
BillyDay OneBilly, his mother Sara and sister Krissy, moved to the country, theirnew home was quite large but isolated. This didn’t bother billy toomuch, living in the country with a forest beside the property soundedlike a lot of fun. He was a bit of a computer geek, where as hismother, who managed to use the internet, really knew nothing abouteither. Nor did his older sister Krissy, so Billy was in charge ofkeeping the families computers working, he was quite good at it too.Billy was barely a year younger than his sister and for the most part,they got along fairly well. Some of the time, well once and a while okso hardly ever. He did annoy her a lot, he would spend most of histime finding ways to torment her. Sara was hoping the move to thecountry would remedy this. Billy was quite a handful to manage attimes and managed to get himself into a great deal of trouble.Being slight, he felt he could pass, possibly as a girl. No one hadever seen him dressed up though, he did start to take more chances butwas never caught. He fought his mother often, to be able to keep hishair long. She finally gave up years ago and it was very long now.Quite a bit longer than Krissy’s hair was even. His mother gave up andactually forbid him to cut it, to teach him a lessonBilly liked to borrow his sister’s clothes when no one was at home, hewas very careful and knew neither his sister nor mother knew of hishobby. Billy fantasized of dressing as a pretty girl in front of them,not hidden away. More to the point he dreamed of one day being forcedto dress in cute clothes and even to do the family chores, kept aspretty girl.He often thought long and hard about that and came up with a plan.During dinner he was clearing the table and dropped the plates on thefloor collapsing. His mother and sister jumped in alarm. When hismother asked what had happened, Billy responded that his hip had givenout. She was quite alarmed and asked if he was ok now. He tried tostand but found he couldn’t put any weight on his leg. She had noticedhis hip was bothering him on and off this past few months.”We will have to go to the hospital,” his mother announced, money wasvery tight and this was going to cause problems for them.Billy told her that he just needed to sit for a bit and it should popback in, that it went out a few times recently and seemed to pop backin after a while. His sister Krissy helped him to a chair with aworried look. Her long brunette hair not covering her cute but worriedface. Billy grimaced but managed to sit in the chair and told his momnot to worry again.Of course over the next few days, Billy fell to the ground a few timesand his mother became quite worried again suggesting that maybe theybest go see a doctor. Billy knew money was tight so suggested that helook on the internet to see if he could discover something.A few hours later he called his mother to the computer and pointed toan article, his hip was popping out of its joint. This condition wascalled snapping hip syndrome, something that was common for martialartists and those that studied ballet. There was no real correctivesurgery for this, though there were treatments that could help. Itseemed, according to the article, that there were a few things thatcould cause the hip to pop out, each time it popped out, it would doso easier and easier until it may not go back in.His mother was concerned when she read this so she continued on toread what could cause it to pop out.Poor posture when seated was listed, Billy did slouch a lot.Poor posture when walking, the body should be kept in line, shoulderssquare with feet.Cold temperatures would cause muscles to contract, if the legs andhips were kept warmer at all times it would help.Compression was very beneficial for the leg muscles. This involvedcompression stockings or pantyhose.When walking, taking too large a step could contribute to the hippopping out. Billy took very large steps, he was a fast walker.It also seemed, walking with heels raised helped the stretched musclesthat were pulling on the hip to relax, the higher the heels wereraised the more benefit.Bending by the waist was bad, this pulled on the same muscles. Bendingshould be eliminated.Sitting too much, the muscles needed to be exercised.Arms should not be raised too high or moved too far to the right orleft, if possible keeping them aligned in front of the waist or behindwould keep the body from twisting and tugging at the hip.As she read she wondered how they would be able to do these things.She realized the old farmhouse was cooler than their previous home.That the new cooler house may be causing some of the problems. Shethought perhaps if Billy wore long underwear this could help withkeeping his legs and hips warm, but he didn’t have any and it was backto the money being tight again. Also the long underwear would do morethan keep his legs warm, they would become uncomfortably hot. Thearticle mentioned stockings or pantyhose.Krissy was standing behind her reading over her shoulder and noticedthe same thing, she said she found her legs ached a bit since movingbut she found if she wore her pantyhose or tights it solved theproblem.Both of them looked at each other at that moment, a light bulb wentoff. “Billy would never wear pantyhose,” she said to her daughter.”Well maybe if he discovered that they helped he would not fight it somuch,” Krissy said.”I still think he will fight it, I am going to have to put my footdown.”Suddenly Krissy pointed to the screen and said, “Oh look there ismore, it says to click here for page two.”Sara moved the mouse and clicked, sure enough page two appeared on thescreen.The article continued: Snapping hip syndrome is common among balletdancers and martial artists as they extend their legs during trainingcausing hips to become weakened to allow for more stretch.Billy took ballet for a few years, he was quite adapt at it, thishelped his body become quite supple.The website indicated:Treatment for this condition is quite frankly easier for girls thanboys with the following method.Method: This program is designed for a year of trial, in most casesthis year strengthens the hip.Detailed studies have been completed to help with the previous issuescausing the hip to dislodge from its socket. The methodology isunorthodox but the results speak for themselves. First off, it isimperative that the legs and hip be kept warm, but not hot. Womanfound wearing pantyhose or tights would solve this issue, men foundlong underwear to be too hot and uncomfortable, it is not rocketscience, the pantyhose and tights worked. Pantyhose with compressionare even more suited as the compression helps the muscles to relax andkeeps them from tugging at the hip. They are also cooler than tightsor long underwear. It is critical that pantyhose or tights be worn atall times, day and night.Krissy giggled a bit, Sara shot her a look. “Krissy this is important,it says each time the hip pops out it is weakened, we need to stop itfrom happening or your brother may not be able to walk in the future.I am going to need your help with this to make it go easier forBilly.”Raising the heels off the floor, or walking on toes will almostimmediately relieve the pain and reseat the hip. Walking in thisfashion for very long becomes difficult though. Wearing high heels isthe simple solution, the higher the better, the ideal position isalmost completely on toes which involves extremely high heel shoes.This site is under construction and will be updated daily with moreinformation and help. Please check back daily.Sara moaned, “High heels too, he will never go for it”Krissy looked at mom and said, “But didn’t he show you this site?Hasn’t he read all of this?””I don’t think he realized there was a second page, he just told methis is why his hip was popping out.”They exchanged glances, getting him to wear pantyhose was going to bea challenge, adding high heels a virtual impossibility.”I am going to need your help with this,” Sara told her daughter. “Wecan’t make a big deal of it.”Billy was in his room on the second floor wondering how his websitewas going over. The thought of being told to wear pantyhose at alltimes was quite exciting to him, little did he know that this wasprecisely what his mother had in mind as she climbed the stairs.Billy jumped when his mom knocked on the door, he was so deep in hisfantasy, the one that was about to become reality. “Come in,” hecalled out, closing the book he was reading, well sort of.”Billy I read that article you showed me, did you know that there wasa second page?” his mom asked as she sat on the edge of his bed.”Uhm, no, there was only one page wasn’t there? Explaining why my hipwas popping out, from ballet.”Sara smiled. “No there was a page two that had some helpful tips onhow to keep your hip from popping out” She passed the notebookcomputer over to him and watched as he opened the top and started toread.Billy pretended to scan through and then sputtered, “Pantyhose? Mom Ican’t wear pantyhose.””Yes you can honey, the heels too, it is important that we stop yourhip from causing you so much pain, the article said this works, solet’s give it a try, there is only the three of us here, no one isscheduled to visit, it is a good time, besides your legs will bewarmer and stop aching with the pantyhose on.”Before Billy could reply Krissy walked in with her hands behind herback. “How did he take it?” she asked her mother, watching Billy.Her arms came forward one dangling from one hand was a pair of heels,the other clutched a pair of beige pantyhose and there was a flash ofsomething shiny and pink in the middle of the hose.Billy saw the flash and looked at his sister grinning and over to hismother. “Mom don’t make me wear pantyhose please, there must besomething else that will work?”Sara just shook her head quietly back and forth a stern look appearingon her face. “Billy you are to put on the stockings and heels and comedownstairs, I want you to give this a try, if it doesn’t work, then wewill look for something else, but I am serious about this, there is nodiscussion or argument. Now change please.”Krissy stepped forward, her grin quite wide now, holding up herpantyhose and heels for her brother to put on. This was going to begood to see the little twerp prancing around in heels.Billy looked at the pantyhose that were just inches from his face nowand saw the pink again, he turned to his mom… “Panties too? I haveto wear panties?” His face showed a look of shock.Sara held up a pair of his boxers that were lying on the floor “Comeone Billy, do you think it would be comfortable to wear these under apair of snug fitting pantyhose? Thank your sister for your newunderwear Billy and stop this nonsense, they are just clothes, we wearthem all the time.””Girl’s clothes,” Billy complained again, taking the shoes and nylonsfrom his sister. She ruffled his hair. “Come on bro, I won’t tellanyone and look” pointing to her feet below her jeans, “I am wearingthem too, they help to keep my legs from aching too.””Yes, but you are a girl!” Billy pointed out, very clearly.”Billy! I have had enough. You know what to do,” Sara told him, with avery stern look.Sara and Krissy left the room, closing the door behind them, loudly.Billy’s heart was pounding, he had been actually told to put onpanties, pantyhose and heels, furthermore that he had to wear themuntil further notice. He was very excited as he stripped off hisboxers and jeans. Taking the pink satin panties, noticing his sisterselected a high rise bikini, he pulled them on, feeling their snug fitas they slid over his bum. There was a seam in the center at the backthat slipped into his crack, accenting it. There was going to be avivid panty line across the center of his cheeks, he peeked in themirror twisting back and forth. The pantyhose he was careful with,tugging them up so as not to put a run in them, they fit snugly overhis hairless legs. His sister was always envious that he had no hairon his legs whereas she had to wax.Tugging his jeans back on, he noticed how easily they pulled up, andas he moved he felt them slide across the nylon sending shivers up hisback. With each move he was reminded that he was wearing pantyhose, itwas a feeling that was going to send shivers up his back, all daylong. He looked at the shoes, they were a brown sandal with a fourinch heel. His feet were small so the heel seemed very tall to him ashe slipped his foot in each shoe fastening the ankle strap. Standinghe wobbled a bit, looking in the mirror at the tall heels. He wasclose to standing on his toes, the arch was so high.Carefully he made his way downstairs to the kitchen, where his motherand sister were making lunch. His heels clicking loudly on thehardwood floors he entered, watching them look first at him and thendown at his stocking clad feet which were peeking out below his jeans.Sara smiled and asked if he felt a difference. Billy acted surprisedand said “my hip is not hurting and it seems to be fine right now, butseriously could you find a pair of shoes with a higher heel?”Krissy reminded him the article said the highest possible heel shouldbe worn and that she had some shoes with much higher heels that theywould give him when he became accustomed to walking in heels.”Much higher heels, you expect me to wear heels that are even higher?”Billy exclaimed.”Oh yes, I have a pair that I wore to that kinky Halloween party lastyear,” she said, “you should love them as they are ballet heels.”Billy rolled his eyes “Ballet slippers have no heels” Billy mumbled,walking to the table so he could sit down.”Ballet shoes silly,” Krissy corrected. “They have heels and I can’twait to see you mincing around in them.” She added, “They lock on too,so once you are wearing them, you will be stuck in them.””Krissy…” Sara warned with a stern glance. Watching Billy sit down,his jeans riding up and his cute feet fully exposed with the sandalsnow. “Oh no you don’t missy, you have to stand and walk as much aspossible to get used to the heels and to help reseat your hip.” shetold him. “You can make us lunch.Missy, did she say missy? Billy moaned but his heart did anotherpitter-patter as he was ordered to do chores. His heels clicked as hewalked around the kitchen gathering bread and cold cuts from therefrigerator to make sandwiches. He loved the feeling as the nylonsrubbed against his jeans and the confining feel of the shoes squeezinghis feet forcing him to walk almost on his toes. He planned his nextedit to the web site as he opened a tin of soup to heat. When lunchwas prepared he set the table, his mother and sister talking andwatching occasionally. When lunch was finished he was delegated to thecleanup as they left to sit outside. Later Billy joined them on theporch.Sitting down he reached down and slipped a shoe off. His mothercalled out “Hey what are you doing?”Billy complained his feet were sore. She just said “They will be untilyour feet become used to the heels, but that won’t happen if you takethem off. Don’t let me catch you taking off your shoes again withoutpermission. The article also said you must keep your heels raised tohelp your hip so no way are you taking them off.”Billy’s plan was clicking in place, now he was not allowed to removehis shoes. Then he was surprised when his mom asked, “Isn’t today alawn cutting day, the grass is very tall.”Billy looked out at the lawn, sure enough the grass desperately neededto be cut. His mom said, “No time like the present.” looking at himwith that.. Well get up and do it look.Billy asked if he could go put on his runners so he could push themower about. “No, I just told you that you were to wear those heelsall day, the walking will do you a lot of good.””But mom my heels will sink in the grass, it will be hard to walk.””That will do the lawn some good too, you will aerate the lawn, thatis supposed to be good for the grass,” she smirked. “Put the weight onyour toes and you won’t sink in too much. Now off you go.”The sun had come out and it was hot on the porch, the lawn was goingto be much warmer, even though the house remained cool most of the daywith all the shade from the trees, the lawn was going to be too hotfor jeans and pantyhose. Billy tried the next part of his plan….”Mom it is too hot to cut the lawn now, with the pantyhose on I amalready starting to melt.””Billy, put on shorts. I don’t expect you to cut the lawn in yourjeans.””Can I take off the pantyhose then?” he asked, knowing the answer.”NO Billy, I am getting tired of this, you are wearing pantyhose andhigh heels for the rest of the month, stop asking. We will then judgeif it is working, if so you will continue, is this clear?”Billy fought to keep a smile from forming. “Yes Mom,” he quietly said,leaving to change into a pair of shorts.”Billy, borrow a pair of Krissy’s shorts, yours are long and will notallow you to cool off much,” she called out to him as he was walkingaway.”Aww Mom really?””Yes Billy.”Krissy had heard and quickly provided Billy with a cute, very shortand snug pair of shorts, they were white so he couldn’t whine aboutgirly colors, well mostly white, there was a cute flower patternaround the waist.Later as he walked back and forth, his heels making pushing the mowerso much harder. The only way he could walk was prancing carefully onhis toes. The sun gleaming off his nylon encased legs he was feelingmore like the family servant. Forced to do chores wearing heels andpantyhose. When he finished his mother came over and instructed him tosweep all the walk ways and driveway. He felt so exposed, but almostno one came down the long road, but still…The day continued, both his sister and mother tried to keep him filledwith chores and tasks to keep him on his feet. He would sit down whengiven a chance and remove his heels, hoping to be caught. He was eachtime and his mother was becoming annoyed. “Billy please go and checkthe mailbox, and if I catch you taking your shoes off again I will bevery annoyed”Billy gulped, the mailbox was at the end of their lane, which was morelike a road it was so long, then the mailbox was on the street. Carsdid drive by out there, only the first half of the drive was treed,then he would be exposed with nowhere to hide. “Ok Mom I will just putmy jeans back on””Don’t be silly, it is still quite warm out, off you go,” she smiled.She watched as he left, Krissy’s shorts were much cuter on him than heprobably knew.Billy began the walk down the drive, his heels clicking loudly on theasphalt. The breeze tickled his legs and the sun beat down at them,the feeling was intense. He felt the nylon rubbing as his legs brushedeach other while concentrating on keeping his balance, still gettingaccustomed to walking in the high heels. He watched a car drive by onthe road as he started to clear the trees, he knew the pantyhose hissister gave him, had a shine to them, they would be noticed if anyonedrove by. He hadn’t expected to be told to wear her shorts. She didpick a very girly pair, he knew she had much plainer shorts, but hewanted to wear these, so he didn’t put up much of a fuss. They werequite snug and were showing a lot more of his pantyhose than anyshorts he owned.He debated going back and saying there was no mail, but there wasalways something, junk mail and a paper. It was another quarter mileof lane to walk before he reached the road, he now felt his mother waspunishing him for taking his shoes off with the long walk and possiblysome embarrassment. He dwelled on what he had gotten himself into ashe continued, he set up the parameters but his sister and mother werethe unknowns in his little experiment. What they could make him do wasthe exciting part.Before he knew it he had reached the end of the drive and looked upand down the road, he couldn’t see around the corner, so there wasreally no way to know… He opened the mailbox his back to the roadwhen he heard a car go by slowly, pins and needles tickled his back ashe broke out in a cold sweat. With his long hair, he hoped the driveror passengers, he wasn’t going to look, would think it was just a girlchecking the mail. The horn tooted and he still didn’t look. He heardthe car continue on and gathered up the mail and paper quickly thenbegan his long walk back to the house.He walked wiggling his behind like his sister did, enjoying thefeeling of the nylon rubbing over his tush, the sun on his back andthe excitement at being seen. He began to think of his next edit,wondering how it would morph with his sister and mother interjectingtheir own ideas. He thought it would be humiliating if he had to walkwith this wiggle all the time…Reaching the house with no more cars sneaking up on him, his feet nowhurting quite a bit from the long walk he again wondered at the eventshe started, knowing now, he was stuck in the high heels and pantyhosefor at least a month with no way out.After being told to make and serve dinner, following up with washingand drying the dishes. Billy felt more like the house slave. They hada perfectly good dishwasher but Billy’s mom decided if he did them byhand he would be forced to stand longer. There was no arguing withher. His feet were really sore now.When his kitchen chores were completed Billy made his way into theliving room, his heels clicking loudly on the floors. It was stillquite warm and the heat finally managed to find its way into thehouse, so Billy was still wearing his shorts, he kept sliding hispalms over his thighs feeling his silky legs. He stood at the edge ofthe living room and asked if he could now sit down.”Yes honey, but leave your shoes on please, you have taken them offquite enough today,” his mother answered. He slipped onto the couchacross from his sister to watch T.V.His sister stretched out, her feet brushing against his thighs. Shegiggled sliding her foot up and down his thigh and said “oh that feelsnice, you do have pretty legs Billy.” watching him blush. She hadcaused him to blush a few times today with remarks she had made.Telling him that she loved having a new servant to wait on her. It waswhat he wanted so this caused a blush rather than an argument as hehastened to do whatever she had asked. She enjoyed ordering him about,knowing he had to obey.”Mom don’t you find Billy to be very eager to please today?” she askedher mother, pressing her feet against his thighs. “I bet he would evengive me a foot massage if I asked,” she giggled.”I bet he would love one after wearing those heels all day,” Sarasaid, “too bad he can’t take his shoes off.””How about it Billy, can I have a foot massage?” Krissy askedslipping one of her feet onto his lap.”That’s just mean Krissy.” Sara giggled.”But mom you told Billy he had to do whatever I told him to do today.”Krissy pointed out. “Besides I spent most of my day helping to makesure he stayed on his feet moving around. I think I deserve a rewardfor all my trouble.””Oh all right.” Sara said “Billy rub your sisters feet, she is rightshe did spend her day helping you.”As Billy took her nylon covered foot and started rubbing it hethought, yeah, helping me… more like tormenting and teasing me asshe made me her slave. The aroma of his sisters foot mixing with thenylon teasing his nose. Her feet were damp and he knew his hands wouldbe taking on that same smell. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was thesmell of feet. His mind twitched on being the house slave again.Krissy smiled and rubbed her other foot in his lap, stroking theinside of his thighs as she wiggled it about. “Mmm that feels good, Ithink you should do that every night from now on.””Mommm,” Billy said looking over at Sara.”Oh shush, she has rubbed your feet enough, honestly you two. If yoursister asks you to rub her feet, can’t you just do it without making abig deal?”Krissy smiled. “Oh goody, a nightly activity then, this will be sonice to look forward to, my personal foot massager.” Smiling as shestretched her toes out, lifting one foot teasingly toward his face. Heglared at his sister as the aroma intensified while continuing to rubher other foot. She was such a tease. But she made him rub her feetthe entire time they sat there. The nylon of her stockings rubbingover his nylon covered thighs, she seemed to like the feeling as shekept sliding her feet back and forth while watching T.V. He wonderedif she knew what that feeling was doing to him as her delicate feetslid up and down his legs.It wasn’t too long before Sara sent them off to bed, reminding billyto keep the pantyhose on all night and asked Krissy to get a freshpair of panties for him in the morning. She offered Billy a nightshift to sleep in and Sara told Billy he may want to consider that,wearing pantyhose under his flannel PJ’s would be too warm. Billyrelented, excited at the thought of being forced to wear girls clothesto bed too.Before going to sleep he edited the web page, with new tips, fortomorrow, wondering what the changes would bring as they snowballedout of his control today. Snuggling under his covers, the “nightshift” his sister provided was of course very girly, she didn’t missan chance to humiliate him…………….Day twoThe sun was streaming in the window and Billy woke up and stretched,feeling his pantyhose slide across the sheets. Getting out of bed heglanced in the mirror. The cute nightgown his sister gave him barelycovered him, he then realized she had given him a new pair of pantiesfor today, they were on his dresser, as he put them on he noticed thatthey were pinker and covering even less of his behind, he pulled thepantyhose back on and stepped into the heels that were also left onhis dresser, they had a slightly higher heel. Great.Getting dressed first thing in the morning was something none of themdid, they usually lounged around in their nightwear until afterbreakfast. He didn’t have a bathrobe, he wondered what to do when heheard his Mother calling him. “Billy are you awake yet?”He called out, “Yes Mom.””Then come down now please, the website has been updated and we needto talk.””I only have on Krissy’s nightgown Mom,” he yelled back, hoping hewould be told to come down wearing that.”That’s fine honey, it is all Krissy has on, come on down please, anddon’t forget your heels,” she added.Billy sipped the sandals on his feet, fastening the ankle strap andlooked in the mirror, his legs shining with the tan hose right up tohis butt, he would have to be careful bending over or those pinkpanties were going to make an appearance. He was sure he would beteased at that. He noticed that the extra inch of heel really forcedhim to stand on his toes.Moments later he clicked his way into the kitchen where his mother andsister were peering into the computer whispering. His mother lookedup. “Good morning sleepy head. First off how is your hip?”He told her it hadn’t bothered him for a while now. “Since yesterdaywhen you started with the pantyhose and heels?” she asked.”I guess so.” He nodded pulling out a chair to sit down.”There is more on the site today as this morning Billy,” his mothersaid watching billy stand there in the short nightgown. “The researchindicates, as was mentioned yesterday, that bending from the waistcaused the hip to grind and weaken the joint.” Billy nodded. “So weneed to be sure that you do not bend at all, rather bend your kneesand squat, if you need to pick something up.””ok, so I won’t bend,” Billy offered.”Well it is not that easy, you bend and will bend without knowing it,even tiny bends. There is a technique to make you more aware of thisthough, to help curb you or train you to not bend at the waist. It issomething girls learn at an early age.”Billy offered a confused look. His mother pointed to the large mirroron the wall across the room. He looked. “Bend over just a bit,” shesaid.Billy did so and blushed right away, the hem of the short nightgownslid up exposing his pink panties. “Very cute bro,” his sister saidwalking into the room. Billy blushed more.”Bingo,” said his mother. “This is how girls learn not to bend, orthey expose themselves, just as you did, so the world will see theircute little panties too.”Billy stood up and tugged at the hem of the nightgown, but it wasshort and would not come down any more. He glanced in the mirror againand saw he was covered, barely.Krissy giggled.Sara continued, “They recommend that if you wear a short skirt ordress for a while, you will quickly learn not to bend. Just as a younggirl does, just as Krissy did.””Oh I remember that, you would smack my bum whenever you saw mypanties, quite hard too,” Krissy said.”It worked though didn’t it?” Sara asked her daughter.”Yes, you still do it too,” Krissy said. “You mean you will smackBilly’s bum if you see his panties?””Well, we both will,” Sara told her daughter, glancing at Billy. “Justas I do with you. If I see you expose your panties, I smack thatcheek, if you bend enough that I see panties on both cheeks, youreceive two smacks.””If I remember right, you would increase the smacks if you caught meagain that day,” Krissy said.Billy looked at the two of them. “You expect me to wear skirts anddresses now so you can spank me? That is nuts, no way I am going towear a dress.”Krissy started to laugh and pointed at him. “You are wearing a dressnow Billy, and it is very short.”Billy blushed and his mom continued, “They also said, that tostrengthen your hip you should wiggle your hips back and forth, like amodel does on a catwalk.””Wiggle my hips?” Billy pretended to look confused. His sister got upand walked across the room. “like this silly,” she said as her bumwiggled back and forth in her jeans.Sara watched. “Yes like that but they said more exaggerated, to reallyswing your hips.”Krissy again walked across the room, her bum moving considerably nowin her snug jeans. “You want me to walk like that?” Billy exclaimed.”Yes,” his mother said, “and if I catch you walking without swingingyour bum, I will smack your bum and make you walk back and forth untilyou get it right.”That wasn’t on the website, another way his suggestion morphed beyondhis control.Krissy grinned at him, “Oh do I get to give him smacks too if hedoesn’t wiggle while he walks?” she asked playfully.”Of course, we need to enforce this treatment for Billy, so yes, youwill also smack his bum if you see his panties, or he fails to wigglehis bum when walking, and smack it hard, this is not a game,” Sarasaid, looking into Billy’s eyes.Billy glanced at the website again, he hadn’t put on that the smacksshould be hard, as he was reading he felt something at his ankle, hismother was bending down working on the ankle straps of his shoes. Heheard a click. Then another one. Krissy giggled. As his mother stoodup, he looked at the two tiny padlocks she had fastened on his shoes.”There, you won’t be taking them off without permission today.”Putting the keys in her pocket. This also wasn’t on the website, hewiggled his foot, felt the lock bouncing on his ankle, the weightfeeling like a brick even though it was a tiny brass lock. A slave,the feeling washed over him again. His suggestions on the website werequickly becoming beyond his control.”Breakfast please,” his mother said smiling, watching her son pranceacross the kitchen in the nightgown, his stocking legs and the highheels clicking on the tile floor. She was enjoying having a servant.He also seemed to be much easier to control, the wild behavior wasgone, he was obedient. This was going to be an interesting month, ifthis continued, she may make it the entire summer… or longer.Billy was quiet as he made his mother coffee, toasted bread, scrambledeggs, already composing his next edit to the page, the slave feelingand the padlocks on his ankles had given him an idea. But once set inmotion, he would be stuck that way for a while, truly a house slave.He twitched thinking about that. Lost in his thoughts he didn’t hearhis mother approach. The loud smack and sudden stinging feeling on hisbum was a shock, before he could react she smacked his other cheek.”Bending Billy, you have to concentrate, no bending. I saw your pinkpanties, they are quite cute by the way,” his mother said pulling hisnightgown down. “Next time you get two on each cheek. Too bad theydon’t cover more of your bum.”Having her lift the hem of his nightgown, so she could smack him onhis panties, was so embarrassing, but the tingles that this sentthrough him, left him speechless. He still felt the smacks, glanced athis sister to see her smirking. He wondered how long before she wouldbe spanking him as well. He knew she would be watching closely andquite likely setting up chores for him where he would need to bend.He quietly continued making breakfast, feeling the hem of thenightgown brushing his thighs, tickling his legs. The heels weredefinitely harder to walk in, his steps were more careful. He began toset the table, feeling strange as he walked up to his sister,virtually wearing her clothes, the shoes locked on his feet made himvery aware that he was stuck this way. he placed a plate in front ofher and seconds later felt another smack on his behind. He gasped asthe second smack arrived, his face inches from his sisters, shepeeking into his eyes watching as the second two made him blink.”No bending, Billy,” his mother said, with each smack. Krissy watchedhim blink with each smack, noticing how his face scrunched up and hetwitched, mom was hitting hard, she was looking forward to doing thesame. Keeping her brother all femme was making her feel funny inside,to have him do whatever she asked… it was like having a slave.When the spanking was finished Billy rubbed his behind, feeling thepantyhose covering his panties, he blushed when his sister watched.”Mom I can’t help it, to do some chores I have to bend a bit, how elsedo you put plates on the table?” he asked.”Bend your knees or kneel,” his mother told him. “Next time you willhave eight smacks on each cheek. Each time they double in number, youwill soon remember or your behind is going to be very red.”Kneel he thought, like a slave, kneeling before his mother and sister,serving them. He twitched again. He wanted to try this, to submit. Hewent back to the counter to get another plate and the cutlery. When hegot back to the table he dropped to his knees and placed them on thetable. His sister watched carefully as he knelt by her feet, she slidher foot along his leg, to the hem of his nightgown, teasing again. Hewaited until she finished before standing up, he was becomingsubmissive she thought. Maybe he should have a collar too she thought.Billy brought the coffee over for his mother who was now sitting,waiting. He knew if he put the cup on the table he would bend, so hedropped to his knees again and raised the cup as in an offering. Hismother took it from him and asked when breakfast would be ready, yesthis servant routine was becoming very pleasurable. Billy told her afew minutes yet and went to get some OJ for his sister. Again, hedropped to his knees before her raising the glass up to her. She tookit smiling. “Mom I could get used to this I think,” she said.Sara looked over smiling too. “Yes I am liking the new Billy too,” shesaid watching him blush yet again. “After breakfast could you pick outa skirt or dress for him to wear today?” she asked Krissy, keeping aneye on billy. “Something very short?”Billy turned to look at his mom, still kneeling before his sister whohadn’t taken the juice yet. “How short Mom? Do I really have to wear askirt or dress today?””Not just today, but for the rest of the month you will be in a dressor skirt and heels Billy, longer if this works.” Thinking that keepingher son in dresses for the summer would solve a big problem, no morefighting, arguing from him, just obedience.. and all the chores wouldbe completed. This was too good to be true.”Now, is breakfast ready? Haven’t you rested enough?” she asked herkneeling son. Krissy giggled and took the juice from him.After breakfast, and the clean up, where Billy avoided any more spanksas his mother and sister left him alone in the kitchen, he went intothe living room where his mother told him Krissy was waiting in herroom with his clothes for the day.He went carefully up the stairs, the shoes were so much more difficultto walk in, he wondered about a month of this. Knocking on Krissy’sdoor he wondered what outfit she would choose for him.The door swung open and she pulled him in the room. On the bed was ablack mini dress. He remembered she wore it years ago, it was short,very short. With long puffy sleeves with heart shaped openings at thetop of each sleeve.She told him to take off the nightgown and she would help him with thedress. Before he could offer an objection, she said he was covered andshe had seen his panties a few times this morning, so to just get toit.Billy tugged the nightgown off, folding it neatly and holding it. Shetook it from him and came back with the dress, she held it over hishead and tugged it down. It barely covered his tush, she zipped it upin the back. “You will need help unzipping this,” she said. “I couldnever reach the zipper when I wore it, so I am afraid you will bestuck in it unless we help you take it off.”As Billy tugged at the hem she came back with a black choker andquickly fastened it around his neck, it had a tiny padlock that healways thought was decorative when Krissy wore it, but he heard itclick. “Why do I need a choker?” he asked grasping the tiny lock andtugging, only to find it was not coming off.”It goes with the dress silly,” she told him. “But I can clip a leashto it if you want?” she added teasing… sort of.”Krissy, come on, this is hard enough. I don’t want to wear a dress, Imean, I am a guy. Now I have to wear dresses, panties, pantyhose andheels that mom locks to my feet and now you put a dress on me that Ican’t take off. Then I have to do all the chores. I feel like thehouse slave.” Billy sighed as he let it all flow out.Krissy smiled and tugged on his collar. “I like that… house slave,”she said. “Mom said to gather up all the laundry and take itdownstairs, she said to do it one article at a time so you get morewalking in, don’t forget to swish either, unless you want to bespanked….. slave.””One article at a time? I will be doing that all day, up and down twoflights of stairs. I am not going to do it,” Billy stammered butthinking, this is what he wanted, to be forced to do chores and thedress was so cute.”Oh?” Sara said walking by the room with perfect timing. “You are notgoing to do it? We go to all this trouble to help your hip heal andyou just stand there and say you are not going to do it?” Her voicewas rising and she was getting quite angry.Billy hung his head. “But mom these shoes are so hard to walk in, nowwith the swishing you want me to do and the spankings, then up anddown the stairs so many times, I don’t know it just seems so unfair.””Would you rather just go back to your jeans and loafing on the couchwhile your hip gets worse?” she asked him.He looked at her and quietly whispered, “No, I want it to heal tooMom. I will do as you ask.””Good then, but don’t forget to swing your behind, if we catch you notdoing so you will be spanked, you understand this right?””Yes mom,” Billy said, tugging the hem down on the ultra short dress.He caught his reflection in the mirror and it was just so cute withpuffy sleeves, a flared skirt, a tiny opening below the collar in aheart shape and knowing that he couldn’t take it off or the shoes nowthat he thought of it, he was truly helpless now. The black chokeraround his neck with the shiny brass padlock centered… a slave girl.He walked over to Krissy’s hamper to start his trek up and down thestairs, of course the first item in the pile was a pair of delicatepanties, and his Mom and Sister were standing watching him. He pickedup the wispy yellow panties and started out the room, he was blushingfuriously. Sure enough he forgot to wiggle his tush.”Billy, I just finished telling you that you must wiggle your behindor you will be spanked. Seconds ago!””Sorry mom,” he replied standing, holding his sisters pantiescarefully looking cute in his oh so high heels and hosed legs. “Thedress was truly short.” She went over and lifted his hem, using abrush from Krissy’s dresser she started spanking him, the swats wereloud and painful. She wasn’t counting, she just continued alternatingcheeks with a methodical spanking.Billy looked in the long mirror again seeing himself in the shortblack dress, the hem raised and smack after smack landing on hisbehind each one stinging more than the last. After forty or so shestopped, his behind was red and very tender but a glow spread throughhim as well, he never thought he would be spanked so long when hestarted this. He never put on the website how many smacks he shouldget, just that he should be spanked. He figured one smack. Boy was hewrong.”Perhaps you will remember to wiggle now, I know your behind isstinging, maybe that sting will jog your memory.” She gave him onefinal hard smack and dropped his hem, tugging it down. “Now back toyour chores.”Holding the panties, Billy walked slowly out of the room, wiggling hisbehind with each step. In his head he started to calculate, yesterdayhis sister wore pantyhose, jeans, a bra, top and panties. Five items,five trips up and down two flights of stairs. He knew he had threedays of clothes in his hamper, so she probably did as well. fifteentrips, about the same for himself and his mother, forty five trips,one item at a time. wiggling, with a stinging behind. a slave. clotheslocked on, such a short dress, he was in a trance as he walked downthe stairs.He walked down the hall catching his reflection in the hall mirroragain, looking at himself in the black mini dress carrying a pair ofyellow panties, turning and going down the stairs to the basement,remembering to keep wiggling, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to bespanked more. Knowing he set that in motion and it couldn’t be stoppednow, wiggle or be spanked, and hard too.Reaching the laundry room he put the panties on the washer and beganhis journey back to his sisters room for the next article of clothingin her hamper.He passed his mother in the hall, she commented on his nice wiggle, heblushed. She said, “You know, you may want to have Krissy do somethingwith your hair, something to match the way you are dressed, then ifsomeone catches a glance of you when you pick up the mail they won’tthink much of it.”Billy stopped. “You want me to get the mail wearing a dress?” Hetugged at the hem, it was just so darn short.”Yes of course, the long walk down the drive is good for you, thiswill be one of your daily chores, rain or shine. So give some thoughtto what I said, maybe some braids or a ponytail, it is certainly longenough” she patted his bum and continued to the kitchen.He continued up the stairs and down the hall to his sisters room, hewas thinking of the long walk down the driveway wearing this dress,more shivers and tingles. Krissy was sitting on her bed going throughsome magazines as he entered, she watched him wiggle carefully over toher hamper where he grabbed the pantyhose sitting on the top of thepile.She smiled and said, “You will have to hand wash those, the machinewill destroy them.””Hand wash? I am not washing your underwear,” he stammered.She laughed, “Of course you are, you do all the chores now, so washingis one of the chores, hand washing lingerie is what you do, not justthe pantyhose. Yours too now, your panties and pantyhose” Pointing tohis legs.”What panties too?” he asked.”Umhum,” nodding and giggling.”Billy ask your sister about your hair,” his mom called out fromdownstairs.”What about your hair?” she asked him.”Mom said you should braid it or put it in a ponytail” he said lookingdown but secretly hoping she would.She hooked a finger in the lock at his collar and pulled him over toher dresser, pushed him in to the chair, where he flopped down. Shewas still holding on to his collar and used it to turn his head fromside to side as he sat there holding on to her dirty pantyhose. Moretickles in his tummy.She snatched a brush from her dresser and started working, longstrokes and grabbing hand full’s of his long blonde hair. Pullingtightly she quickly formed a pony tail and a black scrunchy held it inplace. She turned his head side to side again and reached over to hermakeup…. Billy was just sitting quietly not paying attention when atube of pink lip stick was waving in front of his face. She pulled hishair back, tilting his head, before he knew it, his lips were a glossysoft pink. She giggled.Just then their mother passed the room and peeked in to see why Krissywas giggling, “oh very cute” she said looking at the ponytail, thennoticing the soft pink lips on her blushing son. She giggled too.Billy started to put up a fight, even though the soft pretty facestaring back at him sort of amazed him. “Mommmmm,” he started.”Oh Mom nothing,” she said, “let your sister have some fun, she has nogirlfriends near, so a do over could be some fun for her.””Really Mom?” Krissy asked”Yes honey, do your best, let’s see how pretty you can make him.”Billy squirmed, still holding the pantyhose, his hands resting on hisnylon covered legs, the dress so short it just covered his panties.”Mom,” he started again.”Sit quietly Billy, let’s see if you are as pretty as I think youare.”It didn’t take long to transform Billy, he looked in the mirror andhis reflection sent more shivers up his back. “Mom can I wash this offnow?” he asked with a quiet voice.”OMG Billy, no, you look too cute. You may spend the day like this,and thank your sister please.” Billy never thought his plan would goin this direction.He got up from the chair in a trance and took Krissy’s pantyhose tothe laundry room, 46 trips later and another spanking he had all thelaundry on the counter ready to be sorted. He was so tired and hislegs and feet were being tortured. But each time he passed a mirror hesaw this cute blonde girl looking back at him helplessly.His mother met him in the basement and had him sort the clothes intowhites, lingerie and colors. The whites went in the washer right away.She then told him to fill the laundry tub with a soapy water so hecould start hand washing the delicates. A pair of Krissy’s pantieswere on the top of the pile, she handed them to him and told him todip them in the soapy water and then to rub the material with hishands to work in the suds. He dropped them and reached down to grabthem from the bottom of the sink. Of course this got him another hardspanking, he stood there holding the damp sudsy panties while hismother turned his behind red again, each stroke stinging more than thelast, this was a real spanking, totally out of his control.”Be more careful,” he was told. “When the load in the washer hasfinished, put it in the basket and take it outside to hang on theline, Put the colors in the washer. When you have finished handwashing, you can hang them on the line as well.””Do I have to do this all the time now?” he asked.”Of course, each morning after you clean the kitchen this will be yourfirst chore, then make the beds. After that you can dust and wax. Bythen the clothes will be ready to hang outside.””Outside?” Oh great, outside dressed like this, locked in his clothestoo, his tummy really twitched. What was going to happen next?He carried the load of laundry, in the basket, upstairs. He wassurprised that he didn’t have to carry each item up one at a time likehe did when he brought the laundry downstairs. He shook his foot, thepadlock wiggled against his ankle, reminding him that the high heelswere locked on his feet, there was no taking them off today. Which ofcourse meant he couldn’t take off the pantyhose either, or the panties.As he turned he caught his reflection in a mirror over the laundry tub.What a silly place for a mirror, there he stood in a short, very short,dress, a tiny choker around his delicate neck… locked on with a tinypadlock, pink lips and soft makeup adorning his face, the pony tail hissister gave him with the pink scrunchy holding it in place…. hestared in a trance. Even if he wanted to now, he couldn’t stop this,his clothes were locked on, his mother told him this would be for atleast a month. There was no backing out.He smiled a bit at the thought. Taking the laundry up the stairs, hisfeet were becoming quite sore, this was not something he had thoughtof. As he went outside to the line, to hang the clothes, his dressballooned suddenly in the wind, lifting. His hands were full with thebasket so he could do nothing about it. Of course just then Krissy waswalking by and saw. She giggled. “I can see your panties billy.”He blushed, but was then surprised when he received a smack. “Hey, Iwasn’t bending over, that is not fair.”She smacked him again, and again. “If we see your panties we are tospank you. I saw your panties. Two more, hold still” She struck hisbehind two more times, watching his blush grow deeply on both his face,and his behind. She lowered the hem of the dress. “You better not ruinthat dress, it is one of my favorites you know.””You picked it for me, I have chores to do and I can’t help if anythingspills on it.” He wanted to rub his tush, it was burning a bit, but hewas still holding the laundry basket. She grasped the padlock on hischoker again, and tugged him forward so her face was close to his. “Youare very pretty,” she whispered and walked away.His heart was pounding a bit with mixed feelings. He continued to theclothesline and began to hang the first load of laundry up. Of coursehis hands were raised over his head as he attached the pegs. Suddenlyhe felt a stinging slap to his bum. Again.He turned in surprise to see his sister was back. “This is going to befun.” she said, watching him. “You have to hang the clothes, and I getto spank you while you do it. But first, I have something for you,” shesaid with a bit of a twinkle in her eye as she held out a white lacyobject.”No way,” Billy exclaimed.”Yes Way!” she said as she held the pretty apron out. “I will not haveyou messing up my dress with carelessness,” She spun him around andspread the apron over the front of his dress, tying a nice tight bowbehind him. The apron itself was small, Billy didn’t know how it wasgoing to keep much off the dress, it didn’t even reach the bottom ofthe hem and it seemed more decorative with the lacey border.He felt a pat on his behind as she stepped back. “There, now you won’tsplatter something on my dress, back to work billy,” she told him,pointing to the line.Billy was in a daze, the apron was snug around his waste and it seemedto pull the dress a bit shorter. His sister was watching carefully, heknew he had to bend down to grab the laundry and then raise his handsover his head to hang them, she was going to spank him each time hehung something up. Then he noticed she had a fly swatter in her hand.He looked up at her grinning face and saw what could only be an evilgleam in her eyes.Sighing he bend down, grasping a pair of panties, hers of course, andstood, ready to hang them up. “Be careful with those billy, they aredelicate, maybe tomorrow you can wear them,” she taunted, enjoying thechange in her brother, watching as his hands raised up to the line tohang them in the wind. His hem rose up and she stepped forward quickly,the fly swatter whistling as it spun through the air, a loud smackannounced its arrival as billy jumped in surprise, and pain. Shequickly swung again, smacking his other cheek as he struggled,wiggling, while trying to hang the panties on the line. It was like adance she thought, as he wiggled back and forth, trying to evade thefly swatter as it stung his behind with each smack.Billy looked into the basket, a pair of jeans, a skirt, two morepanties and a top yet to hang. He just gave in, accepting he was in hissister’s control. He went as quickly as he could, the fly swattersmacking time after time, the stings becoming a glow. The swatterseemed to make more noise than inflict pain, but it did sting never theless, and the humiliation seemed to be powerful.Finally he finished, tugging the short dress down, adjusting the apronbegrudgingly, he picked up the basket and actually stuck his tongue outat his sister as he left… to get another load, another load,certainly she wasn’t going to follow him around all day he wondered? Hewas feeling more like a slave, he began to think of another edit forthe website. How much trouble could he get himself into, each editseemed to snowball, out of his control.As he walked in the house his mother was on the way out, she stoppedcold and smiled at him, seeing his apron over the black mini dress.”OMG billy, where did you get the apron, don’t you look cute, we haveour own little maid it seems. Maybe you could get me an iced tea? I amgoing to sit on the patio for a while,” dismissing him she continued onher way still grinning.Butterflies were dancing in his tummy now, when she used the ‘maid’word he almost collapsed. He put the basket in the kitchen, she saidshe wanted the ice tea now, not when he finished the laundry. He wantedto be obedient, it was part of his plan. He got a tall glass and filledit with ice tea, fortunately there was a jug ready in the refrigerator.He put the glass on a round tray and tugged down his dress again. Thedarn thing was so short. He tried to loosen his apron, but his sistertied a double knot and it was so tight he couldn’t spin it around, itwas stuck on.He minced out, remembering to wiggle his behind from side to side,balancing the glass on the tray. When reaching the patio he saw Krissywas sitting beside his mother, smiling at him. “Oh that lookswonderful, please get me one as well,” she called out.He brought the tray over and dropped to his knees, knowing if he didn’the would bend, and his sister was playing with the fly swatter as shewatched him, grinning she made a swoosh in the air with it.Sara looked at the youngster kneeling before them, holding out thetray, she waited a moment enjoying his submissive. He had always beensuch a handful, it was so nice to see him like this. He looked upwondering why she hadn’t taken the glass yet.”There is no ice billy” she told him, pointing to the glass. “Pleasebring me an ice tea with ice cubes, with a straw too, I think. Wouldyou like a straw Krissy?” she asked her daughter.Billy stood, finding it harder to get up holding the tray as his sistertold him of course she wanted ice too, tapping his pantyhose clad thighwith the fly swatter gently. “Wait billy, you haven’t been dismissedyet,” she joked.Sara giggled and told her not to be mean, it was so nice to have a maidto wait on them, looking at billy blush deeply as he was teased. “Offyou go, there are still a lot of chores to be done” she told him.Billy started back, remembering just in time to be sure to wiggle hisbum, the short skirt swaying back and forth. Moments later he was back,two drinks, ice in both. He dropped to his knees between them, holdingup the tray. “You know mom, I could really get used to this,” Krissysaid, taking her ice tea from the little maid.Sara smiled. “Well, we have him this way for a month at least, we willsee how things go. Billy has your hip popped out at all today?””No mom, it hasn’t” he said, as she took her drink from the tray, hewaited before standing. Krissy was tapping his behind gently with thefly swatter, teasingly. Each tap was getting a bit harder though, Saradidn’t seem to notice but billy started to squirm a bit.”Have you finished the laundry?” Sara asked, looking down at billy.Watching the fly swatter tapping his bum, seeing him squirming as shetormented him. “Krissy!” she scolded.”Oh you too, always teasing each other, off you go billy, there is workto be done.”Billy vanished quickly, he managed to hang the rest of the clotheswithout his sister tormenting him. Then he wondered what he was to donext, checking the clock he realized it was lunch time already. He wentto the kitchen to prepare soup and sandwiches. He chopped up a fewcarrot sticks and celery sticks hoping to make a more appetizing meal.He wanted this to continue, but also to appear to be fighting it everystep of the way.It wasn’t long before it was ready, should he set the table or see ifthey wanted to eat outside? Hmmm he would have to go ask. Out he went,the wind lifting his dress again, this time he could smooth it backdown quickly, that made him think about the next edit more. He was in adaze as he rounded the corner and entered the patio, of course hewasn’t swishing his behind, darn he meant to.”Billy!” his mother called out. “You are not wiggling, I told you thatthey said to wiggle at all times, now go back to the house and tryagain, be sure to wiggle your bum with each step both ways!” They bothwatched as he disappeared around the corner, the dress swooshing backand forth as his hips wiggled. When he returned, rounding the corner tothe patio, he stopped and asked if they wanted lunch here or inside.”Oh here would be nice billy, thank you,” his mother told him. He wasabout to leave when he heard her pipe up, “Not so fast, you are due aspanking for forgetting to wiggle when you walk, come here please andlift your hem.”He minced over, it was hard to remember to wiggle all the time, ithumiliated him a lot too, but that was the plan, as he stood before hismother he turned, facing Krissy and lifted his hem.”Would you like to borrow the fly swatter Mom?” she asked, holding itup, looking at billy.”No, I don’t think that will be strong enough for a firm spankingKrissy. I will have to come up with something for future, so this timewill be a bare hand again.”Billy heard the not firm enough part, he was trying to remember if hesaid on the website that it should be a firm spanking, oh oh, this onewas going to hurt. Sure enough the first slap caught him by surprise,his eyes went wide and his sister giggled, before he could catch hisbreath she slapped his other cheek, back and forth, firm strong slapson his panty covered behind. Over and over, he did not expect this.Suddenly she stopped. “There, next time will be much more memorablebilly, I hope you remember to wiggle.””Now, lunch please,” she commanded, looking stern. Billy lowered hishem, trying not to look at his sister who was smiling in a funny way,sort of dazed almost. He mince off, his burning behind reminding him towiggle. That really hurt, but he felt funny inside too.Billy’s day continued, delivering lunch, being told servants ate in thekitchen, having to wait on them while they ate. He complained to hismother, she reminded him that the website said to treat him as a maid,to keep him on his feet as much as possible in the heels, that was justwhat they were doing. He groaned.While washing the dishes, forced to do them by hand, he looked at thedishwasher sitting idle, almost mocking him. Billy contemplated what hehad got himself into. There really was no way out of this now, but didhe really hate it?After lunch he tugged the vacuum out of the closet, he knew he would beexposed, so he knelt before it, pulling it out carefully. His motherwalked by, noticing he was kneeling rather than bending over. “Goodgirl billy” she said, teasingly. “Now you are using your head,” Shestood before him, telling him which rooms needed vacuuming, remindinghim to dust them first as he knelt there looking up at him. His dressbarely covered his legs, hands resting on his thighs, slowly caressingthe tan nylon covering them, trying not to draw attention to what hewas doing as he listened. She reached down and took his chin, liftinghis head up, so he was looking at her, tilting it slowly back andforth. “Krissy did a fantastic job with your make up honey. You arevery beautiful you know.” She smiled and went on her way, leaving himin a daze still kneeling beside the vacuum. It sure seemed that she washappy that he was being forced to look so pretty.He glanced over at the hall mirror that was opposite the closet thevacuum was kept in. He saw a pretty blonde girl with a long pony tailkneeling, wearing a maids dress, he could see one of the padlocks thatwere fastening his heels to his delicate stocking encased foot. Lookingup he saw the other lock, on his choker, above the softly made up facewith delicate pink undertones. He had no idea things would move thisfar or this quickly. Where would it go next?Just then Krissy walked into the hall. “Where is Mom?” He saw theblonde girl in the mirror point down the hall. She grinned and said,”You look very cute kneeling there.”Billy continued with his cleaning, they left him alone while he managedto “Hoover” the living room.. With the Dyson. Then he went to find hismother, to see what he needed to do next. He would rather sit, his feetwere so sore, but she made it clear that was not an option. He foundher sitting in her room, repairing a blouse with needle and thread.”Have you finished downstairs honey?””Yes mom, I was hoping to rest for a while?” holding his hands in frontof his apron, feet dancing a bit as he tried to relieve the pain thehigh heels were causing.”Hmmmm, have you checked the mail yet?” She looked into his eyes, hislong eyelashes blinking rapidly.”No Mom, do I have to?””Yes honey, this is one of your duties, each and every day, even on theweekend, so we can get our newspapers. Now off you go please.””Can I take off my apron?” he pleaded, tugging at it.”Oh don’t be silly, we live in the country, no one is going to seeyou.”Sighing, billy clicked away, tugging the dress down as much as he couldagain, could Krissy have found a shorter dress? He strongly doubted it.Just as he was leaving her room. “Billy.””Yes Mom.””Don’t forget to wiggle your bum, I will be watching, all the way thereand back. If I catch you not doing so, you will repeat the trip, butyour behind will be red.”He gulped. “Yes Mom.”Opening the front door, the sun radiated down on him, it was a warmbright day, It was like a spotlight was on him and his legs weregleaming as the stockings became glossier as they reflected the intenselight. The driveway was so long, at least half was covered with trees,hiding him. But that last stretch was wide open, no where to hide.His heels clicking on the pavement, tiny locks bouncing at his neck,and ankles, reminding him constantly, others controlled him. It was notlong at all before he left the trees and was walking in the clear. Hiseyes were on the road, hoping no one would go by. They rarely did, butstill.His behind was shifting side to side, the dress swinging back andforth, as he swiveled his hips, as instructed. His thighs wouldoccasionally rub together, the soft nylon quite slippery as they met.This sent little shivers up his back. The nylon was tight too, encasinghis legs, and bum, rubbing on his, well they were tight. His sister hadgiven him energizer support hose, they would constantly remind him whathe was wearing, all day massage indeed.He reached the mail box with no one seeing him, he was pulling out thepaper and there was only one letter, when he heard a car! Oh great. Hekept busy in the mail box, hoping they would continue on their way.They didn’t.The car stopped, right behind him. He heard a power window rollingdown.”Hello?”A woman’s voice. He had to look, there was no way out, he turned, therewas a pretty girl in the passenger seat, she must be in her earlyteens, her mother, it must be, they looked alike, called out again, “Hithere”.Billy stammered a hello, blushing. He couldn’t help it.”We are your neighbors, over there,” pointing to the farmhouse nextdoor, quite a way off actually, but their neighbor never the less. “Iam Debbie and this is one of my daughters, Robyn, Amy is at a day camptoday.”Billy smiled nervously, before he could say anything she asked “do youwork here?”He realized she meant it was odd, to see a maid, collecting the mail.”Uhm, oh no, we were playing a bit of dress up and Mom wanted the mailand paper,” he sort of stammered.”Oh, well it is a very cute look, you will all have to come over for adinner sometime, there is a nice walking trail connecting our twoproperties, I am sure you have noticed it?””Oh yes, we were wondering where that went.”She smiled. “It is a lovely walk, pop by anytime.” She waved and theydrove slowly off, the window rolling back up. Robyn waved and smiledcheerfully too. Obviously they did not notice he was a boy.When he arrived back home, he brought the paper and mail to his mother,telling her he met the neighbors. Of course there were lots ofquestions, which he answered. He blushed when she asked him what theysaid about him dressed as a pretty girl. He told her that he didn’tthink they knew he was a boy. “Oh, well we will have to straighten themout about that soon.”We would?Now the people next door would know?”Dinner please,” his mother said, waving her hand in front of his face,seems he was in a trance.Dinner was a repeat of lunch, he served them at the dining room table,forced to stand by, incase they required anything. Krissy would ask forher glass to be filled, or to pass the salt, or seconds served, just tohave him wait on her. Watching closely to be sure he didn’t bend. Hewas very careful, feeling strange, as he really acted the part of maid,during dinner. After clearing the table, he was permitted to eat, inthe kitchen. Before cleaning up.It was almost an hour later he entered the living room and asked if hecould sit down. His mother was knitting. “Be a dear and hold this ballof wool for me, it keeps rolling away. If you are tired, you can kneelhere, beside my chair.”His heart fluttered. Still the servant.Krissy piped up, “Don’t forget my foot rub too billy,” wiggling hertoes at him. She tapped her watch, times a ticking.When his mother finished knitting, he turned to his sister, gettingready to get up and join her on the couch, to rub her foot as she hadreminded him three times in the past thirty minutes. “Oh just staythere,” she said, sliding down so her feet were at the end of thecouch.Her feet were small, just like his own were, sort of cute too. Herpainted nails, flashing red as he started he nightly duty. She sighed,”Oh I could so get used to this, can we keep him Mom?” she joked.Sara smiled. “Well for the summer we will, isn’t it nice how helpful hehas become?”Finally billy’s day was over, he was upstairs, the heels and dressunlocked, and removed. Sitting in the tiny nightgown Krissy gave him,it was white and pink and it had to be the most girly one she had, hewas sure. It was as short has his dress had been, with ruffles andlace.He was on his laptop, editing the website, he had had many ideasthrough the day. His heart was pounding as he clicked on the uploadbutton, he was committed now, just as today proved, there would be nogoing back, he was going to be deep in it tomorrow. He wondered how itwould morph, beyond his expectations.********************Day three, it continued.The sun streamed in the window, billy stretched and his legs slidacross the sheets. The slippery pantyhose he was required to wear allthe time, felt delicious as they rubbed over his sheets. He wokequickly. Wondering what today was going to bring, he had made quite afew changes to the site. His heart pounded thinking about what he haddone.Getting out of bed he stepped on his floor and his foot hurt, it hurt alot, he took a step and both feet hurt. He rubbed them, wondering why.Oh well, he may as well get to it, he limped to the bathroom for hismorning shower. Krissy would, no doubt, provide him with today’soutfit. He wondered what she would give as he lathered his long blondehair. He hadn’t had a hair cut in months and months.Returning to his room, sure enough Krissy had been in. There was afresh pair of panties, white bikini cut, with pretty flowers in a lightflimsy material. The same black dress he wore yesterday. It was pretty,but it was so short. There were new shoes on the floor, they wereclosed toe pumps, a bit of a suede finish, in black. Finishing off hisoutfit was a pair of black pantyhose. He felt butterflies again. He wasto be a maid again then.He dressed, there were three padlocks in the pile of clothes, he lockedthe shoes on, and the choker again. There were no keys though. He wasat their mercy once again. The shoes, the heels on them. They werehigh, much higher than the previous shoes. With his tiny feet, he wasalmost standing on his toes. The arch was painful, but he noticed whenhe put the shoes on, his feet didn’t hurt as they did when he walkedbarefoot. That was strange, was he getting so he would have to wearhigh heels, or not be able to walk?He hadn’t thought of that.There was no apron, perhaps Krissy had it. He could hear her talking onthe phone in the kitchen. He made his way downstairs. She greeted himwith a smile. “Mom zipped out early this morning, she will be back inabout twenty minutes. She said that way you could have coffee andbreakfast ready for us when she returned. Pancakes would be nice,” Shenodded to provide extra emphasis with that suggestion, her brunettecurls bouncing.”Oh”, she turned and picked up the apron on the kitchen table, “let’snot forget this”. Motioning for him to come over. His heels clickedloudly as obeyed her.”Billy!””What?””You are not wiggling, do you really want to start the morning with aspanking? Go back and do it again. Wiggle your bum please.”He felt humiliated doing this in front of her, he felt tingles againthough as he did so, knowing the dress was swishing over his bum,barely covering it.He had finished making coffee, pouring Krissy a cup, kneeling as hepresented it to her meekly. He was enjoying serving her, she did takesuch advantage of him too. “More sugar please” she said, handing thecup back. Of course he had to go back to the counter, add more sugar,walk back wiggling his tush, and kneel again. He knelt, waiting to seeif she was pleased this time. Just then Sara entered the room,returning from a shopping trip as she placed two bags on the table. Shelooked at billy, kneeling before Krissy submissively, wondering how hewas going to react with what was in store for him today. Oh well, hehad no choice.”Good morning sleepy head,” she teased him. “I have some things foryou, come over here please.”He rose off his knees, trying not to expose his behind, knowing theshort dress would not be covering his panties as he did so.Krissy giggled and reached for the fly swatter again, teasing him.He quickly made his way to his mother, who opened the laptop which wason the website. Oh they had read it already. Billy thought, thenwondered what was going to happen now.Sara pointed to the screen, read that please. She waited while billypretended to read. “Cuffs? Chains? Curtsies? Dancing? nooooooo Mom,please.”Sara dumped one bag on the table, there were five pink dog collars,four were very small. One must be for a larger pet billy thought. Shepicked a small one up. “Wrist please”Billy gulped and held up his wrist, she fastened one of the smallercollars on his left wrist. There was a click as a tiny padlock wasshut. He looked at the pink ring around his wrist. She picked upanother collar. “Next please”.Billy held up his right wrist, the pink collar was locked on it aswell, just like his left wrist. Krissy giggled.Sara knelt before him, billy felt her fingers sliding around his nylonclad ankle as yet another pink collar was locked on him. Shorty bothankles had pink collars locked on. Then she dumped out the other bag,it clinked as a series of different length chains tumbled out.”Billy, as you read, to shorten your step your ankles need to behobbled to restrict the length you can move your foot. They also said,it was important to keep your shoulders straight, to avoid twistingyour hips, so the wrists must be manacled as well,” she fastened theshortest chain between his two wrists, it had wide links, two moreclicks as the locks clicked shut. She bent down and taking anotherslightly longer chain, also with wide links, she connected his anklestogether with this.He looked down, the pink was very bright, the chains a shiny silveralso gleamed, he moved and heard the heavy chain rattle on the floor.He tried a step, it was short, barely eight inches. He tugged at hiswrists, they were almost touching. But it wasn’t to end here. No, therewas one more collar.He, of course had suggested on the web site that his wrists and anklesbe locked, but that was the end of it, there was another long chain,and one more collar still on the table. “Krissy can you remove thechoker please,” Sara asked her daughter. She lifted the last collar,the larger one. As soon as Krissy removed the choker, Sara stood beforebilly, who was very quiet, standing like a statue, trembling a bit andlocked the last collar around his neck. Taking the longer chain, sheused one more lock to attach it to the front of “his” new collar. Shefed it through the wide chain at his wrists, it was a narrow chaincompared to the other two hobbling his ankles and wrists, so it slippedthrough the links with ease. She then locked it to the center of thechain between his ankles. “There, now you have to keep your wristscentered in front of you, you can raise and lower them, but will not beable to twist. I should email this suggestion to the website, I thinkit is a good idea.”Billy tugged at his wrists, he felt so helpless now, he moved them up abit, the chains rattled as he did so, he took another step, the tightpantyhose squeezed him all over, the chain clinked as he took a tinystep.”Now billy, lower your head, hold on to your dress and move your rightfoot behind your left.” She waited for him to follow her instructions.”Bend your knees outward and keep your back straight. Don’t bend, ifyou do your bum will stick out and I will smack it. Bend straight.”He followed her directions. “Gracefully stand up straight, do itslowly,” she instructed.He did so.”This is a curtsy. The site said this will strengthen your hips, to dothem often. Each time you enter a room with someone in it, you willstop and do a curtsy. If you are given a direction, you will do acurtsy indicating you understand. Do you understand?”Billy blushed and performed a curtsy.”Good. They also said we can use curtsies as a punishment. If you areslow doing a task, or mess it up, fail to wiggle your bum, we shouldmake you do ten or more curtsies. You will still be spanked too, if youshow your panties or fail to wiggle, but now you will curtsy too. Doyou understand?”He curtsied again blushing more when she mentioned being spanked.Krissy was covering her mouth, trying not to giggle. This was so good,watching her brother reduced to this.”Billy, the site did not say anything about this, but there is anothertype of curtsy, it is a court curtsy. So follow along and I will teachyou how to do this one too, it is harder to do.”Billy was surprised, he knew nothing about this, and as she said, itwas not on the site, here we go again, changes beyond his control.”This curtsy is a deeper form of respect, you bend deeper. Extend yourright foot behind your left, keep your back straight and lower yourhead, look down. Bend your knees outward again but do so until yourright knee is almost on the floor. Stay that way until I tell you torise.”Billy did not too bad of a job with his first court curtsy, she madehim do five more until he was more graceful. When you want to speak toeither of us, I want you to do a court curtsy and wait until you aretold to rise, then you will be given permission to speak. Do youunderstand?”Billy curtsied yet again, blushing, humiliated. “You are not permittedto talk unless you do one of those curtsies, to ask permission.”Krissy said “Don’t forget the dancing Mom,” she offered helpfully, soenjoying watching her brother blush.Billy looked at his mother. “The site offered, to exercise your hip,dancing on the spot, a slow dance, where you wiggle your hips, moveyour feet slowly, circle but don’t move too much. Just a slow dance.Turning in a circle with lots of bum wiggling. So when one of us saysto ‘dance for me billy’. This is what you will do. You will dance untilyou are told you may stop. Do you understand?”He curtsied one more time, almost in a trance now.”They also said you can rest now and then, but not sitting, thatkneeling is better, if you kneel and stretch out your back, foldingyour chest on to your legs, it is a good exercise and allows you torest. When you have nothing to do, you may kneel. Stretch your armsbefore you, over your head so you are almost flat on the floor. Try itnow please.”Billy curtsied, he remembered, then knelt down, slid his hands alonghis thighs and stretched them over his head, until his forehead was onthe floor. “Good, stay that way until I tell you to rise please.”Billy hadn’t realized, but he was stretched out before his sister, shecasually pressed her foot onto the chain between his wrists, holding ittightly to the floor while she talked to her mom. He was quite stuck.”Mom I had a phone call this morning, cousin Jenny said she can comefor a visit this summer, she will let us know how soon she can leave.””That is great news, I know she will love all the open space here,being stuck in the city all the time. You will all have a lot of funshowing her around.”Krissy giggled. “She will enjoy having a maid to serve her too,”pointing to billy, kneeling before her helplessly.Jenny was about six months younger than billy, she was also quitebeautiful. She got along very well with both billy and Krissy.Sara told billy he could get up and make breakfast now, Krissy waited aminute before moving her foot, she felt him tugging on his wrists buthe was unable to get up until she released him.”Mom I don’t have to continue this if Jenny is coming do I?” tugging onhis chains, trying to get use to his restricted movements.”Billy! You are to do a court curtsy before speaking, next time youspeak without permission will be punished!”She gave him a stern look and continued. “Billy, you are going tocontinue with this program until at least the end of the summer, longerif it is working, being home schooled we don’t have to worry aboutothers seeing you, besides it is for your health. There is nodiscussion about this.”Billy groaned, Jenny was going to be worse than Krissy, he just knewit, but then tingles started again, deeper ones, to be forced to servethe three of them. OMG.Billy was making the pancakes, standing before the stove, his reach waslimited being shackled, it was very difficult to cook. “Billy, whileyou are standing there, you could be dancing, you don’t have to turn,you can dance on the spot. So billy, dance for me please.”Billy started to dance, slowly, moving his hips back and forth when heheard “Billy! I gave you a command, what do you do when given acommand?”Billy turned he quickly curtsied.”Five more please, you must remember this.”When billy finished embarrassing himself more, with the degradingcurtsies in the so short dress. The chains rattled as he completed eachcurtsy causing him to be reminded what he was reduced to, he began tocook again, dancing slowly.”I ran into our neighbor when in town, she was at the pet store also.She mentioned meeting my daughter the maid at the mail box.”Krissy giggled. “Did you straighten her out Mom?”Billy listened, he froze on the spot.”Yes, I explained about billy and his snapping hip syndrome and howpainful it was, that we found this website, I gave her the address ofit, is that what it is called? Address? Billy?””Yes Mom, it is an address.””Keep dancing dear,” she continued, “anyway she understood and saidthat billy was very pretty. I told him how the site said we needed thechains, she suggested the center chain, wasn’t that nice?”Krissy nodded. “It does limit his twisting, does she seem nice?””Yes, I met her daughters too, they are quite cute. They may beinterested in the home schooling, it seems that there are no schoolsnear here, so they may come here for their schooling.”Sara looked at Krissy grinning. “She also said, if we run out of choreshere, that they could sure use a maid next door, any time we wanted tosend her, uhm him over. Robyn asked if he was a good cook.””Oh Mom you wouldn’t would you?””I don’t know Krissy, she works two jobs and has that house to takecare of by herself, she has it tough too, it is nice to help outneighbors when you can. Billy would benefit from doing the chores, somaybe.”His heart was pounding, to be next door, chained up and locked in hisclothes, forced to do chores for strangers? In front of her twodaughters? Would they be allowed to tell him what to do as well?Probably. The keys wouldn’t even be in the same house, he would trulybe helpless.The feelings were almost overpowering billy now, with the pancakescooked, he brought them over to the table, placing a stack of them inthe center. He already had the syrup and butter on the table. Hischains rattled as he went to get them both juice. Returning he poured,with difficulty, each of them a glass of juice. He knew he was bendingbut they were deep in conversation about the neighbors.Sara noticed he had finished serving, she pointed to the floor. “Justkneel there until we are finished billy. Stretch out as before please.”As they ate, the phone rang, Sara went to answer and billy promptly satup, kneeling normally. When Sara returned she was annoyed. “Billy Itold you to kneel. Now kneel and stretch out.” He did, extending towardher chair. Before sitting, she lifted her chair and placed the legbetween his arms, by his cuffs. When she sat, he was stuck there, hetugged but the leg of the chair was holding his arms secure. They at aleisurely breakfast while he was secured in his chains. She did itwithout comment.Krissy got up to get another juice for both of them, she giggled andsnatched the fly swatter from the table and gave his bum a few slaps,after all, his dress rode up exposing his pretty white panties.He was unable to pull his dress down, with his arms locked around thechair. Sara took her glass of juice rising. “Oh you too, always jokingaround,” and left them as she went to make some phone calls.Krissy sat in her seat, placing her feet between billy’s arms,coincidentally lining them up under his face. He was stretched out sofar, he couldn’t turn his head away. She was so evil sometimes. Shenibbled on the last of her pancakes and drank her juice slowly while heknelt there, face pressed into her feet unable to move.She was going to have such fun with him today she thought. Planning asshe wiggled her toes.Billy struggled, tugging on his wrists, but they were held firm by theleg of the chair that his sister was sitting on. With her feetwiggling under his face he was humiliated so much that he could hardlystand it. He tried turning his head, but it was not comfortable in theposition he was forced to kneel in. So having no choice, his face waspressed against both of her feet, her wiggling toes were tickling hislips. The smell was not horrible, but it was strong, there was nodoubt that was adding to his humiliation. She had wiggled her feet sothey came in each side, so his forehead was still on the floor,because of this crafty move on her part, he was pressed tightlyagainst them. As she wiggled her toes, they kept parting his lips. Sheof course couldn’t know this as his head was covering them.Finally she pulled her feet away and stood up taking the chair away sohe was free. “Stand up billy, I have to fix your hair and makeupbefore you start your day.” She tugged at the lock on his collar,pulling him along as he struggled along in the much higher heels withthe hobbles. She was looking forward but whispered back “you better bewiggling your bum billy, if I look back and you aren’t I am going tohave such fun spanking you.”Such fun? Billy wondered? He felt his face blush once again as hepassed the hall mirror, he saw the maid being pulled along by hercollar, chained up so tightly, from the side he could see just howhigh those heels were, she was standing almost on her toes. He noticedhis sister had stopped, she was watching him look at his reflection,she caught his downward look at his heels and whispered once again, “Ihave much higher heels waiting for you pretty, soon you will bestanding on your tip toes all day.” she tugged again as billy digestedthis. Tip toes?The stairs were hard with the hobbles, but he managed, with his wristschained he couldn’t grasp the railing, he had to climb them carefully,each step the heavy chain rattled against the stairs, there would beno sneaking around with all the noise he made walking now, clicks,rattles, quiet moans.His sister caught him moaning as he passed the mirror, her face lookedpuzzled. Before he knew it, he was seated in her room at her makeuptable, she was fluffing and curling his hair, freshening his makup,soft pinks yet again, a little brighter pink on his lips, moreexaggeration on his long eyelashes. When she finished he was a work ofart, quite beautiful.He shuffled off to gather the laundry, there was not much to pick upthis time, and no one said one trip per item, he wanted to getdownstairs before they thought of it. He only had a pair of pantiesand pantyhose in his room, as he was wearing the black dress again.His mother had a pair of jeans, panties top and bra, he managed togather them all up as well. He entered his sister’s room, hoping tomake it one trip. It was hard to hold everything with his hands almostconnected, harder still to pick them up. She pointed to her laundrypile, jeans, top, bra panties. Phew, he picked them up. He was aboutto leave when he heard her call out.”Billy.” He turned, she was removing her little ankle socks, she hadworn them yesterday, all day, and it was hot. She had slept wearingher socks as well, the house became quite cool overnight and shealways wore socks to bed. She tossed the first sock on the floorwatching him, seconds later the other fell at his feet. “Those areprobably pretty smelly billy, please wash them too.”She watched him bend, trying to pick them up, but he kept droppingother items, she figured he was trying to manage with one trip,grinning she went over, picking up the socks she realized he stillwould not be able to carry them.She balled them together, “I have a deal for you billy, your choice.”she started, holding the socks up. “You can make a second trip, inyour tight chains, just to get these socks, or I can fix it so you cancarry them in one trip with the other laundry, you pick.”He looked confused. She held the socks up, close to his face, they didsmell. She whispered, “Open up.”His eyes went wide.”Your choice, two trips, or one.” she waved the socks closer, almostunder his nose. “Hurry, the offer is about to go away.”Closing his eyes, heart pounding for some reason again, he opened hismouth.”Wider”He felt the material brush his lips as they entered, she pushed themin deep, much deeper than he thought she would. This was cruel. Thenthe salty taste hit him, he almost gagged, he pushed with his tongue,but she had packed them in and was still holding them.”No billy, you chose, now off you go.”With his mouth full, humiliated beyond belief he clicked his way outof her room. Of course just then Sara walked by, noticing his largepile of laundry. Looking up she noticed his mouth, and the pink andwhite socks peeking out. “Billy, what have you in your mouth???” sheexclaimed.He of course, could only mumble.Sara looked at Krissy, who was thinking fast. “I got tired of himcomplaining about his hobbles Mom. I told him it was for his own good,we were just trying to help his hip heal, following the suggestions onthat website. But he went on and on, finally I couldn’t take itanymore, so I stuffed his mouth shut.”Sara looked sternly at billy. “Billy! We are just trying to help, youcan’t fight this, to teach you a lesson, keep those socks in yourmouth until you have finished the laundry, when it is hanging on theclothesline, you can hand wash them, and hang them up too, but takethem out before then and I will really find a punishment for you. Doyou understand?” she waited. He curtsied.He glared at Krissy, but she just smiled sweetly at him, grinning. Thesocks tasted horrible. It would be an at least an hour before he wasready to hang clothes out. He looked at his mother, back at Krissy andgave up, walking downstairs carefully, taking the dirty laundry withhim. Even the soiled socks that were pressed in his mouth.He separated the hand wash items, panties, bras, stockings from thepile and put the rest in the washer, they were all dark clothes, hewas getting off easy today he thought, as he watched his chainedwrists add the detergent. Perhaps not so easy, but he was loving thechains. He felt so kept, the house slave. It was beyond what he hadplanned.He moved to the sink to begin his hand washing, the mirror was stillthere, he saw a pretty girl standing there, gleaming chains danglingbelow the pink collar at her neck, her mouth packed with a pair ofdirty socks. Looking so helpless. He was entering a trance again anddidn’t hear Krissy sneak up on him. WHAPHe jumped, his behind was stinging, and he saw she had a large rulerin her hand. “You were bending over billy, I saw your pretty panties.You know that you are not to bend over.””I can see you are not concentrating on your duties too, staring inthe mirror. Perhaps you need to focus.” She looked around thebasement, quickly snatching a rope that was sitting on a nearby shelf.She grinned. Bending down she slipped the rope around the chain at hisankles, feeding it around the legs of the laundry tub she tied a knot.His legs were held in place now, before the tub.She took another short length of rope and fed it through the lock athis collar, looking toward the wall she wrapped it around a pipe,keeping the loop at his collar she knotted each end by the pipe, outof his reach. “There. Now you may concentrate on your duties. Slave.”His eyes were wide, he really couldn’t move, he was tied to the sink.She turned the water on for him, pointing to the laundry, “Get to workprincess.”His eyes fluttered. His chained wrists fastened to the long chain,made reaching impossible. At least with the water on, he should beable to manage, he took the first pair of panties, applied a bit ofdetergent and started to scrub them under the water. Of course he benta bit to reach, almost immediately he felt a searing pain across hisright cheek. he squirmed, the second cheek then started to sting. Hewiggled, but she smacked him again.”I am not going to stop billy, you just keep washing, I will keepspanking, I am sure you will work much faster with this incentive.”SLAP.His legs were wiggling back and forth, shuffling in his high heels, hecouldn’t move them away from the sink the rope held him firm, thecollar tugged as he jerked with each smack, she was hitting hard. Heyelped, the socks in his mouth muffled the sound, she giggled.He started to scrub faster, wiggling with each smack. He startedbreathing heavily, not just from the exertion. He didn’t notice, butKrissy was breathing hard as well.”That’s it billy, you keep wiggling your pretty bum back and forth, itmakes it easier for me to alternate cheeks. Striking again, the firmslap loud in the basement. His muffled yelp stirring her more.He was working faster than he had ever done before in his limited timehand washing lingerie. One day… It wasn’t long before he completedhis task, the spanking stopped, his behind was crimson.Krissy was puffing, she checked the wash, and everything seemedcompleted. “See how much better you work with the proper incentive?”she chided. “You even beat the washing machine, it is still on thewash cycle. I will just leave you here to wait for it, to keep you outof trouble. I will be back when I hear it beep. Don’t go anywhere.”she giggled leaving her helplessly chained slave, who was watching herin the mirror, still wiggling his sore behind.”Oh I have an idea billy, ‘dance for me’”Billy looked at her in the mirror, how was he going to dance, tied uplike this, “Oh you can still wiggle your bum, keep doing it until Ireturn, you never know when I may sneak back, you don’t want me tocatch you just standing still.’ she patted his warm bum with her handgently. “Dance billy.”And she left.He danced, or kept wiggling his bum. his legs shifted slightly, asmuch as the chain and rope allowed, still held to the pipe with therope tied to his collar, he waited for the wash, listening to thecycles… dancing.The washer took about forty minutes to work its way through a wash,billy heard it beep, paused and listened for Krissy, of course shedidn’t bound downstairs to free him. He started dancing again, he bestkeep it up in case she caught him. The constant movement whilehelplessly bound was stirring him greatly. Being out of control likethis, so helpless.It was another ten minutes before Krissy sauntered down, checking thewash, poking his swaying bum to teas him. “Oh all right, it looks likeyou are finished down here, now you can hang them on the line.” shetold him to stop dancing and removed the rope at his collar, bendingdown she released his ankles as well. She flipped up one of thepadlocks at his ankle, tugged on it. “You are really locked up aren’tyou billy.” she teased.Billy removed the wash, from the washer, and placed everything in thelaundry basket, including the hand washed items. He was careful not tobend, and avoided any smacks from his ever watching tormenter Krissy.He took the laundry up the stairs, carefully wiggling to avoid morepunishment. His behind was still quite sore.He stood at the door. He was unable to turn the knob and hold thebasket, holding the basket was difficult enough with his hands chainedtogether turning the knob was just not possible. Krissy came up thestairs behind him, reached over and turned the knob. He was amazed,she had been tormenting him so much the past few days, and he didn’trealize that she was in a hurry, to continue just that.Reaching the line, being sure to wiggle his bum as he felt the longchain from his collar to his ankles tapping his stocking coveredthighs. Krissy had been tapping his bum with the ruler somewhatgently, to prod him along, and to tease him. Not too gently though,the slaps were echoing off the wall of the house.He put the basket down, crouched carefully and selected a pair ofjeans to hang. Reaching up, with both hands due to the chainconnecting them, he felt his dress rise. Before he could loop thejeans over the line he felt the first smack, it was just as hard asthe ones she gave him in the basement. He jumped and yelping into thesocks filling his mouth. Resigned to receiving yet another punishingspanking from her, he continued, he tried to twist back and forth toavoid the ruler as she swung it toward his exposed behind to no avail.Each swat connected with a loud smack and a yelp.Sara peeked out the window to see Krissy spanking billy, his long legsclad tightly in the black pantyhose were shining as they reflected thebright sunlight as he twisted back and forth. The chain hobbling hisankles preventing him from moving much. She seemed to be hitting himquite hard judging from the way he was jumping, but then, she couldsee his panties, and the site said to spank him when you could, evenif for reasons beyond his control as it helped make him remember notto bend. It wasn’t long before he finished hanging the clothes, now hecould go downstairs and wash out the socks filling his mouth. Shewatched to be sure he didn’t take them out before reaching thebasement, he didn’t.Krissy left him, to go wash out her socks, when he reached the laundrytub he reached up, tugging out the foul tasting socks she had packedtightly in his mouth. It was then that he noticed she had turned bothof them inside out. Soaping them up, he was happy to be free of them.A rinse and back out to the line, Krissy was waiting.She really was finishing with a bang, he was dancing wildly trying toavoid the last few smacks as he tried to hang her socks. Finally hemanaged and she stopped, she took a step closer to him grasping thering at his collar, tugging him closer, She was breathing heavily asshe whispered, “I do seem to love spanking you billy. Is your bumtingling?”He nodded, before he could say anything they heard a car driving downtheir lane way. A car! People! Billy wanted to rush into the house,but Krissy was still holding the ring on his collar. “I wonder whothis is” she said, tugging him toward the front of the house.Helplessly he had to follow.”Krissy” he whispered trying to get her attention to his predicament.She just giggled, tugging him along, knowing a deep blush would soonstart. They rounded the corner to see their neighbors talking to theirMother. Debbie and her two daughters were there.Krissy tugged her brother all the way to the group, they were allwatching the pretty brunette dragging the pretty blonde, maid, alongby her collar, and they could see the chains as they sparkled againsther black outfit. Billy was still tugging as they stopped, he wantedto run into the house but Krissy was still holding onto his collar. Hewas blushing about as darkly as he had ever blushed before, he lookeddown, afraid to look into the eyes of anyone.”Krissy,” Sara started, “Debbie has been called to work, and theycan’t find a sitter at this short notice, I have to work on theproject this afternoon. Could you be a dear and help them out? Itwould be about eight to ten hours you would be needed, for lunch anddinner and maybe a bit afterwards.””Oh Mom I would love to, but I have that job interview in town thisafternoon, you were going to drive me over, remember?””Oh right, I did forget,” Sara said in a bit of a quandary. Thenlooked at billy, who was also old enough to sit, and had done so attheir previous home. “Billy!” she exclaimed.Billy looked up in shock. Everyone was looking at him. “Problemsolved.” Sara said “you can borrow billy for as long as you need him.He can cook the girls lunch and dinner and perhaps catch up on some ofthose chores you mentioned you were behind on.”She turned to Robyn and Amy. “How about it girls, can you watch ourmaid for us while he watches you?”Both girls giggled and nodded. Krissy grinned and tugged billy forwardtoward Debbie, motioning her to take the loop at his istanbul escort pink collar. Shesmiled while reaching up to grasp the link. Billy stood there now,dressed as a pretty maid in that mini dress, black pantyhose,incredibly high heels and all those chains locked on, binding him,limiting him, being held by a virtual stranger to be taken away andwatched by her daughters. His heart was pounding out of his chest.Sara looked at billy, directly in the eyes. “You will do what you aretold over there billy, I expect you to do as many chores for them aspossible, do you understand?”Billy blushed again and curtsied, knowing she was expecting this.The girls giggled.Krissy giggling tuned to Robyn “He has a habit of complaining, if hedoes, just put a sock in his mouth.”Robyn looked over in amazement. “A sock?”Krissy nodded. “He was complaining this morning about his chains, so Itook off my socks and put them in his mouth. That taught him not tocomplain. He was lucky I was wearing socks, or I would have used mypanties.”Robyn gasped, Debbie just smiled still holding his collar. “You aresure this will be alright?” she asked Sara.Billy noticed that no one had asked him anything, he was just beingpassed off, like property, like… a slave.Sara nodded, “We are only too happy to help, just please girls, keephim busy with chores, it is important to help his hip heal.” Shequickly explained the curtsies. “Be sure he performs them properlygirls, he tries to get away with things you know.”Krissy handed Debbie the ruler. “This helps too,” she said. “Oh and hegives a good foot massage.”Debbie took the ruler, checked her watch. “Oh dear, I have to rush,thank you all this is so wonderful to have such helpful neighbors.Let’s go girls or I will be late.” She tugged billy toward their car.Amy tried to open her door, but it seemed locked. Debbie was going tohave to get out her keys, she handed the ruler to Robyn and passedbilly over to her, Robyn took the collar holding it tightly looking atbilly who was still looking down meekly.The door was unlocked, Amy climbed in and Debbie took billy fromRobyn, gently pushing him into the car. Sara and Krissy watched as hewas driven off, seatbelt holding him tightly in place. “Oh dear, theydon’t have any of the keys to his locks,” Sara said, wondering howbilly would make out next door.As they drove down the lane billy was still looking down, his stockingclad legs tightly together, the chain sitting between while his wristssat on his lap, he was staring at the heavy chain connecting them asthey bounced over a bump. He felt so strange, the car filled withgirls, dressed as one, chained up, being driven off with them. He wasdressed as a girl!Debbie noticed Robyn was looking at the large wooden ruler Krissy hadhanded her, twirling it in her hands. She noticed her mothers glanceand spoke “Are we supposed to spank billy with this ruler?”Debbie glanced in the mirror as she answered, “It seems so honey, itis to help him though, and you understand that right?””Yes I read the website you showed us, hard?” she asked.”Yes, I think so, if you have to spank him, it must be hard.” Debbiesaid from what she understood. “It is hard right billy?” He startled,looking up, seeing everyone was looking at him. “If we are to spankyou, it must be a hard spanking? Is that correct?”His heart flipped. “Uhm, yes.”Robyn peeked over the seat trying to see him. “Has anyone spanked youwith this ruler yet?”He started to blush again, darn it happened so easily. “Yes, Krissyspanked me this morning.”Amy asked why.He looked at her, she was staring into his eyes, she wanted to knowwhat offence he had committed to warrant a spanking. “Uhmm,” hestammered, “she said that she saw my panties when I was washing theclothes.”Amy’s eyes opened wider. “Panties? You are wearing panties too?”His blush deepened.Debbie said, “Amy of course he is, can you imagine wearing bulky boysunderwear under a pair of pantyhose?”Amy shook her head. “If I see your panties then, I should spank youtoo?” she asked.Debbie answered again, “Yes Amy, this is to help him.””Okay then, I want to help him too,” she said nodding. She reachedover and took the hem of his dress in between her finger and thumb,”It is a pretty dress you have on. It is very short though.”Billy nodded, it was very short and he knew she was going to bewatching closely for a glimpse of his panties ready to give him a firmspanking too, to help. What had he gotten himself into?It wasn’t long before they pulled into their driveway. Debbie was in ahurry, she needed to get to work soon, it was so fortunate to find ababy sitter of sorts, on such short notice. Robyn opened billie’sdoor, he couldn’t reach with his wrists chained like that. Amyreleased his seat belt, they were so helpful. Actually billy wasstarting to think all three of them were very nice. They hadn’t madefun of him at all and seemed quite understanding.”Robyn I am going to be late, please take billy in and show himaround. He will make your lunch and dinner, ok?””Sure mom, are we to get him to do chores too?”Debbie looked at billy. “Are you up to it billy? I could really usethe help.” She looked at him and smiled. “You are dressed the partafter all.”Billy wanted to do their chores too, to be forced to do them. It wouldfeel very different from being the house slave for his family, now hewas, maybe, going to be just a slave. “I don’t really have a choice,Mom said to help, she meant it.””Ok then, girls, be sure that billy is kept busy, the house is a bitof a mess we could use the help of a good maid, show him where thewashing machine is too, maybe we can finally catch up on the laundry.”Robyn took the loop at his collar and led him in the house, it seemednatural to do this. Billy followed along meekly, being led into thestrange house by the two girls. Debbie smiled got back in her car anddrove off wondering if billy would get many of the chores done, thosechains sure limited his movement.Robyn pulled him into the kitchen. “We have a dishwasher but momdidn’t load it this morning.” Pointing to the mess on the counter, shewas about to grab his collar again, but noticed their dogs leash wason the counter. “This will be easier,” she said clipping the leash tohis collar and tugging him through the house. “This is our livingroom, it is kind of messy now, Amy did it.””I did not,” Amy said looking around. “Well maybe some of it,” sheagreed.Billy was looking around and then felt a tug as she pulled his leashagain, forcing him to follow her to the bedrooms, all the beds wereunmade, there were piles of clothes strewn through each room. Thehouse was indeed quite a mess. Robyn was looking at him, he spoke,”Don’t you girls do any chores here?”Robyn looked angry. “Hey you are supposed to curtsy first to askpermission to speak.” She tugged his leash hard, he stumbled.Billy sighed and performed a court curtsy, waiting for her to tell himto rise, she tugged on his leash and said he could stand. “You mayspeak now,” she said, still looking stern.Billy asked the question again.”No that is your job.” Robyn smirked. “We will be in the living room,you can start in the bedrooms.”They both left him, dropping the leash, letting it dangle before him.Wow. She was bossy, what happened to the nice girls he met in the carhe wondered.He was going to make the bed first but there were so many piles oflaundry s**ttered about, he started to gather them up first. There wasa lot of bending involved but he thought he was alone, “Where is thatruler Robyn,” he heard Amy call out from the doorway. He stood quicklylooking, she giggled. “Your panties are white with little flowers andI am going to spank you now.”Robyn appeared in the door beside Amy, she was holding the ruler. Amytold her, “I saw his panties, he bent to pick up your socks,” whilepointing to the socks on the floor. Robyn handed her the ruler.Billy was frozen. No, he wasn’t about to be spanked here too? Butthen, this was his sisters doing, she had given Robyn the ruler.Great. But, how hard could these girls spank? Amy was beside him now,she lifted the hem of his tiny dress. “See Robyn? White with prettyflowers.” Before billy expected it, he felt a smack. It wasn’t as hardas Krissy had spanked him, it did sting never the less.”How many times should I spank him?” Amy asked her sister.”I don’t know, no one said. Twenty?” Robyn provided helpfully.Smack, “Ok,” she said determined and continued to hit billie’s bumacross his panties. He jerked a bit with each slap, it was obvious hewas out of control here as well. Robyn called out, “If he complainsKrissy said to put a sock in his mouth, if you have one.”Amy was barefoot. “What if you don’t have one?””Panties Krissy said.” Robyn remembered that distinctly, she was sosurprised. But they knew best and she didn’t want to do anythingwrong, her mother had said this was very important for billy.Billy heard the exchange and kept very quiet. It was obvious he wouldbe tormented more if he complained. So he stood quietly while his,already sore behind was spanked, yet again.When Amy finished she tugged his hem back down. She tugged a fewtimes. “You wear very short dresses billy, it is no wonder yourpanties show. Why do you wear such short dresses if you will bespanked?”Billy looked in the mirror, she was waiting for an answer. “I didn’tpick the dress,” he told her quietly, “Krissy did.””Are these her panties then too?” she asked flipping his hem up tolook at them again, noticing his behind had a cherry red stripe whereshe had spanked him.”Yes,” he whispered.Robyn noticed he had piled up her clothes on the bed, in separatepiles, sorted for wash. “Do you know how to wash these, withoutdamaging them? I don’t want all my clothes to turn gray or something,”she expressed, concerned.Billy looked at her as he turned, facing both of them. Amy was stillstanding beside him. “Yes, my Mom taught me how to wash, I have towash all our clothes at home.””Well what cycle do you put delicates on then, like these panties?”Robyn asked as she picked up a pair off her bed.”Uhm, I don’t know,” he stammered.”You don’t know? But you said your Mom taught you how to do thelaundry, that you did all of the laundry at home, how could you notknow, you are going to ruin my clothes aren’t you?”Billy blushed again, “She makes me hand wash all the delicates.” hesaid, looking down.”Oh! Well then, that is what you will do here too. I don’t want tohave them all in shreds or ruined in the wash.”Amy nodded, she didn’t want her clothes ruined either. Relieved thetwo girls left billy to continue gathering the clothes, it took a fewtrips to get everything in the laundry room. He set the washer to do adark wash with jeans, shorts, skirts and tops. Then he filled the sinkand let the panties soak, they were all brightly colored so would notbleed into each other, he hoped.As the panties soaked he returned to Robyn’s room to make the bed.With his hobbles and restricted hand movements, it was very difficult.Forced to do chores but then restricted so the chores were so hard todo, it was a constant punishment, then with the constant worry ofbeing punished with a spanking while he did them added to his helplessfeelings. The threat of further torments if he complained. He feltmore like a slave now than ever before, traded off to another familyand enslaved by them. It was almost exactly as it was happening.He managed to make her bed, it was a single, so reaching the coveringswas not as difficult. He left for Amy’s room, they both watched as hewiggled through the living room. “Could you get us some drinks whenyou finish Amy’s bed please?” Robyn asked. He stopped and curtsied andsaid yes he would. She giggled, “You do pretty curtsies, I can’t dothem that well. They make you practice them a lot?” He nodded and wentinto Amy’s room. The bed was just as easy to make, she stood in thedoorway watching him as he did, so he was extra careful not to bend,he knelt to adjust blankets, he felt even more subservient doing so,but he knew she would spank him again.”You did a nice job on my bed,” she said happily, “it hasn’t been madefor a week. Mom is so busy. I like having you here to help clean up.”Billy smiled, she was nice, except for the spanking, hmmm.He went to the kitchen, the tiny steps were so annoying. Looked in thecabinets for glasses. The kitchen was such a mess. He saw some throughthe glass cabinet doors, but to get them would mean reaching, andexposing. He could ask them to get the glasses but he suspected theywould not do it. There was no stool to step on, so he had no choice,he reached up an opened the door.He felt the smack before he knew she was there, man she was quiet. Hejerked in surprise lowering his arms. Turning to protect his bum fromanother smack. “I was getting the glasses for your drinks.” he said.”Your panties showed, and now I think you are complaining?””No, the dress is so short, when I raise my arms the hem lifts. Iwasn’t complaining.”She stood there. “Well then if you are not complaining, get theglasses.””Are you going to spank me again when I do?” billy asked.”Yes. So if you are not complaining you will just do it.”Billy was trapped, he knew he was going to have to get the glasses andlet her smack his bum. She had the same look that Krissy had when shespanked him. What was up with that?He turned, he had tingles again, knowing he was going to be spankedbut was forced to accept it. He raised his arms and sure enough sheswung the ruler hard across his right cheek. Before he had the dooropen she had hit him again on the same spot, Glass in hand, he couldonly take one at a time, he lowered it to the counter, two moresmacks. She waited, he had to get the next glass. She hit pretty hard.He wanted it this time though. To be spanked by a virtual stranger, itwas way beyond what he had planned when he made the website. She wascute too.He reached up again, another smack, hard. The door opened two more ashe gripped the glass, another one as he lowered it, then he moaned andleaned over the counter, he couldn’t help it. She immediately hit himacross both cheeks, very hard. He was bent over the kitchen counter,she just kept spanking him across both cheeks with the ruler. Hesquirmed, he had to stand up. Finally he did, he was blushing, she wasa bit flushed as well, breathing harder. She just looked at him, “Thejuice is in the fridge.” she said very quietly.She walked out of the kitchen leaving billy standing there panting.Quietly he went to the fridge, pulled out the g**** juice, filled thetwo glasses and put the juice back. He saw a tray, he put the glasseson the tray and went into the living room. He was blushing, he kneltbetween the two of them and held out the tray. Robyn looked at him,taking the glass slowly. Amy took hers smiling and drank right away.Robyn took a sip and put the glass back on the tray! She turned backto the TV to watch the movie they were enjoying. billy just quietlyknelt there holding her glass.Amy looked over. “Is that all you want?”Robyn said, “Of my drink?””Yes.””No, I took a sip, I will drink more. There is no table here.”Billy was the table. The slave holding the table, the slave that shehad just spanked, spanked hard, she knew something. She took anothertiny sip and put the glass back on the tray, he had to kneel there,holding it, with his wrists chained together. If he complained, heknew she was ready to fill his mouth, and she wasn’t wearing any sockseither.Billy knelt there for quite a while, quietly holding her drink. Shefinally finished, Amy had finished a while ago and put the empty glasson the tray. Billy knew he was dismissed, he left the room as quietlyas the rattling chains allowed. It was time to deal with the pail ofsoaking panties.He stood before the sink, it was smaller than they had at home, and hedidn’t have to bend for the most part. Taking a pair of panties out ofthe soaking water he started to scrub them, when finished he placedthem on a towel. He best check on the girls, they were quiet and hewas the babysitter, well sort of.He minced out of the room and peeked into the living room, they werestill watching TV, so he headed back to the laundry room, he did thisa few times, finally Robyn called out “Why do you keep coming in here?You are not getting your chores done.” She stood and followed him backto the laundry room.”I was just checking to make sure everything was ok with the two ofyou,” he said, defending his actions.”Well we are fine, stay in here and finish, there is a lot to wash.”She looked around and then took his leash, that she had left danglingfrom his collar, and looped it around a towel rack on the wall, tyinga knot. “There, now you will stay until finished.” and left.Billy looked at the leash tied to the wall, this was going to makewashing more difficult, why everything had to be made more difficult,then he realized the leash was just clipped to his collar, he raisedhis hands and removed the clip.Two more panties and a pair of socks were washed and waiting on thetowel when Robyn peeked in the room again. “How dare you remove yourleash!” she left in a huff.’Oh oh, I wonder what she is going to do,’ billy thought.Seconds later she returned, she took the leash and clipped it to hiscollar again, then pulled out a large combination lock, like the onesused on lockers at school, and clicked it shut. Now he was locked inplace. “Any complaints?” she asked.He shook his head, the blonde locks that framed his face danced backand forth. He blinked a few times, his long eyelashes fluttered. “Didyou put on your makeup? It is very pretty.””No, Krissy does that in the morning. I don’t want makeup but theymake me wear it.”She looked at his soft features. “That sounds like a complaint too.””No, I am not complaining, sorry.””Oh so you like your makeup then?”He had no choice, answer yes or he would likely have something placedin his mouth for the rest of the day. “Uhm, yes I like it.” he lookeddown, dejected. He was so controlled.”Good, because you look very pretty.”She left him, bound, cleaning her panties. He would be there for anhour or so, the pile was huge, they couldn’t have any clean underwearleft in their drawers.He was checked on frequently, the girls would come in to talk to him,watch him clean, check on the cleaning that he did, to be sure he wasdoing a good job. Neither of them had offered to release his collar,they left him bound to finish his duties. Robyn asked him often if hehad any complaints, she really seemed to want him to do so. He alwayssaid no. The collar was tugging on his neck all the time, remindinghim that he was bound in place. His feet were sore, he couldn’t movethem much. He kept shuffling them, even when the girls were in, but hewas careful not to say they were sore, as this would be a complaint.Robyn came in again, he was about half way through, he was stillmoving his feet a lot, raising one foot, then the other, trying torelieve the pain the high heels were causing. She said, “you are goingto poke holes in the floor with your heels if you keep doing that, Momwill be very annoyed and I will probably get heck for it.”She bent down, he hadn’t seen that she brought in a short length ofrope. She looped it around his ankles, tied a tight knot and ran it uphis legs, looping another bit around his knees, tying them togethertightly and then to the handle at the cabinet door, tying it securely.It too was out of reach as he couldn’t crouch down with his collarleashed to the towel rack on the wall. He couldn’t lift his feetanymore. She grinned, “Amy and I play cowboys and Indians a lot, I amvery good at tying someone up. Now you won’t get me into trouble.”She left the room. His hands were stuck in front of him, chained, nowhis legs were stuck together tightly, his collar holding him tightagainst the sink. he was reduced to a being no more than a washingmachine, unable to move. He was left there until he was finished, whenhe was in fact done, he waited, he waited stuck there for fifteenminutes before either of them checked on him. They only came inbecause they now wanted lunch.He was released and told he could continue the laundry after, but thatthey were hungry now, Amy was, as she said, hungryyyyyy.He looked in the refrigerator, found some leftover pasta that theysaid they liked, so it was easy to heat it up. He set the kitchentable and managed to put the food on the table before they caught him,as he had bent over quite a few times being in a hurry. He was notsure of Robyn, she seemed to take control very easily, control overhim at any rate. He felt quite meek when in her presence.He went into the living room, holding the hem of his dress he did adeep court curtsy and waited. Robyn told him, “You may rise.” He did,she asked if lunch was ready.He nodded, and then looked down. his long stocking clad legs fillinghis vision, he could see the tips of those punishing pumps just belowhis ankle chain. Robyn was passing by, she took hold of his leash andtugged. “Come on daydreamer,” pulling him into the kitchen.Amy noticed there were only two place settings “Aren’t you going toeat lunch too?””Oh Amy, he is a maid, maids don’t eat with us, they eat later, rightbilly?””Umh, I guess so, that is what I have to do at home,” he stammered,she really got to him.”What do you do while they eat?” Amy asked, taking a bite.”They make me kneel beside the table,” he told her, instantlyregretting it.Robyn pointed down. “kneel then.”As they ate, he knelt beside the table, head lowered, hands resting onhis thighs. At least his feet were resting for a bit. “Are you goingto hang the clothes outside on the line now?” Robyn asked lookingdown at him as she finished her lunch.”Yes I was going to.””You will have to raise your arms up then, to reach the line,” shesaid, looking into his eyes.He nodded.”It will be like getting the glass out of the cabinet then,” sheadded, meaningfully.As he cleared the table Amy asked Robyn if she was coming back towatch the TV.”No, I am going to show billy where the clothesline is and make surehe hangs our clothes up properly, we don’t want them blowing away inthe wind.” She was looking at billy then, allowing the message to sinkin, he was going to be watched, he was going to be raising his hands,his hem, it was going to be ‘like getting the glass out of the cabinetthen.’She actually helped him load up the laundry basket, and even carriedhalf of the laundry out to the line. Then, “Does Krissy watch you hangthe clothes at home?””Uhm, yes,” he almost whispered.”At home, you have to raise your arms up? Your panties show theretoo?”He blushed again. “Uhm, yes.” This time it was a whisper.”What does Krissy do?””She spanks me,” he admitted.”The entire time you hang the clothes?””Yes.” He knew now, she was about to do the same.The clothes line was around the house, she was tugging his leash as hecarried the basket, mincing along, wiggling, frustrated. She showedhim where the pegs were kept, there was a table to hold the laundry,so he wouldn’t have to bend. He was still going to expose his pantiesthough. For quite a while, this was a big load of laundry.His heart was pounding a bit as he picked up a skirt to hang. He tooktwo pegs and turned to the line, it was a rope line that you pulled,rather than the unit they had at home that was on a pole. He reachedup, placed the hem of the skirt against the line and started to fastenthe peg when the first smack hit his behind, right across the middle,both cheeks. Owww. He tried to ignore what he knew was going to be along spanking and put the second peg on, tugging the line out a bit,ready for the next article to hang. She had slapped his bum about sixtimes now, each time in the same spot. He tried squirming as helowered his hands to pick up the next item.”What are you doing?” she asked.”Hanging the laundry,” he said puzzled.”No, silly I know that, you are dancing or something.”Billy blushed. “I wasn’t dancing.””What were you doing then?” Knowing full well what he was doing.”I was just trying to avoid your spanking,” he admitted.”Hmmm, isn’t that a complaint of sorts then?”He sensed a trap, “no.””Well then hold still, if you move away I will assume that you arecomplaining that you are being spanked. You know that I have to spankyou if I see your panties.”Now he couldn’t move? He knew what she would do if he did, so now hemust just hang the clothes, and allow her to spank his bum, if he evenflinched she may gag him. She still wasn’t wearing any socks either.Resigned, billy selected a pair of Amy’s panties and two pegs, hisarms raised and the spanking began. With each article he hung, hereceived quite a few smacks, each across both cheeks, and each in thesame spot. She never missed. He found he was getting slower and slowerhanging items, allowing for more smacks, he could hear her breathingbecoming more labored as she continued. The evil girl was sitting ina chair beside him, aiming with deliberate care.Billy was not quite half way through when he had to stop. “Why are youstopping?” she asked.Billy wanted to say because his bum was getting very sore, but thatwould be a complaint, he struggled for an answer. Nothing came tomind, He either had to complain, or keep going, she was watchingintently, waiting for the complaint.”Sorry,” he mumbled and picked up a pair of her panties to hang. Theywere almost like the ones he was wearing, white with a flower pattern,delicate.She grinned. “like them?”He blushed again, grabbed some pegs and continued hanging the clothesup. The first smack seemed extra hard, he yelped.”What was that?” she asked”Nothing, that one just hurt a bit more is all,” he said.”You are not complaining are you?””No, it just hurt.””So it is ok then if I spank you harder?”He was trapped. “It will hurt more, but if that is what you want todo, I can’t stop you.” he said, hoping she wouldn’tOf course she did.She was determined to make him complain. She was being so careful tohit the same spot each time, it was becoming quite red too. She hithim again, the smack was quite loud. He moaned. He wasn’t moving much,she hit his bum again. He moaned one more time. He was standing stillholding on to the line with his dress raised. She hit him a few moretimes very quickly. He wiggled a bit, sort of squirmed. Suddenly shepaused. “are you enjoying this?”He came back to reality. Blushing deeply. He finished hanging herpanties.”I asked you a question,” she reminded him.”What being spanked?” he asked, as if that were a silly question.”Yes.””Why would I enjoy being spanked?” he asked, trying to cover, tochange the subject.”I don’t know, you were moaning a bit and not moving. If you answerhonestly I will tell you something.”He looked at her, she obviously knew. “It makes me feel funny inside.”he admitted,”So you like it then?”He nodded, barely.”Well I like spanking you, watching when you squirm, when you moan. Iwon’t say anything, it will be our secret.”Billy looked at her.”Ask me to keep spanking you,” she whispered.Billy bit his lip. he looked at her, she waited. She knew, he admittedit. he shuffled, the chains held him. He looked at her again, herfacial expression hadn’t changed. “please spank me.” he whispered.”It’s ok you can squirm if you want. I like it when you squirm.” Sheseemed excited. “Ready?”He nodded and started to pick up a pair of socks to hang, she wasready, watching, his arms raised and she struck.Ouch, that was much harder, he wiggled a bit, and she actually giggledand hit him again.”How long can you stand still?” she asked.He held on to the line and she just kept going, he was squirming, shewas hitting all over as he wiggled and moaned, finally he dropped hisarms down. She took a deep breath. He glanced over, she was flushed.”Ready?” he heard her whisper.They continued, on and on. Billy was loving it but his bum wasbecoming quite sore. On the last spank, she put a lot into it, heyelped loudly.”You know, I should gag you for that, I am sure that was a complaint.”She was sort of teasing but billy knew she really wanted to do it.He didn’t say anything. He wanted to rub his sore behind, but with thechains he couldn’t.”Billy?” she whispered.”Yes?” he answered, she was still flushed.”I really want to.””Want to what?” he asked, confused.”gag you,” she said, looking straight into his eyes.”Just for a little while, it could be our secret too.”He didn’t say anything.”You did yelp, that is complaining, your sister said I should stick asock in your mouth if you complained.”He looked at her bare feet. “You aren’t wearing socks.””Uhm, she said to use panties if no socks were available.” She seemedalmost nervous.He sighed, she wasn’t going to let this go.”billy, I want to spank you more too, all the way back into thehouse.”He shivered.”I am going to insist billy,” she said again, firmly.”You want me to get a pair of panties down off of the line?” billyasked finally.She shook her head, her soft curls flipped back and forth.She reached under her skirt and wiggled in her seat, she tugged downher panties and slowly stepped out of them. She balled them up andstood up. Looking at him, not saying a word.She reached out and took the loop on his collar in her hand, herpanties were in the other. “Open wide,” she commanded, looking stern.He was not sure if he detected a scent from the panties or not, theywere under his nose now, brushing his lips. he opened his mouth.She pushed them in, poking with her finger. “Close your mouth.”He did, the panties vanished. He was gagged.She turned him around, lifted the hem of his dress and used the apronstrap to hold it up, so his bum was bare, just covered with hispanties and the pantyhose.She took the leash, told him to start walking she would walk beside,slightly to the back of him, as he took the first step she smacked hisbum. With the hobbles he couldn’t go very fast. With each tiny step,she had time to spank him twice. He tried to go faster, but she waspulling back on his leash, slowing him down. Often she would tug onthe leash, stopping him completely and just start to spank fast. Thenshe would let him walk again, each step, two more spanks. He moaned alot, especially when she made him stop so she could spank him more.He could taste something different in her panties, not like Krissy’ssalty socks.He was a mess of emotions, he never felt more like a slave than he didat that moment, totally controlled by Robyn, each step, when he couldtake them, being punished with each one, it seemed to go on forever.She wasn’t hitting too hard, it was more humiliation than pain. Whenthey reached the door to the house she tugged down his dress. “keepthe panties in for now, until I tell you to take them out. Unless youwant Amy to know you have my panties in your mouth?” she looked athim.He shook his head. She grinned.They went into the house and separated, she went to watch TV with Amy,he continued to the kitchen to clean it up.”Did he do a good job hanging the laundry?” Amy asked.”Not really, I had to spank him a few times,” Robyn admitted.Billy heard them talking. A few times?!” his bum had never been sosore, but it was a different type of sore too. He moved his tonguearound, pushing the panties a bit, they seemed a bit wet he thought,the taste was stronger now too, where they were wet.He finished the kitchen, it was really looking good he thought. He wassure it hadn’t been cleaned in a few weeks it was so bad, the disheswere out of the dishwasher, he even snuck outside and brought thelaundry back in. The hot sun and strong wind had dried everythingquickly. He went to their rooms and left the articles on their beds,he didn’t want to go through their drawers.Robyn came up behind him, she pointed to her top drawer. “My pantiesand socks go in there, jeans and skirts in my closet.” She looked athim, “do you still have my panties in your mouth?”He nodded.”Show me.”He opened his mouth, the white panties slipped between his lips. Shereached out and her finger hooked them. She tugged them out. “Ewe,they are wet,” she said and rubbed them over his face, well mostlyover his nose and mouth. Then tossed them in her hamper.That hint of scent he detected before, seemed to be back, he couldsmell it now, much stronger, it must have been the panties.”It’s dinner time,” she told him.He put away her clothes, as she had asked and went to the kitchen. Hefound ground beef, and buns so he made them hamburgers. Amy chargedin, “Oh I love hamburgers.” she told him happily.The two of them sat down, just then Debbie arrived, walked in to seeher daughters sitting at the table being served by the cute maid. “Ohhamburgers, we love those don’t we girls?””Billy made lots Mom, you can have dinner with us too,” Amy told herhappily.”Billy that is so great, I am famished and so tired, you have no ideahow coming home to see dinner made makes me feel. You are terrific andlook at this kitchen! It is positively shining.”She sat at the table that was against the far wall in the centerposition, her daughters at each end, watching as billy wiggled back tothe cabinet to get her a plate. He reached up and she noticed his bumwas quite red, obviously he had been spanked recently. She didn’t sayanything though, he brought the plate over, dropped to his knees andoffered it to her with his arms raised.She took the plate slowly, he was very submissive. As they started toeat, he remained kneeling. Amy told her that is what he did at homewhen they ate. She kicked off her shoes, the heels were torturing herfeet. She asked billy if he could put them in her room for her.He reached out and took each shoe, rose to his feet and walked downthe hall, wiggling and clinking. The shoes had a strong scent mixedwith the leather. It was not totally horrible, it was very alluringfor billy. When he was in her room he raised a shoe to his face andtook a deep sniff.A few minutes later he was kneeling by the table again, Amy asked howher mother’s day had gone. Debbie answered. “It was a long day, I amvery tired, and my feet are really killing me. Soaking in a tub laterwill feel great. How was your day?”Robyn looked over. “Mom, Krissy said that billy did a great footmassage maybe that would help your feet?”Debbie looked down at billy. “Would you mind billy? I sure would loveone.”Billy looked up at her. He really wanted too. “Uhm, sure, if you want,I can.””I really don’t want to wait, could you scoot under the table and doit while I eat?” she asked hopefully.Billy crawled under the table, his chains dragged on the tiles, hisbum was completely exposed now, Debbie could see red welts where hehad been spanked, he looked at Robyn. She shrugged with a bit of asmile. The little minx.Billy knelt under the table taking Debbie’s stocking clad foot intohis hands and started to rub them, she wiggled her toes. She restedher other foot on is thigh, rubbing slightly up and down the nyloncovering his leg was slippery as it met the nylon on her foot. It wasa pleasant experience. She didn’t think at what the contact was doingto billy though.She ate very slowly, loving the foot rub, her sliding foot still movedup and down billie’s thighs constantly, going up quite high now, underhis dress, but again, she didn’t know that, she was in a daze. Thelong day ended, a nice foot rub, dinner, the house cleaned. herdaughters happy. She wondered about keeping billy, it would be nice tohave a maid full time…Billy was bent over slightly to fit under the table, his ankles boundtogether and wrists the same, kneeling at their feet. The aromaarising from Debbie’s feet was intoxicating. Musky, mixed with a hitof leather from her shoes, her feet were damp, and he knew his handswere taking on the same aroma. No one could see him, under the table,they were all in conversation discussing her job. He bent his headdown, closer to the foot he was holding, kneading the sole his nosebrushed lightly over her toes. He inhaled deeply. He moved his softlips over them, brushing them as he continued a deep rub on her softsoles with each of his thumbs. She wiggled her toes, just at the rightmoment and the parted his lips, entering briefly. as he lifted hishead a slightly salty taste had been left on his lips.Robyn was listening to her mother, but she was not sitting idol. Herfeet began to wander, stretching out her toes brushed his bare arm.She slid her foot across his arm, leaning back slightly her foot movedto the center of his chest, just below his chin. She didn’t know hehad to stoop foreword to fit under the table, so she hadn’t realizedhis face was hovering above her bare foot, just inches above.Exploring she raised her foot, surprised when she brushed his face soquickly. She didn’t pull back, merely started moving it slightlymaintaining contact. Pulling back just a bit, her toes were brushinghis lips. She grinned.Billy was tingling all over, bound under the table, virtually forcedto rub her nylon clad foot. The smells were concentrating under thetable. Her skirt had risen slightly, he was sitting before her longlegs, and he saw peeks of her white panties now and then, under herskirt. Just then he had felt Robyn’s foot graze his arm, he was notsurprised, Amy had brushed against his other arm a few times and wasnow resting her feet on his thighs. They were hot and she keptwiggling her toes too. He stole another look up Debbie’s skirt, justthen Robyn’s foot slipped under his face, he tried to lift his headbut it was hitting the table. She raised it and he felt her soft skinslide over his lips. She must be stretching, there wasn’t much roomunder the table. Then her toes tickled his nose, slid across his lipsand wiggled. Another scent was mixing as she maintained contact. Maybeit was not such an accidental stretch.Her toes started pressing more, firmer against his lips, her otherfoot slid up his side, under his arm and she kicked a bit. She wantedsomething. She kicked again, he opened his mouth and her toes slippedin. He couldn’t pull away his back was too the wall, his head stuckunder the table, his hands filled, with Debbie’s foot. His tonguebrushed her toes, they were farther in his mouth now, and they stoppedwiggling when his tongue brushed them, he pulled it back, the tastewas quite strong. She wiggled her toes and kicked him, harder. Histongue brushed them again. She stopped wiggling, his lips closed, histongue tasted more of her toes. Each time he stopped licking orsucking, she kicked him. He was kneeling in front of Debbie, peekingup her skirt, sucking on her daughters toes and she was just eatingdinner, oblivious to all that was happening below the table, slidingher foot up and down his leg.Each time he tried to remove her foot, she kicked, she was not goingto let him stop. His tongue slipping between her toes, they were verysoft. Amy’s feet were moving a bit now too. feeling how slippery hislegs were, covered in the black pantyhose. He was becoming overloadedwith sensations. They had all finished eating, were just sittingtalking, each seemed to be enjoying themselves and didn’t want toleave the table. Debbie loved the foot rub and didn’t want it to stop.Robyn, well she was just in control of billy again, he was ticklingher toes, but it felt glorious.”Well girls, should we go watch some TV and stretch out on morecomfortable chairs?” Debbie finally asked.Amy was eager, she pulled away from the table quickly, started togather up her dishes. Robyn told her, “Don’t worry, billy will cleanup.”Robyn pulled her toes out of his mouth, then smeared them all over hisface, mostly around his lips and nose before pulling her foot back.Debbie was still sitting at the table, one foot in his lap the otherhis hands. “That feels so amazing billy I really hate to stop. Be adear though and sort out the kitchen for us.” She reluctantly pulledher feet away from him and went into the living room with herdaughters. Billy was left kneeling under the table. Trying to gatherhimself.He crawled out and stood. Lifting his hands to his face he sniffed,the scent left on his hands was powerful. There was a smell from Robyntoo covering his face. Resigned to maid duties again, he gatheredtheir dinner dishes, glasses and cutlery, placing all in thedishwasher. He had already washed the pan he made the burgers in.After wiping down the table he went to the living room, wondering ifhe was to be taken home soon. He thought he was called in to babysit,with Debbie home, there was no need for a babysitter any longer.He stood in the doorway, Debbie looked up. “Finished already?” sheasked.He nodded about to ask if he could be taken home now, but Debbie roseand came out of the living room. She took his leash with a smile andasked him to follow her, she pulled him into her room, pointing to thepiles of clothing on her bed. “Could you put these away properlyplease?” She tugged him toward her dresser, opened the top drawer,panties were in neat piles. “My panties go in here.” Closing thedrawer, she opened the next one, “socks and pantyhose in here.” Moretugs and he was next to the closet. She opened the door. “Skirts onthe left, slacks on the right, tops in the middle. Do you understand?”He looked into her eyes, curtsied. “You can do the same in Amy’s room,if you look around you will find out where things go.” She dropped hisleash and left the room, a wisp of her perfume lingered.He picked up her delicate panties, folded them as the ones in herdrawer were, neatly putting them away. Socks and pantyhose followed,she had some stockings and a garter belt as well. The rest of theclothing went in the closet and then he went into Amy’s room. Thisseemed much more than a babysitting job, no mention of being paid wasmade either.He returned to the living room, sure he would be taken home now.Debbie looked at him as he entered. he was so cute. Krissy was anamazing makeup artist, he could pass as a girl with ease. “I don’tsuppose you can continue my foot rub? You only did one foot, it didfeel so marvelous billy.”He nodded, heart beating stronger. He wanted to do this. She moved herfeet aside and he knelt before her, she quickly slipped one foot ontohis thigh. “I love how my stockinged foot feels on your stockinged legbilly.” She giggled as she moved it up and down. She then raised herother foot slowly. A little higher than she had when he was under thetable. She scent rose quickly to his nose, he inhaled a bit moreobviously, she noticed. “Oh I am sorry billy, do my feet smellhorrible?”He shook his head. “Oh you are just being nice, they must smell bad.Billy if they smell bad please be honest, I don’t like my girlstelling fibs.”Girls?He shook his head again “No they don’t smell bad at all.” he tried toassure her.Robyn piped up. “Maybe he just likes the smell Mom?”Debbie giggled. “Oh that can’t be, She raised her foot more, up to hisnose. Billy take a sniff, please tell me if they smell horrible.”Obediently he took a deep sniff, of course they had a strong muskyscent. She didn’t move her foot. “They don’t smell bad at all” heagain said.”Oh they must,” she said. “You are just being nice, I bet you couldn’tstand it if I left my foot there for a while so that was all you couldsmell.”He was holding her foot now, starting to rub it. “If your foot smelledawful I would tell you,” he promised.”Well then let’s keep it right there, to see if you are being honest.”So he was forced to hold her foot, right in front of his nose, as hemassaged it. Her other foot was still exploring his thigh, neverstopping moving. The slippery nylons felt good for billy too.She forgot him for a few minutes as Amy told her about the movie theyhad watched. Robyn was watching billy intently, with her mother’s footalmost touching his nose. Her pink painted toenails hovering, soclose.Debbie wiggled them as he had found a ticklish spot, jerking slightlyher toes were mashed against his face. She held them there, pressedagainst his nose. “Sure they don’t smell billy.”He mumbled a no. “Fine, I will keep them there for a while then, as atest.”Twenty minutes later, her toes were still pressed against his nose, hewas holding her foot, rubbing it, inhaling the powerful scent,everything beyond his control. He could feel the dampness, it wascovering his face, lips, and nose. The smell was going to remain longafter she moved her foot away.”Well billy, are you ready to admit they smell yet?” Debbie asked him,wiggling her toes.Billy started to answer again, to assure her the smell was not ashorrible as she kept saying, but her wiggling toes slipped in hismouth when he started to talk, finding a way past his parted lips,brushing his tongue as he started to form his words. He was surprised,the taste was very strong, her wiggling toes went in quite far.Robyn laughed, Debbie said, “Oh dear, I didn’t expect that,” andstarted to giggle too. She wiggled her toes more in his mouth thatcaused them to slide in a bit more, his tongue was firmly in contactnow. “Well do they taste bad billy?” she asked between giggles.He mumbled a no. She laughed. “Oh should I leave them there then?”He blushed, that was exactly what he wanted. Robyn decided to pressthings. “leave them there Mom, let’s see how long he can take it.”Debbie was up for the challenge. “Ok billy, you are on, let’s see howlong you can stand having my toes in your mouth, I bet they tasteterrible.”Billie’s eyes were open wide in shock, this day had been a chapter outof one of his fantasies. He decided to try something, he pulled herwet toes out of his mouth, but not too far, they were still brushinghis lips, “Ok what do I win if I keep them in then and for how long”he asked. Hoping she would pick some absurd time.She didn’t disappoint. “Hmmmm, what do you think Robyn? Half an hourof toe sucking?” giggling as she looked at billy, her foot pressedagainst his mouth.”Oh no mom, more,” Robyn said. “There has to be a punishment for earlywithdrawal too.”Debbie thought, “Ok billy, one hour, if my foot comes out of yourmouth before the hour is up, then you agree to stay overnight and beour maid again tomorrow. I will call your mom to arrange it.”Billy was tormented, they were all watching to see if he accepted thechallenge. He wanted to, to be forced to suck her toes for an hour,but he wanted to be their maid tomorrow too. Maybe he could do both.”Where will he sleep Mom?” Amy inquired.Robyn wanted to torment him more. “Mom, what about Gingers bed?”Ginger was their pet dog that had passed away the previous year. Herleash was the one on billie’s collar.”Oh Robyn, Ginger slept in that big pet carrier. It is not really abed.””Ginger liked it, and billy would fit in it just fine I bet.”Debbie looked at billy. “Well billy? Are you going to take thechallenge?”He mustered some bravado. “Of course I could do it, he said, muffledslightly by her foot.””Alight then, open up,” she said. As he did, her toes slipped into hismouth. She looked at the clock, Seven o’clock. If you pull them outbefore eight, you will be spending the night.”Robyn added, “In Gingers bed?”Debbie sighed. “Yes in Gingers bed.”Billy knelt there, they were watching the TV, glancing at him now andthen, as he was there with her foot firmly in his mouth. He wassucking, his tongue was sliding around her toes. She insisted that hekeep rubbing her foot too. She was still sliding her other foot up anddown his leg. She would sigh now and then, and stretch out. Often thatwould push her toes in a bit more. Billy would glance at Robyn now andthen, she was almost staring at him all the time. He could see upDebbie’s skirt easily now, there was another scent that was ticklinghis nose too, a new one, from somewhere.”Oh I almost forgot billy.” He looked up at her, he looked cutesitting there, sucking her toes, it did feel so nice. “I was readingthat website today on my break. A lot of your problem is posture fromwhat I gathered, restricting bending and movements?”He nodded carefully, he said yes, but it was so muffled they allgiggled.”Well I did have a thought and stopped at a specialty shop on the wayhome. I spoke to the owner, she recommended a longline corset. It isvery firm and would keep you from bending.”Billy listened, he had not thought of that, it would be veryrestrictive, but then they didn’t have anything like that at home andmoney was short.”I bought one,” she announced.She what?”You are the same size as Robyn so it was easy to size, I have asecret, you are almost the same age too, I just don’t like leavingthem home alone, but the shop had a corset, a long one, that was aspecial order, she was unable to sell it and practically gave it tome.”She looked at him, “If you lose this bet, tomorrow I will put it onyou, we don’t have to have the keys to your chains as it opens upcompletely, then laces shut, I will be able to put it on under yourdress with ease. It has garters though, and stockings are required tokeep it in position. She provided a pair of them also, they are aspecialty stocking that are designed with a lot of compression. Theywill really squeeze your legs but they may be perfect for you, we canslip them on under your manacles. You can keep your pantyhose on underthem, it will be a cute look, I bet your stocking tops will show underyour hem, that dress is so short.”Billy wobbled, it was too much, he teetered and fell over, her footslipped out of his mouth.He wondered how big the pet carrier was…Robyn was giggling as billy lay on the floor, he had become overwhelmedwith sensations and with what Debbie had just told him. They were goingto put him in a corset, lace him up, and put stockings on him. Thesmell of her foot had been so intoxicating, the feelings as her otherfoot was caressing his leg, sliding on his pantyhose, and it wassending such powerful sensations throughout him. He just couldn’t takeit anymore. He was overwhelmed.Amy was concerned, “What happened, are you ok billy?” she asked as shejumped out of her chair. Billy watched as she came over to help him up,it was hard with his wrists cuffed, to get up on his own, he was stilla bit wobbly, he looked at Robyn, she was smiling. Debbie looked sternfor some reason.”What happened to him Mommy?” Amy asked again.”Obviously my feet do smell and billy was not telling the truth, thesmell overpowered him and he just couldn’t take it anymore,” she said.”If he had been honest, this would not have happened. You both know howmuch I dislike lies.”Amy nodded, Debbie was a stickler for telling the truth. Now billy wasin a quandary if he said it was not foot odor that knocked him over, hewould have to come up with something believable. He couldn’t admit tothe real reasons, so it was easier to go along with Debbie, after allwhat could happen?”Billy when my daughters lie to me, they are punished. I make certainthat the punishments are always something that they remember for a goodlong time. You will be treated no differently, I can’t have you settinga bad example and getting away with it.”Billy wondered what punishments would be memorable. “Robyn, please getGingers bed,” Debbie asked her daughter. Moments later Robyn came backinto the living room with the pet carrier, it was a plastic case with ametal grill door, well a cage door. There was a couple of cage windowson the sides and one on the top, for ventilation. The back was a solidwall. What billy did notice, was how small it seemed.Robyn put the carrier on the floor. Debbie pointed to it. “You willhave to back into it billy, please do so now.”Billy looked at the small carrier, he didn’t see how he was going tofit. Debbie was looking very stern though. In reality, his heart waspounding a bit, he wanted to be locked up in this tiny cage, and it waslike a dream to be locked in it. Quietly he positioned himself so hecould sort of crawl backwards, working his way into the small space.Once his legs were in they slid on the plastic floor easily and hemanaged to push himself all the way in. He was not kneeling, he wasfolded double, chest on his knees. His hands were on the floor of thecage, the cuffs on his wrists being attached to the chain forced themjust below his collar, so his head was also resting on the floor of thecage. He fit. Well sort of. But he couldn’t move, not a bit.”Perfect,” Debbie said. “For Part of your punishment you will bespending the rest of this evening in there, you will be sleeping inthere too. I hope you remember this.” Billy was working on thesensations again as he listened to Debbie. He was dressed as a girl,completely, chained helplessly, wearing such high heel shoes that werelocked on. Now in a tiny cage in the living room of people he just metthat day, people that were treating him as a slave. Locking their slaveaway for the rest of the night, like a pet.Locked is just what happened too, Debbie slipped a very large lookingpadlock on the hasp of the cage door and clicked it shut. The clicksounded very final. She pushed the cage off to the side over by Robyn’schair. Billy had a limited view out the tiny cage door, all of itfilled with Robyn’s feet. They continued watching a movie, chattingaway as if there was not a boy locked in a tiny cage on their floordressed as a French maid with very high heels and chains binding himhelplessly. As though it was a common happening in their household, aneveryday occurrence for them. Billy’s face was almost pressed to thecage door watching as Robyn’s feet pressed against the tiny cage, hertoes poking through, grasping the wire of the cage with her toesteasingly. The aroma was filling the cage, billy was blocking most ofthe vents he was packed in so tightly. He shifted a bit and his facewas now pressed against the cage. Robyn immediately slid her toes overhis face, stopping as her toes rested against the side of the cagewhere his nose was on the cage door. Billy tried to move, but hisstockings just slid on the cage floor, it was hard to get any grip, sohis face was still pressed tightly against the tiny bars that made upthe door. The smell was very powerful now, it was doing things to him.When the movie ended, Debbie announced it was time for bed. Billyrequired assistance with his undergarments, with his hands bound hecouldn’t really pull them up or down. When Debbie pulled his pantyhoseback up, pulled his dress down she led him back to his cage and lockedhim in for the night. Hours into the night Billy was thrashing about,struggling and squirming, his body had had enough of being stuck insuch a restricted position. It was all to no avail though, he wasindeed stuck there, locked in his chains and locked in the tiny cage.Morning arrived, he saw Debbie walk through the room, opening thed****s, the sun streamed into the room. Finally he was going to bereleased. She left, he heard the shower start. He was left locked inthe cage. Robyn came into the room, sat in the chair before him, herfeet were just by the cage door. “You are locked in,” she told him.He didn’t answer, he was struggling with powerful emotions. She wasabout to peek in to see if he was awake when Debbie came in. “Do youwant the bathroom?” she asked. Robyn nodded and went right away. Debbieleft the room, left billy locked in his cage.Robyn came in a while later, she had just showered as well. She bentdown, she had keys!The cage door opened. “Come on out billy,” she told him. His muscleswere stiff, locked in that position all night, it took a bit but hemanaged to crawl out and kneeled in front of the cage. “Oh, you reallypissed Mom off didn’t you? She really doesn’t like lying. It is alwaysbetter to tell her the truth, no matter what it is. Like yesterday whenI asked you if you liked being spanked. If you said no, I would haveknown you were lying and I would have stopped spanking you. Because youtold the truth, I rewarded you.” She grinned. His reward was a lot ofhard spankings.She smiled. “Mom said to take you into the bathroom, let you do yourbusiness and clean you up.” She tugged his leash, pulling him to hisfeet.He followed her to the bathroom, it hurt to walk, he was still lockedin his shoes, his legs were so sore from kneeling all night. Theyentered the bathroom, she closed the door and locked it.She pointed to the toilet. He blushed. “Well?” she asked.”I can’t pull down my pantyhose and panties with my wrists locked,” headmitted.She giggled. “Oh then, I will pull down your pantyhose and panties,”She accented the your, making him blush more. Bending down her handsslid up his legs, slowly. She took the waistband to his pantyhose andpulled them down. His panties came with them. She looked up at him,kneeling before him for a change, they both were statues, quiet.”Off you go,” she whispered.He went to the toilet, finished gratefully, it had been so long. Hefelt wonderful when he finished. Then realized, he was going to needhelp cleaning up. Noooo.Robyn had a face cloth in her hand. “Oh don’t be a baby, stand up.”She cleaned him as she would clean a baby, tugged his panties back up,she pulled them up as high as she could, they slipped into his crack asfar as they possibly could, he squirmed. Then did the same with hispantyhose, being careful not to rip them. Taking his leash again shetugged him toward the sink which was filled with warm soapy water. Sheunfastened the button at the back of the dress and unzipped as far asthe zipper would go. She then took the hem of the dress in her handsand pulled it over his head. He stood there with the dress over hishead and arms, he felt like a goof.She washed him gently, caressing almost as much, pressing her bodyagainst him, the warm cloth sliding under his arms, along is back. Shemoved behind him, pressed tightly against him and washed his chest. Herchin resting on his shoulder, looking down as she worked. Drying himoff with a soft towel, she then picked up her deodorant. It was notunscented. It was heavily perfumed, she applied it carefully under hisarms, with an evil grin she picked up a bottle of perfume and dabbed iton. Leaving him adorned with her scent.She tugged the dress back down, picked up a curling iron and went towork on his hair. As billy watched in the mirror it was clear that shewas an artist, she removed his makeup, changed his lips to a soft red,his eyes had hints of a soft red that made you look twice. His lasheswere thickened, he blinked, and she smiled as his long lashesfluttered. He looked in the mirror, that was just not him, that prettygirl looking back at him. There were too very pretty girls standingthere, side by side, pressed together fairly tightly considering therewas a lot of space in the bathroom. Robyn turned toward him, looking ather work. He watched her as her eyes danced from feature to feature,when they found his eyes, they rested, they stared quietly for a momentat each other, very quiet, and she was standing so close. Her hand cameup and cupped his cheek softly, almost as softly as her lips were whenthey grazed his. He tasted her tongue as it darted into his mouth. Shewas holding his head now, lips pressed together. It was the softestmost powerful kiss he had ever had. Her hand slipped down his backslowly, found his bum and cupped it, tugging him closer. She broke thekiss, then pressed her lips against his, her eyes were staring deeplyinto his. She whispered her lips sliding across his. “I am going tospank you today, I am going to spank you a lot. You are going to suckmy toes again too, lick my feet. I wonder what else I should get you tolick,” She kissed him again. He was so under her power.She picked up her toothbrush, standing very close to him, her bodypressing lightly against his, she brushed his teeth. Her face was veryclose to his as she peeked into his mouth, the closeness was notunknown to either of them, there were feelings passing between them,each contact was electric.They were quiet again, billy whispered, “How old are you?”She told him, he was surprised. “You are only three months younger thanI am.”She nodded thoughtfully. Turning, she tugged his leash, pulling him offbalance, he was in such a daze, and she grinned over her shoulder. Hewas led into Debbie’s room. Debbie was waiting. “It took you longenough, is he all cleaned up?” she asked Robyn.”He smells good too,” Robyn said handing her mother the leash. Debbietook it and told him to sit at the foot of her bed. She knelt beforehim. Well we are going to have a harder time with these chains lockedon, but I am sure we will manage,” she told him. Manage? ohhhh thecorset, he was about to be put in a corset. She took his shoe andremoved the back strap, by doing this she managed to pull the shoe offhis foot. It was still locked to his ankle but his foot was bare now,well except for his black pantyhose.She held up a stocking. “These have a lot of compression billy, you aregoing to feel squeezed with every step you take, they will tug andsqueeze all over.” He noticed the black stocking did look different,there was a wide lace decoration at the top too. Lifting his left legon to her lap Debbie worked it over his foot, tugging it carefullyunder the ankle strap of his shoe and the pink manacle encircling hisankle. It didn’t seem as hard as she had expected, the stocking wassliding quite easily over his pantyhose. As Debbie pulled the stockingup he felt her fingers sliding along his legs, it was sending shiversup his back as she got higher and higher. Robyn was looking at theother stocking, “Wow these really do squeeze don’t they.” Pulling herhand out of the stocking.Debbie nodded. “billy is going to be reminded with each step, eachmovement just how much. They will squeeze and tug constantly. Eachmovement will ripple up and down his legs.” She reached the hem of hisdress, the stocking finished there, the lace band just below the hem ofhis dress. She asked Robyn if she wanted to put the other stocking on.Billy’s heart started to beat faster. Debbie left to get the corset.Robyn knelt down and took his foot in her hands, they were so hot. Sheworked the stocking over his foot, just as her mother had done, underthe ankle strap and under the manacle, she tugged at the lock. ‘Theyare cute, I like the pink,” her hands caressed softly, sliding over ispantyhose as she worked the stocking up his calf. She bit her lip asshe worked it over his knee and then her hands were on his thigh,moving up. She was lingering, tugging carefully, teasing his leg. Shepulled the stocking in place just as Debbie came back into the roomwith a large flat box.”Stand please,” Debbie told him.She opened it moving aside tissue paper and removed a long shiny pinkcorset. Robyn unfastened his dress again, flipping it over his head asshe had done before. “Robyn pull his pantyhose up as high as you can,they will act as a liner under the corset.”Robyn took the waistband of the pantyhose, tugging gently, tellingbilly to wiggle and squirm, she pulled and tugged until the hem wasjust under his arms. They were pulled so tight the seam in thepantyhose had worked between his cheeks. Separating and enhancing them.They placed the corset in front of him, wrapping it around his waist itfastened with a few clips. Then the lacing began. First it was madesnug, squeezing him. he couldn’t see what they were doing, but he wasbeing squeezed all over. Before they went at the laces again, Debbiestarted attaching the garters to his stockings. There were six garters.Robyn did one leg while Debbie did the other, billy could feel theirhands sliding over his behind, stockings were tugged up, and he feltthe pulling begin. More fingers sliding, shivers were dancing up hisback. he didn’t know who was doing what, who was touching him where.Then they were all fastened. He felt one garter, over his behind pulledback. Then it was released, it smacked his behind loudly. “Robyn!”Debbie scolded. Robyn giggled.They went back at the laces, billy was not fat, in fact he was quiteslender. The corset tightened, shaping him. Soon the hourglass shapewas noticeable. Not long after it was pronounced. They tugged his dressback down. Robyn took his apron and tied it back in place, it drew hisdress in. he had an amazing shape. Robyn started to laugh.Debbie looked at her. “What is so funny?”Robyn pointed, “Billy has bigger boobs than I do now,” Debbie looked,sure enough as the corset had a built in bra attached, with pointedcups leaving billy with an impressive bust. Debbie giggled. “He lookscute though.”Robyn nodded. “He is pretty.”Billy was swaying a bit, the corset was so tight, the stockings were sotight, he was being squeezed all over. The phone rang, Debbie went toanswer it. Robyn looked at billy. he looked back. He took a step, thecorset was so long, and it went from “his” breasts down to just shortof the hem of his dress. Down to his thighs. Firming and shaping,covering any possible bulges. He didn’t feel his behind squeezedthough, he took a step and felt the dress sliding across his cheeks.They felt different, Robyn had pulled the pantyhose up so much, theywere separated. Squeezed but not by the corset. He was wondering how itwent down to his thighs without squeezing his bum. Robyn noticed himlooking in the long mirror, twirling a bit so he could see behind. Sheflipped up his dress. He gasped. The corset had a cut out section,framing his bum perfectly. “I will still be able to spank you,” shewhispered, sliding her hand over one of his cheeks. It was electric,her fingers slipping off the tight pantyhose.She dropped the hem before Debbie returned. “Well billy, you are readyto start the day, off to the kitchen please, it is breakfast time.”He took a step toward the hall, his stockings pulled, squeezed,shimmering feelings danced across his leg. He took another step, thesame happened with his other leg. When he stopped walking theysqueezed, it was like they were alive. The garters tugged, he felt thestraps move, pull. The corset squeezed, he took another step, it waslike a thousand fingers were playing with his legs. Each step, it neverstopped. He didn’t feel the hem of his dress raised, he was in anothertrance. The smack was loud it pulled him out of his trance. Debbie washolding some sort of rubber strap. She hit him again. He gasped.”The kitchen billy, breakfast, move it, let’s get busy. No slacking foryou today. Here Robyn.” She handed Robyn the quirt.Billy’s day was just getting started. The hem of his dress had not beenlowered. As he took a step Robyn smacked him, all the way into thekitchen. The pantyhose were pulled so tightly across his bum each smackwas loud, painful, electric.When he reached the kitchen she sat down, to watch, she hadn’t pulleddown his hem. He was blushing deeply. His behind had red lines whereshe had spanked him. He looked so cute standing there, the stockingsfastened with garters to the corset, his behind peeking through, shapedand squeezed but bare, just those lines decorating it. His panties hadbeen pulled up so high, his behind was almost bare. Amy came in to seehow long before breakfast was ready. She saw the lines on his bum.”Did you spank him?” she asked Robyn. Robyn nodded. “Shouldn’t we pullhis dress down?””Mom said no,” Robyn told her. “To spank him if he moves too slowly,she is still annoyed he lied.””Oh,” Amy said thoughtfully, he had a cute bum she thought. She spankedhim with her hand, “get to work missy” she said.Robyn was giggling. Billy was blushing, deeply. He tried to move fasterbut the stockings and corset were sending overwhelming feelings throughhim, when Amy spanked him he almost collapsed.Debbie came in as billy was serving toast. “After lunch billy, I wouldlike you to cut our lawn. The push mower is in the garage, you don’tneed gas it works with push power.”Cut the lawn? Like this? All those steps, with the stockings pullingand tugging, the hot sun on him, they had a huge lawn. His heels wereso high, every step was going to be a torment.”Robyn check on him now and then please, leave his dress up, if he isworking too slow, speed him up with the quirt.”Robyn grinned at billy. She took the quirt and waved it in the airmenacingly. Amy looked at it. “Where did you get that?””It was in the garage with some of the horse riding equipment they usedhere in the past,” Debbie told her.Amy shivered this time, it looked like that would hurt, to be smackedwith the quirt. She looked at the stripes on his bum again. Yup, itwould hurt.Later Billy was tugging the lawn mower out of the garage. Robyn cameover with a tiny piece of rope. He looked, wondering. She quicklyfastened the chain at his wrist to the handle of the lawn mower.”There, off you go now,” She gave him a couple smacks to get him going.She walked along behind him, as he pushed the mower, swinging the strapgently against his bum. The sensations became so strong again. Now hewas tied to the lawn mower, out in the open, his bum exposed, beingspanked with each step. He hadn’t realized he stopped, the feelings,the tugging the squeezing was just too much. Then he felt a poke, itwas between his cheeks. Right between. He gasped and jumped. Robyn hadturned the quirt around the handle slipped between his cheeks, shepushed, “Come on, get moving.”He moaned. She pushed again, followed behind him, keeping the quirtpressing between his cheeks, pushing. Wiggling. Occasionally she wouldturn it around and smack him. At the end of a long row, when he wasturning to go back, she stopped him. Standing close, she pressed herbody against him, the quirt was behind him, and she smacked his bum.His eyes opened wider. She kissed him, as he was kissing back, feelingher soft lips again, her tongue playing with his, he felt another sharpsmack on his bum, and another. Nothing was easy. Pain, pleasure, rewardpunishment, it was constant, how was he going to stand it all day. Shesmelled so good, she was so soft, but had too, as he felt another sharpsmack on his bum. She stepped back, her eyes looked wild.He continued cutting the lawn, she followed back to the house, at timesshe was spanking him, but there were other times, when her hot hand wason his bum, caressing. Moving across the slippery nylon. Rubbing wherehis bum was red. As they arrived at the house, ready to turn foranother run, she pinched him. Hard. He wiggled. She kissed him againand went into the house.Billy was left in turmoil of feelings. Left to cut the large lawn.Chained, corseted. Tied like a slave to the mower. Exposed. With eachand every step it hadn’t changed, each step he took sent so manyfeeling charging through him. Everything was so tight, the stockingswere unbelievable. They slid a bit on his pantyhose, then were tuggedup, then became alive as they massaged. He couldn’t take his mind offof it, between the stockings and the corset, the pantyhose that werepulled up so high, tugged between his cheeks, he was remindedconstantly of what he was wearing. Between the locks binding him, andthe position his hands were kept in, he couldn’t take off anything.Just keep walking, pushing the mower in the hot sun, back and forth,his high heels sinking into the lawn when he forgot to put all theweight on his toes. He was overwhelmed again, it was just too much, hecame to a shuddering stop, and he wiggled and squirmed. His heels sankin the lawn, he didn’t notice. When he pulled himself together he triedto take a step. But his heels were deeply in the lawn. He tried liftinghis foot out, but the hobble stopped him before he could raise it highenough, his heel sank back into the lawn. He struggled, so far awayfrom the house, in the hot sun. He was quite stuck. His hands were tiedto the mower handle, he couldn’t reach the knots. He was trapped there,until someone from the house came to check on him.He heard a noise.He looked around but didn’t see anyone coming from the house. There itwas again, he heard voices.What?k**s playing somewhere. They were getting louder. He was in the open,in the middle of the large lawn, stuck.There were voices. They were getting closer.He shivered and looked around. He really didn’t want to be seen likethis.”LOOK AT THAT GIRL!” he heard someone call out.Oh No.Two boys and a girl came out of the woods, they had sticks and had beensword fighting with them. They walked up. Looked at the chains, therope, saw the girl was tied to the lawn mower.”Are you playing a game too?” the girl asked him, swishing her sword inthe air. Billy nodded. He didn’t know what to do. The boy pointed, Ican see her bum. He said laughing,” The girl looked and noticed the redstripes on the girls bum.”What are those red lines?” she asked. She poked one with her stick,billy felt it poke his bum.He didn’t answer. One of the boys said, “I bet she was spanked,” Theother boy nodded and the girl giggled.”Were you spanked?” she asked billy.He nodded again, blushing deeply.”Bad girl,” one of the boys said and smacked him with is sword stick.They all laughed.Billy squirmed.The other boy picked up his sword, smacked billy with it. “Yes, badgirl,” he said laughing.The girl watched the two boys spanking the pretty girl who waswiggling trying to get her bum away from the swinging sticks. Shewanted a turn too. It looked like fun. The girl couldn’t get away. Shewent in with them, between the three of them there was a constant flowof sticks smacking poor billy that was wiggling and squirming madly.His feet were stuck in the ground, and his hands tied to the handle,with the tight corset, he was not moving too much so no one wasmissing.One of them looked up and saw in the distance someone was coming fromthe house, they ran into the forest. Debbie arrived and had seen whatthey were doing, she noticed billy was stuck in the grass, his heelsmired in deeply. As she walked behind him she saw how red his bum was.She smiled. Now this was a punishment he was never going to forget.She decided to add to this. She spoke loudly, expecting the mischievousc***dren were not far away. “Billy, I am very annoyed with you, I toldyou to cut the lawn and you are just loafing out here. I have a goodmind to spank you again.” Looking around a bit she continued, “Nodaughter of mine is going to get away with loafing,” You can stay hereand think about what you did, I am going to get something to spank youwith, you definitely need a good spanking young lady.”Billy shuddered. No don’t leave me alone here, he thought. Wait shesaid daughter. She knew those evil c***dren close by, what they weredoing and what they would probably do again if she left.If he spoke, they may notice he was not the pretty girl they thought hewas. It was such a trap, stand there and let them spank him or speakand face the humiliation.Debbie walked off, turning she added, “I will be back in a half anhour, if you are still standing there loafing I am going to turn yourbehind very red you mark my words.”Moments later she was gone, he waited, hoping that they were gone, thatthey had not heard what Debbie had said. But then he heard whispers.Billy was facing the away from the trees where the voices were comingfrom, with his wrists tied to the mower he was stuck in place, thetight corset prevented him from turning to the side, just as Debbieintended, it really did keep his posture under control. He didn’t hearthem as they quietly came up behind him. He jumped a bit when he feltone of them poke his exposed bum with one of their stick swords. Thepoint was not sharp but the surprise of being poked startled him, thenhis heart started to hammer again. He was poked again in a differentspot, like they were checking a roast to see if it was cooked, he wasprodded. Then a second stick started to poke. this one had a bit of apoint and he jumped again. He heard giggles. He tried to squirm andevade them, but there was no hope of that, the corset really kept himfrom turning at all.One of the meaner boys brought his stick closer and stood beside him.”You are a bad girl, I heard your mother scolding you,” Billy lookedat him, his long eyelashes fluttered, he knew if he answered the boy,they would know that it was not a girl standing there helplessly. So hekept quiet. The boy raised his stick and smacked him. Billy bit hislip. His stick was very narrow, about the size of a finger. It reallyhurt. The other two kept poking him with their sticks, one of them hadmoved off his cheeks and the stick was pushed between his cheeks.Billy’s eyes opened wide, he tried to pull away but the stick followed,prodding. Whoever was pushing it giggled, “Look I speared her,” heheard. It was the other boy. He had the sharper stick. Billy squirmedas much as he was able to, but that seemed to make things worse, hefelt the fabric tear a bit, the tip of the stick moved in farther.Billy really did jump this time, arching his back as he tried to pullaway.The girl told the boy to stop. “Why she is funny, look at her wiggle,”he told her.Billy thought at least the girl was nice, maybe she would save him fromthe boys. She really wasn’t nice though.She stood up and went closer to billy. She spread his cheeks. “Look,you made a hole in her pantyhose.”The boy just laughed and swung his sword in the air proudly.There was a row of sunflower plants at the end of the lawn, justbeside where they were standing. The girl started giggling.”What’s up?” she was asked.She went to the flowers, selected one, they hadn’t grown that tall yet,it was early in the season. She broke off the stem of the flower, itwas a clean break and a very solid stalk. “What are you doing withthat?” They asked her together.Billy squirmed, he didn’t like where he thought this was going. The oneboy smacked him again, a red line was left across his cheeks.She whispered to the boys, they both started to laugh. The meanest onetook his thin sword and smacked billy again and again, very hard. Thatgot his attention. “Bend over,” he was told. Billy resisted, he wassmacked again, and it really stung. He bent over. He really didn’t wantto, but that darn thin branch was hurting much more than any otherspanking he had received so far. His bum was exposed, he knew if hestraightened up he would feel that branch across his bum again. Thegirl approached quietly, the boys watched.Debbie waited a half an hour and then made her way back to check onbilly. He was standing alone where she left him, still stuck in thelawn. As she got closer though, she noticed something very odd. Therewas a sunflower sticking out of his bum.’What on Earth?’ she thought.Billy was blushing furiously. No wonder she thought. “Well you havegotten yourself into quite the fix haven’t you?”Billy nodded. Debbie helped him tug his shoes out of the grass, “Walkon your toes more so you don’t stick in like that billy,” she told him.she said nothing about him being a flower vase though.”Hurry and finish the lawn please, you still have the back and otherside to cut.” They had a very large lawn, this was going to take sometime. He couldn’t get over the fact that she was not addressing theflower that was protruding out his cute little bum.She didn’t give him any more attention, leaving him there to continuemowing the lawn she returned to the house. Billy was shocked. Theflower had a thick stem, the flower was not full grown, but it waslarge and when he took a step, with his wiggle, the flower wiggled andbounced. He stopped quickly. The flower bounced again, transferring allthat movement to the stem which disappeared between his cheeks. Hemoaned. He took another step, the tight stockings still seeming soalive on his legs, making each move he took a complex series offeelings. Then the tight corset that was containing him, squeezing himwithout mercy, would tug on the garters, sending more feelings throughhim.Now, with every tiny move he made, that flower, with the thick stem,was tormenting him beyond his ability to contend with. It was all sooverwhelming, it was too much. The hot sun beat upon him, he was stilltied to the mower, no one was near, he had to finish the lawn, andthere was no recourse. But each step he took was so difficult. Ifsomeone watched him they would see him twitching, jerking as heshuffled along behind the mower, wiggling his behind, knowing he wouldbe punished even further if he was caught not doing so. Everythingworked to send feelings throughout him, the wiggling of his behindmoved the flower so much more, it wiggled as much as he did. He wantedhis dress to be pulled down, having his behind on display, knowingpeople did go by was keeping him on the edge, every noise made himshiver. He could feel the flower wiggling from side to side, sometimesbouncing up and down, it must look quite the site.It was hours later before he cut the last strip of grass, his breathingwas labored, he was struggling to stay composed. Now he had to push themower back to the house, hoping to be freed from it, but the flower wasso embarrassing, sticking out like that, bouncing, it was obvious wherethe stem went. It was like he had a tail for darn sakes. If Robyn foundhim, he knew he would be tormented more, she would tease him, play withit, and wiggle it. She would not remove it though, he was sure of that.Those darn k**s.He rounded the corner to the front of the house, hoping Debbie wouldfind him first, she after all knew about the flower, she could removeit, send him on his next chores, but with out more humiliation. Helooked by the garage. Her car was gone. She was called to work. Billy’sday was about to become very interesting, if he could only get thatdarned flower out before Robyn saw him.As he contemplated ways to remove the flower, with his hands bound infront of him, he saw Robyn leaving the house, the quirt in her hand anda big smile on her face. She hadn’t seen the flower yet. “It is abouttime you finished the grass. Amy wants her lunch now, she ishungryyyyyy again she said. Mom had to go to work again, she is hopingto be back by dinner but may be late.” She grinned. “So I guess thismeans I get to play with you for the rest of the day.”Billy was frozen in place, Robyn untied his wrists, still not noticingwhat the bratty k**s had done to him. She took his leash and started topull him into the house. He followed, the flower wiggling in his bum,the tight corset tugging on his stockings, he didn’t know how muchlonger he was going to be able to take all of these feelings. When theygot in the kitchen she dropped the leash, he knew it was time to maketheir lunch, but she was watching. She was tapping her hand with thequirt. “Would you like a spanking before you make lunch?” she askedquietly.This was going to be it billy thought, there was no way he was going toget the flower out before she saw it. She grinned as she approached,she knew he liked being spanked yesterday, she wasn’t going to ask himagain, she was just going to see if she could get him to moan again.She took his shoulder and gently turned him toward the kitchen counter,looked down ready to give his exposed bum a few swats. The flower wasthere, just sticking out, bouncing up and down, there were some vividred lines across his bum. Her mouth dropped open, she looked up at him.”Billy! You must explain this,” Robyn demanded, looking again at theflower sticking out of his bum. The vivid red stripes covered hisbehind, he had obviously been punished severely, but by who? Her mother?Billy explained about the c***dren, how they spanked him until herMother appeared and then vanished, how they came back when she left andspanked him more. He told her how they were poking his behind with theirsharp sticks and how one of them started to poke his stick between hischeeks until he poked a hole into his pantyhose. That the girl, who hethought was nice compared to the boys, then while laughing, poked theflower stem into his behind, quite far in, and left it there. If herMother hadn’t returned again, he would still be stuck out in the fieldat their mercy, who knows what games they would have played.Billy didn’t turn to face Robyn, he stood facing the counter with hisbound hands holding onto the edge. He asked quietly, “Robyn, please takeit out.”Robyn thought for a moment. “Did Mom see the flower?””Uhm, yes.””She didn’t take it out obviously,” Robyn pondered out loud. “Billy ifmom wanted the flower to be removed, she would have done so. I think shehas left it there to teach you a lesson. If I take it out, she maypunish me.”Billy thought for a moment. The vision of Robyn receiving a spanking wasa bit exciting for some reason, her taunt behind was beyond cute, herjeans were painted on.Robyn reached over and wiggled the flower a bit.Billy gasped and jumped.She giggled. “It bounces when you move.””Yes I know. I wish you would take it out.”Robyn pulled on the flower a bit, it started to slide out, but then itstopped, she noticed that the stem was stuck on his pantyhose, the holewas large enough to let the stem in, but had sort of gripped it, maybesome fibers were stuck into the stem. She tugged a bit more but it wasnot coming out. So she let go, the flower slowly slid back in, on itsown, the pantyhose that she had pulled up so high on billy were verytight, the elastic fibers pulled the flower back into his bum.As the flower had slid out, the feeling made billy freeze, to have Robynpulling something out of his bum was such an odd feeling, but when shelet go and it slid back in his gasp was very audible. So Robyn did itagain watching his face. His eyes were closed.She wiggled the flower again, he bent over a bit and his eyes openedwider. “Robyn what are you doing?” he stammered.Just then Amy came into the kitchen, wondering where lunch was, afterall, they had a maid now didn’t they?As she rounded the corner she saw Robyn standing by billy, she hadforgotten that her mom told them to leave billy’s dress raised so hisbum showed all day, so they could spank him easier and more often. Todaywas a day of punishment for the lie he had told.Then Amy stopped, froze. Mouth dropped open. She saw the flower peekingout between his cheeks, the ones the pantyhose were holding so tightly.”Wha… Uhmm…. Hey, what is that?” she finally managed.Robyn giggled. “Billy is trying flower power.””Huh?” Amy answered, coming closer.”When billy was cutting the lawn, some bratty c***dren caught him stuckin the lawn so they spanked him with sticks.” Robyn traced some of thelines across billy’s bum to show Amy. Billy felt the touch, it was soelectric, but demeaning too, to have his behind exposed like that,unable to prevent someone from just touching it, as though it was theirright.”But what about the flower?” Amy asked.Robyn told her, watching as Amy came closer. She reached out and wiggledthe flower. “It is in his bum?” she asked in wonder.Billy froze again, Amy was still wiggling the flower, he gripped thecounter. He couldn’t turn, he couldn’t reach back with his hands. Ifthey wanted to wiggle the flower, he couldn’t do anything about it.It was so degrading, and it was doing things to him.Robyn just watched, she watched Amy explore the flower, she watchedbilly squirm. Amy’s fingers slid across the nylon covering the red weltson his behind, lightly. He shivered. “Do they still hurt?” she askedhim.”Yes,” was all billy could manage in reply, she had not stopped wigglingthe flower, he was entering his trance again. What was she doing?She tugged on the flower suddenly, pulling it out, quickly, she pulledit out farther than Robyn had and much quicker, but she didn’t have agood grip on it, so when the nylon wouldn’t stretch anymore the flowerwas pulled out of her hand as it zipped back into his bum, but muchfaster than when Robyn had done it. Billy lurched forward and gaspedloudly.Amy was surprised, she took the flower in her hand again and gave it agood tug, just as before it zoomed back into place. Billy moaned. Amywas a determined girl. She hadn’t realized that the stem of the flowerwas not a perfectly shaped tube, it was bumpy, irregular, it thickenedat the part she couldn’t see. The nylon had a very strong grip on it,and the fibers of the pantyhose had imbedded themselves into the stem.They were not going to release the flower. The bumpy stem, with thethickened part, well they were just sliding in and out not to littleeffect either.Amy pulled it out again, more slowly this time, when it stopped shetried pulling harder, The flower came out a tiny bit more but stoppedagain. Then it slipped out of her hand and really charged back in. Billylurched over the counter, bent over the top. Amy moved forward andgripped the flower again, but pushed it in a bit deeper before shestarted to tug on it. When billy felt it move in deeper he yelped andsquirmed on the counter. Robyn stepped closer and raised her quirt, shegave him a smack. “Hold still,” she ordered. Wondering where this wasgoing to go.Billy felt the stinging smack across his cheeks, just below the flower.The timing was bad, it heightened the feelings he was having, thefeelings that were becoming out of control. The tight corset, waspressing, it covered his front, but it gave a point of rubbing too, hewas trapped in the silky panties but it didn’t mean that things didn’tmove in them, and rub, and grow against the tight corset.Each step he had taken in the back yard had been torture, he had rubbed,in his silky prison, against the snug fitting corset. Rubbed and rubbedwith each step, with that darn flower wiggling. He had paused manytimes, to regain control only to have it taken away with his next step.He knew if a large wet spot appeared, it would be difficult to explainhow this was against his wishes. How could he be stimulated if he didn’tlike it, it would cause everyone to wonder why he was stimulated, if hedidn’t want to be dressed up. Forced to dress up. No that wouldn’t do atall, so he fought for control at all times.But now, with Amy, that stem moving in and out, over and over, thenRobyn spanking him. control was becoming such a major issue, he wasrapidly losing it.Amy twisted the flower, trying to unscrew it, that must be it, it mustbe screwed in she thought. She turned it many times as she pulled itout, the pantyhose twisting around the stem with each turn, tighteningtheir grip. Billy was really squirming she noticed. Then suddenly theflower pulled out of her hand again, because she had twisted the fibersso tightly, it didn’t come as far out, she was surprised. So was poorbilly, when the flower screwed its way back into his bum.He gasped, twitched. Robyn spanked him again, hard, over and over. Amygripped the flower and thought it may wiggle out, she pumped it in andout a few times, to loosen its grip. Robyn continued to spank him, witheach smack he yelped and twitched, As Amy pumped he was grinding againstthe counter he was bent over.Neither girl was going to stop, both were absorbed in their task. Amywas pulling it out farther and pushing it back in, getting ready to tugit out. Robyn was just enjoying watching billy squirm. His tight littlebum was twitching.Amy started to twist the flower again, pulling and turning it, twisting,and it again, zoomed out. Well not so much zoomed as screwed its wayback in, quite deeply. Billy called out, “Ahhhhhh”The feelings were too much, Robyn had placed her hand on the small ofhis back so she was holding him down on the counter, Amy was literallyscrewing his bum, he could put it no other way, he was tied and helplessas she was bent on her task of removing the flower, Totally unaware ofwhat she was doing to billy. He was being spanked, the quirt leavinglittle red marks on his lower cheeks. When the flower had broke free ofher grip the last time she snatched it up again, as she did, it moved ina bit deeper, she figured wiggling more may loosen it, so that is whatshe was now doing, wiggling it deeply in his bum.Billy started to spasm.It was just too much. His behind tightened, he was jerking about. Robynwas still smacking him. Amy was still wiggling and he was lost in hisrelease. But they didn’t stop. it kept going. Robyn finally told Amy,”You better leave that in there, I don’t think mom wanted us to take itout.””Oh,” she replied letting the flower go, watching it zoom back in onemore time. “I don’t think it will come out anyway,” she said.Billy’s heart was hammering, Robyn was looking at him knowingly. She hada coy little smile on her face. His blush started at his toes and wentto the top of his head. He turned his head, he was still bent over andshe still had her hand at the small of his back. She gave him anotherslap with the quirt. “Ok billy, your rest is over, make our lunchplease.”Amy watched the flower bounce as billy stood up straight and started tomake sandwiches, he wiggled across the room to gather bread and then tothe refrigerator to get some cold cuts. The flower went from side toside, or sometimes up and down, when he would changed directions, itwould circle. It never remained still, even when he was standing stillworking, it seemed to be wiggling a bit.He brought them a tray of sandwiches, standing beside the table, Robynreached over with a grin and wiggled the flower when he served Amy. Hejumped and clenched his cheeks together. She pushed it in a little, hearched his back, she pulled it out slowly. Amy didn’t see what she wasdoing as billy put the tray on the table. “billy, would you do me afavor?” Robyn asked.Billy looked at her and she smiled sweetly. “My feet are very soretoday, could you give them a rub like you did for Mom last night?”Billy curtsied. He was given a command, he had to do as she asked,”Thank you billy,” she told him pointing under the table. Billy kneltdown and crawled under. His flower was sticking out and wiggling. “Becareful not to sit on your flower billy,” she told him. Her feetstretched out on to his lap, sliding up his nylons, toes wiggling. Herfeet were very cute billy thought, taking one into his hands to beginmassaging it. Amy used his leg as a foot rest as well, it just seemed soconvenient to have a soft foot rest, and his nylon covered legs did feelnice as she rubbed her bare feet over them.Robyn slipped her foot between his thighs, the one not being massaged byhim was wiggling its way up his legs until her toes, reaching theirgoal, made billy bang his head against the table in surprise. Shestopped there, her toes had slipped beneath the snug fitting corset. Hertoes were wiggling against something that was growing. She was right!Her toes felt wet now, squishy maybe. She rubbed more then slowly andcarefully pulled her foot out from beneath his dress. Slowly she raisedit, past the foot he was rubbing, billy was watching as her toes wereslowly being raised to his face. She was so mischievous, he saw thatthey were shiny a bit, not just damp. He knew why, blushing deeply asher toes brushed against his nose, then pressed in, rubbing, smearing.She slid her toes slowly down over his lips then lowered it to histhighs. Again she slid it up between his legs, sliding easily on hispantyhose, slipping under both his dress and the tight corset. Her toeswere pressed in against the wet patch, and the other thing, that seemedmuch harder now.She grinned, and rubbed sensually, her foot became quite wet again asshe squeezed the dampness through the material. It clung to her toes.Out came her foot, making its way back up to billy’s face, he watchedagain as her foot came closer and closer. The musky scent strong as hertoes spread over his nose, slowly rubbing, the moisture spreading to hisface, under his nose, down to his lips, she swirled her toes.Billy continued to rub her foot, his face was getting quite wet now, hecouldn’t raise his hands to wipe it off, he was holding her foot. Hejumped again, her foot was sliding between his legs once again.Anticipation heightened his response, he was hypersensitive now. Hishead banged on the table top again.Amy, unaware of his sisters torments, finished her lunch and said shewas going to phone her friend about their day trip tomorrow, so off shewent, leaving the poor bound maid kneeling before Robyn, massaging herfoot while she tormented him with her other foot. It was on its way backup, once again gleaming with its collection, having milked his panties,kneading his throbbing member, it was back just under his nose. Shetapped lightly against his lips.She tapped again.He just knelt there, rubbing her foot.”Open your mouth billy,” she whispered.He had no choice she tapped again. He opened his mouth and her toesslipped in. They were covered in the dampness.”Clean them off billy,” She commanded.He had no choice, his tongue probed, tasted, and cleaned off her wettoes.He was so embarrassed. So humbled.She pulled her toes out, raised her foot just a bit. “The sole toobilly, lick the sole clean.”Long licks, lapping, cleaning, removing all the taste, all the dampnessfrom her foot, his dampness. Obeying meekly.Robyn pulled her foot away, she stared out of the kitchen, dismissivelycalling out. “Clean up in here billy.”Just as he finished sorting out the kitchen, they heard a car arrive inthe driveway. “Mom is home early,” Amy called out happily.Debbie entered the house, saw that the kitchen was spotless. The lawnwas trimmed, just smiled. I do like having you around billy, it is sonice to have all the chores completed. We need to run you home now, I amsure your chores at home are piling up, but I intend to ask your Mom ifyou can make coming her a regular thing, maybe a couple of days a week.I will discuss it with her later.”She offered billy no chance to consider this, she was just announcingthat she may obtain the use of him, not even like a servant, as theywould be paid but as something else.Billy looked down. She smiled. “I see you still have your prettyflower.”Amy entered the kitchen just then. “I tried to pull it out Mom, but itis snagged on his pantyhose and they won’t let it go, I really triedtoo.””Well we are taking him home now, or shortly, so maybe his Mom or Krissycan get it out,” Debbie told her.Robyn piped up, “Mom don’t forget we have to return the movies beforetwo or there will be late charges.””Oh right, we don’t want late charges again, we will drop them off firstthen,” Debbie said noticing the time was getting close.”Okay girls, let’s get busy, are you ready to go?””Yes,” they chorused eager to go for a ride into town.”Robyn, can you put Gingers bed in the back of the car?”Robyn looked puzzled. “billy will not be able to sit down with hisflower, so the best way to transport him is in Gingers carrier, he can’tsit down after all.”Robyn grinned, ran off to get the pet cage. Billy was going avcılar escort to be cagedagain, it made her tummy tingle thinking about that.Billy’s tummy was tingling too, being forced into the tiny cage again,with chains on, but he was going to be sent home with the flowersticking out of his bum, his sister was going to have a field day withthis he just knew it. He squirmed standing there, in the kitchen, bound,with the tight corset squeezing him, the stockings still making his legstingle, helpless.Amy took his leash and led him out of the house. Robyn had the carrierin the car, the hatchback was still open. The little maid was helpedinto the car with some careful pushing. Robyn pinched his bum to speedhim along, his dress was still raised exposing his behind. He backedinto the little cage, it was what he thought of it after being locked init so long. Robyn closed the door, he heard a click and peeked out tosee the big lock was again in the hasp.He was locked in.Wait, they were going into town first. Oh Noooooo.The road was bumpy, billy was pushed against the back of the carrier,his flower would hit the back wall and thrust in when he hit the plasticwall, bum first. When he managed to pull away from the wall, hispantyhose tugged the flower back out a bit. But then they would hitanother bump and he was thrust once again against the back plastic wallof the carrier, the flower would slip back in deeper. It stem beingbumpy and with a thickened section, really caused sensations in his bum.No one knew it, but he was being pumped on the rough road, in and out.He couldn’t do anything to prevent it, it was totally out of hiscontrol. Corners were really bad, he would be tossed hard against thewall, the flower would zoom in deeply, his pantyhose were so tight thatit would be tugged out, just as quickly when he slid the other way. Inand out. For twenty minutes.Then they reached the paved smooth road into town. The ride was shortnow, but billy could see out. He saw the stores, he saw cars, he sawpeople walking on the sidewalks, if he could see them…They parked, Robyn ran the movies to the drop box at the video rentalstore, just making it time wise. Debbie said they had some extra timeand were in town, maybe they should get their new shoes she had promisedthem last week, Both girls clapped, they were very happy.Billy wasn’t so happy.The car pulled into the mall, Debbie was a fast driver it seemed, sharpcorners, lots of them, billy was slammed back and forth helplessly.The mall!They parked and everyone got out, well everyone except billy who wasreally concerned he would be told to come along. But no, he was left,not just left but no one said anything to him at all, they got out ofthe car, locked the doors and went into the mall, leaving their petlocked in its cage, locked in the car. At least they left some windowsopen, a bit.He scrunched down, hoped no one would see or look into the car, Theywere not fast shoppers, billy started to doze off, then woke in panic.He had not updated the website last night, of course he couldn’t he waslocked in this cage last night, but his mother and Krissy, and maybeeven Debbie would be checking the site, see there was no update, whatwould happen if they noticed that happened when he was not at home?What would happen if his mother managed to figure out he created thewebsite?She would then know, he wanted to be forced to dress as a girl, to beforced to do all the family chores, to be spanked, to be chained up tomake the chores so much harder to do, but he had to do them, to bespanked more because of those chains made him reveal his panties when heraised his ams and he had to raise them to do the chores. that he wantedall of that, what if she knew?Would she then say, okay billy, you can be the household slave, if thisis what you want, we will dress you as a pretty girl all the time, teachyou to do your makeup, your hair, punish you if you do not do a goodjob. You will do all of our chores, we will tie you up, we will spankyou just for the fun of it…. would she do that?He groaned, he had to stop thinking of that, he had enough accidentstoday.Someone walked by the car, a boy and girl they were looking in, hedidn’t move. He was not sure if they saw anything or not, they were notvery old, they called out to their father, but he just told them tohurry up. Then he heard their father tell them it must be a dog.But he looked back wondering.Billy shivered, and it was hot.The car doors opened, he froze. Oh phew it was them back, finally. Thehatch opened, new shoes were dumped in beside the cage, “Robyn hurryup,” Debbie called, leaving the hatch open, the cooler air swirledaround billy, Debbie got in the car, left the hatch open for Robyn totoss her shoes in. billy was very visible now. He could see people, lotsof them.Shoes were tossed in, bouncing off the cage and the hatch slammed shut,Robyn got in the car, billy realized he was in the back with their oldshoes, they had their new ones on. Their old shoes, smelled too. No oneasked how he was, he was just stored with their old shoes, at leasttheir shoes weren’t locked in a cage.He was.They went to the ice cream drive through, billy wasn’t offered one, butthen how would he eat it. But wait, after leaving the drive through,they pulled into a little park to eat their treats, the hatch back wasopened again, and the cage was unlocked. Robyn put a small dish of icecream in, just by his face which he had to keep pressed down to fit inthe carrier. She closed the door and locked it again, He heard the hatchslam shut again. Did she ever close it slowly?They were sitting at a picnic table, he licked his dish of ice cream, itwas nice, but his face was still covered with other things, so there wasan odd taste to it as well.The hatch opened once again, his door was unlocked and Robyn removed thedish, wiped his face with a scented wipe. It was her scent, so she mustbe cleaning his face with the wipe she used first. His door was againlocked, the hatch slammed shut.”Robyn!” Debbie exclaimed. “Be gentle, our car has to last a bit longeryet.”They started home. Home was another twenty minutes down that bumpy road.Billy had not thought of the return trip.Or the corners race car Debbie took so violently, slamming him back andforth through town.The flower didn’t forget though, it seemed as it plunged into his bum atthe first corner. The pantyhose remembered too as they tugged it backout.”Mom you are a crazy driver,” Robyn said, grabbing on to the dashboard.Debbie laughed, what do you mean, she turned the wheel back and forthrapidly causing the car to twitch on the road, she did it for a minuteor so, they were all laughing it was like a ride at an amusement park.Not for billy though, the rapid turns were slamming the flower in andout at a fast rate, the back of the cage was banging his bum too, he wassliding on the slippery plastic floor back and forth, the flower wasgoing in and out at the fastest rate yet.he moaned.oh no, not again. But the car wouldn’t stop banging him. Repeatedly.Even when he had another accident, he still had fifteen minutes ofbanging to go, the car was not finished with him, the road was rough. Hewas bumped and banged, the flower just kept on going.He lost control again, just before they pulled into his long lane way.At least the drive was smooth now. Sara and Krissy were standing outfront when they heard the car pull in ready to greet their neighbors.Everyone got out, well except for billy, and hugged greetings.”Where is billy?” Krissy asked looking around.”Oh!” Debbie exclaimed opening the hatch back. The pet carrier fillingtheir view.Krissy giggled. “He is in there?”Debbie nodded. “That website said kneeling was great for his hip, but tokneel folded up like that for a long time, well he will cheat won’t he?”Sara and Krissy nodded.”So I thought, what if he couldn’t get up? Remembered our old dogs petcarrier and put two and two together. Tada, billy kneeling.”Robyn and Debbie lifted the carrier out of the hatchback and placed iton the lawn. Everyone could see the chained maid kneeling in the tinycage, the tiny cage with the big lock.”OH!” Sara said. “What a great idea, billy can sleep in it, which willhelp his hip all night, and then during the day when we have no choresfor him, we can put him in there.”‘What!’ billy thought, locked in this carrier each night? Through theday too? Locked away?He still wasn’t released, they were talking about their new shoes now,he was dismissed, left kneeling locked in his cage at their feet.Finally Robyn pulled out the key and gave it to Krissy. She bent downand unlocked the door. Billy crawled out, there were two gasps, hisflower was revealed.He stood. The flower wiggled, Krissy giggled.Billy blushed. looked down, his chains jingled.Krissy reached over and wiggled the flower.Billy groaned.She wiggled it more and tugged, it shot out of her hand and back intohis bum.”See?” Amy called out. “It is stuck.”Krissy tugged it again, farther, it shot back in, she quickly realizedthe pantyhose were gripping it. This didn’t stop her from tugging itrepeatedly, as though she would get it out, each time it shot back in,she knew what she was doing, billy was squirming, his cheeks tightening,he moaned again.”It really does seem stuck doesn’t it. Billy you need changing too, whydon’t you head in and I will clean you up and change you into somethingpretty.” She knew the something pretty would make billy blush, it did.Billy started walking back to the house, he was wiggling with his tinysteps. Sara noticed and commented, “Wow he finally has a good wiggle,how did you manage that?”Debbie told her about the corset, and how it was helping his bending,but she said, “I think the flower is making him remember to wiggle, itsort of wiggles as he goes becoming a constant reminder for him.””Hmmmmmmm,” Sara pondered thoughtfully.Krissy couldn’t wait to see billy in just the stockings and corset.Debbie handed her two more pair of the stockings, White and beige. “Shethrew these in with the corset, it was an amazing deal, they really docompress his legs though, I think each step he takes makes them tingleall over.”Krissy grinned, she was going to have such fun playing dress up with herbrother.After their good-byes Krissy head up to find billy waiting in her room.”Well we have to see if we can get this flower out billy, it really isstuck.”Billy groaned. Krissy tugged it, knowing it was going to shoot back in,she wiggled it, she pushed it in, she screwed it up and circled it,billy was dancing on the spot as she tormented him pulling, pushing,turning and wiggling the flower. She went on much longer than Amy, andwith much more movement. She even tried pushing it in and pulling it outrepeatedly, to see if she could get it to break free. Billy was moaningand quivering, he even convulsed once, but she didn’t stop.”Well we are going to have to cut the pantyhose billy, I am not happyabout that. You should be more careful so things like this don’t happen.I think a spanking will be in order.”Be more careful? How could he be more careful he was chained uphelplessly all the time, anyone could do anything to his bum and he hadno way to stop them. All the stripes on it showed that.She unlocked his chains, removed his apron and then the little blackdress, dropping them on the floor for him to wash later. He stood therein the long corset his stockings and high heels which were still lockedon. He looked very cute she thought.She found the corset to be very interesting with the cutaway for hisbum. The flower was still peeking out too. She almost didn’t want totake that out, she could see what it was doing to him.The laces were a bit hard to untie but she managed, then the corsetslipped off easily, she unlocked his heels and told him to go shower.He was so relieved having been worried she would undress him anddiscover his accidents. He slipped off the heels and collapsed to thefloor in pain.”What is the matter billy?” she asked very concerned. “Is it your hip?””My feet, they are so sore, I can’t walk on them he said in obviouspain.”Where they sore before you took off your heels?””Not like this, they hurt, but I could walk, now I can’t walk.””Put your heels back on,” Krissy said, “let’s see what happens.”She helped him put the heels back on, the pain vanished.He was very confused. “Why does taking them off make my feet hurt somuch?” he asked Krissy.She thought for a moment. “Billy, you have been wearing very high heelsall the time, you even slept in them last night. Your legs and feet areadapting to the heels, removing them is going to hurt now.””You mean I have to wear high heels all the time or I won’t be able towalk?”She nodded. “Here, let’s try a lower heel to see what happens.” She wentto her closet and took out a pair with a three inch heel. She removedhis shoes and slipped on the new ones. He stood, grimaced and sat downquickly. Jumped up having forgotten the flower, which plunged in when hesat on it, so when he stood it moved back out, but his feet werecramping again so he knelt in pain.”It is no good, they still hurt,” he moaned.Krissy was concerned, she removed his shoes again, Billy, you can’tshower with heels on, you will mess up the shower. So don’t try tostand, crawl into the bathroom, wash up and then we can get some highheels on your feet again. Okay?”Billy agreed, he tugged the shoes off his stockinged feet and crawledout of her room, the flower peeking out of his behind, wiggling back andforth like a doggies tail Krissy thought.Billy removed the stockings and pantyhose, tugging the blasted flowerout of his bum carefully. He freed it from the pantyhose and threw itout, hoping to never see anything like that again. Often you don’t getwhat you hope for though.The shower felt magnificent. He rinsed out the panties, Robyn had pulledthem up so high on him they had settled tightly in his crack, shiftingto one side to let that girl poke the flower in. What a couple of dayshe thought, it was nice to be home.Krissy let him have a long shower, she knew he needed it, she opened thebathroom door and slipped a fresh pair of panties and a pair of beigepantyhose on the counter for him, she left a pretty summer dress too.She grinned. He was not going to love it.Billy finished up, it was hard to shower kneeling at the bottom of theshower stall. He slipped out and still kneeling he dried himself off.Then he saw Krissy had left him fresh clothing. He wondered what he wasgoing to have to wear now.The panties and pantyhose were near the edge of the counter, so he justtook them and slipped them on. The panties were a bright pink withlace, they were all lace, high cut so they would show lots of cheek. Hesmiled and pulled them on, they were pretty. Carefully he pulled thepantyhose up snugly. Then he looked for shoes, she had left none, so hewas going to have to crawl out again, great.He looked for a dress or something, sure enough she left a dress. Alight summer dress, he had always liked it when she wore it, it had aflared skirt that the wind often took, it was also just about thegirliest dress she had, It was almost the same colour as the panties.There was some blue mixed in with the pink as a highlight color, a largebow at the back and it was short. She had grown out of it, seems shekept it though, he wondered why.He slipped it on, wondering if it was going to cover his panties evenwhen he wasn’t bending.He crawled back into her room, she had him sit in a chair and fixed hismakeup and hair, Changing the style so he had some braids. She changedthe theme back to soft pinks, it suited his face more and seemed to makehim look younger. With the short summer dress he would look muchyounger.She had him kneel on the chair so he wouldn’t have to stand and removedthe dress. “What are you doing?” he asked.”Corset,” she said holding it up.”Do I have to wear that again?””Yup.” She grinned slipping it around him. She was pretty adapt atputting the corset on him he noticed, tightening the laces a bit morethan Debbie had done. Then she slipped the dress back on, the bowaccented the tiny waist that the corset gave him.He was told to sit back down and she got a pair of stockings. He felther pulling them up and as she fastened them he looked down, the whitestocking had a lacy top as well, and with the pink dress, he felt sogirly. He bit his pink lip watching. He picked that up from Robyn I bet,Krissy thought.The second stocking was fastened, it was time for shoes, finally billywould be able to stand up.Krissy slipped his foot into the boot. boot? he looked down but just sawa flash of white. The boot felt different from the shoes he had worn sofar, maybe because it was a boot?He heard a click, the boot was locked on, Krissy took his other whitestockinged foot and slid it into the other boot, tightened the laces andlocked it on. She was smiling her evil smile again billy thought.”Okay princess stand up,” she told him.He shivered a bit, he knew she had gone to lengths to make him verypretty, being called princess.. well it got to him.He stood, she was helping him for some reason. he gasped, he saw thegirl in the long mirror staring at him, with pink pouty lips. Soft pinkhighlights on her cheeks and beautiful eyes with matching highlightsthat picked up the colors in her dress. Her blonde hair cascaded downher back, center braids traveling the length. He saw her tug at the hemof her short dress, it was so pretty, but the hem didn’t come downenough to cover her garters or her stocking tops. It looked like she waswearing pantyhose too on her pretty legs, those white stockings though,seemed so young, so girly. But then so was the dress. Krissy took thegirls hand and painted her nails, a matching pink color. It wasoverwhelming, the change from the maid to the girl.Then there were the shoes, that was where it seemed confusing, they werenot the shoes of a young girl. unless she was being punished. The girlwas being held up by her sister, because the shoes were so hard to standin, to walk in.The heels towered, they were white boots, laced up, a tiny white padlockfastened each boot to the girls foot. She was standing on her toes, likea ballerina would. Maybe that was why those boots were called balletboots.Billy took a step forward, on his toes, he felt the stockings grip hislegs, tug on the garters, like before. the tight corset gripping him.all this concealed behind the little girls dress. All this punishmenthidden away, unknown to any viewers who would only see a pretty girlwith odd shoes.Krissy and billy were looking in the mirror, Krissy was watching billy,who was looking at the ultra girly girl that was staring back at her.Sara, just then walked in the room to see how her c***dren were makingout.Krissy filled her in about billy not being able to walk without heels onhis feet, Sara had heard of similar situations before from people thatwore very high heels for long periods. She looked at the ballet bootsthat billy had locked on his feet now. “Are your feet sore now billy?”she asked concerned.Billy was surprised, he actually hadn’t thought about it, but his feetwere not sore. “Uhm, no Mom, actually they aren’t.””Perhaps because you have worn such high heels, your feet are accustomedto shoes with a higher heel, without the high heel causes the pain. Theseboots that you have on now should be very good for your hip, do you thinkthat you will be able to manage them? It looks like you will have to wearhigh heels all the time now.”Billy liked the shoes, the heels were incredibly high, he was standing onthe tips of his toes, but his feet were supported. He liked the feelingof having to wear them, walking may be something else though. “I will tryMom,” he said.Sara smiled. “Oh good billy that is all we can ask right? I do want totalk to you for a bit though.”Oh oh, thought billy.”Your sister and I are doing everything we can to help you with your hip,to avoid surgery that may not even help. I know some of it seems that itmay even be cruel, you do understand that we are only concerned for youright?”Billy assured her that he understood.”Are you ok with us continuing as we are? Following suggestions from thesite and incorporating the things that we discover help as well?”Billy liked some of the things they discovered, he really liked how hedidn’t have to make the site rigid with its ideas, that they came up withtheir own also, it was much more exciting. “Yes Mom, it seems to behelping, my hip hasn’t popped out since we started.”What was odd, was that billy really did have snapping hip syndrome, andhis hip had been popping out, and he had fallen a few times, it did hurttoo, but the strange part was, since being forced to wear the high heels,it hadn’t done it.”Okay then billy, I have some more ideas I want to try, the site wasn’tupdated today, but I am sure they can’t update it every day, we willwatch for more ideas from them as well and continue with what we aredoing.”Billy was relieved, he was not sure where her talk was going to go.”Billy, I want to sort of give you the day off today,” she told him.”Getting used to those shoes will be very difficult, maybe you could justdo what you want today, sit when they are too much, try to walk as muchas you can though, okay?””Sure Mom,” he told her.”Krissy, maybe you could just put a pair of manacles on his wrists todaythen?”It was a day off, but his shoes were still locked on, and his wrists wereto be cuffed. But he thought that was great.Krissy picked the cuffs up from the pile of chains and locked them onbilly’s wrists, the pink wrist bands on the cuffs matched the pink dressshe thought. She liked locking him up in his pretty dress. Then hecouldn’t take it off. “Krissy, can you use the longer chain that was onhis ankles, he may need more movement in his wrists to be able to balancein those heels.”Krissy changed the chains, locking the longer chain on billy’s wrist,looking into his pretty eyes. “There you go princess,” she told him.Sara smiled. “Princess? Oh he does look like a princess doesn’t he?”Billy looked in the mirror, he thought that he looked like a doll thathis sister was playing dress up with, and he loved it.Sara watched billy take some steps, Krissy was holding his hand to helphim balance as he teetered across the room taking little steps. It didn’ttake long before he seemed to have the hang of it and was managing on hisown, not gracefully, but managing.”Billy, I want you to practice walking as much as you can today, but resttoo okay?””Do I have to get the mail and the paper today?” he asked.”Yes, but that is the only chore you have. I would like you to trywalking on the treadmill a few times today though, you can set the speedlow and hold on to the bar for balance. That should give you lots ofpractice in a safe environment, then later this afternoon you can get themail.”Billy started out of the room, taking a few steps, almost reaching thedoor when his Mom called out. “billy, you are not wiggling, you werewiggling so perfectly a little while ago.””Sorry Mom,” he called out, “I forgot.”That was odd, she thought, he wasn’t forgetting a while ago, he waswalking then, with an exaggerated wiggle, just like the site recommended.Billy slowly walked out of the room, he was free to do what he wantedtoday, wow. The first thing he wanted to do was update the website, justin case he was locked in that cage again. He needed to get a bit morecontrol back, everything was spinning so far out of his control. As hemade his way to his room, where his computer was, he thought about hismorning. The flower being thrust into his bum, pulled out, turned,twisted, and poked in over and over again, he almost swooned thinkingabout it, and he stopped and rested his head against his door frame. Ifhe wasn’t careful he was going to have an accident again.Krissy was walking out of her room and saw him leaning against his door.”You okay princess?” she asked concerned.He looked over. “Oh yes, I was just resting, I lost my balance for asecond.””Well be sure to take small steps, we don’t want to have to take you tothe hospital dressed like that,” she winked.Billy powered up his laptop and quickly proceeded to update the website.Hopefully he thought, this would give him a chance to keep updatingrather than being locked up 24/7.He realized he needed practice with these shoes and his mother’s idea ofusing their treadmill made a lot of sense, Sara had bought it when shewas on an exercise kick a few years back, it wasn’t used much now butworked great. It was down in the basement, so he made his way carefullydown the stairs. Holding the handrail as he descended, the chain bindinghis wrists rattled against the banister. Being forced to walk on his toeslike this felt so odd. He as dressed as a young girl, much younger thanhe was, with the white stockings and the ultra pretty dress, but theboots changed the look considerably. He passed a mirror at the bottom ofthe stairs and saw that pretty girl staring back at him again, his sisterhad put on much more makeup than she ever wore. More than any young girlwould wear for certain. He would not recognize himself if you showed hima picture, no one would in fact.Billy pushed himself to walk for as long as he could at a very slow pace,holding on to the handlebars to keep his balance, he found it wasbecoming easier to walk more smoothly. Sara heard the treadmill going andcame down to see how he was doing. “Billy!” she called out. “You arestill not walking with a wiggle, you have to try to remember, and I don’tunderstand why you keep forgetting.”Billy hadn’t heard her coming up behind him and quickly started to wigglehis bum as he walked. “You know, it is a day off from chores, but itdoesn’t mean you don’t have to wiggle and curtsey for us billy, it alsodoesn’t mean I won’t give you a spanking.”Billy gulped. “Yes Mom, I will try to remember.” Shortly after he hadenough for now of the walking and took a drink outside to sit on thepatio to rest, he was surprised at his comfort going outside dressed thisway now, just a few days ago his heart hammered when he was outsidewearing pantyhose. Now he was dressed to the extreme and sitting in achair outside. It did make him tingle though.Billy was finding his day off very relaxing after his past few days oftorment. But they were very exciting days too, and he was thinking ofsome of the things that he had gone through, he thought of Robyn a lottoo.Back on the treadmill again a while later for more practice, Billy wasbecoming very smooth handling the ultra high heels, still not graceful,if that was even possible, but he wasn’t stumbling any longer. His mothercalled down. “Billy, you best check the mail now please.”His heart did a little pitter. The long walk, totally exposed, standingon the street, dressed this way, his heart started beating much fasterthe more that he thought about it. He really hoped no one would go by, itwould be so hard to explain. What if someone drove by and just saw apretty girl that was almost helpless, even chained, and took her?As he was leaving the house, for his long trek in these punishing boots,his mother reminded him to walk with a wiggle, she would be watching, andpromised a punishment if she he did not. He debated forgetting on the wayback. She didn’t specify what that punishment would be though, and he hadbeen caught by surprise often enough this past few days.He wiggled carefully, leaving the sheltered area of the long drive thehot sun found him as he left the trees. The bright sun made the pinkdress and white stockings brilliant. There would be no missing him ifanyone went by. He was a site, taking tiny steps, wiggling, the tinydress swishing back and forth over his bum, the corset holding him sotightly.No one did see him though, he made it to the mail box with no cars, whichwas normal for them as they were so far from other homes. He was pullingthe mail out of the box when his luck failed. He heard a car. It stoppedof course, he froze.”Billy,” he heard called out, turning he smiled, Robyn was hanging out ofthe car window, Debbie was waving and Amy was rolling her window down.Phew. “We were just going up to your house, would you like a ride up?”Robyn asked.He had been on the treadmill a lot today, he felt his mother would notfreak if he accepted the ride instead of walking, besides it was his dayoff, so he went to their car smiling. Robyn looked at him very intently.”You are very pretty billy your dress is very cute,” He blushed. In themoment he had forgotten how he was dressed. Amy opened her door andscrunched over so he could get in. His dress was so short it barelycovered him and his stocking tops were much below the hem of his dressnow. Amy felt the lace at the top of the stocking, her finger brushinghis pantyhose, sending tingles through him. “They are very pretty billy,”she assured him.”Uhm, thanks Amy,” he said. She smiled at him, his soft pink lips werevery accented by the makeup, and Krissy had really applied a lot ofmascara to his lashes. They were very thick, his lashes fluttered.The car only took moments to arrive at the house and as they piled out ofit, Robyn took his hand, to help him balance as he got out, she keptholding it as they stood there watching Sara and Krissy come closer. Carsdidn’t usually arrive every day, so it was a big deal when one did.Krissy saw that Robyn and Billy were standing close together and holdinghands, she grinned. Robyn was very pretty, it would be nice if he had agirlfriend here she thought.”We found billy at the mail box and ran him back up, I hope you don’tmind?” Debbie started.”No, of course not,” Sara said smiling.”I almost k**napped him,” she continued. “Our house has never looked soclean and the girls loved having him cook for us.” She smiled.”I am happy he helped,” Sara told her. “We have found him to be veryhelpful here too. So much more so since we started this program””Would it be possible to borrow him a couple days a week?” Debbie askedhopefully.”I think that would be a great idea, we don’t have enough chores here tokeep him busy at all times, loaning him to help out at your place wouldkeep him busy full time, that would be much better for his hip,” Sarasaid nodding.”Wonderful,” Debbie said. “I know the girls would love that.”Krissy glanced at Robyn who caught her look and blushed. Oh my, Krissythought.”Actually I was coming up to see you, I have a favor to ask,” Debbie saidagain to Sara. “Amy is off tomorrow for an overnight trip with somefriends and I have to go out of town too, could Robyn stay here while ourhouse is empty?””Of course she can, she can sleep in billy’s bed, as he will be in thatcarrier you left, so his bed will be empty,” Sara told her.Billy tensed up, he was going to be locked in the cage overnight, like apet. Robyn squeezed his hand then let go and stepped closer to him, herhand slid under his short dress and across his behind playfully. Then shepinched him hard and giggled quietly. Billy wanted to jump but heldstill. He thought, two could play this game and his hand traveled overher tight jeans, feeling the curves of her behind, slipping down to thesoft lower cheek he gave her a hard pinch, she jumped a bit. Krissyglanced over and smiled.”When do you have to leave tomorrow?” Sara asked Debbie.”Early in the morning I am afraid,” she answered.”Well then, why doesn’t Robyn just stay here now, she can spend tonightwith us too, that will make it easier for you and Amy to get readytomorrow morning and speed things up for you.””Really? That would be great,” Sara said. “Two nights won’t be animposition?””No we would love to have her visit,” Sara assured her. She was likingher new neighbors, they were so friendly.Billy was still rubbing his hand over her tight bum, really enjoyingdoing so with everyone standing there unknowing what was going on, Robynwas doing the same thing to him, both of them caressing each other, handssliding over soft curves, tight jeans, slippery pantyhose. Pinching,feeling, grasping. They were being quite naughty.”Krissy, if Robyn acts up, you have my permission to turn her over yourknee,” Sara said looking at Krissy smiling. Robyn blushed deeply andclutched billy’s cheek. Billy looked at her surprised, Krissy looked atRobyn too, seeing the blush.”Oh I will,” she said nodding “I have some clothes she can wear too, soyou don’t have to run anything over. Now I will have two girls to playdress-up with” she added with a smile that hinted of trouble to come forRobyn.”Oh do you have more cute outfits like billy is wearing?” Amy asked.”Actually I do,” Krissy told Amy. “Shall I make them twins?”Amy giggled and nodded.Sara looked at Robyn. “You do everything Sara and Krissy tell you to doRobyn.” Turning to Krissy. “I am not k**ding about giving her bum a smackif she doesn’t listen to you.”Billy pinched her just then, she gasped quietly, he looked at her, shewas in a deep blush again and very quiet, he suddenly knew. Whispering,”You like to be spanked too, don’t you?” he asked her.She nodded slowly. He gave her a little smack while everyone was looking,no one saw it but she felt it, deeply.Debbie and Amy drove off leaving Robyn behind, Sara told her billy hadthe day off but if she saw his panties to give him a smack and to try toget him to wiggle when he walked as he seemed to forget a lot. Krissylooked at the two of them standing side by side and started planning.Sara had gone inside leaving the three of them behind. “How do you likebilly’s makeup Robyn?” Krissy asked her.”Oh he looks very cute,” she nodded giggling a bit. “I love the soft pinkyou used on his lips, it makes them look very pouty, very kissable,” sheadded.Billy blushed, Krissy noticed. “OH! You two have kissed haven’t you?” sheexclaimed.Robyn blushed now too. “Show me,” Krissy demanded.Robyn leaned closer and her lips met billy’s, they exchanged a soft kiss.Krissy noticed how obedient Robyn was.When they finished Robyn looked at as if awaiting another command. “Let’sgo sit out back on the patio,” Krissy said leading the way, Robyn andBilly followed, she heard a giggle and then a loud slap. Turning she sawthat Robyn had just given billy a slap on his behind.Robyn blushed being caught so covered with, “I saw his panties.”Krissy looked at billy. “Well one slap is not enough.” She waited.Robyn grinning, raised the hem of his dress and smacked his bum onceagain while his sister watched on.”Robyn, it is a punishment, if you don’t give him a good smack he won’tlearn anything. She walked over to them, leaning in she smacked Robyn’stight behind very hard. Robyn squealed and turned red. “See? Like that,”Krissy told her.Robyn was breathing much harder, she raised billy’s hem and gave him amuch harder swat.”Closer, but still not quite right,” Krissy said. Robyn looked at herquietly. Krissy noticed the look. “Bend over so I can show you,” Robynwas told by Krissy. She put her hands on her knees bending her bum towardKrissy. Krissy gave her a hard swat on one cheek, then the other, sherepeated them. Robyn’s jeans were incredibly snug, every curve washighlighted, and she saw her cheeks quiver when she smacked them. “Nowyou try it,” Krissy said pointing toward billy who was watching quietly.Robyn was flushed, her bum was tingling, and she raised his hem again andgave him a few very hard swats.Krissy watched them. “I don’t know Robyn, he didn’t yelp or cry out, Ibet he can even give a harder smack than what you gave him.””He can not,” Robyn challenged.”Show her billy, bend over again Robyn,” Krissy commanded the two ofthem.Robyn bent over again, her legs tightly together, her taunt behind facingbilly. He grinned and smacked it very hard, Robyn yelped. “Give her tenbilly and then she can give you ten, I will bet hers will be much harderafter you give her ten,” Krissy told her brother.Billy needed no encouragement, it was an excuse to feel Robyn’s tight assagain, and he really liked that. Robyn looked back at him and wiggled herbehind invitingly, teasingly at him. He smacked it very hard, she mewedat him. Krissy laughed.He smacked her harder, his hand stayed on her bum after the smack,sneaking a feel. She wiggled her bum. He swatted her once again, thistime she yelped a bit and bit her lip, he nailed her again and again, shewas grinding her bum in the air waiting for each smack. Krissy watched onvery interested.When she had had her ten, both of them were breathing slowly, deeply.Their eyes seemed glazed too. “Your turn billy,” Robyn said quietlytaking a step toward him, her behind tingling, no stinging. She raisedhis hem again and her first swat made billy’s eyes pop wide open. He wassquirming and yelping by the time she reached ten.”There is nothing like a competition to get things right,” Krissy saidgrinning. Both of them had behinds that were stinging now. She wonderedif they would be stinging for the next few days.They continued on to the patio, Krissy sat down and then before the othertwo did, asked Robyn if her bum was stinging. She rubbed it with bothhands, billy watched as her hands slid over her tight little curved bum.”Well yes it is a bit,” Robyn laughed.”We should make billy kiss it better then,” Krissy said grinning.Robyn tuned to him, still rubbing her tender behind. “Yes billy, youshould kiss it better,” she said feeling playful.Billy looked at Robyn and then Krissy. “Do I have to?” he asked hissister.At first it was just a tease but now Krissy wanted him to do it, shesimply said, “Yes.”Robyn folded her arms. “I am waiting,” she told billy who wanted to donothing else. He slid to his knees behind her, his face was inches awayfrom her crack where the tight jeans separated her cheeks so clearly. Heleaned forward and kissed her right cheek tenderly. Robyn watched overher shoulder, it felt incredible having the power over him to make himkneel behind her and kiss her ass. “Both cheeks billy,” she told himquietly.Billy kissed her other cheek, a bit more slowly this time. Krissywatched, she bet she could get this going more. “Did that make the stinggo away Robyn?” she asked.Robyn shook her head, her soft curls bouncing around her face, she bither lip.”billy, again, keep kissing until she is all better,” Krissy instructed.Robyn nodded and bent over a bit arching her back, her cheeks became evenmore defined as her jeans tightened. Billy raised his hands to hold on toher leg. “No hands billy,” Krissy told him. Billy, dressed in the prettysoft pink and blue dress, which wasn’t covering his panties now, kneelingbehind Robyn with his wrists chained together, pressed his face againsther bum again, kissing soft kisses over all the spots he spanked momentsbefore. She wiggled her bum in his face and his nose slipped into hercrack, it filled with her scent as she bent over a bit more. He kissedbetween her cheeks, a long slow kiss. Robyn stopped moving, Krissy justwatched. His nose was deep in her crack, no one was moving.”All better Robyn?” Krissy asked, breaking the spell. Robyn looked back,almost bent over, her back arched with billy kneeling there, face presseddeep into her taunt ass. It was quite the scene Krissy thought. These twomay be fun to play with. Robyn nodded, not really wanting billy to stop,but Krissy was watching and that made her tummy tingle. She slowly stoodup and looked at billy kneeling there, his dress was so cute she thought.She reached down and took hold of billy’s chin and raised it so he waslooking at her, chained hands resting on his thighs, his face wasflushed. Oh, maybe he liked that too, she thought.She was standing very close to him, she let his chin go and looked aroundthe patio, billy’s eyes dropped, looking straight ahead at the tightcrotch that was just inches in front of his face, the jeans had pulled inthere snugly too, he could see definition clearly, what was moreinfluential to him though, was how powerful her scent was right now, withhim so close.”Those jeans are going to be hot today Robyn, would you like to put on acooler dress?” Krissy asked the pretty teenager standing before herbrother.”One like billy’s?” Robyn asked joking.”Actually I have one almost the same as billy’s dress, you could betwins.”Robyn took in a sharp breath, she was k**ding, but she noticed Krissywasn’t.”Come on,” Krissy said, turning Robyn around toward the house. “Billy canwait here for the unveiling.”Robyn realized she didn’t have much choice, Krissy seemed to be takingcommand, but then Robyn thought, she had been told to obey Krissy, or shecould spank her. She shivered.Billy got up and sat in a chair, the sun felt good and he was happy,Robyn was just so cute and was going to be spending a few days here,already he had kissed her, and her behind too. He wondered what she wasgoing to look like when Krissy brought her back. He was very excited. Thetight corset hid that though.Krissy brought Robyn into her room, started going through her closet anddrawers, making little piles of clothing. Over her shoulder she toldRobyn she could strip down to get ready. Robyn didn’t move. Krissy lookedup, noticing Robyn had not started. “Robyn?””Oh sorry, I just don’t know about this, that dress looks very short.””I didn’t ask you if you liked it, I just told you to strip down, thisdress is no shorter than billy’s, I think I will see how you make outwith some higher heels on too,” Krissy teased.”What? You are going to make me look exactly like billy?” Robyn asked,her heart was beating faster.”Yes, I think that would be so cute, I can play dress up with the two ofyou, it will be fun.””I suppose you are going to add chains to me as well?” Robyn saiddefiantly.”Well I hadn’t thought of that, until now, but the answer to that is,Yes!” grinned Krissy.Robyn shivered again, Krissy noticed. She also noticed Robyn still hadn’tmoved. “Are you looking for your first spanking already?””First? You are planning on spanking me often?” Robyn asked trying to bemore assertive.Krissy smirked. “Uhh hmm. Actually I am.”Robyn bit her lip. She still hadn’t moved.Krissy stepped over to her, turned her around and pressed her shoulderuntil she was bent over a bit. “Arch your back,” Krissy said.Robyn did, her tight jeans stretched, she felt the first swat sting herright cheek, she yelped. Krissy gave her another on her left cheek. Itstung too. Krissy had her hand on Robyn’s back keeping her bent over. Shegave her five more on each cheek and let the flushed girl stand. “When weget outside, I want you to look billy in the eye then tell him you werespanked and then look down at your feet. If you don’t do that I willspank you again in front of billy.”Krissy waited, to see how much control she had over her. Robyn nodded,blushing deeply.Krissy smiled. “Good girl, now change,” she directed pointing to theclothes on the bed.She watched as Robyn slipped off her shoes, socks, jeans, she had to pealthem off, and her cami top. Her bra and panties matched, a cute floweredset in a light pink with darker pink florets.She looked at the dress there was a pair of tan pantyhose on top. Therewas no need to ask if she had to put them on, it was a hot day, theywould be uncomfortable, the answer would be obvious though or theywouldn’t be in the pile. Carefully tugging the pantyhose up her legs,wiggling to get them over her bum and blushing again when se saw Krissywas watching.She took the light summer dress, it was almost the reverse of billy’s asofter blue with pink accents, and slipped it over her head. She tuggedit down, but it didn’t really go down very far, she had never worn such ashort dress. The skirt of the dress flared out, the wind would catch iteasily. Then she saw the black stockings. “I have to wear stockings aswell?” she asked.”Billy is, and these are just like his, the ones with high compression,you will be able to feel what he says he feels with them on.”Robyn slipped the stockings over her pantyhose, they really were tightbut slid on easily over her pantyhose, she saw a garter belt that wasalso black, and It fit tightly around her slender waist. She fastened hergarters on her thighs and then stood, she twisted trying to fasten thegarters behind her, She wasn’t having much luck when Krissy bent down andhelped her. Her fingers felt cool against Robyn’s nylon covered legs, asshe stood she gave Robyn’s bum a pat. “Don’t you look sweat,” Then shesnapped her garters across her lower bum. Robyn jumped, even offered abit of a yelp.Robyn looked in the mirror, she did look hot she thought. The stockingtops showed clearly below the hem of her short dress. Krissy pointed to apair of heels she had placed beside the bed.”No Way!” Krissy said looking at a pair of black ballet boots, just likebilly’s.”Another spanking already?” Krissy asked.Robyn gulped. She wasn’t wearing jeans now, a spanking would hurt a lotmore.She sort of wanted to try the shoes though, uhm boots. She saw there weretiny locks on the bed too though, again just like billy’s. She wasobviously going to have those boots locked on her feet. She tingled.Krissy helped Robyn lace on the boots, then reached up quietly and tookone of the tiny locks. The lock clicked shut, she held out her hand,Robyn picked up the other lock handing it to Krissy. That action seemedto have a lot of meaning. The click of the lock fastening seemed veryloud.Krissy went to her dresser, there were the chains that billy was notwearing. She took the little collars they used for billy’s ankle cuffs,and the shorter chain that billy was not wearing. She locked one cuffaround Robyn’ right wrist. The short chain rested in her lap, on theblack stockings. Robyn was looking at that chain when Krissy fastened theother cuff. This too, seemed to have a stronger meaning.Krissy helped Robyn stand, she took her chained hands and led her over toher dresser, where she had a chair, the same chair billy sat in to havehis face made up. She quickly went to work. Using the same soft pinks,applying makeup almost the same way she had done billy’s face not thatlong ago, she transformed Robyn into his twin, well almost.Robyn watched quietly, it felt so odd to have Krissy putting so muchmakeup on her, especially with her wrists bound in her lap. When Krissyfinished, she helped Robyn to her feet. She wobbled a bit so Krissy heldthe chain between her wrists and led her out of her room, down the stairsand out to the patio where billy was waiting, she led her all the way.Robyn was taking short steps on her toes trying to keep up with Krissywho was tugging her along by her cuffed wrists. Wow this was really hardshe thought. The stockings were squeezing her legs tightly, massagingthem, they made her legs tingle almost, with each step, and with eachmove she was reminded that she was wearing stockings. How did billy standit? She wondered. They sort of felt good though, but odd. For a boy, itwould be a very strange feeling she thought.Billy saw Krissy round the corner into the sheltered patio, leading abeautiful young looking girl in an ultra short dress, with blackstockings, chained wrists? And those boots with the amazingly high heels!OMG, billy almost had another accident watching. She was just so pretty.Krissy led her right over to billy. “I should chain you two together, soI know where you are,” she teased. But neither of the pretty girls saidnot do to that, they were both quite quiet.Until Robyn stammered. “Billy I was spanked,” and then she looked downblushing. Billy’s mouth dropped open.Sara found them just then, noticing Robyn was twinned with billy. “What’sgoing on?” she asked looking confused.”Robyn wanted to see what it was like for billy, to do chores and tomanage in those heels and even the shorter dress, she asked if I couldmake her billy’s twin,” Krissy told Sara. Robyn just stood quietly, shewas not going to challenge Krissy. She was finding this to be exciting.”Oh so she is going to do our chores today, on billy’s day off?” Sarateased.”That’s what she wanted,” Krissy told her again grinning.Robyn looked at the two of them this was so unexpected, the wind camealong and lifted her light dress high on her waist, Billy looked, and hesaw her panties under the pantyhose, framed by the garter and stockings.Wow! He thought.”Eeeeeeps” Robyn said, trying to smooth her dress down, but with herwrists cuffed together with the short chain she could only hold down theback. Krissy giggled and Robyn turned her back to billy. Another puff ofwind showed billy her cute little bum, also framed nicely by thestockings and garters running across her cheeks to the stockings.”Oh oh, you know, billy would be spanked if he showed his panties toeveryone like that,” Krissy told her.Robyn blushed. “It was not my fault, the wind lifted my dress.””It doesn’t matter, there is no excuse accepted for billy,” Krissy toldher, she was teasing but wondered where it would go.Sara was laughing. “That’s right Robyn. If you wanted to see what billywas going through, then you have to accept a spanking now. It is up toyou.”Robyn was wishing she could pull her dress down, the wind was holding itup and she knew billy was just inches away, looking at her bum. It madeher tingle, but not as much as what Sara had just said. If Robyn acceptedthe spanking now, then she knew she would be setting herself up to bespanked all day long. Just as billy was.”Billy stand up please,” Krissy said.Billy rose to his feet, standing beside Robyn, the same height, lookingso cute in almost matching dresses, their faces looked so similar too.Just like Robyn, billy’s dress flipped up in the wind. Krissy giggled.”Oh both of them need spanking now Mom.”Robyn looked at billy and noticed his dress was blowing in the wind aswell. She wished she was going to be the one to spank him, then shiveredas she remembered they were still waiting for her decision.Krissy came over and gave billy a few hard smacks then looked at Robyn.She just quietly nodded. Krissy raised her hem and smacked her bum justas hard as she had done billy’s. Billy watched carefully. He saw her bumget mashed in with each of Krissy’s smacks. Sara laughed again at theantics of the girls. “There you go Robyn now you will know at the end ofthe day how billy feels, how dedicated he is to help cure his hip. Billyis lucky to have a friend like you, one that wants to experience what heis experiencing to understand him better. Your reward will be to havebilly give you a nice foot rub, I bet your feet will be very sore whenyou take those boots off.””Her bum may be sore too Mom,” Krissy joked.”Well maybe he can kiss that better then,” Sara said laughing.Billy’s heart froze, he was sure it stopped beating. He also heard Robyngasp, then she turned to billy and smiled. Oh she wanted that too herealized.Krissy and Sara left the two ‘twins’ on the patio.”You liked being spanked didn’t you,” Billy asked Robyn.She nodded quietly. Her dress rose again, he grinned.”What are you grinning at?” she asked, trying to be assertive.”I can see your panties.””So? You saw them a few minutes ago, quite closely too I may add.”Billy was not to be swayed by her attempted diversion. “Yes, but now Iget to spank you.””Oh you do, do you?” Robyn said with not as much bravado.”Bend over,” he told her hopefully.She surprised him, by doing just that.Turning, with his heart in his mouth, glad he had the cuffs with thelonger chain on, it allowed him to get a much better back swing. Shewiggled her bum, waiting.Billy looked at her cute behind wiggling, her panties barely covered halfof it, and he gave her a smack. She yelped a bit, but kept bent over. Hewondered how many he could give her. She gave him quite a few heremembered.He smacked again, her back arched and she made that mewing sound again.Billy rubbed her bum a bit, sneaking a feel, getting ready to smack heragain.”Hey,” she called out as his hand rubbed over the edge of her panties,she really couldn’t stop him though.He didn’t stop either, he rubbed a bit more and then smacked her again.”Quiet,” he told her. “Or are you complaining?”She remembered when she had asked him the same thing, oh oh.”Uhm no, sorry, please continue.” She wiggled her bum again, tantalizinghim.Billy continued to smack her, alternating cheeks, hearing the occasionalyelp, then some soft moans. She didn’t try to stand up, so he didn’tattempt to stop. He noticed her skin was turning pink, then almost red.So he stopped and rubbed her bum again.”Ok you can stand up,” he finally told her, flushed.He still had his hand on her bum as she straightened up. She was flushedas well. He rubbed again grinning. “Sore?””A bit yes,” she said, standing still as his hand still rubbed her bum.”But then, tonight, you get to kiss it all better.” She reminded himsmiling. “Now, how long do you intend to feel me up?”He turned a dark red and dropped his hand. They walked back into thehouse, holding hands as Robyn claimed to be more unsteady than Billy was.When they went into the living room, both of them making loud clicks withtheir heels, Krissy gave them a dirty look. “Shhhhh, I am trying toread.”They of course couldn’t help it and continued to click as they moved moreinto the room. Krissy grumbled more. Billy stuck out his tongue. That didit.Krissy thought for a moment. “Well you need to stand, for practice. But Idon’t want all that clicking disturbing me. What to do?” she pretended toponder.”Be right back,” she told them, running up to her room.Moments later she was back, Robyn saw a flash of pink in her hand.Krissy went to billy first and took the black choker that billy wore thefirst day, fastened it to his neck carefully, the lock clicked shut.Then she dangled another one, billy’s pink collar. She put it about herneck. The lock clicked shut. “Hey!” Robyn said reaching up and clutchingthe collar.”Hey nothing,” Krissy told her. She took a tiny chain that was left overand fastened it to her collar, she tugged her over to billy, she stumbledin the ultra high heels. Krissy quickly, before either of them figuredout what she was about to do, clicked the other end of the chain shut onbilly’s collar, they were connected. The chain was a bit short though, asthey looked into each others pretty eyes, their noses had to slip pasteach other, there wasn’t room to pull away. This meant their lips werebrushing.Krissy laughed. “Sort of helpless aren’t you both?” I bet I can make youdo anything now.Robyn feeling billy’s soft pink lips brushing hers told her, “No youcan’t””Oh yes I can, kiss billy,” she ordered.Robyn played stubborn. “No way.”Krissy raised the hem of her dress and smacked her hard, kiss him,” shewhispered. Robyn risisted more, she was swatted again, harder.Robyn moaned, it was a hard smack, her eyes closed and she kissed him.Billy kissed back.”First one to stop gets spanked,” Krissy said, and sat down again toread.She watched the two pretty girls, chained together, kissing with more andmore passion, both locked in chains, locked together too. But they werequiet now. She read for quite a while.”Ok that is enough,” she told them, unlocking the chain and separatingthem. She left the collars on though. Both were breathing hard and hadglazed eyes. Collars were handy to have for playthings.Billy was very much enjoying his day off.Krissy told them to sit on the couch and to be quiet, if they made noiseshe would find chores for them to do, they both enjoyed some time offtheir feet, so they sat quietly, pressed against each other. Both lookingso cute.Krissy looked at her watch a while later, the afternoon seemed to havezoomed by, the two girls were still sitting quietly. Very obedient shethought.”Billy, I know it is your day off, but would you like to make dinner withRobyn as your helper?” she asked him.He nodded. “Off you both go then,” she told them. Billy stood and did acurtsy. Krissy looked at Robyn expectantly, she blushed and did a curtsyas well.They both left the room, billy leading, Robyn following along behind him,both clicking and mincing as they walked. “Robyn, you are not wigglingyour bum like billy is,” Krissy called out to her.Billy wished he could see, but he was leading, but he knew Robyn waswiggling her bum now too, walking behind him.They worked well in the kitchen, Robyn was distracting billy often thoughas she stole a few kisses. Billy was feeling bold and when she wasworking at a counter, he came up behind and play with her behind. Shewiggled it provocatively and pretend he should stop. “Billy you arefeeling me up again,” she admonished.He stopped, she turned and smiled, whispering, “It’s okay billy, I sortof like it.” Billy grinned and reached up, cupping her behind andrubbing, feeling the nylon covering her tight panties, over her tightass. It was a spectacular ass he thought.They both served dinner to Sara and Krissy, Both were kept standingbeside the table, both looking so cute in their tiny dresses, hand foldedin front, chained.After dinner they cleared the table and were allowed to eat themselvesbefore they washed up. Billy didn’t take too longe before he wascaressing her bum again. She bent over the sink and allowed him freereign for a few minutes. “You really like that don’t you billy?” sheasked.He blushed but nodded. “I like feeling your ass too,” she grinned.Then the family retired to the living room for the evening. Krissy metthem with sets of keys. “Your feet must be very sore. I think we besttake those shoes off for the rest of the night,” she told them.Robyn sat on a chair and Krissy removed the heels, Robyn sighed andwiggled her stocking clad toes.When Billy sat down, Krissy removed his shoes too, she reminded him hewould have to crawl as she was sure his feet would be very sore with noheels on. She was right, he tried to put weight on is foot and couldn’t.”I believe that you owe Robyn a nice foot rub now billy, she did so welltoday,” Sara reminded billy.He crawled over to her chair, he really wanted to do this, she watched,his dress didn’t cover his behind when he crawled, Krissy swatted it ashe went by. Robyn watched him crawl toward him, his tiny dress riding uprevealing his panties. She saw him flinch when Krissy smacked him, hekept crawling toward her though, like a kitty she thought, even with acollar as they both still had collars on. He knelt demurely before her,taking her black stockinged foot into his hands gently, his wrists stillchained, kneeling on his stockinged foot, the white stockings making himso princess like, she had heard Krissy call him princess a couple oftimes and she saw how it made him squirm.Her foot had been bound in that tight leather boot for a long time, theywere still damp, she could feel that, so could billy as he raised herfoot on to his lap and began to rub it carefully. He knew her foot wouldbe sore, he rubbed it with care. Her delicate foot was quite slipperywith the support stockings she was wearing sliding over her pantyhose,they were also very damp. The smell they had the last time he rubbedthem, was much stronger now, mixed with the leather from the boots.She rested her other foot on his leg, it was hot and he felt its softnessas she slid it slowly back and forth.Krissy told Robin. “That is a lazy-boy reclining chair Robyn, just pullthe lever and it will slide back.” She tried, but with her wrists stillbound she couldn’t reach the handle. Billy caught a nice look at her bumas she wiggled in the chair trying. “Billy can you do it for me?” sheasked.He had to crawl over to the side of the chair, she peeked over watchingas he pulled the lever, the foot rest popped up and she stretched out.”oh that is much better,” she said, wiggling her toes happily. Evensitting down she felt the stockings squeezing her legs, the constantsqueezing with each move she made today reminded her constantly she waswearing stockings.Billy crawled back to the front of the chair, now he was faced withsomething different. as he knelt there, her long legs were entirely inview, her feet were even with his face now too, and he raised his handsand started to rub one foot again. He pretended to scrunch up his nose asif her foot smelled bad.Krissy noticed. “Billy!” she said admonishing him.”What?” he said turning to look at her.”I saw that, I am sure her feet don’t smell bad at all, you shouldn’ttease you, and she went to extremes to see how things were for youtoday.””Well they smell,” he said, looking at Robyn, teasing her.”Oh they do, do they?” Robyn said wiggling her toes, she pushed onecloser to his nose. I should make you kiss them better just for that. Ohand don’t forget you have to kiss my bum better tonight too,” She watchedhim as her toes brushed his nose. She knew they did smell, but it didn’tseem a terrible smell. They were wet though.He pulled his face away playfully, making another face.Krissy came over and held up the tiny chain that she had used on theircollars earlier. “Let’s fix you up billy,” she said. She had that evillook in her eyes again. Robyn saw it too.Krissy fastened the tiny chain to billy’s choker, Sara watched. sheclipped the other end to billy’s cuffs, drawing them together tightly andfastened to his collar, now his hands were almost locked in front of hisface. “Well that will teach you to tease billy,” Sara told him as now torub her feet, they would be pressed into his face. Krissy was conniving.Krissy left, winking at Robyn. Robyn grinned and stretched her feet outagain, now when billy took one in his hand, her foot was right in frontof his face, rubbing softly on it. He couldn’t avoid it now, he smelledit too, and with each breath he inhaled the musky smell of her footfilled his nose, that foot kept brushing against his nose, teasing. Thesoft nylon tickling his nose, leaving behind the dampness that wasclinging to it too.He twisted a bit as he rubbed her foot, trying to avoid her pressing itto his face, the smell was stronger now that it was so close. She wiggledthe toes on her other foot, he forgot she had two… those toes werepressing against his pink lips. They smelled too, but now the dampnesswas on his lips too. He stuck his tongue out, and tasted, salty.She pressed her toes against his lips, he couldn’t pull away from bothfeet. He had toes rubbing his lips and toes on his forehead. They movedall over, it was hard to rub her foot she was having more fun justrubbing her feet all over his face.”Kiss them better billy,” She whispered.”Nooo, they smell,” he said again.”Billy, that is enough,” Sara scolded him. “Do as she asks.”Billy kissed her toes, his tongue peeked out and he tasted them too. Hekissed her sole, the damp foot pressing over his mouth. He kissed herheel, left another trail of kissed up the sole, back to the toes. Robynsighed. “Don’t forget you have to kiss my bum too billy,” she teased.He kissed her other foot, holding it pressed against his face, rubbingand kissing, finally he stopped and just rubbed. “billy, they are notbetter yet,” she admonished.Billy sighed, he started kissing her feet again. He kissed as much as herubbed. Krissy had an idea.Billy’s face was covered in her scent, after rubbing and kissing her feetfor a long time, she finally allowed him to stop. Krissy came over andunlocked the chain at his neck, releasing his hands. Krissy unlockedRobyns cuffs and took the collars and locked them to her ankles. Shefastened his collar to that short chain, now his collar was locked to herfeet which were tight against his face. She returned to her chair,looking at her curious Mother. “That will teach him to complain and upsetcompany,” she told her.Sara laughed. “Indeed it will, a good lesson.”Billy knelt on the floor with his face locked to Robyn’s cute littlefeett. She wiggled them, so they were side by side, he couldn’t evadethem, so both feet were pressed on his face, covering it. She made noattempt to move. Krissy asked her about school, Sara became involved inthe conversation and they dismissed billy, who was spending the last ofhis day off, with his face pressed into the soles of Robyn’s damp feet,chained there.Her feet were soft, he was intoxicated with the smell, he rubbed lightly,pretending to try to escape, and Robyn countered with movements to keepher feet covering his face. They talked for an hour and a half with poorbilly chained to her feet.Billy would get the odd glance between her feet as she would move them,up her long legs, and see her smiling face as she looked down at him. Shefelt him licking her soles often, it tickled, but she didn’t let on. Shewould rub her soles back and fort over his face, he was helpless toresist.Krissy wanted her nightly foot rub so she slipped her chair closer tobilly and Robyn, mostly to make it easier to talk to Robyn about school,she didn’t much like it and was very interested to find she may beschooled with billy and Krissy as Sara was a teacher. She thought thatcould be great fun, even wondered if billy would be wearing dresses toschool.Krissy slipped her feet into billy’s lap, he knew he had to rub them, buthe was still chained to Robyn’s foot, so it seemed that was the way hewas going to give Krissy her foot rub, with Robyn’s stocking clad feetpressed tightly to his face, he was to rub Krissy’s feet on his lap.He was becoming overloaded again, the aroma from Robyn’s feet was heady,and it was stirring things in seemed hours later, and probably was, when Sara announce it was bedtime. Krissy unlocked the manacles from Robys feet, billy was freed fromher feet.All the locks were removed, except for their collars, Krissy left themon. Billy had to crawl upstairs, the pet carrier was in his room. He hadto change for bed too, and clean up.He doubted the smell of Robyn’s feet would wash away easily.Robyn was sitting on his bed when he crawled in. “You really can’t walknow without wearing heels?” she asked him.”No, my feet hurt too much when I put any weight on them now,” he toldher.Krissy came in with two nightgowns. “You may want to sleep with yourpantyhose on Robyn, we all do, the house gets very cold at night for somereason.”Robyn thanked her for the nightgown. Billy was about to go into thebathroom when Krissy stopped him. “don’t forget you still have to kissRobyn’s bum better,” she teased, but waited.Robyn blushed, Billy looked at her. Then Robyn said. “That’s right billy.I haven’t forgotten.”Billy’s heart was hammering again. He so wanted to do this, were theyteasing him?”Maybe you could bend over the edge of the bed, then he could just crawlover?” Krissy encouraged.Robyn slipped off the bed, bent over the edge so she was lying on the bedwith her behind bent over the side, with her knees on the floor. Herdress rose up completely, exposing all of her panties. Krissy grinned andpointed, then left the room.Billy crawled forward and reached up, sliding his hand over her bum.”That is not kissing billy,” she pointed out, wiggling at his touch.He bent forward and kissed her left cheek, the one closest to him. It wasso soft. She felt his lips touch him, knew what he was doing andshivered.He kissed her right cheek, low down on the cheek. She wiggled a tiny bit.He paused. “billy, you spanked me all over, I expect kisses all over.”He kissed her again, so soft, the nylon just covering her skin below herpanties, he kissed there too. He even licked once. She was not sure, shethought he had. It felt wonderful to have him in her control like this,kissing her behind. He did it for quite a while, his hands kept coming upand rubbing softly too, but that felt amazing as well, so she didn’t stophim.Sara called out from her room, breaking the spell. “billy are you readyto be locked in your cage yet?’He shivered now, locked in that tiny cage all night, it was not as muchfun as he thought it may be. It was just too tiny.”No Mom, Mom do I have to?”Yes billy,” she called back. “Hurry up and get ready.He sighed and crawled into the bathroom, washed up and changed into theshort nightgown. Wasn’t anything long in this house?When he crawled back into his room, Robyn had finished changing as well.Krissy gave her an older night gown from when she was quite young. Robynlooked like a k** in it, but her legs gleamed in her pantyhose, she hadnot taken them off. Sara came into the room, waited for billy to backinto his cage. When he did she fastened the lock and it snapped shut. Hewas locked in for the night, again. His last view of her was of hertugging at the tiny padlock that was fastened to the pink collar, lockedaround her neck.”I really liked my foot rub billy,” Robyn whispered, it seemed billy wasgoing to be allowed to sleep in the same room as her, in his cage ofcourse. Billy mumbled something. The cage was so tight. “Do my feetreally smell bad or were you teasing?” she asked again.”I was teasing Robyn, I sort of like the smell of them,” he told herhonestly.She peeked down at the cage, noticing her runners were at the foot of thebed, her socks that she wore over were bunched up in each shoe.”You really like the smell?” she asked again thinking.”I do,” he whispered back.She retrieved her socks, there was a small flap on the door of the cage,so they could slip treats in. She slipped her socks in, they fell down bybilly’s face. The flap closed, it couldn’t be opened from the inside.Billy peeked out of the cage, she was standing in front of it, and all hecould see were her stockinged feet. He could smell her feet again though,quite strongly too. He thought that was odd until he noticed the socksbeside his face. “There you go billy, you can smell my feet all nightnow,” she giggled getting back in bed.Billy did just that, he had no real choice, the socks were on the cagefloor, right in front of his face.He wondered what tomorrow was going to bring, when they read all theupdates he made to the site, tomorrow was not going to be a day off forhim either, back to being the house slave, doing chores, being spanked hesuspected. Robyn would be here for the day too, no doubt adding to historment, and humiliation. He became excited again.With the changes to the site though, things were about to spin wildly outof his control, but in a good way too.The lights were out, but they hadn’t yet gone to sleep. Suddenly Robynsaid to him, in a quiet voice, “Are you sleeping yet?””No, it’s hard to sleep in this cage, it is so tight, I can’t getcomfortable because I can’t really move at all. I mean at all.”She peeked over the edge of the bed. “You look cute in there though, itis like you are my pet kitty.”He moaned a bit, her pet kitty with her socks in her pet kitty’s faceeven, filling his nose with her scent.”Billy?””Yes?”She giggled a bit. “You really felt me up a lot today.””I noticed you felt my bum a lot too Robyn.” he countered.”Billy?”Was she ever going to sleep? “Yes?””I liked it when you felt me up.””Well I liked it too,” he admitted sheepishly.”Billy?”OMG she was never going to sleep. “Yes?”When your sister tied our collars together, she tugged at her collaragain as she remembered, it was still locked on tightly too. “It was veryhot for me.”Billy grinned. “It was hot for me too.””When she spanked me and made me kiss you, and then she told me to notstop kissing you or we would be punished, and we were chained together sotightly, Billy?””Yes?””I almost had an accident like you did,” she said quietly.He thought about that for a while.He heard her moving around quietly, her breathing had changed. Then heheard her moan a bit and gasp. “Are you okay?” he whispered.The bed was moving a bit, she didn’t answer, but she was moaning a bitmore.Then he heard her call out something, a bit louder, a moan?”Robyn?””Just a minute,” she hissed. She sounded funny.”Oh God,” he heard.”What’s the matter?” he called out quietly in a loud whisper.”Oh billy.””What?””You know that accident I was just talking about?””Yes.”Then there was a longer pause, he thought she may be crying.”Billy I am so embarrassed.” she said in a quiet voice.”Why?””I was thinking about today, being chained together, being spanked, Icouldn’t help myself, and then with you locked in that tiny cage besideme, it was too much.””Oh, uhm, okay, but were you crying?””He noticed the scent in the room had changed, it had changed a lot.”Yes. Billy in the morning, what is your sister going to say when shefinds my panties.””What is wrong with your panties?” he asked.”Billy!””What?””Billy, they are soaking wet.””Oh. Uhm.” The smell in the room was much more pronounced now.”Maybe you could clean them in the bathroom?””How do I explain how they got so wet? They won’t dry over night, shewill know.”He thought for a bit.”Billy?””Yes?””Billy I have a huge favor to ask you, it is huge.””Okay.””Billy if you do this for me, I will let you feel me up any time youwant.””Anytime?””Yes Billy, and anywhere too.””What do you mean anywhere?””Any part of me Billy. If you do me this huge favor. Please.””What is the favor?” he wondered, asking, what could it be?”Billy, I was thinking, I could tell your sister you were complaining,and I couldn’t sleep.””Complaining?””Yes, about being in the tiny cage maybe?” she asked hopefully.”But what does that do?” he asked her.”Billy, last time you complained, what happened?”He thought for a moment. “OMG you want to put your panties in my mouthagain?””Yes Billy. Please? I could say you were complaining, that is why mysocks are in your cage, I told you to put them in your mouth and you saidmy feet smelled bad, so I put my panties in the cage and told you to putthem in your mouth or I would go tell your sister that you werecomplaining, Please Billy, then she wouldn’t find my wet panties in themorning. You may get in trouble a bit for complaining. Or saying my feetsmelled bad. So you may be punished a bit, but Billy I will let you feelme up anytime you want, I will just stand still and you can touch meanywhere anytime you want, I won’t move at all until you are finished.Please?”Billy liked the idea of being able to touch her anywhere. But he thoughtabout having her panties in his mouth too.”Billy?””Oh all right,” he said.”Billy you are the BEST,” she said, he heard her moving around, takingher panties off he guessed, she was also using them to clean herself too,they became much wetter.The smell in the room became very strong, she pulled the sheet ofherself, and Billy knew what the smell was. He knew it was going to getmuch stronger for him shortly too.She got out of bed, he saw a flash of creamy thigh in the moonlight.The flap on the door opened. “Here they come Billy,” There was a plopbeside him. The panties fell to the cage floor beside the socks. Thesmell in the cage became very musky, instantly, it was almostoverpowering, it really stirred him too.”Uhm, maybe you should open the window,” he said.”I will, but Billy, you have to put them in your mouth right away, tostop the smell,” she told him in a hurried voice. She opened the window.Billy moved his head, his lips brushed over the panties, they became wetright away. Much wetter than his had been he thought. “Hurry Billy,” shetold him again.She peeked into the cage, just in time to see him open his mouth and pickthem up, he looked out of the cage at her, and he was close to the barsso the panties that were dangling out of his mouth were hitting the door.She poked her finger against them, poking them into his mouth. She workedat them a few times, poking, until they disappeared into his mouth. Shewiped her finger on his nose. “Thank you Billy,” she whispered.The taste was incredibly strong, they were not wet, they were soakingwet. He almost gagged, then the taste did something to him, he felt herfinger slip across his nose, the smell was going to stay there all nightnow. He moved his tongue, found a puddle of something, it was slippery.His tongue was quickly coated. His eyes opened wider.She climbed back in to his bed. “Billy, I know you can’t answer, but youhave to clean them for me.”He struggled, he hadn’t thought of that when she asked, but he had toclean them. His sister couldn’t find them, not like this, they could bewet, being in his mouth all night, but only wet, with his drool, notother things.”You will have to suck them Billy,” she added.She was quiet again, the smell in the room was fading, not for billythough, it was still very strong for him.She fell asleep, very contented.Billy didn’t, he was moving the panties around in his mouth, they weretiny, but they sure held a lot. Each time he moved them his tongue wouldencounter another puddle coating the material. He had to swallow thosepuddles, and suck on them, to clean them. About an hour later she woke upagain.”Billy?””Mmmmmfph?””Are you sucking on them?””Ymfs””Billy, I was thinking again. Those socks, you are going to be punishedif they are found there at the bottom of your cage.””Mmfff?””I was thinking, maybe I could say you were still making noise with mypanties in your mouth, so I told you to put the socks in or I would wakeKrissy up.”He thought about that, it would work, but then he would have her pantiesand socks in his mouth.”Put them in billy,” she whispered. “So you don’t get punished.”He sighed, and put her two tiny ankle socks in his mouth too, realizingthey were inside out. More strong tastes hit him.He was not going to sleep a wink he just knew it.”Remember Billy, you can feel me anytime you want from now on, any partof me.””Mmmmphf”She giggled and went back to sleep. He was thinking about the places hewas going to touch her, It was filling his thoughts, the taste too, wasmaking him very erect. He had to try to think of something else or he wasgoing to make a mess in his panties. But it was no use. The smells, thetastes, so powerful, it was so hard to avoid thinking about it.He didn’t sleep at all.The sun was peeking in their window, Robyn shook his cage. “Billy are youup?””Mmmfph.”She giggled. “Billy did you clean them?” she asked hurriedly.She was peeking in the door of the cage, his tongue poked around thepanties, there was no more taste, he nodded.Robyn smiled. “Oh thank you Billy. But you have to keep them in yourmouth until someone lets you out, so they believe the story.”He nodded again, his mouth stuffed with her panties and socks. He hopedsomeone was going to let him out soon, He was cramping and still unableto move. The cage was too small.Robyn went into the bathroom, she washed off a bit more, quite relievedKrissy wasn’t going to find her panties, she thought of Billy having tosuck on them all night, and they were so wet she knew how wet they were.Then she smiled, he really got to taste her though. She liked that.She met Krissy in the hall, they exchanged good mornings, Krissy gaveRobyn the key to the cage so Billy could use the washroom, shower andthen get dressed. Robyn wondered what Krissy would dress him in today,then she shivered, she wondered what Krissy would dress her in too.She went into their room, bent down and unlocked the cage. Billy crawledout and looked around. “No one is here, you can spit them out now,” shetold him.Billy wondered if he really had to suck on them all night now as hepulled the socks and panties out of his mouth. She was kneeling besidehim, he grinned and reached over with his hand, right between her legsand rubbed. She gasped and lurched. “Billy!” she gasped.”You said I could feel you anywhere anytime,” he reminded her.She nodded and just stayed still, she did promises that, he explored,rubbing her, his fingers sliding back and forth over her pantyhose, shehad no panties on, his fingers slid in a bit. She shivered a lot more.”Billy, if you keep doing that, I am going to have another accident,” shewhispered to him.”How come you still have pantyhose on, didn’t they get wet too?” hewhispered in her ear, still rubbing slowly.She moaned a bit. “Uhm, no, I pulled them down first, I left my pantieson because I didn’t want your sheets to get wet Billy. Oh God.”He grinned as he rubbed more. “I can really feel you anywhere, anytime Iwant and you will just hold still?”She whispered yes, her head tilted back a tiny bit. “Billy, you betterstop.””I can feel you anywhere anytime and you promised to hold still,” hereminded her. “Even if it makes you wet again,” he grinned.She bit her lip but held still, it was going to happen sooner than hethought if he kept touching her there.He slid his hand slowly along the inside of her thigh, the silkypantyhose covering her leg felt so nice. Her leg felt so nice. He wasabout to feel her breasts, when he heard Krissy calling out. “Billy,shower please I don’t have all day.”He groaned, Robyn smiled and whispered, “later, I am yours you can feelme later,” then she stood up and walked out of the room, he could smellher again though, he wondered if she knew. His fingers smelled of her aswell.He crawled into the bathroom. He was glad Krissy removed the corset lastnight, he didn’t think sleeping in it would be very nice. He showered,finished in the bathroom and crawled into her room. She was waiting.A fresh pair of tan pantyhose were waiting, a pink thong, the whitestockings again, and the white ballet boots, and that corset. He groanedbut got dressed as she turned away. “Krissy? A thong? Really?””Yes, I get to pick, remember.”He felt it slip up into his crack, the pantyhose slid in as well, with nopanties to keep that from happening. His cheeks were divided now. Shehelped him put the corset on, tugging his pantyhose up higher, so theyreally tugged at his behind. After tying the laces she helped him withthe white stockings which slid on easily, tugging them and fastening themto his garters she then helped with his ballet boots, the locks clickedshut.He stood there, his behind sticking out in the little circle that was onthe corset, the one allowing his bum to peek out. “I should leave youlike that today,” she teased. “It would be easier to spank you.””Krissy!”She giggled. “Okay beg me to lend you a dress.”He looked at her, she was so humiliating sometimes. “Please lend me adress Krissy,” he said.”No,” she told him.He stood there, balancing in the ultra high heels, white stockingsfastened to the tight pink corset with his bum peeking out.He sort of wanted to be forced to go out, wearing just this today,knowing he would be spanked, a lot.She went to her dresser and opened a drawer, she handed him a skirt, oneshe hadn’t worn for a very long while. A plaid skirt, a tiny one. Pink,with blue and white lines. She handed him a white sweater top with shortpuffy sleeves. It will be a bit cooler today, so you can wear thesweater. He put both on, before she changed her mind, he loved the skirt.When he was dressed, the skirt slid naturally into his tiny waist thatthe corset gave him, he tugged it back down but it just went back up. Hisbehind peeked out. Even when standing perfectly still the bottom half ofhis bum was showing beneath the short skirt.Krissy pretended not to notice, she had him sit on her stool so she couldmake him up. The stool was cold on his almost bare behind, the only thingbetween the stool and him were his pantyhose. Robyn entered and smiled athim in the mirror, he really looked so cute, she thought.Krissy looked at her. “Okay, your turn. She pointed to another pile ofclothes on the bed, White stockings, beige pantyhose, another plaid skirtand a pink sweater top. Her skirt was red with blue and white lines. Itwas just as short though. When Robyn stood up, her bum was showing aswell, she also had a thong on. Billy thought she looked so hot. Robynblushed and tugged at the skirt again, but it would not sit any lower.She made Robyn up as well, pointing to the chair making it clear sheshould sit there. Robyn felt strange being told what to do, being dressedby someone, having them choose what she was to wear.She was given a pair of white sandals with a four inch heel, much easierthan the boots to walk in, but still she didn’t wear much more thantennis shoes normally, she thought she was dressed awfully sexy for justbeing here, she looked like a poster girl found on a garage wall, so didbilly she thought.They went downstairs, Sara had the notebook computer out and was readingsomething, probably the website Billy thought.Sara looked at him then Robyn. “Oh don’t you both look cute,” she saidsmiling. They both still had collars locked on she noticed, Robyn had noteven asked that it be removed, the tiny lock bounced when she walked, soshe must be aware that it was still on her neck.”The site has had a lot of updates billy,” she told him, pointing to thescreen.Robyn and Billy stood beside her, looking at the screen, she noticed thatboth of them had cheeky cheeks peeking out from below their skirts. Wellthat may work well for what the site said for Billy she thought.The site recommended variation first. Chains some days, none other days,changing how the chains were locked on, some days more freedom, some dayshardly any. Dresses, skirts, some long some short. Long ones should bevery snug, so they limited steps, like pencil skirts or what was called ahobble skirt.Corsets were recommended as they had proven to help posture, there werecollars that did that too, special posture collars, but again the siterecommended alternating everything so each day was something new.Days of freedom in short skirts or dresses worked well, but the “patient”should be watched and punished if they showed bad posture, as in bending.Pantyhose must be worn at all times, the site was clear about that. Theirlegs must be kept warm.What became interesting is what made the “patient” more aware, morefocused on being careful to maintain a proper posture. To curtsey as thiswas one of the best exercises, to wiggle when walking, which wasdifficult to remember it seemed.Things to remind them constantly to do these things had beeninvestigated. The site had many suggestions.First, oddly enough, humiliation was key. This was clear from the start,hence the short dresses, no one wants to expose their panties, it ishumiliating. That was how this part of the program worked, but taking itfurther seemed to be successful. Keeping the patient constantlyhumiliated offered more success.That could be achieved in many ways, the site recommended, if there weretwo ways to do something, always consider the one that would humiliatethe “patient” more.The choice of clothing. Dresses or skirts that were more feminine. Theyfound that with test cases, some patients had been clothed in drabdresses, some in more of a sissy dress and surprisingly enough the”patients” in the more girly dresses took much more care in being carefulin following all the sites recommendations the patients in the drabdresses not so much.They also found that keeping the “patient” standing was best, but theycould not be watched at all times, so locking them to something forperiods worked well, so they were stuck standing. Not by the neck thoughas injuries could occur. Wrists could be chained to banisters, doorknobs, backs of chairs, there were many possibilities. Just so they couldnot sneak sitting down when not being watched.Kneeling was also beneficial, but only when kneeling almost folded up.With experimentation they discovered simple pet carriers could be usedfor this. The patients could be stored when not in use in one of thesesmall cages. They went on to say though, this should be varied with beingchained standing or freedom, a rotation that was random worked best.Sleeping freely or kept in a cage, to change it up. Experiment, to seewhat people could come up with, they were taking suggestions. It wasagain best not to keep them in these cages every night.Spanking was humiliating. They encouraged everyone to freely spank thepatients, even if for no reason. A tingling behind lasted for a while andreminded the “patient” to follow the rules.There were a lot of letters received, saying how the “patients”complained, that the program was too difficult, almost cruel. It wastrue. This is how it was successful though. Patients that complainedbothered their helpers, their family members that were trying so hard tomake sure the patients hips would heal. So, complaints should not betolerated. Not at all, to feel free to cover their mouths with gags. Thiswas a good learning lesson. Some commercial gags available were quitecruel and some were very humiliating, to choose those gags was mostbeneficial. If commercial gags are not available it is suggested to packtheir mouths with something memorable, leaning again toward humiliation.You can choose a clean cloth, but it is not nearly as effective as adirty sock or some other such garment. The patient soon learns not tocomplain with such punishments.Punishments were encouraged as they were a faster lesson in remindingthem to follow the program. To feel free to punish for no reason, it keptthe patient off balance. Punishments were not always spankings, demeaningduties or being bound could also be punishing. When punishments werespankings, those same specialty shops offered implements to aid withthis, rather than using bare hands, which hurt the punisher almost asmuch. Walking around in a revealing skirt or dress, with red lines or ared glow on a behind was another humiliating effective treatment. More soif in public with a striped behind showing.Walking with wiggles worked so well to strengthen the hip, but mostseemed to forget to do so, or would do it on and off. There was a lot ofresearch invested in this area, the site went on to say. It seemed thatthis could be overcome by combining a humiliating experience with aphysical reminder.When the patient had a tail that wiggled in their behinds as they movedabout, they received constant reminders to wiggle their behinds, the tailalso could be effective in preventing them from sitting down. It was alsoextremely humiliating.Some tails, they could be found at specialty shops, could deliver mildelectric shocks if the patient sat on them, they also had remote featuresso the patient could be reminded at a distance they were not wiggling.Vibrations could also be turned on at low settings that were greatphysical reminders. They also found that plugs that could be inflatedworked, the humiliation experienced when someone else pumped it up wasvery memorable.Billy gasped.So did Robyn.There was a lot more though.Doing chores can be done the easy way, dusting with a cloth, washingdishes with a dishwasher the way most people would do these things, thesite encouraged people to find difficult ways to have the patients dochores, find a way to bind them to make it harder, choose outfits thatmade them feel silly, humiliated, or that would be revealing whencompleting a chore, such as dusting. Set a chore up that they could notcomplete without revealing their behinds as an example, but to punishthem when they did. Set up a chore to be completed and then bind them tomake it virtually impossible, then to punish them when it was not done.This complex action created a mind set that was more receptive tofollowing instructions, to following the program. Tell them to clean thekitchen by noon and then chain them to a banister in another room,pretend to forget about them until the deadline is almost past or haspast. They soon realize that they are not in control at all. This is thedesired outcome. Punish them for no reason.Being forced to wear lingerie with no dress or skirt caused intenseawareness. Little things like this should be explored to see what workedbest for the patients on an individual basis. Dusting the house in acorset, stockings and heels with no dress is demeaning, it forces thepatient to show extreme care with posture, remarkable as it seems.There had been a lot of research too, on having the patient wearing veryfeminine dresses, shorter being better, with no restraints, moderateheels, but on the high side. They found that the patients were verycareful when dressed this way and exhibited proper posture, remembered towiggle and curtsey. Adding silky camisoles and slips with lace seemed toadd to all of this. It become overwhelming, the patients showedremarkable awareness. Research felt it was due to the humiliation factor.They also determined that the patients should have no choices on what towear, all their clothes should be picked for them each day, even changingtheir outfits frequently during a day could be beneficial, just look atit as playing dress up with a doll.Most patients felt less uneasy if they looked the part of a girl, meaninghair styles and makeup that enhanced that look, they would be morerelaxed if they could pass as a girl. However, they should not be taughthow to apply makeup, or style their hair, again this should be done forthem. It removes a degree of control for them, keeping them off balancemaking them more careful. This too is a part of the humiliation factor.Robyn looked at Billy, reading the sites recommendations, the way sheexpected Billy was going to be treated was making her tingle. He lookedso cute in the school skirt, she was embarrassed that she was dressed thesame, but he must be so much more so. Now it seemed that would be normal,to embarrass him as often as possible. She really wanted to spend moretime here, but wait, billy was going to be loaned to them a couple days aweek, that could be so much fun she thought. Everyone was reading thecomputer screen, she slid her hand over billy’s behind, as he was bentover reading the screen also, a lot of it was showing. She felt himshiver as her hand glided over his cheeks. She gave him a loud swat. Hejumped, everyone looked. “He was bending over, I could see his bum,” shesaid.Sara told him to be more careful then thanked Robyn. “Robyn feel free tospank him as much as you can, it seems this is a part of his treatment,”she encouraged. “Oh and you don’t have to wait until you see his panties,feel free to smack it anytime.”Krissy walked by and gave Robyn a smack, she also jumped. “I could seeyour bum too,” Krissy told her, watching Robyn blush. Sara giggled.”Fairis fair,” she said.Robyn rubbed her bum, she could feel it peeking below the short skirt, itwas no fair, she would be exposing it all day. She notice Krissy wassmiling as she watched, she came over and whispered so that only Robyncould hear. “You may be spanked as much as billy today,” Robyn blusheddeeper but didn’t say anything. She could have asked for a longer skirtor even her jeans, but she didn’t.”Billy we will have to go into town today, there is a shop there that mayhave some of the items we need,” Sara announced. “I was talking to theowner a few minutes ago on the phone, it is a friend of Debbie’s thatowns it.”Billy looked at her panicking a bit. “Like this?” he said motioning tohis outfit.”Mm hmm,” he heard her as she nodded.”But this skirt is too short, my bum is always showing,” he stammered.”So is Robyn’s,” Sara started. “But you don’t hear her complaining.”Robyn suddenly realized she was going into town today too, dressed likethis, with her bum peeking like some sort of hooker. She looked at Saraand Krissy, realizing she had no choice. This was going to be veryembarrassing, were they going to spank her in public? Her thighs rubbedtogether as she stood there shuffling on her high heels lost in thoughtwhile squeezing her legs together.Billy started to complain again, he really didn’t want to go into townlike this, he knew they were planning on taking him into at lest oneshop, others were going to see him.”Billy, one more complaint and we will gag you, look at the site, theymake it clear that you should be gagged when you complain. Maybe I shouldfind Robyn’s panties from yesterday and use those?” Sara told himsternly.Robyn blushed, no not her panties she thought.They debated billy’s shoes for his trip into town, Sara felt the balletboots may attract too much attention, they would be suitable if they wereonly going to the one specialty shop, but she felt while in town theycould visit some other stores.Billy froze again, they were going to take him into other stores likethis? He squirmed. He didn’t notice that Robyn was squirming a bit too.Krissy agreed with her Mom, she felt maybe a pair of sandals may bebetter, she had another pair with a four inch heel. Both Robyn and Billywere wondering how they were going to pass unnoticed wearing the short’school girl’ skirts, skirts that didn’t cover their behinds and thewhite stockings that cried out ‘Look At Me.’ They both knew everyone thatcaught a glimpse of them was going to do just that and for as long asthey could too.Krissy went upstairs, shortly later she had the other pair of shoes andthe keys, so she swapped billy’s boots with the shoes, and she lockedthem on too. Robyn panicked and looked down, she hadn’t thought of it atthe time, but sure enough, her shoes were locked on her feet too. Anotherthing people were going to look at. OMG, her hand came up to her neck,she had totally forgotten the pink collar that was locked on. She tuggedat the lock, no one had said anything about that either. She felt veryfunny inside. Meek like.Sara looked at everyone and announced. “Let’s not waste any time, we canhave breakfast in town, it will be a nice treat.”Billy gulped.Robyn gulped too.They went off to the car, Robyn and Billy were holding hands, and Robynwhispered in his ear. “Our collars are still locked on,” Billy’s handcame up to his neck, feeling the tiny padlock holding his choker on. Hehad forgotten. He looked at Robyn, with her pink collar locked on aswell, she was blushing. “At least they didn’t put cuffs on us,” hewhispered back.Krissy turned and whispered to the pair. “I still may,” she grinned atthe shocked pair and got in the car.Billy opened the door for Robyn, who slipped in the seat gracefully, notexposing more cheek than she already had, Billy was hoping to sneak apeak. He got in beside her and was about to buckle his seatbelt when hismother was pushing him. He looked and she had some water jugs. “Scootover billy” she told him as she put one jug on the floor and one on theseat. Billy was pressed against Robyn now. Who had buckled her belt.Their stocking clad legs were tight together, rubbing and sending littleelectric charges into both of the excited teens.Billy and Robyn looked down, saw the pair of legs beneath the shortskirts, the pantyhose and then the white stocking tops fastened with thegarters, billy’s pink Robyn’s white. It didn’t escape their notice thatthey looked like sex posters.They bounced along the road together, billy had his hand on her thighrubbing her nylon encased leg slowly. As per her rule she şirinevler escort just satquietly and let him feel what he wanted, she enjoyed this game quite abit. His hand would slip between her legs and slide up to the hem of herskirt, feeling both thighs. She wondered how bold he may get. He flippedher skirt up once and she immediately smoothed it back out. He saw hertiny panties clearly though and a lot more thigh. She flipped his up, andhe did the same putting his skirt back in place.Krissy coughed, Robyn looked up to see she was looking over the seat atthem grinning. Maybe I should cuff your wrists? Or maybe your collarstogether again? She teased watching Robyn suddenly blush deeply.Krissy went to a small restaurant they ate at once, the meals were pricedfairly, especially for breakfasts. It was a busy spot. Robyn noticed allof the cars in the parking lot and shrank into the seat.Sara parked, she and Krissy got out quickly, the girls in the back didn’tseem to be in a hurry though. Sara opened Robyn’s door, come on girls sheteased. But then, that was the correct term for billy today, unless hewanted everyone to know behind that pretty girl was really a boy. Nope.He didn’t want that at all.The pair slipped out of the car, Robyn tugged her skirt down again, ofcourse it didn’t move, a pair of cute little cheeks were showing belowher hem. Billy slipped out and did the same his cheeks were showing aswell. They started walking toward the restaurant, Billy started to takeRobyn’s hand and she hissed quietly “Billy you are really going to getpeople looking if we do that,” Krissy giggled. When they went to theirbooth, Krissy made sure to sit beside her Mother, so the two girls had tosit together. Both were relieved to be seated, most of what they werewearing was hidden by the table now.”Oh look Mom, they have a buffet now,” Krissy said happily.Robyn and Billy looked, noooo, they didn’t want to get up, go in thatline up with all of those people. It was Crowded. Sara told the waitress.”four for the buffet please.”She told them they could go up whenever they were ready. Robyn thoughtshe may never be ready, but Krissy got up and tugged her collar. “Come onRobyn” she told her. Robyn was blushing, she also knew she was givingbilly a good look as she got up. He even slid his hand over her bum,unnoticed by Krissy and Sara, but his touch was felt by Robyn, was thatmuch of her bum showing? She wondered.The four of them went to the buffet, and separated, there was a largeselection of items the buffet was huge and filled with people, you had topush in to get to the counter. Robyn took a plate and slid into the line,she was pressed against a pair of men that looked like they had truckingrigs in the parking lot. As she was scooping some fried potatoes on herplate she felt someone sliding their hands all over her bum. Not just acasual feel but squeezing her cheeks. She continued to scoop her potatoeshoping to move along and away from whoever was touching her. Then shefelt a hand siding over the front of her thigh and under her skirt, shewiggled but the press of bodies was quite thick. It took a few momentsfor her to escape, meanwhile she had received some pinches to remind herhow short her skirt was.Billy hadn’t expected anything like that, he was in a line, hoping tograb something quickly and return to the table, he was scooping somebacon on to his plate when his ass was grabbed, He froze, He couldn’t sayanything his voice may give him away, the hand was rubbing, squeezing andeven pinched hard once. Then he felt a smack, he heard someone say ‘slutlikes it.’Robyn was looking in the line trying to see Billy, another hand slippedon to her cheek below her hem, she moved but he followed her. ‘What kindof restaurant was this?’ she wondered.Billy was wondering that too, the person that was squeezing his ass wasstarting to hurt, he was stuck bent over the counter someone was pressingon his back. He squirmed more and managed to get away, even with his trayand plate of bacon. He knew he needed to put more on his plate though, orhis mother would just send him back, she wouldn’t be happy paying for ameal that he didn’t eat. He worked his way over to the section with eggs.There was a chef cooking them to order, he looked and she asked sunnyside up dear? He smiled and nodded, she cracked two eggs on the griddleand they started to sizzle. The crowd thickened too. He felt a quick feelon his leg, he looked but there was no way to know who did that. Thenanother brush on his behind, it felt like his skirt had been flipped up.Then a girls voice. “told you it was a thong,” followed by a smack. Hisskirt had been left up, he was holding his tray if he let go with onehand his drink would slide off, the crowd was too thick to put it on thecounter. Another hand started to feel his behind. Patting it lightly thencaressing. This was not good.Robyn saw him and what was happening, she went over tugging his skirtdown and sliding beside him. “Oh look two,” they heard, both tensed atthe same time, it seemed two was too tempting a target, both of them werebeing groped. Billy’s eggs were almost cooked. They had to wait a fewmore moments. Robyn gasped once. “Owwww,” she said trying to turn. Thenbilly felt a sharp pinch, someone was taking great joy in pinching tenderflesh trying to get the girls to squirm more.Krissy saved them, she walked by and noticed the two teens bent over thecounter being groped. She called out “There you are, come on we don’thave all day,” Quickly the crowd around them dispersed, billy and robynmeekly took their trays and went with Krissy to the table. Both were beetred.”Mom I need to use the washroom,” Billy told Sara toward the end of themeal showing her his food covered hands.Sara looked at Robyn. “Would you like to as well?” Robyn nodded.The waitress was just then walking by, Sara called to her. “Could youshow my girls where the washroom is?”The waitress told her of course, waited for the two to get out of thebooth. She looked them over and with a grin she took both of the padlocksat their collars in her hands and led them away. Both felt so humiliatedbeing led by their collars through the crowded restaurant, their bumspeeking as always, from below their short skirts. Billy noticed shebrought them both to the woman’s restroom, but that made sense, he wasjust not expecting it. They both went in, their waitress waited outsidethe door for them.When they finished they were led back to their tables the same way. Manypatrons were laughing out loud at them. Both were blushing furiously.Sara settled up her bill and they went back to the car, then Sara decidedto walk to the shop, it was only a few blocks away. The girls had to keepholding their skirts down as the wind was blowing with enough force toflip them up. Their heels clicked on the sidewalks loudly, their legswere gleaming with the white stockings, it was doubtful anyone in townwasn’t watching them.The shop had a very large bay window out front, that you could walkaround on three sides to look at the display inside. There were blindscovering it right now though, so they couldn’t see what the theme of thestore was, Billy just knew Debbie had bought his corset here.They all entered the shop, Sara was looking around for the owner, she hadtalked to on the phone that morning, Robyn and Billy were standingquietly, looking around the first room, there were corsets displayed onmanikins, nothing too out of the ordinary they both thought.The owner came out when the bell mounted on the door tinkled. Saraintroduced herself.”Oh you are the lady that called this morning,” she said. “I amKatherine, please call me Kathy. She looked at the three girls. “Theseare your daughters?””Krissy is. This is my neighbor’s daughter Robyn and beside her isbilly,” Sara told her.”Robyn? Are you Debbie’s daughter?”Robyn nodded. “Yes, do you know her?” she asked.”Oh yes, we went to school together, we have been friends since we wereyour age,” Robyn was much more at ease now.Kathy didn’t greet billy, she turned to Sara. “I visited that website yousent me the link to, it actually makes a good deal of sense and I think Ican help you out quite a bit.””Oh that would be wonderful,” Sara said happily. Billy was watching,wondering why she hadn’t said anything to him.”So, you need quite a bit of specialized equipment from what I saw. Let’sgo in the next room where we keep some of it.”They all went through the door into the next room of the shop. This roomwas a bit different. There were still manikins, but what they modeled wasnot corsets. “This is the room of gags,” Kathy told them. “We have allmanner of gags in here,” Billy looked at a female manikin that had a pinkball stuffed in her mouth with a strap that went around her head. Most ofthe models were just heads displaying the gags.”May I demonstrate?” she asked Sara. She nodded, the site was clear thatthis could help keep him from complaining, so it was one of the items onthe list.”As you can see, we have many styles on display. Some are balls, some areinflatable. Some are more specialized, also designed to humiliate as muchas keep them from talking when you wish silence.Sara looked up, hearing the part about humiliate, the site encouragedthis to be a choice whenever possible. “Oh? Some are designed forhumiliation as well?” she asked.”Yes, I read the sites information a few times, and thought this would beof interest to you. We have a number of models that will do that. Shall Iput one on him as a demonstration?”Sara nodded. “Oh yes, please do.”Kathy took billy’s collar and tugged him over. He stood demurely by thecounter, Kathy opened a drawer and selected a gag. With her back toeveryone else, she was also concealing billy as she raised something tohis face. “Open up please,” she told him. They could tell that she hadslipped a gag on billy and saw her fastening the straps behind his head,there was a click as the lock closed.Billy stood there, facing them all, looking mortified. They could see ablack strap covering his mouth, but that was all. They had no idea whatwas now in his mouth, filling it.Billy felt the rubber gag invading his mouth, he was surprised at howquickly she locked it on. his hand came up to feel the mouth piece, thestrap covering his mouth, holding in the gag, his mouth held open, aroundthe intrusion, he tugged but it was stuck, his tongue felt around thegag, it was in his mouth more than he thought it would be, quite a bitmore. His tongue felt the tip, quickly sliding along a shaft. Wait. Ashaft? His eyes opened wide as he closed his mouth around the gag,discovering it was penis shaped.”Can you talk billy?” Krissy asked.He tried, he wanted to tell them to take it out, but all he could do wasmumble. This was so humiliating, he wanted this out of his mouth rightaway.”Wow, that is very effective,” Sara commented.”We have balls too,” Kathy said. “She looked at Robyn. Can you help meRobyn to show them?”Robyn felt at ease, this was a friend of her mothers, so she noddedstepping forward. Kathy took another gag out of the drawer, it was a pinkball, it was slipped in Robyn’s mouth and the strap fastened behind herhead, there was a click. Robyn froze, hey, this was locked on now?She looked quite cute with the pink ball in her mouth and the panickedlook in her eyes was very becoming Krissy thought.Robyn’s hand came up, she felt the ball holding her mouth open. Shetugged on it as well, she tried talking and it was also muffled.Kathy then ignored the two teenagers, continuing on to point outdifferent designs and how they worked. Sara and Krissy followed along notworried about the now silent girls. Krissy wondered what billy’s gag was,as she hadn’t seen it.Billy still looked uncomfortable with it. What ever it was.Sara was talking quietly with Kathy who was making recommendations.Then she announced that they should move to the next room. Billy andRobyn seemed surprised that the gags had not been removed, they mewed abit, but not one noticed it seemed. Both of them followed along, theirtiny skirts still showing so much cheek.The items in this room confused billy at first, most were hidden indrawers. There were no manikins. Kathy started. “We will start with themost humiliating device first, I can send you home with some other modelsfor you to try later.”Sara nodded, billy didn’t know what they were talking about.His collar was tugged again as Kathy pulled him over. She bent him over acounter, that wasn’t a counter, billy noticed this as he was cradled init, and his skirt was really raised now as his bum was completelyexposed. He mumbled into the penis that filled his mouth, it was soembarrassing. He squirmed and then felt a very strong slap on his behind.”Be still,” Kathy told him.That was more humiliating, being spanked just then by her. She tuggedsomething out of a drawer, billy couldn’t see it, but Robyn did and hereyes were as big as saucers.”So the best thing to do, is to make a tiny cut in the gusset of thepantyhose so we can slip this in,” she told them all. A tiny pair ofscissors was used to do just that. Billy felt pressure as Kathy pulledand tugged between his cheeks making the tiny hole in the gusset of thepantyhose, Billy thought it odd, why was she doing that? Then he jumped abit as the scissors tapped his rosebud. ‘Hey why was she cutting a holethere?’ billy thought.We have some decent lubes for these devices, there are some though thatcan be used in conjunction with punishments. This one I am applying nowis a mentholated one, it will cause a lot of tingling that will beuncomfortable. Billy again thought, ‘What?’He felt some pressure, then something was poking him, it slipped besidehis thong and worked its way in, it was burning a bit too, it was pushedharder, it started to slip in more. Wait, what was slipping in and whywas it becoming larger. The device entering him was tapered, it wasindeed getting larger, it was quite long too, then it popped in, shestopped pushing at this point. What ever it was, it seemed to be lodgedin firmly.She told him to stand up now, as he did her heard giggles, then he feltsomething very strange in his butt.Something was moving.Billy noticed the mirror, he saw the pretty blonde girl in the pink plaidschool girl skirt standing there, with her high heels, white stockingsand that gag in her mouth, but now, peeking out from her bum and curvedup around her skirt, was a pink plastic tail.”This model is one of our higher end units, it has a feature that I thinkis well suited for you,” Kathy started to tell them. As you can see thetail protrudes out a good deal and is curved up. This design causes it tomove freely with each step taken, it will wag. What becomes moreinteresting, is that each movement the tail makes is amplified inside dueto some liquid metal compounds inside the plug. So when the tail wags,the part inside doesn’t just wiggle it moves around considerably, italmost feels alive. Further, the tail will keep the wearer from sittingas if it is touched it inflates the bulb inside, increasing its size alot more. Sitting or bumping into it will instantly cause the bulb toinflate. If it is pressed harder, as in bumping it or sitting on it, itdelivers a shock that will make the wearer very uncomfortable.Robyn was looking on amazed, Krissy was smiling, and Sara seemed veryinterested. “Do you think it will remind him to wiggle more when hewalks?” she asked.”I am quite sure it will,” Kathy answered.Billy turned to look at them, he wanted it out and right now, it felt soodd, but as he turned it wiggled, and boy did it move around inside. Hemewed into the gag and twitched, which caused the tail to wiggle more,making him jump. Each movement made the tail wiggle, and each wiggle wastransmitted inside, he was in constant motion now, twitching, jumping andjerking. Kathy told them that there was a period of adjustment as it wasdifficult to get used to.She suggested they head to the next room, Billy looked on in shock, andthis was to be left in?As they followed Kathy, Krissy came up behind him and grasped the tailfirmly, Billy jumped arching his back, and a fairly strong shock had justbeen issued from the plug. Krissy wiggled the tail “let’s go billy, youwill keep them waiting, I want to see what is in this room.”Billy moaned. He was drooling, it was dripping out of his mouth.Kathy smacked his bum hard. “You will make a mess if you keep drooling,suck on your gag and you won’t drool.”Billy looked at her in shock, he was not going to suck on that, but thenif he drooled he would be spanked, so he was resigned to the fact that hewas now going to have to suck on that thing in his mouth, all the time.They entered, on the walls were a series of straps, crops, paddles andassorted whips. Kathy picked up a larger broad strap of leather. “I wouldsuggest this one along with a crop for now, maybe some of the otherslater on. The strap presents a different impact than the crop which ismuch narrower. The strap is good for longer punishments, it sneaks up soto speak as it turns the behind red. May I demonstrate?” she asked Sara.Sara nodded, looking at billy who was almost trembling, that cute littletail peeking out from his bum and curving up behind his skirt, it washard to miss. Kathy lifted his skirt, exposing his behind. The strapwhooshed through the air and the smack was very loud. Billy yelped but itwas muffled. A large red patch appeared on his bum, just below the tail.Then she picked up the crop and looked at Robyn. She mumbled in herlittle pink ball gag, noooo but it came out mmmmfph. Kathy lifted herskirt and the crop zipped through the air, striking her in the same spotas billy had been, her lower cheeks where they were tenderer, she jumpedforward and mmmmfphed into her gag as well, a bright red line appearedacross her behind. The crop had a tiny flat area at the tip, the red markduplicated this tip.”You can see the difference between them this way,” she told them.Robyn’s eyes were very wide open her skirt was still raised, she waswondering if she was about to receive another smack with the crop.”All these items you have shown me are a bit pricey,” Sara started. “Iknow they will help billy, but I am not sure how we will afford them.”Kathy looked at her. “Well I do need some help at the shop, perhaps billycan work here a couple days a week? He could clean up and would behelpful when I demonstrate products, he could even model items in ourwindow display for us. Billy shivered, to be kept here in this house ofhorrors, allowing her to tie him up and whip him so people could see howa whip worked? It was too much to contemplate.Sara looked at her. “That would be amazing, you would really be willingto do this?”What? Billy looked at her, she was serious?”Of course, I have a question, are you and Krissy in a hurry to go home?””Well no, we were planning on doing some shopping,” Sara told her.”Excellent, why don’t you leave Robyn and billy here, I think if I putthem in my window display customers would be lined up down the street.”Now Robyn shivered.Sara smiled. “Oh that sounds like a wonderful idea,” Robyn and billyheard her say.Kathy packaged up some of the articles she and Sara had looked at, thentold them to have fun and maybe pick the teenagers up later that day.Sara agreed, she and Krissy left.Robyn looked at billy and then at her mothers friend. She was very unsureat what was about to happen, interested but unsure.Kathy led them to her large window, helping them step up into it, she hadto open the door first, there was a manikin there with some items on, sheremoved it. “Your collars will help greatly for what I have in mind,” shetold them. “Maybe it will be some fun for you both too.”She clipped a short chain on Robyn’s collar, the other end was fastenedto billy’s, they were joined just as Krissy had done yesterday. But withthe gags in their mouths, there was not going to be any kissing itseemed. All they could do was stare into each others eyes.A bench was between them so they were both bent over slightly, well quitea bit in fact. Their hands were placed on something in the center of thebench and cuffed in place. This was enough to hold them in the center ofthe window display. Billy’s tail was still protruding out his bum. Boththeir skirts had risen up considerably, they were both showing a lot ofcheeky behind.Kathy rolled up two units behind each of the awaiting teens. “You know,wearing skirts this short is just asking for this sort of treatment,” shetold them.Treatment? They both wondered.Billy saw a name stamped on the side of the device positioned behindRobyn. It said, robospanker.Robyn didn’t see the name on the box that Kathy rolled up behind Billy,she suspected there was one behind her as well but with her collar chainedto Billy’s, she just couldn’t turn her head to see. Kathy took a fewminutes working on each box, she really wondered what they were. Then shecame back to the ‘school girls’ who were bent over the bench in a mostprecarious position.”Robyn, would you like me to take that ball gag out of your mouth now?”Kathy asked the pretty teen.Robyn nodded her head quite quickly.”With every action there is a consequence,” she started. “If I take thegag out, I will send it home with you, you will have to tell your motherthat she is free to use it whenever you sass her, and I know you do that alot. I will check to make sure you told her just that too, so if I takethe gag out now, you may find that your mom puts it back in a lot, ormaybe she won’t. This is the chance you have to take.”Robyn watched and listened, she did sass her mom a lot, if she stoppedthen she wouldn’t be gagged, but if she did, hmmm, well that could beinteresting too. Amy would make such fun of her walking around with thisgag locked in her mouth.”Have you decided? Shall I take it out?”Robyn nodded again.”Fine, but if you talk, I will put it back in and you will still be takingit home, do you understand?” Robyn nodded again. Kathy unlocked the strapand gently pulled the ball out of Robyn’s mouth. She licked her lips andworked her jaw loose.”Billy, would you like that gag removed as well?” Kathy asked Billy.He nodded furiously he really wanted this thing out of his mouth, thisthing that he had to suck on to keep drool from spilling out.”The same applies to you Billy, you will be taking that gag home, I knowit will be used too, but for now, the consequence of having it removedfrom your mouth now, is that I will put it in Robyn’s mouth.”Kathy paused for effect, watching the two exchange looks as that set in.Billy really wanted it out, he didn’t want Robyn to know what it wasthough, let alone have it stuffed in her mouth.Kathy continued, “It would not be in her mouth long, I will just poke itin a few times, with the intention to humiliate her as a price for takingit from your mouth. Then it will be removed, you need to decide now, Robynyou may speak to billy now, but only about the gag.”She watched, Robyn whispered to him. “Nod your head Billy, nod it, shesaid it will be removed from my mouth too, how bad could that be?”Billy shook his head. “Billy don’t be silly, nod your head,” Robynpleaded.Billy shook his head again.”Robyn, I am going to let you make the decision, if you say yes, then Iwill remove his gag, you will have it in your mouth for a few minutes andthen I will take it out.”Robyn immediately said to Kathy, “Take it out of his mouth please.”Billy moaned.Kathy unlocked the straps, Robyn was watching, Kathy slowly pulled the gagout of his mouth, then pushed it back in. “Billy I don’t want this all wetwith your drool, suck it off please.” She slowly pulled the shaft out ofhis mouth again, he felt the knob sliding across his tongue, he sucked atthe gag, the penis, in front of Robyn and blushed, but Kathy pushed it yetagain slowly back in and once again started to pull it out. Robyn blinked,she saw a shaft sliding in and out of billy’s mouth, what was it?Kathy didn’t stop, she was pushing it in and pulling it out, watching ashe sucked on it each time, finally she pulled it all the way out, Robyngasped. Kathy slid it slowly back and forth over billy’s lips, even pokedit back in just a bit. She held it there and looked at Robyn who was beetread.”Ready dear?”Robyn shook her head, this was not what she expected.”Too late honey,” Kathy said pulling the penis gag out of billy’s mouth afinal time, it was still covered in billy’s drool, even with all thesucking he had done.”Billy!” Robyn whispered, but just then the knob was rubbing against herlips, it was wet. She didn’t part them.”Robyn, you agreed to let me put this in your mouth. Open your mouth rightnow, and be sure to suck on it, I don’t want drool coming out of yourmouth either,” Kathy instructed, watching her eyes widen and lips presstightly together.She waited, holding it steady, just below her nose, Robyn could see it wasdefined, accurate, real looking, and large.She sighed and opened her mouth, Kathy slipped it in slowly. “Suck Robyn.”Robyn sucked, she was still very red, she didn’t look at billy who wasstaring at her intently. The shaft slid into her mouth, deep into hermouth and then Kathy pulled it out, then pushed it slowly back in and outagain, just like with billy, robyn had to suck the shaft as it probed inand out of her mouth for a few minutes, then Kathy slid it out, wiped iton her cheek and stood up. Both of the ‘girls’ were quite red faced.Kathy vanished for a moment, neither of the school girls said a word,both were still picturing what had just happened. Kathy returned. She hada large sign that they couldn’t see.”I find window displays often draw in a lot of new customers, creativedisplays even more so but animated ones can be phenomenal. I think youboth will be just that. Billy as you will be working here, you will findthat you are a ‘window display’ quite often. Robyn I would like you towork here as well, so please think about it, I will mention it to yourmother. I am sure the money could go to your collage fund.”Robyn thought, great, her mom would just say yes and Robyn would be inthis window every day.Then Kathy turned the sign around. “Disobedient slaves being punished.”She affixed the sign to a rack facing the window.Billy and Robyn both started to object. Loudly.Kathy looked at both in surprise. “You don’t seem to understand, when Isay do not speak, it means just that, there are consequences fordisobeying.”She left again, returning moments later with something in her hands,something black and large, with straps.She knelt down beside billy displaying a strap on penis gag. Billy’s eyesopened so wide.Kathy took the gag part, it was much like the one he just had in hismouth, but twice as thick.She pressed the knob against his lips, he resisted, she pushed harder andit slid in, she was angry now so she took the gag and ruthlessly pushedand pulled it in and out of his mouth, it was sliding back and forth overhis tongue, his mouth was wide open, it was so thick. Then she pushed itin all the way and fastened the strap. She didn’t need a lock, his handswere locked in front of him, but she locked it with a large brass lock. Helooked furious, it was so cute.The other end of the strap-on was protruding grotesquely out of his mouth,it was pressed against Robyn’s cheek. Her eyes were open wide with shockas well.Kathy didn’t waste any time, she unlocked the chain at her collar, pulledher head back. With a tug on the chain to billy’s collar he faced her, thepenis wiggled below robyn’s cute little nose. “Noooooo she whispered.””Yes,” Kathy said sternly, pressing her face forward, Robyn’s wet lipsslid over the strap on. The knob of the penis rested on her tongue, itfilled her mouth it was so thick.Robyn felt the chain at her collar lock again, she tried to turn her headto spit out the disgusting thing, but she couldn’t it was stuck in hermouth, she looked at billy, the long shaft sticking out of his mouth, hiseyes wide open still.”If you are both going to dress like sluts, then you will be treated likesluts,” Kathy told them. She went behind robyn and turned on the devicethat was parked behind her… well behind.Robyn heard something winding up, then there was a click as it wasreleased, a whoosh and at that time, she felt the first swat across herlower cheeks. It was such a surprise, she lurched forward, the shaft inher mouth slid in deeper, she pulled her head back as much as the chainallowed, Shortly after there was another winding sound, another click,whoosh and she yelped into the penis that was stuffing her mouth.It wasn’t that it hurt too much, it was a wide strap, she had been spankedmuch harder, it was just catching her by surprise.Kathy watched her for a few smacks, she started to know when they werecoming and was not yelping anymore. “Robyn this machine will continue tospank you in the exact same spot, I can adjust it so that it moves up anddown if you want, otherwise in a little while it will really start tohurt. Would you like me to adjust it?”Robyn couldn’t nod, she tried to say yes, it came out ‘yepthss’ orsomething as she tried to speak around the giant penis in her mouth, butit was clear she wanted the adjustment made, to spank all of her bum andnot just the same spot, over and over. How many times was she going to bespanked she wondered.”Very well, but remember with each action there is a consequence. Themachine is set at 4 now, so it really doesn’t hurt too much, it is morefor show for our customers that will be watching as it spanks your prettybum, which is bare by the way, nice thong. With the moving up and down ina random pattern, it will now also be at a random strength. So some smacksmay be much harder”Robyn heard that but only picked up on the customers watching part and herbum being bare. Kathy made the adjustment and the machine hit her higheron her cheeks, a new spot. That would be better Robyn thought. Then therewas a grinding and the release but this time she yelped loudly.”That was a six,” Kathy told her.Robyn was breathing had, wow a six really hurt. Six out of ten shesuspected everything seemed to be out of ten, ten would make her cry sheexpected.”The machine goes up to fifteen,” Kathy told her quietly and went over tobilly.She turned on his machine, the first smack was just below his tail. Hegasped, it stung a bit, but was not too bad. The second hit in the samespot, he quickly realized in a few moments it would indeed really start tohurt.”Would you like the same deal as Robyn?” Kathy asked him.He thought for a moment and another smack hit the same spot, he yelped, henodded and watched Robyn’s head bounce at the end of the shaft, she gavehim a dirty look and then her eyes glazed over as the machine spanked heragain.Kathy made the adjustment to billy’s machine, he was not thinking clearlyshe thought and grinned. She stood back and watched, the next smack hitdirectly over his tail. The tail inflated the plug when it was struck, italso activated a small shock in the plug. billy wiggled in surprise, Theplug slowly deflated, then the machine hit him again, it was harder thistime, the tail pumped the plug up much more and the shock made him gasp.”That was a six,” Kathy told him. You two are in for such fun now.”She opened the blinds covering the windows, the two were on display now,it was a busy street both of the ‘punished slaves’ could see peoplewalking down the sidewalk, some glanced in, surprised. They stayed towatch.”Oh, I almost forgot,” Kathy said, flipping switch that activated thecenter unit that was holding their cuffed wrists. It started to descend.Robyn looked in amazement at billy as she was slowly forced closer to him.The shaft was sliding deeper into her mouth. Robyn was in shock, thispenis, this very thick long penis was sliding deeper into her mouth andpeople outside could see just that. Her mouth was held open wide, her pinklips in a very large round O as this large cock slid into her mouth. Thecenter unit stopped going down, it then started back up, the gag slid outof robyn’s mouth. The knob slipping over her tongue, the realistic veinsat the side of the shaft were clearly felt, as it moved back out her softpouty lips.Then it lowered again, slowly it went back into her mouth. Kathy said,”Well that is not realistic.” She made an adjustment, turned a tiny dial,the center unit started moving much faster, and the cock started pulsingin and out of Robyn’s mouth at a very fast rate.The spankings continued, there was a winding sound, a click, swoosh andthen robyn would yelp, then another winding sound, a click, swoosh andbilly would yelp. It was relentless. Some spanks were not so hard, ones ortwos on the gauge. Then there would be a six or seven even and they wouldyelp loudly into their gags, into the cock that was in their mouths,robyns thrusting repeatedly. As they were bent over, staring into eachothers eyes, as the town slowly stopped by the window, to watch.After fifteen minutes or so, of cock sucking for robyn, as she could notput it any other way, the shaft invading her mouth relentlessly, shehaving to keep sucking so the drool would not drip out, it was the mosthumiliating experience she had ever had. Then she heard, “Isn’t thatRobyn?””OMG IT IS ROBYN,” she heard someone call out from outside, just then shefelt one of the hardest smacks yet, tears formed in her eyes, her facescrunched up, it hurt so much. That must have been a fifteen, it wasterrible. She hoped there would be no more like that. Then that voice,which belonged to one of the girls she went to school with say. “I wonderwhat that red number is that keeps changing on the machine spanking her,look now it changed to a nine.”Billy watched, he really couldn’t avoid it, Robyn’s pretty face keptcoming closer to him as the unit dropped down, pulling them lower, forcingthem closer together, her lips sliding down the shaft closer to him, thathuge penis sliding into her mouth, the panicked look as it disappearedpast her lips, her wild eyes, then it would slide out as the unit raised,he could see the thick veins on the side of the shaft, Robyn’s cheekssucking in as she tried to keep drool from escaping. In and out, the shaftslid, there was no change in the speed no rest, just in and out. Just likethe spanking, constant, no rest, being swatted, everyone watching in thewindow.Billy fought to keep from wiggling, the strap kept hitting his tail, notevery time, but when it did the plug in his bum inflated, then it woulddeflate, if the strap hit him again, on his tail, it felt like the plugwas pumping in and out with the inflation. It was an odd experience.Watching robyn slide up and down on the shaft, well that is what it feltlike in his bum. The shocks didn’t hurt that much but they really made himjump. it too was an odd feeling, to have a shock in his bum and completelyunable to do anything about it.They were on display for quite a while, the crowd never seemed to thin.Every once and a while he would hear someone call out “Look that is Robyn,from school,” and billy would see her blush like she never had blushedbefore, but she too, was stuck, being spanked over and over on her barebum while the penis was thrust into her waiting, helpless mouth, over andover. His behind was tingling all over now, he was sure hers was as too,the spanking for the most part didn’t hurt, but it built up, and thenthere were the occasional very strong swats that would bring tears totheir eyes. Sometimes they would get a few in a row like that, robyn hadscreamed once.Kathy came back into the display, she pushed a button and the blindsslowly closed. she watched them for a few moments, as the machinescontinued to spank them and the cock continued to go in and out of Robyn’smouth. Finally she switched off all the machines. Their behinds were avery nice cherry red.”You can not imagine how much business you have brought in today, I amincredibly impressed,” she told them as she removed the cuffs from thecenter unit, allowing them to gradually stand up. I want you to spend abit of time walking through the store now, so people can get a closer lookat my star window display units.Robyn and Billy waited for her to remove the strap on, but… Kathy wasmaking no attempt to do so. she tugged them out of the display into thecrowded store. Now this was humiliating. Their skirts still barely coveredtheir behinds, so the red stripes were clearly seen. Most though, werelooking at the huge cock that was still in Robyn’s mouth, her facecouldn’t get any redder, someone cruelly pushed her closer to billy andthe cock slid into her mouth again, people laughed. The two were joinedwith this obscene gag.They looked around but Kathy was gone, serving her clients, the two teenswere left to wander, feeling ridiculous with the item stuck in theirmouths. The item that was clearly a penis. They tried to hide in a corner,one of Kathy’s clerks found them and led them back to Kathy.”Oh there you are.” She grinned and unlocked the chain on their collars.Robyn slowly pulled away, the penis now jutted out of billy’s mouth.Robyn’s wrists were still cuffed together in front of her, just as billy’swere. Billy looked at Kathy, the penis pointing wherever he looked. Sheasked if he wanted it out.He nodded and it jumped up and down, he felt so silly. Kathy unlocked thestrap and slid the cock out of billy’s mouth, it was so degrading. Shehanded it to her clerk and led them both to one of the specialty rooms. “Iwant you both to work this room for the next hour or so. You can be ofgreat help to my customers as they try to decide on their purchases.”Robyn doubted that, what did she and Billy know about anything that seemedto be sold in this shop?Then Kathy placed a little sign around each of their necks. “PLEASE FREETO TEST ANY IMPLEMENTS ON ME,” was written in large bold letters. Robynlooked around the room and sighed, they were in the room with all thespanking devices, and there were even a few machines set up. Oh great.People would be able to test the straps, crops, whips on them for effect.Maybe even the some of the machines. This was not what she wanted now, herbum was tender enough after the hour in the window.It didn’t take long before someone tugged on billy’s tail, this sent atiny shock into his bum as it inflated and wiggled. “Not so fast you, Iwant to see how this crop compares to the strap.” The woman was holding along black crop in her hand and a black leather strap in the other. “Putyour hands on your knees please and let me know which one hurts more,”Robyn watched as billy put his hands on his knees, his tush raised intothe air, the short skirt rode up. His tail was wiggling a bit as it peekedout of his bum. The woman wasted no time and swung the leather strap hardagainst billy’s unprotected cheeks, just below the tail. Billy yelped.Then she swung the crop, just as hard, another loud smack filled the airand billy yelped again. “Well? Which one hurt the most?” she lookedimpatient. Billy said he thought that the crop had. “You only think girl?Shall I try again so you can be sure?””Uhm no, the crop stung more,” billy assured her.Robyn didn’t know it was coming but suddenly she jumped, someone hadswatted her behind with a flogger. Dozens of stings made her want to rubher butt. She turned in time to see a stern looking man ready to swingagain. He stopped and pointed to her sign. “Bend over that counter please,I want to try a few of these to see if I will be happy with it.” Robyn wassort of in shock, she knew if she bent over, she was offering her behindfor a whipping, if she didn’t, who knew what would happen.She bent over the counter, her skirt rode up and in seconds the man hadswung the flogger a few times across her already red behind. each one leftso many stings, in seconds her bum felt on fire. “Oh I think I like thismodel. Thank you,” he said, happily heading to cash to make his purchase,Robyn was still bent over when a woman approached with a whip.Billy was walking carefully, he was not accustom to the tail that wiggledwhen he walked, the plug in his behind was wiggling so much, he couldthink of nothing else. He also didn’t see as someone approached and wassurprised to feel the sting as a large strap smacked across his lowercheek. “Not so fast missy,” he heard. Turning he saw an older man holdinga large black strap. He led billy to a bench in the center of the room, hedidn’t know it was called a spanking bench but it seemed to beconveniently located. He was bent over the overstuffed brown leatherbench, his tail was pointing straight up. The man swung the strap veryhard, and billy screamed. “Perfect,” he said and wiggled billy’s tail.”Would you object if I gave you a few more? Your ass just looks so cutesticking up like that.”Billy wanted to stand up, to tell him no, but he was still gasping fromthe smack, so when the next one arrived, it took his breath away, This manwas just cruel. Before he could give another a woman came over and askedif he was finished, she wanted to try a pair of paddles. He begrudginglylet her take over. Just as billy felt the paddle strike his right cheekher heard a crack in the air and robyn yelp loudly.Billy and Robyn spent an hour, circling the room the target of overeagercustomers anxious to test the spanking implements. Sales were booming.Billy and Robyn had such tender behinds by the time Kathy took them in towthat they felt a feather would hurt now.The two school girls, in their tiny skirts, white stockings and redbehinds were led out of the room into a back office, Neither one wasreleased from the cuffs at their wrists.Kathy started, “Billy you are going to be here two days a week, You willbe cleaning up, dusting, polishing and sweeping. If customers wish to testan article we sell, it will be very handy to have you available. I willalso put you in the window at times in various poses to demonstrate thingswe sell. Your mother will be able to bring home so many items this way,soon you will have almost everything we sell at home. Isn’t thatwonderful?”Billy was not so sure.”Robyn I want to offer you the same deal, or rather I will offer it toyour mother, instead of taking items home, I can fill a college fund foryou. I am sure she will think that a wonderful idea.”Robyn, unfortunately felt the same, that her mother was going to pounce onthis idea.”When you are both here, I will keep you chained, ankles and wrists, withcollars and leashes, it lets staff and customers know your position here.There will be times you may be chained to something, possibly as a displayitem or a demonstrator for our products. I think you can both increase oursales magnificently. Billy that website recommended that humiliation isdesirable in your treatment, so we will strive to find as many ways tohumiliate you as possible. We have some very cute French maid dresses inour costume section, I think when you are on cleaning duties you will beadorable.”Billy squirmed with the word adorable.”Robyn I am sure we can find some very cute things for you to wear aswell. We have a nice latex section that you haven’t seen yet.” It can bevery exciting wandering around in a very snug fitting latex catsuit with aremote controlled vibrator nestled out of sight. It was Robyn’s turn tosquirm.She led the pair into another room with many devices, odd looking thingsBilly thought. “billy come over here please.” She was standing by thewall, billy walked over, his tail swishing and stockings pulling on hisgarters, he was starting to lose it again he thought. When she steppedaside there was an item protruding from the wall, it was a bit fancy withsprings and brackets but what caught his attention was the penis that wasglistening at the top of an arm, it wasn’t very thick, but it looked veryreal and somewhat long.”This is my incentive room, I trust my employees but there are times whenmistakes are made and punishments are warranted, sometimes it is wise tohave employees spend some time in here, just to make them more careful.”She bent down and gently tugged at his tail, with a twist and a click itreleased. Billy started wondering, Robyn wasn’t wondering she wastrembling.Kathy turned billy around and tugged him back until he felt something pushagainst his behind. She bent him over and with skill that could only bedeveloped with a lot of practice, that penis billy saw disappeared. billyknew where it was though, he wiggled in surprise. Well part of itdisappeared, as only the tip had vanished into his bum, there was still alot of the shaft showing. Kathy then attached a chain that went around hiswaist and was fastened to part of the device, with clicks, Robyn waslooking on in shock her legs pressed together tightly, squirming a bit.”There you are billy you will find that you are able to walk forward quitea bit, maybe half way across the room, give it a try,” Kathy told him witha smack to his bum.Billy took a step, he wondered why he was doing this as he took anotherstep, the tip of the penis was not in deep but it felt strange tugging italong, the device stretching out allowing him to walk across the room,suddenly the chain at his waist stopped him, that was as far as he wouldbe able to go, so in essence he was locked to the wall. He looked at Kathycuriously, wondering what was next.Robyn looked on quietly, seeing the penis sticking out of his bum, alsowondering what was next.”As you can see billy you are locked to the device, I do not have keys tothat lock, the device must unlock you. Back up now, until you are stoppedby the device.”Billy backed up, the penis wiggled in his bum now as it was the penis thatmust push the long arm back against the wall. It offered a bit ofresistance and he felt the penis enter him a bit more as he kept pushingbackwards, this was quite humiliating that he was forced to insert ithimself with them watching.He suddenly felt it go in much deeper, he had reached the wall, hestopped, but the penis was much deeper in his bum now.”If you push back a bit harder billy, the arm will lock into place,” Kathysaid to him smiling.Push? The only way he could push was to insert it more, why did he want itlocked in place, he just stood still, he didn’t want it in deeper and hedidn’t want to be locked to the wall.Kathy then told him. “The device can be unlocked with different choices,reps or time. I will explain, It can determine how many thrusts are made,when the desired number is reached it will unlock you, or it can be set upfor a time period, but it will insist during this time that thrusts aremade non stop at a set rate, if you don’t keep up the device has theability to punish. Quite clever isn’t it?”Billy looked confused. Thrusts?”I am going to set it up for a random number of thrusts, the device willdecide how many will be necessary. I like that there is no control, youget what you get. the device doesn’t care if you like it or not, it willjust ensure that you comply. With this setting if thrusts are not madecorrectly or timely, it also punishes. There are two methods it uses, oneis a shock, and the other is from this wheel,” Kathy said pointing to awheel mounted in a strategic position. The wheel had a number of leatherpaddles on it, obviously if it spun it would also smack his behind, asthis is where it was mounted.”A correct thrust is one where the probe is inserted all the way, then youmust squeeze your cheeks together tightly as you pull it out, if you don’tit removes ten from your count, and administers a shock, If you do notreinsert promptly the wheel spins to spank you, it spins for as long asthe device feels necessary to motivate you to comply promptly. I know youare confused, but the learning curve is very short, I am sure you willfigure it out.”She started the device, nothing happened. Billy looked at Kathy.”Oh you have to get things going, you do have the choice of doing nothing,but then you remain locked to the wall as I can’t unlock that chain.Eventually you have to start the program, to do so, you bend down andpress the probe in, the device will know if you have done so to the properdepth. Then you simply stand up again, pulling it out, but be sure tosqueeze it as you do.”She waited. Billy sighed and bent down, feeling the probe, funny name fora cock he thought, slip into his bum. It filled him, it was rather bumpytoo he thought, there was a lot of texture to it. He stood up slowly,feeling it slide out, he squeezed it. He heard a ding.”That is one, good job, remember to squeeze it as though you are trying topull it away from the wall, if you don’t the machine will deduct ten fromyour score.”Billy went again, bending, it slipped back into him, he stood, squeezingand it slid out.Robyn watched.The machine dinged, he paused, then the wheel started to spin, it spunfast, he was smacked so many times, he quickly bent down but the spankingcontinued, he pulled out, he forgot to squeeze, and there was a buzz. Thewheel coasted to a stop, He didn’t bend down again, so the wheelimmediately started to spin again, he yelped and bent down, taking the’probe’ back into his bum. The spanking hurt quite a bit, he stood,remembering to squeeze, he quickly bent again and the wheel stopped. Hestood, squeezing, Billy got into a rhythm, in out, ding, in out, ding. Hebuilt up speed, the machine seemed happy.”Very good billy,” Kathy said, then looked at Robyn. “There is anothermachine beside you, would you like to try it too?”Robyn shook her head quickly, no she did not wish to ‘try it.’”Very well, you don’t work for me, so I can’t force you to, but when youdo work for me, then I will not ask, you just will be locked to it like itor not.”Robyn shivered, she watched billy as he was, well, she didn’t want to sayit, but he was doing it to himself.Then there was a humming, it was loud. Billy gasped and stopped, themachine buzzed, ten were taken from his score, the wheel started to spinand the humming stopped.”Oh sorry billy, I forgot to tell you, if you perform correctly, themachine rewards you with vibration, it can be very distracting though, Ithink the machine just wants to trick you, like it just did, so it canpunish you longer.””That’s very mean, you are cruel,” Robyn piped up, annoyed. “You aremaking billy fuck himself.” There she said it, and then blushed, billy didtoo, he knew what he was doing, but to hear Robyn say it aloud washumiliating.He paused, the wheel started again, this time it went on longer, he wasyelping as he maintained his pace, finally the wheel stopped.”Robyn, you have a very sassy mouth,” Kathy told her, quite annoyed. I waswondering what to do with you while billy finished, I wanted you to watch,because it is more humiliating for him if you do, knowing what he isputting in his bum over and over,” She grabbed Robyn by the hair and ledher over in front of billy, quite close, so they could see into eachothers eyes.”Stay here,” she was told.Kathy rolled over another device, a long pole, there was a penisprotruding obscenely near the top, sort of just below eye level. Kathytook Robyn’s cuffs and unlocked them, then tugged her hands behind herback and locked them there. Then she took a short chain and locked it toher collar, tugged robyn toward the pole, and the penis.Robyn struggled but she was no match for Kathy, the penis rubbed againsther lips as Kathy tugged her more, it was hurting and she opened her mouthto tell Kathy to stop, the penis slipped in.Kathy locked her collar to a ring on the pole, just below the base of thepenis. “That will shut that sassy mouth up for a while,” she told her,then she ran another wire from the pole to billy’s device and plugged itin.”Let’s see if you really like poor billy,” Kathy said to the confusedRobyn who was standing there with a very large penis protruding out of hermouth. “I want you to keep busy and learn not to sass. I expect you tosuck on this, to take it into your mouth more and bob your head back andforth, sucking at all times. This is a clever unit as well, it will knowif you are sucking, it will know if you are bobbing back and forth.”Robyn groaned, not another cock in her mouth, this one was quite thicktoo. “If you decide not to suck or not to bob your pretty little face backand forth, the unit will turn on billy’s wheel to spank him, it will runfor a while, it will also shock him the entire time. Now we will know ifyou like him and will humiliate your self to keep him from beingpunished.”Robyn looked at Billy in shock this was so mean. She watched him, pressingthe penis into his bum, standing up and letting it out, blushing when shelooked at him.”Start now sassy mouth,” Kathy told robyn, turning on her device.Robyn took the shaft quickly into her mouth, it was so thick, and sheblushed deeply as billy watched, then the wheel started and he wasspanked. “You are not sucking dear,” she was told.She stomped her foot and sucked on the cock. She also started to get wet.Billy was having a harder time maintaining control too, it was sohumiliating having Robyn watch him do what he was doing, the clothes hewas wearing were not helping, the tight corset was rubbing at his swellingmember, the stockings were squeezing his legs with each bend, the garterswere tugging, and robyn was sucking that giant cock inches from his face.Kathy smiled at the pair, see you in an hour or so, and left.During that period, Billy was spanked and shocked a number of times asRobyn would fail to suck or fail to bob her head quickly enough, then shewould be embarrassed that she caused billy to be punished. He would moan,he was looking quite dazed she thought, but watching him do that over andover, in his bum that thing sliding in and out, being forced by themachine to keep going was doing something to her too, she was sucking witha bit more passion now, for some reason, she was also very wet now, shefelt the wetness on her leg. This was very embarrassing.Billy was fighting it very hard, he was so close, the vibration that themachine triggered was so tormenting, if he kept the rhythm going properly,the vibes started, if he didn’t he was shocked and spanked, the vibes werealmost worse though, they were loud so Robyn would know what was happeningin his bum her eyes would open wide when she heard them. He watched as shekept sliding back and forth on that thick shaft, trying to keep him frombeing punished more.Kathy returned, just moments before billy’s machine dinged and releasedhim. Good timing billy thought. Kathy sniffed the air and looked at robynwho was standing there with the shaft still locked in her mouth. Robynblushed telling Kathy just where that smell was coming from. Kathy liftedthe front hem of her skirt and watched her dance a bit in embarrassment.”Oh we can’t have you going back into the store with that mess on yourlegs,” Kathy told her watching her panties drip.Robyn wanted to crawl under a rock.”robyn has made a bit of a mess billy,” Kathy told him, pointing to hercrotch and the large wet spot on her pantyhose.Billy looked, he knew that smell.”I can see by the readout that she kept sucking to keep you from beingpunished, that was very kind of her wasn’t it?”Billy didn’t know what to say, so he just nodded, Kathy was still holdingRobyn’s skirt up, the smell was stronger, Robyn was still locked to thepole the shaft still in her mouth and she was blushing deeply, squirming abit.Kathy told him, “We don’t want to embarrass her, sending her back into thestore like this do we?”Billy shook his head.”We don’t have a wash basin or sink in here though, hmmmm.”Robyn squirmed, she knew what Kathy was going to make Billy do.”I think you need to help your girlfriend out billy.”Billy looked at her, he hadn’t thought of Robyn being his ‘girlfriend’though he liked the sound of that.Robyn was wiggling her legs back and forth, all of this talk and the whatshe suspected was coming, was triggering her a lot more, she was about tomake a much larger mess if it continued.”I am not going to release her until she is cleaned up. You two can decidehow this will be done, I will be back in a while, and I bet you willfigure something out,” Kathy said with a smirk and left the room.Robyn danced more, wiggling her pretty legs, the penis still filled hermouth, and her eyes were wide as she looked at Billy.”Uhm, do you have any ideas?” he asked, he sort of had one, but thoughtthat may be a bit personal.Robyn rolled her eyes at him, sometimes he was such a twit. She stompedher foot and looked sternly at Billy, well as sternly as a pretty schoolgirl in a very short skirt, complete with stockings and very high heelscould look when her wrists were cuffed behind her and she was locked topole by a giant dildo that was in her mouth. It was an interesting image.Billy looked at her, he looked around the room, there were no rags in theroom, no tissues, just him.”I guess I could do what I did last night?” he asked her.She nodded as much as she could, blushing again too. She seemed to beblushing an awful lot the past few days.He quietly knelt in front of her, lifted his skirt with a trembling hand,his cuffed wrists that were held together raised her skirt above herwaist, exposing her tiny panties and a very large damp spot, well not dampit was dripping on to her leg.He was blushing deeply now too, the smell was so captivating. “Robyn, youwill have to spread your legs a bit,” he whispered.She did, her high heels clicked on the floor as she spread her legs open.Her mouth still filled with the giant cock.She felt billy’s tongue brush against her leg, a long lick, she shivered.Billy swallowed, she heard him. He licked again, she shivered more, heswallowed again, this was repeated a few times, and he worked his way tothe inside of her thigh. Licking the nylon covering her leg, the nylonthat was holding all that dampness. The smell was overpowering now as hisnose was just inches below her crotch. His face kept pressing against herlegs, it soon became wet too, he took long slow careful licks, until eacharea lost its taste. Robyn was moaning he thought.She was indeed moaning, the penis keeping her from crying out, force tostand there while billy licked closer and closer to her sex. She knew thatthe tiny thong Krissy made her wear was not covering her much she couldfeel it pressing between her lips, if at all. She shivered, how high andhow much would Billy lick?Billy heard Robyn moan again and she arched her back a bit. She had suchpretty legs he thought, and he was licking them. He sort of liked thetaste too. His nose brushed against her, it was not planned, it justhappened as his head moved while he lapped up her wetness. His nose slidebetween her legs, it brushed over her slippery sex.Robyn opened her eyes wide, no one had touched her there before,especially when she was so sexually charged, but she knew it was his nosethat had just slipped between her wet lips. She tightened and trembled,her legs quivered, she almost collapsed, but the gag held her up, wellbilly did too as she slid lower, his face supported her while she foughtfor composure.Billy face was pressed tightly against her now, as she moaned and droppedonto him, suddenly his face was very wet too, she was leaking a lot, itwas flowing it seemed. He felt her tremble. She even mumbled into thathuge gag, it sounded like ‘sorry billy’.He rubbed his face on her leg, looked and saw he soaked her pantyhose,there was a lot more to lick up now. There was that spot he hadn’t lickedyet either, where he could see how her panties were tugged in, it was verywet there, and he so wanted to lick there. His tongue made its first dashacross her lips, she moaned loudly, he lapped over and over, his tongueslid between her panties and lips, slipping in a bit. She was shaking,more fluid was leaking out.Kathy returned, watched the kneeling girl, in the short pink plaid skirtthat was not covering her bum as she pressed her face into the other girlscrotch, holding her pleated skirt above her waist, her tongue was lappingat her crotch, the girl standing had her eyes closed, her face wasscrunched up, there was a large cock in her mouth, she was sliding herhead back and forth on it, lost in some sort of trance, she trembledoften, the kneeling girl would lap faster when that happened. Kathywondered how many times that trembling had taken place.”Is she clean yet billy?” she called out, both of the girls jumped.Kathy went over and checked, Robyn’s legs were still quite wet, shepointed to spots and told billy to lick that up, then lick this up. Sheswatted robyn’s behind, you are quite the slut aren’t you?” she whisperedin robyn’s ear. “Keep sucking on that until he has finished,” she told heras robyn did just that, totallyhumiliated.Billy continued to lick Robyn’s legs, he never wanted this to stop, whenhe thought he could get away with it, which seemed any time he wanted, hewould lick at her sex, feel her tremble and hear her moan. Then he wouldlick her legs more, still tasting her but the taste was fading. He knewhis face was wet with her juices though.Kathy pulled him to his feet. “That is enough,” she told him. His face wasglistening, there were obvious wet spots shining, not just damp.Kathy removed the chain at robyn’s collar. Robyn slid off the gag, theobscene penis in her face. “Your turn to clean up,” Kathy told her andpointed to billy’s face. Robyn gasped.Kathy waited. Robyn stepped forward and she moved in like she was going tokiss billy, she actually did, she was so charged now, his lips were soft,and wet. She tasted herself for the first time on his lips, her tonguedanced over them, she looked in his eyes. Hers were so glazed. She lookeda bit wild.”Clean your boyfriend up,” Kathy told her, watching. Both had suchbeautiful faces, their makeup was waterproof obviously as the two ‘girls’kissed again. Then Robyn licked his cheek her tongue taking in her juice,as billy had done on her legs. She shivered. Maybe working here would befun. She gently lapped at billy’s face, removing all the moisture, whichhad originated between her legs.Kathy took a short chain and locked their collars together, then cuffedbilly’s wrists behind his back. She led them back to the display windowand had them stand in it. “You can wait here for your ride home, I thinkthey will be finished shopping in the next hour or so.”The two pretty school girls in their short pleated skirts and whitestockings were bound together by their collars where the town could seethem again. It wouldn’t do to stand there kissing, as much as each wantedit, their faces were so close together, so they just stood there staringinto each others eyes. They attracted a lot of attention again, Kathy waspleased, when Debbie and Krissy returned she told them that she wouldemploy billy in exchange for merchandise. Debbie was very pleased. Kathyput the items she had selected in a bag for her to take home today, shesuggested the pair be left locked together like that until bed, and theywould just have to do things together. Krissy laughed. They will just endup kissing each other all day.”Not if you gag them,” Kathy said with a wink. She pointed to a doubleended gag, two sets of straps, a penis protruding from both ends. “Theycould share that,” she whispered to Krissy.The chained pair were led out of the shop with Krissy tugging, billly’stail had not been put back in, it would have been difficult to sit on inthe car they decided. As Krissy buckled them up she looked at robyn who’slips were brushing billy’s. “Someone has been excited?” she whispered inrobyn’s ear. Krissy lifted robyn’s skirt, noticed how wet things were,slid her finger between robyn’s thighs, her finger grazed over robyn’spussy, robyn jumped. Krissy lifted her finger to her nose and sniffed. Shegiggled when robyn blushed. Krissy pulled the gag out. “Look what I have.”Billy stretched and slowly woke up, the sun was drifting in his windowannouncing mornings arrival. He tried to clear his foggy head, suchdreams. He had been having them for a while now, very erotic dreams.They started with an idea he had and went out of control as dreams oftendo. He sorted through the dream from last night and became very hardagain. He slipped into the bathroom to clean up and take care of’things’.As he showered he debated again creating the website that founded allhis crazy dreams. He still felt if he was careful that it would reallywork, he just had to maintain control and not get too wild with hisplans. As he toweled off he decided to do it. He slipped back into hisbedroom, it would be a while before his mother and sister woke up. A fewhours later he felt he was ready. He was almost shaking with excitementand nervousness.Through the morning his hip still bothered him, it was a real conditionand walking on his toes really did help, it was just hard to keepwalking on his toes. If he knew that dancing was going to make snappinghip syndrome a real thing for him, he wouldn’t have danced. When hismother came down to the kitchen, she noticed him grimace as he walkedacross the room.”Is your hip bothering you again honey?” she asked him.Billy nodded. “It is really grinding this morning.” She walked over tohim and placed her hand on his hip, as he walked she could feel itsnapping, she knew when it did this that it bothered him, it also wouldoften pop out and he would stumble or even fall down.”I wish I knew how to fix this for you Billy,” she told him quietly.”Have you looked online to see if there is any help?”She knew he was online often and computers and he were a team that oftensolved many problems for them. Money was an issue, as it is for many, sofinding ways to do things for themselves helped a lot.”Not yet, I was thinking I should look,” Billy told her.”Why don’t you get your laptop and take a peek now while I makebreakfast, your sister should be down soon, I heard her in the shower.”Billy got his notebook computer and connected to the internet, shewatched him browse for a while.”Any luck yet?””Nothing yet… oh wait, maybe something here.”She walked over to read over his shoulder.The site described quite accurately what he was going through, there wasa long page with diagrams. Billy announced he needed to use the washroom when his sister Krissy came into the kitchen.”What are you looking at mom?” Krissy asked.Sara filled her daughter in quickly, Krissy knew Billy suffered a bitwith his hip, it often burned through the night. She sat down andstarted to read, they both noticed at the bottom of the page there was afollow up page, with helpful hints to help contend with the snappinghip.”Oh Billy didn’t see this page,” Sara said, reading intently.Krissy groaned. “He won’t want to either mom, look at this,” she saidpointing to the screen.Billy was outside the room, listening carefully, he was astounded, itwas going so much like his dream had done.”Oh dear,” Sara said, reading the paragraph Krissy had pointed out, thenthey continued and Krissy giggled a bit.Sara smacked her on the head, lightly. “Stop that Krissy. This will behard enough.””You mean you are going to do this?” Krissy asked astounded.”If it is going to work, yes. We have to do something,” Billy quietlygasped, it worked!Billy chose that moment to return to the kitchen. He saw them huddled,whispering in front of his computer.”Billy did you see the second page to this article?” Krissy asked him.He shook his head, grabbed a glass of orange juice and looked at thescreen. Krissy got up so he could read. “No way!” he exclaimed.Krissy giggled. “I told you mom.””Billy, some of this makes a lot of sense.”Billy shook his head again, but his mother continued. “Let’s take itstep by step ok honey?”He listened but didn’t say anything. His heart was pounding, it wasworking. He couldn’t believe it.”Your muscles contract when they are cold, your legs ache a lot, you arealways complaining about that, even in the summer, when the musclescontract they pull and this is helping to cause your hip to pop. Thatmakes sense right?”He nodded.”So wearing pantyhose will keep your legs warm the support hose willreally help with blood circulation too, this alone will make your legsfeel better and I am sure will help your hip. That makes sense tooright?””But long underwear will keep my legs warm too,” Billy pointed out.”Billy you hate long underwear, you never wear them without moaning athow uncomfortable they are. They also will do nothing to support yourlegs like the pantyhose will, besides do you have any long underwear?”He shook is head and then continued, “I am not wearing pantyhose Mom!””We will see, can we continue with the article?”He groaned and read on with her. “High heels?!? NO WAY!””Billy calm down, now when I came into the kitchen this morning Iwatched you walking around, you were walking on your toes.”He nodded. “It is the only way to keep my hip from grinding.””I know honey, but even with your dance training, waking on your toesall day is a bit tiresome isn’t it?”I can’t do it for too long,” he admitted.”Imagine if you didn’t have to, it is so easy too, just wearing a pairof shoes with a high heel will take the strain off your legs and you cando it all day.”She let that sink in.”Dresses too Mom?” he asked, pointing.”I am not sure about that part,” she admitted. “It makes a bit of sensethough, the short dress will keep you from bending, if that is an issue,but it will also keep your legs from overheating with the pantyhose on.So that makes a lot of sense, you will want to wear shorts or a skirt orYes, a dress if you are wearing pantyhose in the summer. Shorts will beokay but your crotch will become quite warm, with a skirt or dress thatwon’t happen. I know you don’t want to be too hot there,” she told him,pointing at his groin.”Mom!”She laughed, well it is true Billy, it is not good to be too hot there,I have read a lot of articles. You will also get a rash in the summer ifyou are hot and sweaty all the time. Not a nice place for a rash.””You are talking like you have already planned this out and for thesummer too,” Billy said, looking at her.She nodded.”Mom, you can’t be serious.””Billy who would even see you? What if it works and you can sleep withno burning, walk with no limping and not fall down all the time?”‘Well that would be great mom, but to be prancing around the house in adress and heels is going to make me feel like a goof.””You forgot the pantyhose,” Krissy added helpfully.Billy smirked at her.”k**s come on, Krissy don’t tease your brother.””Sister,” Krissy said.”Stop it Krissy, you need to help not be a pain.””Oh Mom I was just teasing, I will help Billy prance about the house ina dress and pantyhose,” She looked at him, “come on champ,” she saidtugging his arm giggling.”What, why? Come on where?””Well I am pretty sure you don’t have a closet full of dresses or adrawer full of pantyhose,” she told him, tugging him up.Billy looked at his mother. “Mom, tell her to stop.””No Billy, I want to see how this goes, we will make a deal, if at theend of the day you feel it hasn’t helped at all, then we can trysomething else, okay?””One day only?” Billy asked.”Yes, the website said after just one day you will notice animprovement, so let’s give it one day. Deal?”Billy grumbled. “One day Mom, but Krissy has to promise not to teaseme.””Well Billy, she is your sister, you just know she is going to tease youa bit, so take it good-naturedly okay honey?”Billy looked at Krissy, she looked like she was getting ready to burst.He sighed and nodded.”Oh wow, I get to play dress up with my little brother, you will be socute,” she told him, pulling him out of the kitchen before he couldchange his mind.Sara watched them head off to Krissy’s room where she knew Krissy wasgoing to have a lot of fun dressing up her brother. Billy hadn’tprobably realized with pantyhose came panties. Krissy didn’t wear plainpanties. Billy was going to moan again, she giggled and peeked more atthe website.Browsing through she became curious, Sara was not quite as dense as herc***dren believed. She looked up the domain and saw the owner. Shegrinned more, that explained a lot, her closet and drawers were oftennot as she had left them, she suspected but was not sure. Now she wassure, he was quite clever making this site and the story, but she alsothought there was more truth to the cure than he realized. He may findthat the heels and pantyhose really did help his hip. Well he was aboutto find out, because she was going to go along with it. She snapped thelid shut on the computer and went upstairs to see how things were going.Just as she stood outside Krissy’s bedroom door she saw the pile ofclothes she was handing him, a cute dress, one she hadn’t worn in years,it was quite short on her, it would be incredibly short on Billy, a pairof beige pantyhose were atop the dress and a cute pair of bikini pantiesin a bright pink tipped the pile. Billy looked at the panties, whichwere almost in his face. He blushed deeply.Krissy was grinning. “Panties too?” he whispered.Sara called out, “Come on Billy, did you think your boxers would feelvery nice above the pantyhose, not to mention how they would look underyour dress.Your dress, it stuck in his mind. He took the clothes from his sister.His heart was ready to burst from his chest, he had no idea it was goingto work so easily. It was just like his dream.He slipped into his room and slowly got dressed. He didn’t want to rush,it would not bode well if he ‘managed’ the pantyhose so easily, hedidn’t want to put a run in them either, he went very slowly. Krissycalled out, “Problems sis?””Uhm no,” he answered. “These pantyhose are a pain though.”She laughed. “Don’t tug on them too hard, you don’t want to put a tearin them, they rip easily.””I am trying to be careful.” Billy was already wearing the panties, thepantyhose and the dress as he called through the wall to his sister, hewas looking in the mirror, twisting and turning, the dress was one hehadn’t seen in a while, he really liked it. But it made him look like alittle girl.”Are you dressed yet Billy? Do you need help?” his mother called throughthe door.”I am dressed but I can’t fasten the top of the dress,” he answered.Sara opened the door and peeked in, she smiled and went over to him.Lifting his long blond hair she did the row of buttons up, right to thetop, there were so many and they were so tiny. She fluffed out his hairwhen she finished and turned him around. “There you go, how does itfeel?””The dress?” he asked her.”Everything silly, it will all feel different to you, have you triedwalking in the pantyhose yet? It will feel strange at first, lots oftugs and squeezing.”Billy shook his head. “We really need to do something with your hair youknow, maybe Krissy can do something with it.”Just then Krissy came into the room, she had a pair of heels in herhand. She bent down and lifted Billy’s foot, slipping the pump on. Thenshe watched as he held on to his mother while she lifted his other foot,slipping the pump on there as well, the heels were about four inches,with his tiny feet he was almost standing on his toes. She grinned asshe stood up. That dress was so short on him.Billy stood, wobbling a bit in the heels. He looked at his mother. “Momdo I really have to wear this?””Yes Billy, all day. Besides you couldn’t take the dress off if youwanted to. Try.”He reached around but couldn’t reach the tiny buttons. “Your sistercould never take the dress off either, I had to do her buttons up in themorning and undo them when she wanted to change later. So you are stuckin that dress today missy.”He shivered a bit at the thought of being ‘trapped’.”Take a few steps now, to get used to those heels, take tiny steps, heelto toe, be very careful,” Sara told him.He followed her directions. Taking care steps, his dress swished backand forth, it was a light summer weight dress with a flared hem in apretty floral pattern. Sara and Krissy watched him walk not sogracefully across his room.”Mom he is going to need a lot of practice in those heels or he is goingto break his neck.”Sara giggled. “You are probably right Krissy, why don’t you walk withhim up and down the driveway for a while, it won’t take long if you arethere to catch him before he catches on.Billy froze. The driveway? Outside? He looked at Sara in panic. “Momoutside?””Yes Billy, the drive is paved and long, a perfect place to learn towalk in the heels, your sister will catch you if you stumble. No one isgoing to see you, hardly anyone drives down this road.”Hardly anyone, but some did.”No arguments Billy, I want you to keep going up and down until you arewalking gracefully, no matter how long it takes.”Mom that is not fair,” Krissy said, “I will have to go up and downtoo.”Sara nodded, “Another deal then, when you are finished Billy can giveyou a foot rub to make up for it.””Mom I could do up Billy’s hair, maybe some make-up then if anyone sawhim they wouldn’t think anything of it?”Sara thought for a moment, Billy held his breath. “I don’t think so, notfor now. Billy is going to try very hard to gain control over the highheels if he is worried someone will see him, it will be incentive forhim to try extra hard.” She smiled at Billy.Billy let his breath out slowly, it was just as she said, he didn’t wantto be caught dressed like this outside, he was going to try very hard.But outside, he had never been outside dressed before.Krissy held his hand, guiding him along, to the front door. He was usingher for balance, she was moving faster than he liked though. He keptlooking down at his feet, seeing his legs encased in the beigepantyhose, peeking with each step he took. He could feel the pantyhosesqueezing and massaging his legs with each movement, the sensations werepowerful. He was tugged out of the house, the door closed with a loudbang. The sun flowed over him, his legs felt different as the breezetickled them and the sun warmed them. He felt the wind blow up hisdress, raising it. Krissy laughed.”You have to be careful now don’t you? Such pretty panties you have on.”Billy blushed. She was holding his hand and turned it. “Maybe later Ican do your nails? A nice high gloss pink perhaps?””Krissy, stop it please. This is bad enough.”She pulled him down the few steps and on to the driveway. He followedalong nervously. His heels clicked on the pavement. He did this walk somany times in his dreams, but now it was real. His heart was ready toexplode, he was looking everywhere, so he of course stumbled. Krissycaught him, holding his arm.”Concentrate Billy, it will take a bit of practice. Heel to toe, shedemonstrated. She had put on heels as well, under her jeans she worepantyhose, he could see them below the cuff of her jeans. She was sograceful. He tried as she did, taking careful steps, shorter ones, heelto toe. She giggled.”What?” he asked her.”Your bum is wiggling,” she said grinning.They continued down the drive and then back up, Billy was doing better,so she let his hand go and they walked side by side for another trip.Billy was still very nervous and they watched a car go by. They were nowhere near the end of the drive so there was a lot of distance betweenthem, he was safe. This time.After walking the drive one more time she told him to go down again, onhis own this time. He balked, he didn’t want to be seen and not alone,but she insisted. So off Billy went, his cute bum wiggling beneath thetiny dress.When he got back Krissy clapped. “You are doing great Billy, let’s goshow mom.”They went into the house, finding Sara finishing making their breakfast.She noticed right away he was walking much better. They sat in theirchairs and were about to start eating.”Wait a moment,” Sara announced. “I told your sister you would give hera foot rub in thanks for her help when you finished your walk.”Billy looked up. “But breakfast is ready.””Yes it is, but a promise is a promise.’Billy sighed and got up from his seat, he knelt on the floor besideKrissy and slipped her shoe off. She sat there munching on her bagelwhile he massaged her nyloned clad foot. Of course it was a bit damptoo, it was warm out after all. His feet were damp too, but he would notbe allowed to take his shoes off he was pretty sure. Billy removed herother shoe and she rested one foot on his leg, He was quite adapt withfoot rubs and enjoyed giving his mother and sister them, they of courseloved them too. He felt different today though, kneeling wearing adress, a dress that he couldn’t take off, being told to rub her feetbefore eating. Krissy was eating and enjoying the attention. She sort ofliked having a sister. Her feet didn’t stink, but they smelled like,well feet. Billy continued to gently massage her nyloned clad foot.Her foot was rubbing on his leg, the nylon… it felt so different.Krissy ate very slowly, enjoying the attention. She teased him too,telling him she liked having a foot slave.Sara watched, thinking he was much more obedient today, usually he wouldfight them on any suggestions on any subject. She wondered if she couldget him to do some chores.Krissy finished eating, wiggled her toes and thanked Billy for the footrub, he was now allowed to eat. He could smell his sister’s feet on hishands as he ate his breakfast.When they finished their leisurely breakfast Sara asked Billy to sidethe table. He did without any comments. Krissy opened her eyes wide inshock. Sara winked.”Billy after that could you vacuum the living room?””Sure Mom,” he answered.Krissy was about to interject when Sara grabbed her hand and shook herhead. She put her finger to her lips in a shh sign. Moments later thevacuum was running in the living room. “What’s going on Mom?””I think wearing the dress has put Billy in a more submissive mind setKrissy. It is a big change for him, he is more vulnerable right now. Sohe is not fighting us.””Do you think it will help his hip?” Krissy asked.”Oh I am certain he will find at the end of the day that the pantyhoseand heels have helped. He may find his summer is much different thanexpected.””You mean you are going to make him dress this way for the summer?””Or longer,” Sara said with a grin. “We could go to the thrift shop andpick out some more dresses for him, if he finds tonight it has helpedhis hip.””I have lots of dresses and skirts that will fit him Mom.””I know, but I think we will get him some that are his own too, if theyare too long I can shorten them, he looks cute in that short dress, butwe will go through your dresses and skirts too.””Oh he will like that, the dress he is wearing now is so short I can seehis panties most of the time.” Krissy rolled her eyes and giggled.”Well tell him when you can see his panties, so he stands up straighter.That is what the website said to do.”Billy returned, he had put the vacuum away after finishing, Saracouldn’t remember the last time he had actually done chores.Sara watched as Billy sat down at the table with them, being careful tokeep his legs together, he even tugged his dress down a bit when he sat.”I would like to keep you on your feet as much as possible today Billy.To see if this is helping your hip, you were limping a lot this morning,let’s see if the heels help you walk without having your hip pop. Do youthink you would mind terribly doing the dusting?”Krissy grinned, that was one of her chores today.”No Mom, I don’t mind,” Billy told her, getting up to collect the dustcloth and wax spray. He bent over to get them out of the lower cabinet.”Billy!” Sara called out.He stood quickly. “What Mom?””We do not bend over like that when we are wearing a short dress, youexposed your panties for all to see, that is not proper behavior. Pleaseuse your legs to bend.”Billy was blushing.”Be careful when you are dusting too, I don’t want to catch you showingus your pretty pink panties again, do you understand?”He gulped, she seemed very stern about this. “Yes Mom,” he said quietly.”Yes Mom what? I want to be sure you understand.””Yes Mom I will not bend over.”She prodded, “And why is that?”He was blushing hard now. “So you don’t see my panties,” It was almost awhisper.”Good. See that you don’t bend. Start in the living room please, youshould have dusted before you vacuumed.”Billy slowly walked out of the room, his legs swishing together, thenylon rubbing on nylon. His heels clicked, just like in his dreams. Hisfeet were sore too, he didn’t dream about that. He felt a lot differentthan he had in the dream too, the dream had felt so real but this wasreal.It was close to lunch time before he finished dusting, moving from roomto room, mirror to mirror, sort of liking being forced to do thesechores. His feet were really getting sore though.He was resting in the living room, debating pulling out a video gamewhen Sara walked in. “Sitting down? That isn’t going to help your hip.””I was just resting Mom, my feet are getting sore in the heels.””Has your hip popped out since you put them on?” she quietly asked him.”Uhm, no it hasn’t,” Billy said thoughtfully, it really hadn’t. Actuallyit wasn’t hurting at all. Weird.”I would like you to take the laundry out and hang it on the line for meplease.”His smart mouth burst open before he could tame it, the old Billybriefly surfacing. “Mom that is woman’s work.” Then he stopped.”Pardon me?””That is one of Krissy’s chores Mom.””Hmmm, but that is not what you said, you said that was Woman’s work.”She stared at him.Billy squirmed on the couch a bit.”Well you are dressed the part today, so I will fill your day with’woman’s work’, let’s see how you feel at the end of the day. After youhang the clothes you can make and serve our lunch, clean up then mop thekitchen floor.”She stormed out of the living room. Billy got up and followed herinstructions. Outside again, but behind the house, where no one wouldsee him. It still felt strange though, being outside in a short dress,it was the pantyhose and heels that really made him tingle, the heelsforced him to walk differently, but the pantyhose were always moving,squeezing his legs, he liked the feeling.Krissy smiled when he came back in. “Mom said to set the table in thedining room, for two settings.””Two settings?” he asked.”Yes, she said you were going to wait on us,” She giggled and left thekitchen.Billy stood in the kitchen, his feet were quite sore now, he just wasnot used to walking in such high heels, he loved the feeling of thepantyhose though and being able to walk the house wearing the dress,free to do so, well not so much free as being forced to. He liked thedress too, it was so cute. He looked down at his legs that wereshimmering with the nylon. He shivered.He heated soup and made sandwiches. Then set the dining room table, fortwo places. He called out that lunch was ready and Sara and Krissy cameinto the room, sat down and looked expectantly at him. He brought thesoup and returned with the sandwiches. He looked at his mother,wondering what she expected of him now. She pointed to the wall. “Standthere please, in case we need anything you will be ready,” Then shedismissed him and as she ate she talked with his sister, as though hewas not in the room.Once she asked why there was not water at the table, he went to get twoglasses, she scolded him for forgetting them. He stood against the wallagain, quietly with his hands held before him. Waiting.When lunch was finished they both just left the room, nothing was saidto Billy and they didn’t even look at him. He quietly sided the tableand washed their dishes. He ate a sandwich in the kitchen.Sara walked into the kitchen as he finished up, she told him the laundryon the line could be brought in now, folded and put away. Then to findher for more chores.She was still quite stern, his comment had really annoyed her and shewas teaching him a lesson. Billy took the laundry basket outside andremoved the clothes from the line, he knew the short dress was liftingnow, exposing the panties Krissy gave him, but no one was around tonotice, he still kept tugging the dress down though.When he finished yet another chore, the laundry was back in theirdrawers and closets he found his Mother in the living room. “Allfinished Billy?” she asked him.He nodded.”Krissy and I are going into town, there is a large thrift shop there,we can get you some dresses and skirts of your own. Some panties andpantyhose for you too.”Billy squirmed, “I thought we were just doing this for the day Mom, tosee how it went? Why do I need my own dresses?”Sara looked at her pretty son, who looked more like her pretty daughter.”Are your legs aching?”Billy was about to answer no quickly, but realized that they really wereno aching. “No Mom.””Has your hip popped out at all since you put the heels on?” She asked.This too, was true. “No it hasn’t.””When you made that website, you didn’t expect that your cure, wouldactually help you did you?” She asked, noticing he took a very shortbreath and froze, then turned a very deep red.Billy was stuck, he didn’t know what to say, there was no sense denyingit, she obviously some how knew he had made that website.”I am not totally computer illiterate Billy, I know how to see who ownsa domain,” She watched him absorb that information. “So then I ponderedwhy you would do so, perhaps you really wanted your legs to stop achingand your hip to not bother you so you made the site hoping we would tryyou in pantyhose and heels, thinking that it was such a way out idea wewould not try it, but then, I just asked you if you thought the curewould help you and you didn’t say yes,” She watched him squirm.”So that means you wanted to be forced to wear pantyhose, high heels andshort dresses.” She looked him in the eye. “Didn’t you?”She waited, he still hadn’t answered, and looked like he wanted to runaway. “Billy answer me please,” she said quietly.He nodded and looked down. She lifted his chin. “It is okay Billy.Really it is. You want to dress as a girl don’t you?”He nodded.”You want us to force you to dress that way though, don’t you? To keepyou in pretty clothes all the time?”He was quiet. “Billy answer me please, it is okay to just nod or shakeyour head.”He nodded.”Did you like being forced to do our chores?”He nodded again.”What if I told you, that from now on, until further notice, you will bedressed in panties, pantyhose, high heels at all times, and dresses orskirts, mostly short. Possibly some shorts but always wearingpantyhose?””Well Billy, that is what is happening. From now on, you will be dressedjust that way, we will choose your outfits, you may be told to changeoften through the day, in fact I will let Krissy use you as her dress-updoll, she can tell you to wear any outfit she wants, you should reallylike that, and we are getting you some more pretty dresses and skirtstoday at the thrift store in town.”Billy squeezed his hands together, it was overwhelming.She watched him shiver and look at her. “You will be kept busy too,doing all of the household chores for us.”Billy squirmed and gasped.”Now go upstairs, and put on the pair of shorts and the top I left onyour bed, keep the pantyhose on but you can wear your sneakers.”He looked at her confused.”Oh you are coming shopping with us Billy. The pantyhose you are wearingare skin toned, unless someone gets close, they probably not notice youare wearing pantyhose, when they get close then they will wonder if youare a boy or a girl, with your long hair you will keep people confused.Won’t that be fun?”Billy squirmed, a lot. He was thinking how exciting it would be, butalso how humiliating too. He went upstairs to see his mother had lefthim one of Krissy’s tops and a cute pair of cotton shorts that showed abit of cheek on Krissy when she wore them. He groaned, they were noteven close to being unisex. Krissy peeked in his room and giggled, shehad a pair of her pink sneakers in her hand. “Want to borrow these?”He looked at her, “Krissy, I can’t wear this,” he said holding up thetiny shorts.Krissy came into his room and put the sneakers on his bed, “If you wearthese it will make you look more like a girl, but you can wear those ifyou want and then people will know you are a boy,” she said, pointing tohis brand name running shoes. I wanted to put some lip gloss on you anddo your hair, but mom said no.A few minutes later Billy came downstairs, he had on a teal top that hadscalloped sleeves. The shorts matched, and no matter how he tried, hischeeks were peeking out from below the hem of the tiny shorts. Saranoticed he had pink sneakers on too. She grinned.Billy sat in the back of the car, he looked at his legs, he couldn’tthink anyone would not notice he was wearing pantyhose, they were notexactly a skin tone and they seemed so shine a bit. He slid his hands upand down them slowly, they were so slippery, they felt amazing. But hedidn’t look like a girl and he didn’t look like a boy, shopping wasgoing to be very strenuous.They pulled into the parking lot, as they got out, he noticed how farfrom the building his mother had parked. There were spots closer, hewanted to park closer. That was not happening though as he was ledacross the busy parking lot, he felt that everyone was looking at him.It was not much better in the crowded store, the aisles were filled withthrifty shoppers, young and old, c***dren running unattended and teenstrying to find kewl outfits. He jumped when he felt a hand brush againsthis leg, a young girl was playing hide and seek with her brother, shechose to hide behind Billy and had clutched his legs. Krissy wasgiggling. Billy kept squirming to get away and the girl matched hismoves, hiding from her brother. Her hand kept sliding along his nylonencased legs.Billy sighed, she was not going to give up, then Sara held up a cutelittle dress, “How do you like this one Billy?”He blushed deeply again. The girl looked up at the dress and then atBilly. “It is very pretty,” she told him and then ran off laughing.Sara took the dress and held it up to him, he shivered, it was a littlegirls dress but would fit him. “Hold your arms up Billy,” she told him.What? In the store?!?”Now Billy,” she said, looking sterner.Billy reluctantly held his arms up and she slipped the dress on him, itfit perfectly. He looked to be eight now. Krissy was giggling, quiteloudly. People glanced over, Billy blushed again. “Oh you look adorableBilly,” his Mother told him. She tugged the dress off and folded itover her arm.”What are you buying that?” Billy asked, dreading the answer.Sara grinned. “Oh yes Billy.Krissy was by school outfits and had a short plaid school girls skirt inher hand, she looked over at her brother and smiled, he gulped.Standing in the aisle, trying to look unnoticed in the tiny shortswasn’t working, Sara dumped a few dresses in his arms, he noticed thetiny skirt Krissy had was in the pile. “You may as well be of some use,you can carry your outfits.” She head out across to a more open area andcalled for him to follow, he was not shielded by any of the clothesracks now, he was out in the open, holding some very cute dresses. Botharms were filled so he couldn’t tug the hem of his shorts down, he knewthey had been creeping up and exposing more of his behind, maybe evenhis pink panties. He gulped.Krissy walked by and added another outfit to his growing pile, shewhispered in his ear, “Cute panties,” and patted his behind.Oh great, he could see in a mirror how much of his panties were showing,it was a lot! He was also helpless to do anything about it.When he tore his eyes off the mirror he saw a beautiful girl about hisage staring at him from across the store. She smiled when she caught iseye. Billy’s attention was taken away from her when more clothes weredumped into his arms. “Let’s go Billy, I want to go to the mall to getyou some panties and pantyhose too,” Billy gasped and looked around, shewasn’t speaking very quietly at all.Krissy patted his behind again as he was standing in the line to thecheck out. There was a boy in the line behind them. Krissy giggled andbent down to whisper in his ear. He giggled too. Billy wondered what wasup when he felt a sharp sting on his behind. The little brat Krissytalked to had a toy pistol that shot darts with suction cups on them,one had just smacked his behind. Krissy started to laugh louder andchallenged the boy to do it again. Billy squirmed trying to get out ofthe way but eagle eye managed to hit him again. Leaving another redcircle on his other cheek. Krissy gave him a high five.The mall was even worse, walking though the center court in a crowdedmall filled with teenagers milling about was torture for Billy, eyesfollowed him, some girls smirked as if they knew. Guys were not sure andjust looked. The department store was at the opposite end from wherethey parked, what was up with that? Billy wondered. There was a parkinglot by that store too.Sara was smiling, this would make him tremble she thought, paradedthrough the mall, wondering if people saw a girl or a boy dressed as agirl. The outfit was not unisex, just as she wanted, if he wanted todress as a girl, she would oblige him. Maybe they should visit a shoestore too, let some clerk fit him with shoes, watching him squirm as hisstocking clad feet sliding in and out of numerous pairs of shoes couldbe a lot of fun.Sara had noticed the pretty girl watching him too, little did he knowshe would be attending her summer courses at their house next week. Howmuch Billy would squirm dressed in that pretty dress she tried on him atthe store when she rang the door bell next week. She was going to findout soon. So was Billy.She selected some very pretty panties for him, making him hold each pairand tell her if they were to his liking, she only offered him bikinipanties, in soft silky materials, all brightly colored. She had himcarry each pair too, as they moved over to a large rack filled withpantyhoses. Shiny, silky, energizing. Beige, black, some patternstoo, soon his arms were filled again.Billy’s summer was just starting and he was getting exactly what he wishedfor. Once they were back home, his mother called him. He saw her pullinga pair of shiny hinged handcuffs and short metal leg irons from her purse:“ Turn around, put your hands behind your back and join your feet together”she told him. A few seconds later, Billy’s wrists were handcuffed in his backand his nyloned ankles were hobbled in a very short manner, forcing him towalk by very little steps on his high heels. Sara locked a steel collar around hisneck and connected a leash. She called Krissy: “ Krissy, you can hold yourbrother by his leash and you can hook him wherever you want, if you wantto fix him. With his hands cuffed in his back, he willn’t be able to unhookhimself and he’s forced to stay where you want”*************************** end ***************************

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