis started inward. Forcing her body to relax, she accepted the ponderous mass of his sex. Inward the unbending pole of his manhood drilled back into her ass. Inch by inch, she accommodated him, as he strained and stretched the round, smooth socket of her rear.Her body came alive again, trembling with hungry delight as he entered. Deeper and deeper the throbbing heat of his cock penetrated, rooting itself into the velvet recesses of her rectum. His crotch pressed into her ass cheeks and his hips jerked, forward a little spearing his cock even deeper.She moaned, clutching at the bigness of his sexual rod. Her ass clamped lovingly around the pulsing circumference that plugged her asshole. Her hips gyrated again, swirling the volcanic heat of her bowels around him.Then he was pulling free again, slowly, as if unwilling to give up the well-rooted depths he had achieved, but at the same time unable to remain still. She relaxed and let him withdraw, quivering as his movement set off a whole series of blazing sensations.As he inched his way back into her rectum, she forced her body to remain calm, allowing him to probe back into the seething depths he had set afire with desire. Over and over, he stroked slowly in and out of her, as if he were getting the feel of unfamiliar territory.Then, as his pace increased, her ass started working on its own. Relaxing, she accepted all of the burning sex brand he could give her. As he withdrew, she squeezed tightly down, delighting in the pleasure-aching moans that she drew from his throat.Her own hips still circled in their provocative dance, but now they moved up and down, helping him as he fucked her with taunting slowness. It was under the slow-motion pace of his prick that she started the rise toward the plateaus of pleasure his abrupt exit from her cunt had so rudely wrenched her from. Her whole body was alive again. Every nerve was opened to the arousing sensations he sent rocketing through her. In and out, he plowed into the quivering furrow of her ass. She focused her being on the thickness of his fleshy piston, worshipping the filling mass of its size.She thought about Lorraine and Michael One, who sat watching the expert poling of her body, and wondered if the scene they now viewed was affecting them the way their sexual play had gotten to her? But she knew she really didn’t care. All she cared about was the growing hunger of her lust-laden body and the adamantine pole of flesh that moved in and out of her ass in a steady rhythm.Her greed for cock got the better of her and her hips jerked quickly back and forth. The boy behind her got the message and immediately increased the rocking of his pelvis. No longer did he inch his way into her bowels, but glided in a long, smooth stroke, then reversed his motion and slithered outward.It was good, but she wanted more. Her hips increased the pace once again and he responded. Their bodies met in a spongy sort of cushioned thud, crotch to buttocks. The hairy sac of his testicles slapped at the upturned curves of her hind mounds.She gyrated and swirled around his ever moving cockshaft. He groaned and poled into her. She squeezed and sucked at his length, relishing every fat inch of pleasure he fed into her. She rocked back and forth, aiding in the repeated impalement of her body.His hands gripped into her butt, his fingers digging roughly into the firmness of her ass cheeks. He clung to her, using her buttocks for support. His hips lurched and once more he quickened the tempo of his anal spearing.Groaning with delight, she accepted him over and over. Her own body met his rhythm. She bucked into him, driving his plunging rod deeper and deeper into the volcanic depths of her ass. She jerked away from him, wrenching the pole of sex from her.Her body quaked under the ever increasing impact of his body. He seared in and out of her and she loved it and wanted more. Which is exactly what he gave her. His crotch slapped loudly into her buttocks now, jarring her and setting the elongated cones of her tits juggling back and forth.She grunted and moaned as the fever of ardent lust grew and blazed outward. She lurched back into him, trying to bury the stiff shaft of sex even deeper into her ass. He burned into her, pistoning in and out of the tight, clinging tunnel of her rectum.She wanted to cry out, urging him on harder and deeper, but he pounded into her, jarring the words from her throat so that only aroused hisses of flaming desire were emitted into the air. She felt it was growing now. Hot and higher it swirled within her. Flaming out from her seething asshole, it consumed her loins and set the sensitive button of her clit to aching.Her hands gripped into the cushions of the couch. Her knuckles were deadly white, strained with the intensity of her growing fervor. Her ass rocked and bucked, swallowing up and sucking at the thick shaft of cock that filled her.Harder and harder, he speared. Like a jackhammer of flesh, he ground himself into the burning recesses of her anal tunnel. His balls were lashing with fire, boiling as the need for release grew. He grunted as he slammed and shafted into the sweet tightness of her anal sheath.Back and forth, their bodies rocked together, feeding the consuming passion that now filled their bodies. Again and again, they pounded into one another. His cock drove its full length into the glove-like tightness of her ass. And she accepted the burning rod of pleasure; a rod of pleasure she now lived for.Higher and higher, they whipped each other on, driving them ever closer to the peaks of their desire. Harder and more urgently their bodies demanded the release that throbbed and ached within them.She came first, her whole body erupting. Pleasure unleashed within her in a wildly flaring nebula of delight. She cried out her satisfaction, as quake after soul-shattering quake of relief and pleasure washed through her body. Her ass contracted and trembled, sucking greedily at the still poling length of his prick.From behind, she heard him groan and his hips suddenly lurched forward, driving his shaft deeply into her back cbanne. The fat crown of his shaft jumped and jerked. Then there was the wet warmness, as he spilled the juice of his desire into the recesses of her bowels.Spurt after spurt of thick cream blasted into her, as he clung to her ass. She could feel every little throb of his release and loved every tiny quiver of his shaft.Gratefully locked together ass to cock, they groaned and whimpered in the magnificent sensations of their mutual climax.

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