my sick minded son pt1

my sick minded son pt1i had a little to much to drink one friday night, and was laying on the couch tired from swimming all day. i had my eyes closed thinking about going to bed when i felt my son pendik escort standing over me, i was still in my bathing suit(i wear a metallic gold one) i cracked open kartal escort my eyes an saw him staring at my bottoms, i new i had a cameltoe, then he pulled maltepe escort out his dick and thinking i was passed out, started jacking off right over me not knowing i was watching him. he ran his fingers lightly around my pussy lips, then he moved my hair out of my face(i closed my eyes real fast) and before i know it im feeling and watching him shoot cum all over my face, in my eyes, my mouth, im laying there looking at him with one eye open as he looks down an sees me staring at him

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