Always Ask Permission. Ch.04.

Always Ask Permission. Ch.04.Marta was not happy when I told her she could go home and clearly showed her disappointment in her face. It was interesting that it wasn’t over her concerns for her daughter but seemed to stem from a feeling of being left out. She shut the front door with some force as she left. The loud bang must have reverberated throughout the house and, as I sat back and finally allowed myself a moment of calm, I wondered how the girl upstairs was feeling. There was no sense in rushing, so I poured myself a drink and waited, enjoying the peace and quiet, sipping it slowly. The foul weather of the morning had eased and occasionally the patio window would blaze as the sun came out from behind a cloud. I had reverted back to my previous t-shirt and shorts and, as my mind turned to Rosea I could feel myself already begin to stiffen. I pushed myself up from my chair and slowly walked up the stairs.I could hear nothing through her door, so I went on to the bathroom and filled a glass with water. The poor girl had been offered nothing since this morning. Going back to the guest bedroom I simply pushed the door opened and walked in. She was as I had left her, spread-eagled on the bed, still secured to its four corners. As I walked in her eyes flew open, suddenly fearful.When she saw me, she tried to crane her neck to look behind me for her mother. When I shut the door behind me, and it became clear I was alone, her eyes widened even more.“She has gone home,” I said by way of explanation, “you are to spend the night here. She will return in the morning. Thirsty?”I held up the glass of water and she nodded vigorously. I went over and stood beside the bed and held the glass out about three feet above her face.“Open wide,” I told her and began to tilt the glass.It was a little mean of me and a bit c***dish, I know, but it was also fun. The combination of my deliberately poor aim and her slowness to understand what was going on meant that most of it splashed all over her, but enough went into her mouth where, despite a lot of coughing and spluttering, she managed to swallow it. Carefully avoiding the damp patches, I sat on the bed next to her. I stroked her cheek and then cupped her small breast, tweaking the nipple with my thumb. She simply stared up at me with a concerned look.There was no reply when I asked her, “have you had a nice rest?”“And time to think about things?” I went on after a pause. This time she reacted by half closing her eyes and turning her head away. I pinched her nipple hard to get her attention.“Hungry?” I asked her and this time there was an almost imperceptible nod. “Good, I’m going to untie you and take you downstairs to the kitchen, but you will do exactly as I tell you. Understand?”Again, she nodded, this time with more eagerness. I stood up and made a tour of the bed, unclipping her cuffs one by one. She was wobbly when she tried to sit up, but I simply pointed to the floor by the bed.“On all fours, there,” I commanded.Shakily she did as she was told. I let her wait there as I walked behind her. I was anxious to inspect her bottom to see if the after-effects sarıyer escort of her earlier beating still remained. It had faded to a nice pink and some of the welts still showed clearly. I reached down to stroke it and she flinched under my touch. I was pleased with the progress of her healing. After all, she still had further punishment to come. I walked over and opened the door.“Follow me,” I said over my shoulder and walked out.I could hear her scurrying behind me trying to keep up. Somehow, she managed to negotiate the stairs without injuring herself as I headed for the kitchen. Silently, I pointed to a place on the floor next to the table and she went there immediately, waiting for my next move. I ignored her and went to the larder. I picked out a tin of baked beans, came back and opened it and poured the contents into a bowl. I placed the bowl, along with another glass of water, in front of her.“Eat,” was my simple instruction and, after a slight hesitation, she did so. I pulled out a chair and sat down to watch her efforts. I was pleased with the way the stroppy 18-year-old from a few days ago had transformed into this obedient slut at my feet. She was obviously hungry and its no easy task to eat baked beans with no cutlery. She tried using her hands but ended up simply picking up the bowl and tipping its contents into her mouth. When she finally put it back down both she and the floor were splattered. I leaned forward and picked up the bowl and placed it in the sink. Something to keep Marta occupied in the morning.“Clean the floor, you dirty girl,” I told her and she instantly obeyed.She carefully licked the floor trying to pick up every trace of tomato sauce before kneeling up, looking at me, hopeful that she had pleased me. Around her mouth she was still covered in the red tomato sauce. Some had even spilled onto her tits. I picked up the glass of water that was still where I had put it and threw the contents at her face. She almost seemed to be expecting it as she made no move to avoid it. I went to the sink, returning to stand behind her with a refilled glass of water and a coarse kitchen cloth.“Head back,” I barked at her and she complied quickly. I tipped some of the water onto her faced and scrubbed her vigorously. I then tipped the rest of it down her front and scrubbed at her tits. She made no move to struggle or escape which pleased me immensely. I pushed her forward, back onto all fours and put the glass and cloth onto the table. I turned and headed for the door.“Come!”I headed for the living room as she tried to crawl as fast as she could after me. I sat in my favourite armchair and pointed to a spot on the carpet in front of me. There was no need to say anything as she quickly came over and knelt up at my feet. I examined her closely. She was cleaner now although I could still see traces of red sauce in her hair. I sat silently for a moment, steepling my hands, fingertip to fingertip.“I was forced to punish you this morning,” I told her, “do you know why?”She swallowed hard. “Because I was esenyurt escort disobedient, Sir.”“In what way were you disobedient?” I asked her, my voice soft and non-threatening.She blushed as she struggled to put her thoughts into words. “I … errr … played with myself?”This last was said as a question, hoping it was the right answer. Her relief when I said “Exactly!” was palpable.“Your mother also punished you. What was that for?”“For the same thing, Sir?”“Knowing it was against her will,” I said, sternly.“Yes, Sir.”She looked to be on the verge of tears, but I chose to ignore that.“We still one other matter to deal with.”She looked puzzled so I quickly went on, “you lied to me.”Her head dropped even more, and a tear splashed onto her right thigh.“This is not something that I want, but something you need. Do you understand?”There was an almost imperceptible nod of the head.“Then come up and lay over my knee.”As I said this I reached over and picked up the leather paddle from the table next to my chair. She saw this as she slowly and reluctantly stood and moved to stand on one side of me. I simply pointed at my knees and she bent herself over them obediently. I moved her forward slightly so that her hands touched the carpet, keeping her balance, but her toes were clear of the floor. I reached between my spread knees and explored between her thighs. I allowed myself a quiet smile when I found that her cunt was already wet. I let the paddle dangle from its wrist loop and stroked her already marked cheeks. “You have done well so far, little slut. Are you ready for another six?” I asked rhetorically.I swung my hand and caught the handle of the paddle like a juggler pulling off a difficult trick and brought it down across her arse immediately. At the same time, I pushed a finger into her wet cunt. Its all about associations. The pain and the pleasure, the paddle and the finger. The next blow came with a second finger, the third with a thumb on her clit. So far, she hadn’t made a sound, the confused messages keeping her silent. On the fourth I pushed into her as deep as I could go, and I was finally rewarded with a loud moan. The fifth strike and I felt her pushing back, willing me to go deeper. On the sixth she had an orgasm. It took all my strength to hold her in place and stop her falling onto the floor. I could feel my hand drenched with her juices.I managed to extricate my hand from the wrist-loop of the paddle and set it to one side. My now free hand caressed her battered cheeks. I kept my fingers in her cunt, not fucking her but simply moving slowly inside her, reminding her of my presence. Her whole body seemed to be wracked with tremors that became more and more soft. She had been waiting for this moment and her disobedience of the other night had failed to satisfy her.Without a word I pushed her off my knees and she collapsed in a heap on the floor. My rock-hard dick strained against the thin fabric of my shorts. “Kneel up, bitch,” I told her, “you still have work to do.”Slowly the crumpled heap at my feet sorted itself out and she knelt before me. avrupa yakası escort I adjusted myself, trying to ease the pressure inside my shorts, then I laid my hands aside.“Take off my shorts, bitch.”She quickly moved to grab the waist band and I helped by lifting up to allow her to pull them down. When they fell around my ankles, I kicked them off. She knew what was expected of her. Instinctively she leaned forward and started to take me into her mouth. I couldn’t have been more pleased. She had so quickly found her place in the world. A hand on the back of her head pushed her down and she somehow managed to take all of me at the first attempt. There was no sound of complaint, no struggle against me, just a trust that she was doing the right thing. I kept her impaled on me until I felt the involuntary twitch of resistance. I let her up for a quick gasp of oxygen before pushing her back down again.This time I made her stay down for longer. She seemed resigned to her fate but despite her determination to take everything I offered there came a point when her body gave out. I let her come up for a breath and then pushed her back down. When I let her up next time, ribbons of spit joined us, and dribbles ran down her chin and onto her small breasts.“Sit on me,” I commanded.I could sense the eagerness in her as she stood up, turned around and manoeuvred herself over my upright and waiting dick. As she lowered herself her aim was good. and I slipped inside her dripping cunt. With her hands on the arm of the chair she lifted herself up and down, fucking me greedily. I reached round to find her nipples and squeezed as hard as I could. This only served to make her fuck me even harder. I was quietly please with myself that I had withstood the onslaught of her mouth and her cunt, but I am, after all, only mortal. I think she came for a second time at that moment, but I was too distracted to notice or to care. My own orgasm, too long delayed, was now imminent. I pushed her off me and she instantly realised what was about to happen. She quickly assumed her proper position, on her knees, mouth open wide, knowing what was to come. I was careful to aim for her mouth and that was where most of my cum landed. She was good to keep it there until I nodded, and she made a great show of swallowing it. I slumped back into my chair. For the moment I was completely spent.When I returned to reality she was still in the same position, patiently waiting, a slight trace of my jizz on one cheek. By now it was late evening and I was starving. I stood up and pushed past her.“Stay,” I told her as I headed for the kitchen.I quickly found something that would go in the microwave. I had no memory what I had picked out. As I sat at the kitchen table, hungrily putting food inside me, I still kept thinking about her. I wanted her again. I quickly finished the food and tossed aside the remnants. I dashed up to my bedroom and then back down to the living room. She was as I had left her, kneeling obediently, her face still a mess of spit and cum. I went over and fastened a collar around her neck and then attached a leash. I tugged at it as I headed for the door. There were no words spoken not any need for them. I fucked her twice more that night before I allowed her some respite. I made her sleep on the floor at the foot of the bed and, in the morning, I made her watch when I fucked Marta. It is important to maintain positions in the pecking order.

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